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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
In bioethical criteria in demonstrative and
experimental practices with animals in the
Career of Pedagogy in Chemistry and Biology
Criterios bioéticos en prácticas demostrativas y
experimentales con animales en la Carrera de Pedagogía
en Química y Biología
Marjorie Murillo-Cumbal
Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación, Carrera de Pedagogía de las
Ciencias Experimentales Química y Biología
Anabel Velasco-Chaluisa
Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación, Carrera de Pedagogía de las
Ciencias Experimentales Química y Biología
Elizabeth Pérez-Alarcón
Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación, Carrera de Pedagogía de las
Ciencias Experimentales Química y Biología
(Received on: 10/08/2023; Accepted on: 15/10/2023; Final version received on: 11/12/2023)
Licencia CreativeCommons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Suggested citation: Murillo-Cumbal, M., Velasco-Chaluisa, A. y Pérez-Alarcón, E. (2024). In
bioethical criteria in demonstrative and experimental practices with animals in the Career
of Pedagogy in Chemistry and Biology. Revista Cátedra, 7(1), 126-149.
Demonstrative and experimental studies with animals over time have been part of the
practical teaching of different contents that have contributed to the biological, medical and
pharmacological sciences. However, progress in scientific and educational activity has
brought with it bioethical difficulties from the academic perspective in the importance of
using animals to consolidate theoretical knowledge and from the bioethical-legal
perspective in the requirement of good animal management. The objective of the research
was to analyze the application of bioethical criteria in demonstrative and experimental
practices that use animals in the Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences in Chemistry and
Biology. The study had a qualitative-descriptive approach. The interview technique was
applied to three laboratory professionals and to an external teacher expert in animal
practices. In addition, laboratory observation was carried out using an observation card
with nine indicators and four dimensions in 32 practices with animals. A structured survey
of 11 questions was also applied. These instruments were applied to a population of 155
students in their third, fourth and eighth semesters. The survey, interview and observation
form were validated by three expert teachers. The results indicated that 68.75% of the
practices work with dead individuals, 21.87% with insect vivisection and 9.38% with
preserved exotic animals. In conclusion, most of the practices (78.13%) are in accordance
with the framework of the Bioethical Regulations set forth at national and international
level and have taken care of animal welfare, avoiding unnecessary sacrifice of animals.
animals, bioethics, bioethical principles, didactic material, demonstrative practices.
Los estudios demostrativos y experimentales con animales a lo largo del tiempo han
formado parte de la enseñanza práctica en diferentes contenidos que han aportado a las
ciencias biológicas, médicas y farmacológicas. Sin embargo, el avance en la actividad
científica y educativa ha traído consigo dificultades bioéticas desde la perspectiva
académica en la importancia de utilizar animales para consolidar conocimientos teóricos y
desde la perspectiva bioética-legal en la exigencia del buen manejo animal. El objetivo de la
investigación fue analizar la aplicación de criterios bioéticos en prácticas demostrativas y
experimentales que emplean animales en la Carrera de Pedagogía de las Ciencias
Experimentales Química y Biología. El estudio tuvo un enfoque cualitativo-descriptivo. Se
aplicó la técnica de la entrevista a tres profesionales de laboratorio, y a un docente externo
experto en prácticas con animales. Además, se realizó observación en laboratorio
empleando una ficha de observación de nueve indicadores y cuatro dimensiones en 32
prácticas con animales. Así también se aplicó una encuesta estructurada de 11 preguntas.
Instrumentos que se ejecutaron en una población de 155 estudiantes de tercero, cuarto y
octavo semestres. Encuesta, entrevista y ficha de observación, fueron validados por tres
docentes expertos. Los resultados indicaron que en 68.75% de las prácticas se trabaja con
individuos muertos, 21.87% con vivisección en insectos y 9.38% con animales exóticos
preservados. En conclusión, la mayoría de prácticas (78.13%) se ajustan al marco de las
Normativas Bioéticas expuestas a nivel nacional e internacional y han cuidado el bienestar
animal, evitando sacrificio innecesario de los mismos
Licencia CreativeCommons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
Palabras clave
Animales, Bioética, material didáctico, prácticas demostrativas, principios bioéticos.
