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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 94-108, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Open research in laboratory practice to learn
Chemistry in high school students
Investigacn abierta en la práctica de laboratorio y el
aprendizaje de la Química en los estudiantes de
Fernanda Faicán-Juca
Unidad Educativa Nuestra Familia, Cuenca, Ecuador
Renato Manzano-Vela
Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba, Ecuador
Escuela Politécnica Superior, Facultad de Recursos Naturales
(Received on: 05/09/2023; Accepted on: 25/10/2023; Final version received on: 02/12/2023)
Suggested citation: Faicán-Juca, F. y Manzano-Vela, R. (2024). Open research in laboratory
practice to learn Chemistry in high school students. Revista Cátedra, 7(1), 94-108.
Experimentation as a methodological strategy used in the teaching-learning process in
chemistry presents a stagnation in the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and indispensable
abilities. Currently, practices are based on methodically following the procedure given in a
laboratory guide, causing a passive learning, where the student is not directly involved in
building their own knowledge. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to apply open
research in laboratory practice, since it is a methodology based on constructivist learning.
Its relationship with the learning of chemistry was investigated, in addition to determining
its influence and identifying its contribution to it. This research was non-experimental and
correlational in scope. On the other hand, a survey and an evaluation test were applied to
125 high school students of the Nuestra Familia Educational Unit. As main results, a positive,
moderate, and significant correlation was obtained between the open investigation in the
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 94-108, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
laboratory practice with the learning of Chemistry. In addition, the results of the evaluation
test show a positive influence by obtaining 75% of students who reach and master the
learning. While 73.60% of students consider that the open research contributes
considerably in the acquisition of learning. As a consequence, the applied methodology
presents a superior cognitive contribution by developing and strengthening the research
process and executing it in the laboratory.
Learning, experimentation, open inquiry, laboratory, Chemistry.
La experimentación como estrategia metodológica empleada en el proceso de enseñanza-
aprendizaje en la Química presenta un estancamiento en la adquisición de conocimientos,
destrezas y habilidades indispensables. Actualmente, las prácticas se basan en seguir de
manera metódica el procedimiento dado en una guía de laboratorio, provocando un
aprendizaje pasivo, donde el estudiante no se involucra directamente en construir su propio
conocimiento. Por esta razón, el presente trabajo de estudio tuvo como finalidad aplicar la
investigación abierta en la práctica de laboratorio, al ser una metodología basada en el
aprendizaje constructivista. Se investigó su relación con el aprendizaje de la Química,
además de determinar su influencia e identificar su contribución en la misma. Esta
investigación fue de tipo no experimental y de alcance correlacional. Por otra parte, se aplicó
una encuesta y un test de evaluación a 125 estudiantes de bachillerato de la Unidad
Educativa Nuestra Familia. Como principales resultados se obtuvo una correlación positiva,
moderada y significativa entre la investigación abierta en la práctica de laboratorio con el
aprendizaje de la Química. Además, los resultados del test de evaluación demuestran una
influencia positiva al obtener un 75% de estudiantes que alcanzan y dominan los
aprendizajes. Mientras que el 73.60% de estudiantes consideran que la investigación
abierta contribuye considerablemente en la adquisición de aprendizajes. Como
consecuencia la metodología aplicada presenta un aporte cognitivo superior al desarrollar
y fortalecer el proceso investigativo y ejecutarlo en el laboratorio.
Palabras clave
Aprendizaje, experimentación, investigación abierta, laboratorio, Química.
The Ministry of Education of Ecuador promotes the maximum development of students'
capabilities. Through the application of pertinent methodologies related to participation,
individual and/or collaborative, favoring critical and rational thinking, by carrying out
reading and research activities. In this regard, Brito et al. (2019) states that: "it contributes
from two areas: the cognitive related to intellectual development and the formative-
axiological, related to personality development" (p. 304). For this reason, the use and
management of educational laboratories is recommended. In order to strengthen the
quality of education, mainly in the acquisition and strengthening of scientific skills in
It should be mentioned that the teacher's job is to guide the learning process using different
methodologies and teaching strategies in the classroom. In this way, the student constructs
his own knowledge individually and/or collaboratively. In this study, experimentation is
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 94-108, January-June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
used as a didactic strategy where the student analyzes the phenomena directly. In addition,
Cueto and García (2017), indicate that: "significant learning occurs. Students, who already
have some previous theoretical knowledge, will be able to relate practice with theory" (p.
