INGENIO <p>INGENIO Journal is an specialized dissemination tool of the Faculty of Engineering, and Applied Sciencies of Central University of Ecuador. Its objective is the dissemination of technical and scientific research in the fields of Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering / Information Systems, Engineering in Industrial Design and Engineering in Computer Graphics / Computing, Mechanical Engineering and other branches of Engineering, Industry and Construction.</p> <p>INGENIO Journal is indexed in the Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (<strong>LATINDEX 2. 0</strong>), Regional Online Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (<strong>REDALYC</strong>), Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge (<strong>REDIB</strong>), Directory of Open Access Journals (<strong>DOAJ</strong>), and is part of the Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (<strong>MIAR</strong>), Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (<strong>BASE</strong>), Directory of Research Journals Indexing (<strong>DRJI</strong>), a complete and multipurpose database covering academic literature, with indexed records of active and authorized journals in repositories, libraries and specialized catalogs in Ibero-America.</p> <p>In addition, ​​Science Technology and Society area is included. It is biannual and is aimed to people who are immersed in both academic and industrial fields and who may be interested in learning about topics and research carried out within the scope of the journal.</p> <p><em>Printed ISSN 2588-0829</em></p> <p><em>Electronic ISSN 2697-3243</em></p> en-US (Ing. Robert Enríquez Reyes, Ph.D.) (Mgs. Tatiana Freire, Dipl.) Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Commentary on the Current Situation of Occupational Injuries in the Construction Sector of Ecuador <p>Commentary on the article "Occupational Accidentability in the Construction Sector: Ecuador, period 2016-2019", published in volume 4 of issue 2 in INGENIO Journal.</p> Antonio Ramón Gómez García Copyright (c) 2024 Antonio Ramón Gómez García Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Violence in Ecuador: Analysis of Homicides Through Time Series <p>Violence in Ecuador is unprecedented, the rates of homicides, femicides, robberies, attacks and other types of crimes have increased alarmingly in this country. Every day new events are reported that are news and alarm the community. Government institutions, together with the police organization and the military forces, carry out actions to mitigate the wave of violence without achieving efficient results. This paper analyzes the number of homicides nationwide as a time series to know the behavior of this variable from January 2014 to May 2022. Applying smoothing models, as well as the ARIMA and Neural Network models, the most efficient model is sought. that minimizes the prediction error. Among the smoothing models, the Holt model was found to be the most efficient, however, but when comparing all the applied models, it was found that the Neural Network model is the most efficient with which good forecasts can be obtained.</p> Atal Kumar Vivas Paspuel, David Alfredo Vivas Paspuel Copyright (c) 2024 Atal Kumar Vivas Paspuel, David Alfredo Vivas Paspuel Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Desarrollo de una Herramienta Educativa Inalámbrica Basada en Raspberry Pi <p>El siguiente documento presenta un dispositivo de conectividad inalámbrica diseñado específicamente para el sector educativo, que emplea tecnología IoT y Raspberry Pi. Su objetivo principal es ofrecer a las instituciones educativas una solución asequible que permita realizar presentaciones en el aula sin problemas y sin comprometer la calidad ni la facilidad de uso.<br />Utilizando una metodología experimental, configuramos un ordenador monoplaca Raspberry Pi, transformando este dispositivo en una alternativa práctica a un ordenador de sobremesa tradicional. Esta configuración permite la reproducción de varios tipos de documentos, incluidos Word, Excel, PowerPoint y Publisher, ofreciendo a educadores y estudiantes una herramienta versátil para satisfacer sus necesidades académicas. La solución propuesta funciona a la perfección: mediante el uso de una aplicación móvil gratuita, los contenidos pueden transmitirse sin esfuerzo a dispositivos externos, como proyectores, televisores y monitores. De este modo se aborda un problema educativo cuyo principal inconveniente radica en el coste de los equipos.<br />En última instancia, el objetivo no es sólo superar las barreras financieras en la educación, sino también impulsar la exploración innovadora para mejorar la conectividad y la automatización en diversos entornos.</p> Holger Jorge Santillán Carranza, Jairo Oliver Enríquez Sandoval, José Fernando Bonilla Castro Copyright (c) 2024 HOLGER SANTILLAN CARRANZA, Jairo Oliver Enríquez Sandoval, José Fernando Bonilla Castro Wed, 14 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for the prediction of the Compressive Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete <p>The present investigation indicates the design of an artificial intelligence model based on artificial neural <br>networks (RNA) that allows predicting the Compressive Strength (f'c) and Modulus of elasticity (Ec) of <br>concrete. The methodology was carried out in three stages: The Delta Stage, where a database was formed <br>consisting of the results of concrete designs (aggregate characterization, dosages, compressive strength and <br>modulus of elasticity) made with GU type cement without additives and aggregates from quarries in the <br>Metropolitan District of Quito, obtained from degree work from