1. Introduction
Throughout time, demonstrative and experimental studies have been carried out using
animals for the development of the teaching-learning process. In this sense, animals have
become an ideal resource for the advancement of several areas of knowledge related to the
study of life and its processes; biological sciences, medical sciences and pharmacological
sciences are an example of this.
Despite the benefits offered by these studies for the good of humanity, progress in scientific
and educational activity has brought implicit bioethical difficulties. Complications from the
point of view of respect for life that are framed in the bioethical-legal perspective and the
demands of good animal management. The present research and the reality of the
Universidad Central del Ecuador (UCE) in relation to laboratory practices are taken as a
background. According to Altamirano, within the execution of demonstrative and
experimental practices with the use of animals, the (UCE) through its Animal Research
Studies Committee (CEIA) is organizing the regulatory support for the management of
animal species (Altamirano, 2021).
In the I Course on Research and Bioethics in Animal Experimentation developed at the UCE,
Gavilánez pointed out that the Higher Education Institution is developing a set of
instructions for demonstrative practices in the classroom as part of the commitment to
respect animal life (Gavilánez, 2023). In this regard, the present research constitutes a
precedent of respect for the work with animals that is being carried out in the Faculty of
Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences.
Bioethical criteria for experimental and demonstrative studies are one of the main topics of
discussion in careers that are part of the area of Zoology, General Biology, Molecular
Biology, Zootechnics, among others. Because at a practical level, animals or specimens are
used pedagogically for anatomical and physiological explanations. In addition, the practices
carried out may or may not include bioethical criteria in the sacrifice and waste
management prior to the demonstrative or experimental practice. The objective of the
research was to analyze the application of bioethical criteria in demonstrative and
experimental practices that use animals in the Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences,
Chemistry and Biology. It was a feasible study, since we had the time, financial, human and
material resources. In addition, because it can help to solve a specific problem that is linked
to the application of bioethics in the career.
The study consists of the following parts: introduction, where a brief vision of the
investigated problem is simplified, theoretical framework that supports the research,
description of the methods and materials, which indicate the type of research methodology.
The results and discussion are also found, presented in relevant qualitative-quantitative
data of the study. Finally, the conclusions are presented as a synthesis with the most
significant findings regarding the objective of the research on bioethics applied in
demonstrative practices with animals of the Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences, Chemistry
and Biology career.
Licencia CreativeCommons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
2. Literature review
The use of animals in educational and experimental practices has allowed great advances in
biological, medical, pharmaceutical and scientific knowledge. However, their use involves
responsibility in welfare from the bioethical point of view, in good practices and animal
management. In this regard, Rojas (2021) states:
teachers must be aware that working with students based on scientific
and bioethical principles will contribute to the formation of responsible
and critical citizens and thus to the construction of a more humane and
just society. In this sense, it is recognized that education is a strategic way
for students to assume a commitment to their environment, respect for
all forms of life and the promotion of animal health and welfare (p.18).
The development of demonstrative and experimental practices with animals should offer
the opportunity to work on improving learning, as well as the formation of students with
scientific and bioethical principles. In this way, we seek not only to form critical students,
but also good human beings who respect all forms of life and care for animal welfare. From
the bioethical point of view, in laboratory practices with animals, good animal management
should be taken into account through good animal husbandry practices:
Restraint. When maneuvers or methods are applied to immobilize an animal they
can be simple such as normal restraint of the animal using the hands; physical, when
we use accessories or special surgical instruments; and chemical when we use
tranquilizing drugs or anesthetics (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee,
2021, p. 2).
Injection. According to Varcellini and Principi, this technique uses agents or
concentrated administration to cause depression of the nervous system and death
(p. 247). According to the aforementioned authors, to avoid previous animal
suffering, anesthetics should be used to inhibit pain in the animal. Needle insertion
is an injection method that can be used for birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles by
introducing a needle through the foramen magnum to the base of the brain. It is
necessary to anesthetize the animal first to decrease pain (Varcellini and Principi,
2021, p. 250).
Analgesia. "It is the absence or use of procedures that suppress pain in the animal"
(Varcellini and Principi, 2021, p. 245).
Anesthesia. "It is the temporary absence of sensation or pain of some part of the
body or of an organ" (Varcellini and Principi, 2021, p. 239).