Currently, at the experimental level, traditional methodologies are applied, as is the case of
experimental practices. For this type of practice, the use of laboratory guides is used. During
this process, a certain cognitive stagnation is perceived in the students, due to the fact that
all the information is provided in this document. Therefore, the student does not make an
effort to reflect, investigate, or get involved in constructing his own knowledge. This
problem has been pointed out by Llorente, (2016) in his article, where he examines the
impact of experimental practices on student learning and motivation. Although, he
highlights that experimental practices can motivate and generate good learning outcomes,
he also warns about the need to move towards more challenging approaches. His study
concludes that consecutive application of experimental practices can slow down cognitive
development. In addition to limiting students' ability to reflect, investigate and actively
participate in the construction of their own knowledge.
In view of this problem, a non-experimental research, with correlational scope, was carried
out to study the teaching-learning process. The open research methodology was used
through the planning and elaboration of a relevant model in the laboratory practices, called
road map. The study was carried out on high school students of the "Nuestra Familia"
Educational Unit. Thus, the present study proposes to analyze open research in laboratory
practice and its relationship with the learning of chemistry. Considering Stoichiometry as
the main axis of learning at all high school levels. For which we wish to determine the
influence of the open laboratory practice in order to identify the process of open research.
The relevance of this study lies in the fact that, upon performing an exhaustive search in
local and national databases, no similar research was found where the independent variable
of this study, i.e., open research in laboratory practice, is considered. However, we did find
degree works where experimental practices are employed with the use of a laboratory guide
as a didactic tool. Therefore, this study is useful to expand and update the data on the
learning of chemistry. As well as, proposals to improve the educational quality and the
teaching-learning system in Ecuador.
This study faces several difficulties and challenges that may affect the interpretation of the
results and the generalization of the conclusions. First, the implementation of open-ended
research in laboratory practice may encounter lack of familiarity among students, which
could influence the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. Finally, the difficulty in
controlling all external variables that could influence the teaching-learning process may
affect the internal validity of the study. Despite these challenges, addressing these
difficulties will provide a solid foundation for future research, and improvements in the
implementation of open-ended research in the educational context of Chemistry.
Despite the ambitious objectives and identified relevance, this study faces certain limits that
must be considered when interpreting its results. First, there is the geographical and
educational level limitation that could affect the generalization of the findings to other
educational institutions or academic levels. Also, the selection of stoichiometry as the main
focus of learning may limit the applicability of the results to other branches of chemistry.
Finally, the study does not address external factors, such as socioeconomic or cultural
conditions of the students, which could influence the results. These limits offer
opportunities for future research that could expand and contextualize the findings of the
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 94-108, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
present study. The present paper is articulated within the research line "Education, science,
technology and innovation" and summarizes the most important elements and
considerations that were fully developed in the thesis work of (Faican-Juca, 2023).
This article follows a clear and systematic organization, beginning with a literature review
that establishes the context and grounds the research. It then details the methodology
employed in the study, providing a description of the procedures used to obtain meaningful
data. The results derived from the execution of the data collection instruments are
presented in a comprehensive manner, followed by a discussion. Finally, the article
concludes with a section summarizing the main contributions and conclusions drawn from
the study.
2. Bibliographic review
2.1 Teaching and learning of chemistry
Currently, Garcés et al. point out that the teaching and learning of chemistry continues to be
a complex process. It not only consists of the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, it also
aims to acquire and strengthen skills, abilities and competencies in the student body (Garcés
et al., 2018, p. 231-345). These being critical thinking, problem solving, cognitive and
communication skills, ability to formulate hypotheses, experimentation and interpretation,
among others. For this reason, Rodriguez and Cruz state that" it is crucial that a teacher
possesses not only a deep knowledge of the subject he or she teaches, but also solid
pedagogical skills" (Rodriguez and Cruz, 2020, p. 1). "The ability to communicate complex
concepts, motivate students and evaluate their progress are essential aspects that derive
from a pedagogical training, thus contributing to a more comprehensive and meaningful
education" (Lorduy and Naranjo, 2020; Martínez et al., 2018).