various universities in the country and from <br>commercial tests carried out by the Materials and Models Testing Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering <br>and Applied Sciences. In the following Theta Stage, the design of the ANN was carried out using the Matlab <br>software and the Neural Fitting tool (nftool) for training, validation and testing of the ANN through <br>performance indicators such as the Pearson correlation coefficient (R) in the evaluation stage and the <br>coefficient of determination (R2) to measure the efficiency of the ANN; Finally, in the Gamma stage, the <br>predicted results of the ANN were verified with the actual (f'c) and (Ec) of the concrete obtained through tests <br>carried out on 20 concrete cylinders, designed for resistances of 21, 24 and 28 MPa using aggregates from the <br>Pifo quarry and Type GU cement. Establishing that the RNA satisfactorily predicts the compressive strength <br>and modulus of elasticity of concrete, obtaining a value of R2 for (f'c) equal to 95.12% and for (Ec) of 92.20% <br>between the predicted results with the actual results for mixtures of 21, 24 and 28 MPa; validating its use for <br>the prediction of these properties in concrete.</p> Alejandro Machado Salazar, Enlil Santiago Ganchala Padilla, Jonathan Mauricio Piñarcaja Rivadeneira Copyright (c) 2024 Alejandro Machado Salazar, Enlil Santiago Ganchala Padilla, Jonathan Mauricio Piñarcaja Rivadeneira Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of AC Flow Applied to an Electric Power System <p>Presently, the Electrical Engineering program at the Salesian Polytechnic University, Guayaquil campus Centenario, faces resource limitations when it comes to teaching Alternating Current (AC) analysis in Power Electrical Systems. This project's primary objective is to propose and validate laboratory practices enabling the analysis of AC in these systems. It aims to develop an experimental, quantitative research methodology. In the second chapter, a comprehensive exposition of the theoretical framework of the electrical system, power flow equations, and analytical methods like Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Raphson is provided. The third chapter encompasses the construction of a module and programming using tools such as MATLAB, Simulink, Arduino, and the ACS712 integrated circuit. This module simulates and analyzes AC within the Power Electrical System. In the fourth chapter, we present the results of the practices, comparing theoretical and practical values.</p> Alexander Emanuel Torres Romero, David Humberto Cárdenas Villacres, Raquel de los Angeles Salas Ibarra Copyright (c) 2024 Alexander Emanuel Torres Romero, David Humberto Cárdenas Villacres, Raquel de los Angeles Salas Ibarra Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Development of an Autonomous Model for Transportation of Young People from 20 to 25 Years Old in Ambato - Ecuador, Who Use Public Transportation and/or Walk <p>The technological development of the transportation system over the years has shown a constant evolution allowing, in an efficient way, to improve the movement of people, reducing travel times, increasing the capacity of users, reducing the emission of polluting gases with the implementation of alternative energies, and innovating in the area of technology with autonomous devices capable of performing all the necessary operations for their displacement. The objective of this document is to present the development process of an autonomous model for the transportation of young people between 20 and 25 years old in the city of Ambato/Ecuador, as an alternative to the collective public and pedestrian modes of transportation. To address this problem, information was collected through interviews with potential users, according to the research target, using the methodology of Startup Essentials and Clientograms to define a value proposition based on an identified problem that correlates, in a formal and aesthetic way with the environment of the city. A reflection of the data obtained from the clients and the digital prototype that responds to the needs and requirements of the users, providing security and comfort in daily commuting, highlighting the latent need in the creation of this type of products is presented.</p> Diana Carolina Chávez Silva, Andrea Carolina Goyes Balladares , Roberto Carlos Moya Jiménez Copyright (c) 2024 Diana Carolina Chávez Silva, Andrea Carolina Goyes Balladares , Roberto Carlos Moya Jiménez Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Structural Model Evaluation of Houses Built with Straw Bales and Wooden Piers in the Central Andean Region of Ecuador <p>This paper presents a methodology for the evaluation of the structural models of residences built using straw bales but reinforced with wooden piers. A house built in the city of Sangolquí, in the central Andean region of Ecuador, is used as an example. This type of building has a series of unique characteristics due to the materials used, the strengths and weaknesses of the workmanship, and the limitations imposed by restricted budgets. The results obtained in the analytical models were validated by comparing them with those determined experimentally using sensors and data acquisition devices. A maximum difference of 6.4% was obtained in the structural vibration periods.