Euthanasia. According to Varcellini and Principi it is the act of animal sacrifice with
minimum pain, fear, anguish or stress. The technique should be painless and
practiced by experts who have knowledge of the biology, physiology, handling and
restraint of the species with which they are working. The choice of a method of
euthanasia must be governed by current regulations and must be evaluated by a
bioethics committee to endorse the experimental results (Varcellini and Principi,
2021, p. 243).
The academic knowledge for the good handling of animals in demonstrative and
experimental practices in both teachers and students is important, since bioethical
education will imply the critical development in the cognitive, affective, emotional and
valorative, for this it is necessary to consider activities that forge the development and
bioethical knowledge such as bioethical workshops; to expose fundamental elements of a
bioethical topic on which teachers and students debate, reflect, and take perspective, in
Licencia CreativeCommons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
these they can share their personal experiences. In educational institutions it is necessary
to organize seminars or conferences, since their attendance and participation will be
important to be informed about bioethical dilemmas, which can be bibliographical or
developed through different sources, and the critical level of the positions should always be
present. In addition, formal courses encourage analysis and universal approaches to
bioethics through sessions of diverse ideologies as foundations for studying bioethics.
Creating research units is also beneficial because through the experience of the teacher or
students will help to experience and feel the needs of this subject of study.
2.1 Bioethical Principles
They are important for the good training of professionals in a society where scientific
progress prevails. According to the Bioethics Advisory Committee (2009) they mention that
"the ethical endorsement is essential for the supervision of a research project for the
welfare of living beings and compliance with bioethical protocols" (p. 23), which is
considered that institutions using animals should rely on this document for compliance with
bioethical protocols. According to the Bioethics Advisory Committee, environmental
legislation allows for regulation through national and international statutes designed to
protect the environment and enhance its ethical principles through standards. They are not
considered laws, but act within a regulatory framework (Bioethics Advisory Committee,
2009, p. 23). This leads to responsibility, another bioethical principle that implies the
proper practice of knowledge in bioethical regulations considered for the proper handling
of animals, as it takes as a principle the sustaining of the life of an animal or a person
(Bioethics Advisory Committee, 2009, p. 22).
Ethics committees in charge of coordinating and supervising activities and procedures
aimed at animal care, as well as related research projects should be governed by
institutional authorization according to their protocols (Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee, 2021, p. 13). With this, the principle of non-maleficence should be considered
prior to the use of animals, i.e., harm-benefit balance. The use of animals is acceptable when
their study is of significant importance (La Rosa, 2012, p. 253). Vilches and Zurita (2014)
establish the principles of ethics and teaching with animal models, as follows:
The use of animals should be avoided when there is an alternative
method that provides satisfactory results. The final benefit of the use of
experimental animals should be clearly defined in each protocol. Tests
that include animals as experimental models should be performed in
registered user establishments. The minimum number of animals
possible should be used in each trial to ensure statistically reliable results
(p. 16).
The following principles of ethics and teaching are based on animal welfare. Hence, there
must be a correct development of natural animal behavior, avoid using a maximum of
animals for experimentation, let those involved lead a dignified life, and let them always
comply with codes and principles for their mental, physical and emotional health.
Furthermore, in order to avoid any kind of suffering, it is necessary to look for different but
satisfactory alternatives.
2.2 Bioethical Principle of the Three Rs
Under the vision of sustainability and care in ethics, a set of strategies are presented on
which international law is based when using animals in demonstrative and experimental
practices. The principle of the three Rs (reduce, replace, refine) was established by Russell
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
and Burch (Cardozo and Mrad, 2008, p. 46). The purpose of these three principles is to
ensure that animals used for experimentation or demonstrative practices feel the least
possible suffering or harm in the pharmacological or dissection processes. Cardozo and
Mrad point out that the application of the three Rs implies an expression of values, quality
and validity at the level of research because it promotes an awareness of respect on the part
of researchers in the case of clinical experimentation or in students during the execution of
demonstrative practices (Cardozo and Mrad, 2008, pp. 46-71).
Strategies or alternatives
In vitro systems, audio-visual aids,
dead animals, slaughterhouse
equipment, models, software.
Animal model selection; sanitary
quality, environmental genetics;
cryopreservation, advanced
statistical methods, data bank,
access to specialized literature.