2.2 Experimentation as a didactic strategy
According to Neira, through experimentation, the teacher optimizes and strengthens
meaningful learning. While, with the planning and pertinent design of laboratory practices,
the acquisition of new knowledge and its relationship with previous knowledge is
guaranteed (Neira, 2021). In this way, experimentation is an effective strategy by providing
students with ideal moments for learning and strengthening their autonomy and curiosity.
As Molina et al. (2018) verify by stating that:
The teacher determines to a great extent the attitudes of the students and
their performance in a course, the way he/she conducts the course and
the use of didactic methodologies can generate a better or worse training
(p. 54)
As shown in Figure 1, Hernández discusses that the methodology applied in theoretical and
experimental teaching differs in the intervention and action of the students, therefore, there
is also a difference in the cognitive process to be developed. During a theoretical teaching,
the student is indirectly involved with the phenomenon given and explained by the teacher,
producing a passive and receptive learning. This implies a low cognitive process related to
the acquisition of knowledge. Hernandez also emphasizes that, in experiential teaching, the
student has a direct participation in the learning process. Because cognitive processes such
as observation, analysis, deduction among others are involved, provoking interest, curiosity
and inquiry (Hernández, 2013, p. 86-108).
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 94-108, January-June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
Figure 1. Comparison between theoretical and experimental teaching. Taken from: (Hernández, 2013, p. 92).
Note: The figure represents the relationship between theoretical teaching (black arrows) and experimental
teaching (red arrow).
2.3 Laboratory practices
The work done in the laboratory is essential, therefore, different methodological strategies
should be used in the planning of the class (Rodríguez, 2017). There is a great variety of
types of laboratory practices, which have been classified by Herrón 1971 and by Priestley
1997. These two authors proposed a scale of five and seven levels of openness respectively
(Neira et al., 2021). "The levels of openness are based on the roles of the student and the
teacher, when the role of the student is greater in the learning process the level of openness
is high" (Cueto and Garcia, 2017; Zorrilla et al., 2020). The most commonly used laboratory
practices are:
Demonstrative practices. Valverde states that in this type of practice the student acts
as observer and receiver, and the teacher is in charge of the whole experimental
process. Both the objective, material, method and solution are given, so it is at the
first level of openness and the cognitive process developed is knowledge acquisition
(Valverde et al., 2006, p. 62).
Experimental practices: according to Llorente, in these practices, the teacher
develops a laboratory guide and the student is in charge of the execution following
the given procedure, in these practices the objective, material and method are given
completely, as for the solution it can be delivered in part. It is considered as second
or third level of opening, developing knowledge and understanding as a cognitive
process (Llorente, 2016, p. 8-9).
- Open inquiry practices: Zorrilla focuses on the scale proposed by Herrón, open
inquiry practices are distinguished by adopting an investigative approach, where
the teacher establishes the objective, and the student assumes the responsibility of
exploring the materials, methods and possible solutions to address the proposed
problem (Zorrilla, 2018, p. 34). In Priestley's taxonomy, this type of practice is
placed at level 6, characterized by the assignment of the problem by the teacher.
While the student is in charge of developing the appropriate procedure and reaching
their own conclusions. Both classifications highlight the ability of open inquiry
practices to actively involve the student in the learning process. In addition to
fostering high-impact cognitive processes, such as analysis and synthesis. This is
confirmed by Jiménez, who indicates that this approach not only promotes the
acquisition of knowledge, but also stimulates critical thinking and intellectual
autonomy of the student. Finally, it contributes to deeper and more meaningful
learning (Jiménez et al., 2005, p. 9).
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 94-108, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Laboratory practices are fundamental for the scientific and comprehensive training of
students by employing different processes and complying with basic work standards, as
explained by (Hernández et al., 2018):
with the approach of the experiment to the research activity, as well as
the requirements for management, constitute the foundations on which
the didactic procedures for the contribution to scientific training from
laboratory practices are based (p. 325).