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Luisa Paulina Viera Arroba, Pablo Enrique Caiza Sánchez , Marcos Andrés García Peñaloza Copyright (c) 2024 Luisa Paulina Viera Arroba, Pablo Enrique Caiza Sánchez , Marcos Andrés García Peñaloza Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Estudio sobre los Estándares de Ruido Aceptables para Motocicletas, de Acuerdo con el Reglamento Técnico Ecuatoriano INEN 136 (1R), Evaluados a Través de Pruebas Dinámicas y Estáticas <p>En el año 2020 el Ecuador y el mundo entero se vio afectado por la más grande crisis sanitaria de los últimos tiempos. El covid 19 obligó a muchos de los ecuatorianos a buscar nuevas fuentes de ingresos, y encontraron en las motocicletas la posibilidad de hacerlo ya que las entregas con servicios a domicilio fue una modalidad que adaptaron muchísimos negocios. Este aumento de motocicletas trae consigo que aumente la contaminación, proveniente del ruido que estas producen. Es por esto que nos planteamos la incógnita de si en este crecimiento fuera de la tendencia que tuvo la venta de motocicletas se siguieron cumpliendo las normas y límites máximos de ruido que se permite a las motocicletas producir al circular en nuestro país. Para esto adoptamos el papel de laboratorio acreditado y realizamos los ensayos estáticos y dinámicos, siguiendo los procedimientos de la Directiva Europea 78/1015/CEE, a una muestra de cinco motocicletas para comprobar si cumplían o no con la norma INEN RTE 136 Motocicletas, que es en donde se exponen los valores máximos que pueden emitir por categoría de cilindrada. Con los resultados obtenidos fuimos capaces de concluir y hacer ciertas recomendaciones.</p> Edwin Giovanny Puente Moromenacho, Gladys Yolanda Moreno Guamán, Marco Vinicio Noroña Merchán, Mayra Cecilia Cruz Mangui Copyright (c) 2024 Edwin Puente Moromenacho, Gladys Yolanda Moreno Guamán, Marco Vinicio Noroña Merchán, Mayra Cecilia Cruz Mangui Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Modeling of a Wall and Reaction Slab for Quasi-Static Tests Using the Finite Element Method <p>To perform quasi-static tests on structural elements, reaction systems comprising slabs and walls are employed. This research aimed to assess the current state of a structure equipped with a reaction system composed of an "L"-shaped slab and wall. Computational programs were utilized for its evaluation, and the mechanical properties of the materials included in the mathematical model were derived from experimental tests. The results obtained indicate that the current capacity of the structure exceeds the demand. Additionally, the maximum load-bearing capacity of the reaction system was determined. Based on the verification of the existing structure, a design proposal is put forth for expanding the reaction wall with a maximum capacity of 490 [kN] and for the CIV infrastructure with an approximate area of 400 [m²]. This will contribute significantly to the advancement of scientific knowledge for the benefit of society.</p> Andreina Rosa Morillo Valencia, Carla Fernanda Toapanta León, Sigifredo Décimo Díaz Mendoza, Diego Armando Arévalo Chafuel, Melisa Natalia Herrera Quishpe, Christian Michael Gómez Soto Copyright (c) 2024 Andreina Rosa Morillo Valencia, Carla Fernanda Toapanta León, Sigifredo Décimo Díaz Mendoza, Diego Armando Arévalo Chafuel, Melisa Natalia Herrera Quishpe, Christian Michael Gómez Soto Wed, 14 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Vulnerability Analysis in Medical Grade OT Equipment at the SOLCA Nucleus Hospital in Quito <p>The importance of the information security contained in the medical equipment of a Hospital System (HS) is crucial for monitoring the patient's health status. The HS relies on increasingly technologically advanced equipment due to the scope of the results; these are connected to the HS network. Without proper control in administration, they can be vulnerable to cyberattacks, disrupting the normal functioning of the hospital network and compromising a patient's medical history, endangering their health. The medical interest arises in protecting the Operational Technology (OT) equipment, which supports real-time industrial and critical processes within an HS, in order to safeguard patient information. Hospital Solca Quito will conduct a vulnerability analysis using the Tenable OT tool, identifying assets, risks, and immediate actions, enabling working in a secure way.</p> Gerardo Iván Cajamarca Méndez , Mario Giovanny Ron Gavi, María Gabriela Vera, María Karina Alvarado Figueroa, Bryan Alexander Cajamarca Albán Copyright (c) 2024 Gerardo Iván Cajamarca Méndez , Mario Giovanny Ron Gavi, María Gabriela Vera, María Karina Alvarado Figueroa, Bryan Alexander Cajamarca Albán Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Development of the Methodological Framework for the Calibration and Validation of the Hydrodynamic Model of the Sewer System of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences <p>Urban Drainage Systems (UDS) have existed since the Babylonian Empire. Its objective is to preserve and promote the public health, welfare, flood protection, water pollution. Population growth in urban areas, climatic change, ageing structures, produce failures in the sewer systems, and urban flooding. Therefore, in this research, a methodologic framework was developed to assess the hydraulic performance of an UDS in a pilot basin. By using three kinds of information, spatial, temporal and terrain, a number of products were generated such as: design rainfall, historic precipitation, dry weather flows and their patterns, topological network, land uses, DTM, DSM, ortophoto, subsequently a hydrodynamic 1D model was built. Calibration and validation of the model was carried out by employing hydrometeorological data that was registered in four sensors to measure depth, velocity of the flow and a gauge station that were implemented in the study area.</p> Diego Fernando Paredes Méndez Copyright (c) 2024 Diego Fernando Paredes Méndez Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000