Animal care and welfare, personnel
skills and training, improvement of
pain detection methods, use of
anesthetics, analgesics and
tranquilizers or use of non-massive
techniques, early euthanasia, etc.
Table 1. Bioethical principles of the three Rs. Garcés and Giraldo (2012, p.162)
As shown in Table 1, each of the bioethical principles has a simple and understandable
definition for all audiences. It is also easy to understand that for each principle there is a
specific alternative to avoid, reduce or minimize pain and thus offer welfare guarantees to
the animal under study.
2.3 National and International Regulations
2.3.1 Animal Research Ethics Committee (CEIA) Universidad Central del Ecuador.
Functions of the CEIA-UCE
In the I Course on Research and Bioethics in Animal Experimentation Vargas mentions that
the functions established in the Committee are those that are directly related to the present
research work. B). To evaluate, from the approach of ethics and welfare for the animals
involved in the research, the methodological, ethical and legal aspects of the research and
degree programs and projects presented. C). To know and issue recommendations to the
guidelines for academic, research and social practices that include handling and
experimentation with animals. D). To train researchers and teachers in their tasks and
responsibilities regarding the ethical aspects of animal handling and experimentation, so
that they are incorporated in the micro curricula of the pertinent professorships, which
guarantee animal welfare. E). To guarantee that the personnel involved in animal handling
procedures have the appropriate training to carry out the tasks entrusted to them and to
execute the research protocol as established by the national and international regulations
in force. Or suggest professionals with the appropriate training. G). Ensure that the animals
subjected to research do not suffer unnecessarily and that they are provided, when
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
necessary, with analgesics, anesthetics or other methods designed to eliminate pain,
suffering or distress as much as possible (Vargas, 2023).
Of the nine functions established in the Committee, research work is related to six, that is,
to most of them. It is therefore necessary to work according to the functions established by
the CEIA in those mandatory practices that involve the handling of animals within the
training process of new professionals. According to the I Course on Research and Bioethics
in Animal Experimentation developed at UCE, the projects classified as exempt from review
must be reported by COIF to the president of CEIA and will be those that meet the following
Make use of inanimate animal models or simulation software in curricular teaching
Research projects involving observation of animals or biodiversity with or without
photographic or video recording. Studies that involve direct contact or observation
of endangered animals, other species in conservation or that inhabit natural and/or
protected areas in national or international territory will not be exempt from
Review and use of specimens deposited in museums and biological collections.
2.3.2 Organic Law on Animal Welfare (LOBA)
Today, it is universally accepted that the use of animals in teaching is unavoidable due to
learning objectives, which implies that it is necessary to examine the bioethical conditions
that make it permissible. Hernandez and Fuentes mention that the five rules that Marshal
Hall proposed in 1831 for scientific research were pioneering in establishing the goal of
reducing animal suffering in science (Hernandez and Fuentes, 2018, pp. 112-113).
Experimentation should not be performed if observation can be substituted for it.
No experiment should be performed without a clear objective.
Scientists, researchers and teachers should be well informed about the studies of
their colleagues, to avoid unnecessary repetition in the use of animals.
Justified experiments or practices should be carried out with as little pain as
Each experiment should be conducted under circumstances that give rise to clear
results that avoid repetition.
Therefore, the LOBA translates into an international guide of respect for animal life and
offers guidelines to teachers who need to carry out practices to ensure that these are
optimal and that the maximum possible benefit is obtained from them.
2.3.3 World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)
In the I Course on Research and Bioethics in Animal Experimentation, Vargas mentions that
the Terrestrial Animal Health Code established by the World Organization for Animal Health
(OMSA) issues guidelines for the use of animals in research and education, and recognizes
the essential role and accepts the use of live animals in research and education. The OMSA
animal welfare guidelines stipulate that the use of animals offers an important contribution
to human and animal welfare, as well as underlines the importance of the 3Rs. This
worldwide code accepts the use of animals for educational purposes, however, it does not
neglect the bioethical importance and therefore emphasizes the application of the 3Rs in
the execution of academic and research practices (Vargas, 2023).