3. Methodology
This research presented a non-experimental design because it dispensed with the
intentional manipulation of variables. "It seeks to understand the intrinsic dynamics of the
phenomena, providing valuable information about their nature and causal relationships
without disturbing their natural course" (Monje, 2011, p. 26). Its approach "was
quantitative and correlational in scope where it was determined as an independent
variable, open research in laboratory practice, for being manipulable and modifiable in the
research process" (Hernández et al., 2014). As a dependent variable, the learning of
chemistry, as it is the one whose behavior is affected by the previous variable. The primary
purpose was to analyze whether open research in laboratory practice is related to the
learning of chemistry, this being the hypothesis put forward. For which, we worked with
125 high school students of the Unidad Educativa Nuestra Familia, "no sampling was
applied, because it was a small population" (Paniagua and Condori, 2018, p. 45.
For the open investigation in the laboratory practice, the following phases were followed:
Planning phase, the teacher prepared a document detailing the problem and the
objective to be achieved, called a roadmap. In this document, a contextualized
problem based on stoichiometry was included, in addition to specifying the
activities to be carried out during the pre-laboratory, laboratory and post-
laboratory phases.
- Execution phase, the student's work was divided into three parts:
Pre-laboratory which consists of the research process, this is the first part where
students inquired aspects about the use and employment of reagents, materials,
procedure to be applied, adequate and relevant chemical methods, analytical
calculations and safety standards to meet the objective and solve the problem posed.
Laboratory is the second part, which consisted of the execution of the practice,
complying with the previous research and constant teaching support.
Post-laboratory is the last part, where students were responsible for preparing and
presenting the corresponding report, in addition to completing the questionnaire
and Google Forms test.
3.1 Research techniques and instruments
For data collection, two techniques were applied with their respective instruments, which
were previously validated by professional experts and statistically tested in a pilot
population. Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient was calculated, where a reliability of 0.8008 was
obtained, which was subsequently interpreted with the scale described in the work of
(Supo, 2013). The result presented a significant reliability range. Therefore, the instruments
applied to the study population of "Nuestra Familia" were duly validated and reliable.
The first technique applied was the survey by means of a questionnaire as an instrument,
the same one elaborated in the Google Forms program. The students received the invitation
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 94-108, January-June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
through the Classroom platform and responded online, individually, voluntarily and
anonymously. This form contained a total of 15 questions for the two variables. Eight
questions were posed with more than one answer option. They were aimed at investigating
the application, didactics and frequency of laboratory practices, as well as the roles of
teachers and students. These questions allowed collecting data for the independent variable
(open investigation in laboratory practice). On the other hand, for the dependent variable
(learning chemistry), five questions were posed. These addressed the relationship between
previous knowledge and acquired knowledge, as well as the attainment of skills, abilities
and competencies.
The second technique was the evaluation instrument using a diagnostic evaluation test. This
test consisted of 10 questions generated through Google Forms and shared with the
students by Classroom. It was used to determine the scale of learning obtained. Its questions
were based on the work done in the laboratory such as use and function of materials and
reagents. In addition, about physical-chemical processes and stoichiometric contents. The
quantitative results of this test contributed to the dependent variable. That is to say, they
allowed knowing and analyzing the learning of the students by using the scale of learning
achieved (qualitative scale) governed in the educational institution.
3.2 Data processing and analysis techniques
For data processing, the results of the questions corresponding to the same dimension were
grouped and the arithmetic mean was determined. Subsequently, these averages were
taken to the statistical software Minitab Statistical 20, in which contingency tables were
made with a greater representation. In addition, it was "determined the trends of the
responses according to the frequencies obtained" (Hernández et al., 2014), To test whether
the open-ended research in the laboratory practice is related to the learning of Chemistry.
That is, for hypothesis testing, the normality test and a nonparametric measure such as
Spearman's coefficient were performed.
4. Results
In order to specify the most relevant aspects in the development of laboratory practices, the
types of practices used in the educational institution were analyzed. Table 1 shows the types
of laboratory practices applied in the teaching of chemistry and their frequency. From the
students' point of view, they state that the most used are experimental practices with
56.35%. Next are the demonstrative practices with 23.20% and finally the practices with
open research with 20.44%. Regarding the cognitive contribution, the types of laboratory
practice and their impact on the acquisition and understanding of knowledge were
compared. According to the students' perspective, 44.27% indicated that experimental
practices have a greater impact, 28.73% stated that demonstrative practices and 27.00%
declared that practices with open research have a greater impact.