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
2.4 Demonstrative and experimental studies with animals
In the 20th century, biomedical advances took place, with the appearance of anesthetics,
which facilitated the use of live animals in experimentation, reducing their pain. Nowadays,
society increasingly tends to demand that the welfare of animals be guaranteed during
experimentation and there are ethics committees that determine when a project can be
carried out with animals and under specific conditions. So it can be concluded that animal
experimentation has always existed, although it is true that it is increasingly practiced with
greater consideration for the animal (Vilches and Zurita, 2014, pp.5-9).
According to Vilches and Zurita as the years go by science and teaching about a field change,
i.e., nowadays as in ancient times animal experimentation has played a fundamental role in
the process of teaching and science. On the other hand, while experimentation has helped
to decipher multiple aspects of health and its preventive diseases, it has also left ethical
thoughts. That is why it is necessary to experiment based on certain protocols, articles, laws,
etc., that guarantee animal welfare. Animal experimentation is defined as the use of an
animal for a scientific purpose that may cause pain, suffering, distress, among others. These
experiments can even cause births with malformations. An experiment begins when an
animal begins to be prepared for its use and ends when no further observations are to be
made on said animal, in addition the satisfactory use of analgesics or anesthesia or other
methods, will not exclude the animal from being considered within this definition (Vilches
and Zurita, 2014, p. 4).
It refers to the process of subjection of an animal for some purpose, scientific or
demonstrative, however, the processes of experimentation are painful and traumatic for the
animal. It begins with the preparation, observation, stay, among other aspects, and ends
when it is no longer necessary to test the animal. It must be emphasized that all the analgesic
aspects do not compensate for the pain in experimentation. With respect to demonstrative
studies in educational institutions Arias, León and Reyes refer that "the use of animals for
teaching is a practice that has been carried out for many centuries and has contributed great
advances for the teaching of Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Zoology and Toxicology."
(Arias, Leon, & Reyes, 2015, para. 3). Using an animal in teaching aims to put into practice
theoretical concepts that allow the application in a model.
Given that the experimentation or use of animals in demonstrative practices are part of the
teaching processes in different subjects in the biological sub-branches to avoid the excessive
use of animals or the sacrifice of species that are in danger of extinction. Biotheriums are an
alternative because they are spaces with animals used for laboratory purposes "where they
are bred, kept and used for research as biological models. In it, species of mammals, birds,
reptiles, amphibians and fish are kept in environments that provide them with the
requirements and needs to survive and reproduce" (Vargas, Ambriz, Navarro, Trejo,
Rodríguez, & González, 2018, p. 9). In addition, this ranch shelters species with excellent
genetic and microbial quality previously studied in a laboratory. These animal farms
examine that the species used do not present criteria of vulnerability (extinction), are
domestic, of human consumption or of easy accessibility that are adjustable to the bioethical
criteria exposed in the experimentation or use of demonstrative practices with animals.
2.5 Alternative methods to the use of animals
The end of the 20th century saw an increase in in vitro teaching studies, with alternatives
accounting for more than 50%, as opposed to a decrease in the use of animals. This
achievement is due to various factors, both ethical, logistical, scientific and economic.
Among them are: audiovisual systems, computer simulations, virtual laboratories, virtual
Licencia CreativeCommons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
reality systems, in vitro tests, didactic material with preserved animals, where cell cultures
or serum are used to observe cellular and molecular reactions or human and veterinary
clinical practices, which allow the student to participate in the professional's routine.
However, the procedures are designed by the investigators themselves and are generally
not validated, so that the only requirement for approval is acceptance by reviewers at the
time of publication or if applying for research grants. However, legal compliance with
animal welfare protection and safety regulations is of imperative (Vilches and Zurita, 2014,
p. 42). In addition, Ortiz (2016) cited by Dewhurst (2005)):
He conducted an investigation to compare and evaluate the learning of
two groups of upper level students in physiology and pharmacology
classes at the University of Sheffield, UK. In one module of the physiology
course, on epithelial transport, one group used a computer program
simulating laboratory experiments, while the other was taught in the
traditional method using rats to learn about isolated sacs and discharges
from their small intestines. Apart from that difference, both groups were
given conventional lectures and attended seminars. The result of that and
several other studies reported by the researchers was that CAL
(computer-assisted learning) can be effective in replacing or enhancing
traditional laboratory lectures in undergraduate biomedical science
courses, and it is clear that replacing a proportion of traditional hands-
on lectures with computer simulators would not disadvantage students
and could, in fact, enhance their learning (para. 8).
In this paragraph the author analyzed the use of animals in higher education, the research
has two aspects, the first is pedagogical, which means that the option of using animals is
didactically equal, less or more effective than doing it without them, and the ethical
justification, which tries to answer the question of whether it is morally correct to use
and/or kill animals for students to learn. In the field of teaching, teaching strategies are
constantly changing and technology has become an indispensable tool for transmitting
knowledge. The changes have been manifested mainly in biology, anatomy, physiology or
related subjects, where the development of mathematical or virtual models that facilitate
the integration of information and visuospatial learning of the student is sought. These
alternatives favor the acquisition of knowledge without invasive manipulations on animals.
In the experimental field of action, the use of animals is replaced by cells and tissues.
However, in both fields it is stated that technology, in certain aspects, cannot replace the use
of animals. That is why knowledge of the Bioethical Norms is considered as the starting
point for the proper handling, manipulation and use of animals in the educational and
scientific fields.
2.6 Vivisection and Dissection
According to García, dissection is a technique that consists of separating an organism into
parts so that the structure and anatomical relationship with other species can be studied
(García, Mejías and Castillo, 1999, para. 4). When talking about education, for Montemayor,
dissection used as a way of learning "allows students to approach the object of study, the
human body, in a real context, where small anatomical variations, origin and trajectories
are highlighted" (Montemayor, 2008, p. 6). Therefore, it can be concluded that this method
has a long history and is currently used as a form of teaching in higher education. The term
"vivisection" derives from the Latin vivus, alive, cut, and refers then to the performance of
cuts or dissections in a living organism, which has been practiced with defenders and
Licencia CreativeCommons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
detractors in different periods of history, both in human and non-human animals. In
"antiquity vivisections were performed on death row inmates or prisoners; today it is clear
that this practice is not ethically acceptable" (Alvarez, 2007, para. 1).
3. Methods and materials
The study has a qualitative approach. It aims at the global analysis of the application of
bioethical criteria in demonstrative and experimental practices with animals. It is
descriptive because it characterizes a phenomenon that is the application of bioethical
criteria. It is a longitudinal study because it is carried out in the practices that are executed
during the course of the semester with the same students and teachers. It refers to a
laboratory study because it was carried out in a space of the Career destined to the
manipulation of biological samples, and which has the adequate infrastructure for it. It is a
feasible type of research, since it had the time, financial, human and material resources and
because it tends to provide a solution to a specific problem that is linked to the application
of bioethics in the career.
The interview technique was applied based on a questionnaire of six questions. These were
focused on: 1. Conditions of maintenance, 2. Position of the researcher regarding animal
sacrifice methods, 3. Bioethical training of the laboratory instructor, 4. Application of
bioethical criteria, 5. This research instrument was directed to 3 laboratory professionals
of the Pedagogy Career of Experimental Sciences, Chemistry and Biology. The questionnaire
was also applied to 1 external teacher expert in animal practices who has experience in
demonstrative and experimental practices, and is the Coordinator of the Ethics Research
Commission of the UCE.
An observation sheet with six dimensions and nine indicators was applied in the laboratory
in 32 practices with animals. The dimensions were: 1. Use of space for care, 2. Type of
animals used in the practices, 3. Organization of groups of students as a mechanism for
optimizing the number of animals sacrificed, 4. The nine indicators were: 1. domestication
status, 2. conservation status, 3. vulnerability status, 4. extent of distribution, 5. use of
virtual tools, 6. replacement of specimens, 7. reduction of specimens, 8. refinement of
specimens and 9. Actors in the teaching-learning process.
Finally, a survey was applied whose questionnaire was structured by 11 questions, related
to the six dimensions and 9 indicators mentioned above. This research instrument was
applied to a population of 155 students in their third, fourth and eighth semesters. The three
research instruments, survey, interview and observation form, were validated by three
expert professors, including the Biology Area Coordinator. The data were processed using
Atlas ti (interviews), Microsoft Excel (observation sheets) and Google Forms (surveys). The
analysis of the information was carried out through triangulation of the results between the
survey, interview and observation sheet.