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 94-108, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Types of practices
23.20 %
28.73 %
56.35 %
44.27 %
Open research
20.44 %
27.00 %
100.00 %
100.00 %
Table 1. Types of laboratory practices and their characteristics
In Table 2, for the degree of complexity, 65.60% of students revealed a high level of
complexity when performing practices with open research. They mainly indicated difficulty
during the investigative and analytical phase (stoichiometric calculations). Analyzing the
teaching support in this methodology, only 24.53% of students considered it to be optimal,
constant and adequate in each phase of the process. Regarding the complexity when
studying stoichiometry, considering that this is the axis of study, 64.80% of students
indicated a minor or low complexity. On the other hand, 35.2% stated a high or higher
complexity, in relation to the difficulty in understanding the problem posed and the analysis
of the chemical reaction produced in the laboratory practice.
Open research
65.60 %
24.53 %
35.20 %
34.40 %
75.47 %
64.80 %
100.00 %
100.00 %
100.00 %
Table 2. Open research characteristics and stoichiometry complexity.
Table 3 reflects the students' perspective on the benefits derived from the intervention and
application of open-ended research in laboratory practice. According to their evaluations,
the collaborative approach of this methodology has contributed significantly to the
development of key skills. Evidenced by outstanding percentages: 78.40 % in collaborative
work, 76.80 % in organization, 68.00 % in problem solving and 65.60 % in analysis.
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 94-108, January-June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
65.60 %
68.00 %
78.40 %
76.80 %
34.40 %
32.00 %
21.60 %
23.20 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
Table 3. Skills obtained
In Table 4, the data reveal that 74.40 % acquired a high level of experimentation, 68.80 %
in observation, and 66.40 % in research, evidencing significant skills and competencies.
These results suggest that the implementation of open inquiry has had a positive impact on
strengthening essential skills for students. In comparison with other forms of laboratory
practices, such as the demonstrative and/or experimental ones employed throughout their
secondary education. These findings highlight the particular effectiveness of open inquiry
in fostering fundamental skills, abilities, and competencies for scientific learning.
Skills and competencies
68.80 %
66.40 %
74.40 %
31.20 %
33.60 %
25.60 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
Table 4: Skills and competences obtained
The learning process was evaluated through the application of a test with 10 questions that
collected information on the use of materials. Where 98.4%, 95.2% and 48% of students
were correct in questions 1, 2, 3 respectively. Questions 4, 5, 6, 7 determined the
understanding of physical-chemical processes, obtaining that 91.2%, 69.6%, 45.6% and
73.6% of students choose the correct answer for each question. Regarding stoichiometric
calculations, for question 8, 49.6% got it right, for question 9, 84.8% got it right, and for the
last question, 88% of students got it right.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 94-108, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Figure 2. Percentage of correct answers by question
Each test had a final evaluation of 10 points and the scale of learning achieved was used. It
was obtained that 28% of the students mastered the learning, because they obtained a score
higher than 9/10. 47.20% of the students achieve the learning, whose valuation was
between 8.99 and 7. Finally, 4.80% do not achieve the learning related to stoichiometry, as
well as the correct use and function of materials and reagents, as shown in Table 5.
Scale of learning achieved
Master the required learning
10 9.00
28.00 %
Achieving the required
8.99 7.00
47.20 %
Is close to achieving the
required learning
6.99 4.01
20.00 %
Does not reach the required
4.00 0
4.80 %
100.00 %
Table 5. Learning scale. Taken from: (Subsecretaría de Fundamentos Educativos, 2016, p. 8).
In order to test the study hypothesis, which consists of relating the open investigation in the
laboratory practice with the learning of chemistry, the hypothesis test was performed.
Considering that the variables were quantitative and discrete, which did not present a
normal distribution in the normality test. The significance level was 95%. Therefore, a non-
parametric measure was used and Spearman's correlation coefficient was calculated. A
value of 0.550 was obtained for rho, as can be seen in the scatter diagram, Figure 3.