4. Results
Conceptual standards
and scope of action
Animal housing
conditions: nutrition,
sanitary and spatial (T,
"Provide the animal with water
and food to carry out educational
practices" (D).
Licencia CreativeCommons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
Academic training (T, D)
Good practices (T, D, E)
"Basic sanitary measures such as
apron, gloves, dissection kit are
complied with" (T, D).
"There is no suitable space for
animal care" (T).
"Live species are not handled in
the laboratory because it does not
have the space or resources" (T).
"Our teaching and research
orientation has to focus on
bioethics" (D).
"In the faculty of veterinary
medicine, virtual atlases are used
and plastinated organs can be
requested" (D).
"We are in the obligation to train
ourselves to employ new methods
or protocols of bioethics and teach
students" (D, T).
"Hand manipulation to observe
limbs and external structures" (T,
"Euthanasia was never applied in
the course" (T).
Legal basis and
bioethical principles
Reduction (D, T, E)
Replacement (D, T, E)
Refinement (D, T, E)
Legal basis (D, T)
University Code of Ethics
(D, T)
"We work with collections or
preserved specimens from the
laboratory" (T, E).
"There is less use of animals in
demonstrative practices" (T, E).
"Animals are replaced by
computer models" (E).
"In the Organic Law of Animal
Welfare, the codes of ethics for
handling species are complied
with" (D).
"Animals for human consumption
that do not merit slaughter are
used" (T, E).
"It would be important to outline
animal bioethics in the code of
ethics" (T).
"The University has certain
regulations for animal handling;
however, bioethics is not
implemented due to lack of
information" (D).
Didactic material
Audiovisual tools (D, T,
"Most of the laboratory practices
use animal biological material" (T,
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Laboratory practices
with biological material
(T, E)
Laboratory practices
without biological
material (T, E)
"Alternative methods to the use of
animals are employed: 3D videos,
simulators, mock-ups, virtual
reality, preserved specimens,
taxidermic boxes" (T, E).
"The best teaching is
complemented with the
experimental part by applying the
principles of bioethics" (D, T)
Animal experimentation
Animal utilization (T, D,
Dissection (T, D, E)
Vivisection (T, D, E)
Working with specimens is
required because they contribute
significantly to student learning"
(D, T).
"Dissection techniques are applied
to dead specimens and vivisection
of insects" (T, E).
"It is possible to work with
collections or preserved
specimens available in the
laboratory" (T).
"It is necessary to have a balance
of when it is necessary to use a live
animal to sacrifice it in the
laboratory" (D, T).
Table 2. Dimensions and codes with relevant quotes. T= Technician; D= Teacher; E= Student.
With respect to the application of bioethical criteria in the demonstrative and experimental
practices with animals in this study, this was analyzed from the following dimensions: 1.
Conceptual standards and scope of action, 2. In the first instance, the results of the first
dimension corresponding to conceptual standards and field of action in experimental and
demonstrative laboratory practices using animals are presented (Figure 1). In this graph,
the triangulation of results between the survey, interview and observation sheet indicates
an association of three components: 1. Under the component of animal housing conditions,
three categories emerged: nutritional, sanitary and spatial conditions. It was evident that
the experts and interviewees were aware of the terminology and the aspects involved in
each of the categories. This is reflected in the expressions "provide the animal with water
and food", "maintain hygienic conditions to maintain the animal's integrity..." and "comply
with basic sanitary measures" indicated by the interviewees.
Similarly, there was criticism regarding the educational reality. The interviewees indicated
that the Central University of Ecuador does not have the space or infrastructure to establish
the bioethical conditions in a suitable manner and as stipulated in the International
Regulations, for nutrition, sanitary and spatial protocols. This is supported by the
expressions "there is no suitable space for animal care", "live species are not handled in the
laboratory because they do not have the space or resources" and "there is no classification
for waste in the laboratories" (See Figure 1). In the academic training component, a cause
called field of action is annexed, referring to research and teaching. The research shows that
there is continuous training of research teachers and implementation of new methods or
bioethical protocols. The teachers seek alternatives to animal experimentation, for example:
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
virtual atlases, plastinated
organs and courses for future professionals linked to bioethics.
Thus, the interviewees expressed expressions such as "in the Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, virtual atlases are used and plastinated organs can be requested", "we are obliged
to train ourselves to use new methods or protocols of bioethics and to teach students".