020 40 60 80 100 120
P1: Medir masa
P2: Realizar mezcla
P3: Medir volumen
P4: Método de separación
P5: Proceso físico-químico
P6: Evidencia de reacción química
P7: Caráctestica del precipitado
P8: Interpretación de reacción química
P9: Rendimiento de la reacción
P10: Rendimiento porcentual
P10: Percentage yield
P9: Reaction yield
P8Chemical reaction interpretation
P7: Characteristics of the precipitate
P6: Evidence of chemical reaction
P5: physical-chemical process
P4: Separation method
P3: Measuring volume
P2: Perform mixing
P1: Measure mass
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 94-108, January-June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
Figure 3. Spearman's correlation coefficient
Therefore, when performing the hypothesis test based on Spearman's correlation, it was
determined that the open investigation in the laboratory practice is related to the learning
of Chemistry. The interpretation of the rho value, as analyzed in Table 6, shows a positive,
moderate, and significant relationship or association. By obtaining a rho value of 0.550,
considering a level of significance of 0.05.
rho range
- 0.76 a 1.00
Negative correlation between strong and perfect
- 0.51 a - 0.75
Negative correlation between moderate and
- 0.26 a - 0.50
Negative correlation between weak and weak
- 0.01 a - 0.25
Negative correlation between weak and null
Null correlation
+ 0.01 a + 0.25
Positive correlation between weak and null
+ 0.26 a + 0.50
Positive correlation between weak and weak
+ 0.51 a + 0.75
Positive correlation between moderate and
+ 0.76 a + 1.00
Positive correlation between strong and perfect
Table 6. Interpretation of Spearman's correlation. Adapted from: (Roy et al., 2019).
Positive correlation whose meaning lies in the fact that the learning of chemistry
increases as the application of open-ended research increases.
Moderate correlation means a moderate strength of association between the
variables by obtaining a value of 0.550.
Significant correlation when generalizing these results to other study populations.
VI: Open research in laboratory practice
Matrix plot of V. Independent; V. Dependent. Dependent
Spearman correlation
VD: Learning chemistry
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 94-108, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
5. Discussion
The results derived from the investigation, Figure 3, determined a positive, moderate and
significant association between the independent variables "open investigation in laboratory
practice" and the dependent variable "learning Chemistry". From Spearman's correlation
test, it is inferred that Chemistry learning is related to laboratory practice using open-ended
inquiry. According to the rho value of 0.550 which shows a positive association. This result
is corroborated with the study conducted by (Villanueva and Concha, 2020), in which it
demonstrates the importance of research in the experimental process. Although this
methodology has a moderate relationship with respect to learning, it should be considered
that there are other factors that prevent increasing this relationship since it does not
depend only on practice.
Experimentation with open research has a positive influence on the learning of high school
students, as shown in Table 1. However, 44.27 % of students still prefer traditional
practices, considering that the student is immersed in this paradigm where all information
is given to him/her in full. This result has been verified by Zorrilla et al., 2020 in their
doctoral thesis, where they indicate that the most developed experimental classes
correspond to low levels of openness. In these practices the student requires basic cognitive
processes, such as knowledge, application. Consequently, the student feels more
comfortable with traditional practices. Whereas, in open inquiry practices, it generates a
higher level cognitive development, because the student is fully involved in the process of
research and experimentation.
The teacher's action is considerably reduced, as shown in the analysis of Table 2. That is
why 24.53% of students indicate having obtained optimal support from the teacher
throughout the experimentation process. For a significant acquisition in relation to learning,
the student must demonstrate basic knowledge of experimentation. This is corroborated by
the result, where 65.60% of participants consider that open research presents a higher
degree of difficulty in its execution and is preferred by only 27% of the students. These
results are supported by the study of Llorente, 2016 where he recommends open research
practices for a greater scope in learning, considering the predisposition of the student.
Likewise, Cueto and García, 2017 demonstrated through their thesis the effectiveness of
research-based methodologies, even indicating that it facilitates learning and improves
It should be emphasized that, these results differ with those obtained in Table 3 and 4,
where an optimal contribution of open inquiry is identified. By producing in students the
acquisition of skills, competencies and abilities. It was obtained that more than 65.60% of
the students acquired and strengthened skills such as: collaborative work, organization,
problem solving and analysis. Likewise, more than 66.40% acquired a high level of
experimentation, observation and research as skills. However, certain important aspects
should be considered, such as: teacher support, proper planning and elaboration of the road
map by the teacher, as well as research in reliable sources and equitable work, complying
with safety standards. Coinciding with the research of Hernandez et al., 2018 that proved
that, when considering the levels of openness in laboratory practices provide exceptional
and high-level results, for the scientific and academic training of students. In this study, it
was found that the level of openness, open research in laboratory practice positively
influences and contributes to the learning of Chemistry.
In Table 5, the results when evaluating the learning of stoichiometry applying the learning
scale achieved, given by the Ministry of Education. Favorable results were obtained,
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 94-108, January-June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
indicating that 75% of the students reached and/or mastered the learning, by obtaining a
grade higher than 7/10. Considering that the questions addressed stoichiometric contents,
differentiation of physical-chemical processes and the appropriate use of laboratory
materials. This result contrasts with the study of Raviolo and Lerzo, 2016, where it is
indicated that, in order to guarantee the understanding of stoichiometry, and therefore the
obtaining of optimal evaluative results, it is necessary to develop experimental methods for
its teaching.
6. Conclusion
From the results obtained in this research, it is concluded that a positive influence was
determined between open research in laboratory practice and the learning of chemistry, by
presenting a moderate and positive relationship between the application of open research
and learning, although only 27% of students considered that open research has a high
cognitive contribution in the process. It should be emphasized that a considerable
contribution to learning was identified, since open research intervenes in the acquisition of
abilities and skills and competences with a percentage of 73.60% and 69.60% in the
students, respectively. In addition, the process was evaluated through the application of a
test, as a result it was obtained that 28% of students master the required learning and 47%
reach the learning, these values indicate a learning of Chemistry mainly of stoichiometry.
Finally, it was established that there is a considerable percentage of students, 44.27%, who
still prefer traditional laboratory practices mainly using laboratory guides.
In the course of the research, factors that impede the practice of open research were
identified, the main one being the educational curriculum, including the temporality and
frequency of its application. For future lines of research, it is recommended to carry out
studies that analyze the application of open inquiry in laboratory practice, considering the
use of materials and reagents of daily or home use. Also, to study the influence of open
inquiry in the laboratory and STEAM projects.
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FERNANDA FAICÁN-JUCA obtained her master's degree in Pedagogy of Experimental
Sciences mention in Chemistry and Biology from the Universidad Central del Educador in
2023. She obtained her degree in Pharmaceutical Biochemistry from the Faculty of Chemical
Sciences at the University of Cuenca (Ecuador) in 2017.
She is currently a tenured teacher at Unidad Educativa Nuestra Familia. She is a leading
teacher in institutional projects such as "Formando científicos" and "Primeros Auxilios NF".
Her main research topics include application of innovative methodologies at the level of
laboratory practices, focusing specifically on chemistry learning.
RENATO MANZANO-VELA He obtained his degree in Chemical Engineering from the
Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo-Ecuador, Master in Chemistry with mention in
Chemistry-Physics from the Universidad Técnica de Ambato-Ecuador, Master in Pedagogy
with mention in curriculum from the Universidad Técnica del Norte-Ecuador, PhD
Candidate in the Doctoral Program in Chemistry at the University of Granada-Spain, Fellow
in the Master Molecular Simulation at the International University of Andalusia-Spain,
Master in the Master in Biotechnology at the State University of Milagro-Ecuador. Fellow in
the Master's program in Pedagogy with mention in Curriculum at the Universidad Técnica
del Norte-Ecuador, Master and Fellow in the Master's program in Management of Sanitary
Programs in Food Safety at the University for International Cooperation-Costa Rica. Fellow
as a participating member of the IX School of Experimental Physics of the Universidad
Autónoma de México. Evaluator in the science and entrepreneurship competitions
INFOMATRIX 2020, 2022 2023 and 100K LATAM.
Member of committee E01 on Analytical Chemistry of Metals, Minerals and Related
Materials in ASTM International. Researcher registered in SENESCYT. Teacher in the
Coordination of Admission and Leveling of the National University of Chimborazo, Teacher
and tutor in the Master's program in Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences mention in
Chemistry and Biology offered by the Central University of Ecuador, Teacher in the Faculty
of Health of the Regional University of the Andes, Researcher Teacher in the Faculty of
Natural Resources of the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo. Author and co-author of 20
scientific articles, 3 books and a book chapter in international publishers.