The codes corresponding to good practices are: restraint, injection, anesthesia, analgesia
and euthanasia. Restraint is one of the most commonly used practices, according to experts,
laboratory technicians and students. This is ratified by expressions such as "manipulation
with the hands to observe the extremities and external structures". It is also revealed that
injection, analgesia and anesthesia are the least used methods in good practices. The
analyzed group affirms that injection, analgesia and anesthesia are the best methods due to
their lethargy and decrease of pain in the animal. However, they are not frequently used due
to the demand of economic resources that they imply.
In euthanasia, there is a contradiction between the information collected from the
respondents, interviewees and the observation sheet. The students affirm that euthanasia
has been performed, but the technical teachers affirm that in the Pedagogy of Experimental
Sciences, Chemistry and Biology career, this practice has never been performed and the
concept is not addressed in its entirety during the experimental practices. The following is
the network of relationships within the dimension 1. Conceptual standards and field of
Figure 1. Conceptual standards and scope of action
It is evident that although the Universidad Central del Ecuador has supported the
implementation of training processes in the area of animal handling, it has neglected to
provide the necessary infrastructure for animal maintenance. Regarding the techniques
Plastinate is a technique of animal preservation through the formation of plastic models.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
used, it is clear that the best ones are injection, analgesia and anesthesia; however, the lack
of economic resources makes it necessary to use the restraint technique.
Regarding the second dimension related to Bioethical Principles, International Regulations
and the Code of Ethics of the Central University of Ecuador, three categories are considered
in the experimental and demonstrative laboratory practices that use animals. These
categories are shown in Figure 2 and are: reduction, replacement and refinement. In this
dimension it was specified that the three categories in the University are used in the
execution of practices on a smaller scale, in a limited way and adjusting to a great extent to
the basis of the principle. This is due to the fact that there is less use of demonstrative
practices. This is supported by the expressions "we work with preserved collections or
specimens available in the laboratory" and "there is less use of animals in demonstrative
practices". For this reason, improvement alternatives are sought with computer and
didactic models.
In addition to the above, the responsibility of the person, the integrity of the animal in
relation to demonstrative and experimental practices is added. It is pointed out that these
seek animal welfare, as well as the presentation of responsibility reports when using species
in experimentation or observations that are in accordance with the University's code of
ethics. From the legal principles, the interviewees were supported by the Organic Law of
Animal Welfare, International Regulations for Animal Research, Environmental Legislation
and the Code of Ethics of the University. This can be evidenced by expressions such as "the
Organic Law on Animal Welfare complies with the Codes of Ethics for handling species",
"Animals for human consumption that do not merit slaughter are used" and "it would be
important that the Code of Ethics outlines animal bioethics". It was clarified that it is not
necessary to work with a large number of species.
It should be noted that after the study of this second dimension, it was determined that
there is a Code of Ethics of the Universidad Central del Ecuador, as well as protocols, but not
an approved and current regulation that allows regulating demonstrative and experimental
practices with animals. The Code of Ethics in turn can regulate the links, research with the
use of animals and propose a bioethical profile that relates in a respectful and considerate
way the human and the animal and these can be extended to the level of faculties. Currently,
the Formative Research Commission and the Animal Research Ethics Committee as a
regulatory body (CEIA) are working on the Regulation to grant ethical endorsements and
carry with them the responsibility of complying with environmental legislation, the Organic
Law on Animal Welfare and the International Regulations for animal research.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
Figure 2. Legal Bases and Bioethical Principles
Through the work it has been determined that reduction, replacement and refinement as
components of the dimension studied, are used on a smaller scale and in a limited way, so
alternatives are sought with computer and didactic models. One aspect that is added to the
respect for animal integrity, in addition to those mentioned above, is the responsibility of
the person who performs the practices. The professionals who carry out practices with
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
animals are supported by international and national laws. For its part, the University is
working on the regulation to grant ethical endorsements for animal studies and thus comply
with the regulations.
With respect to the third dimension, related to didactic material as a replacement or
alternative to the use of animals in experimental and demonstrative laboratory practices
(Figure 3), it is indicated that there is the use of various materials. On the one hand, there
are audiovisual tools, laboratory practices without biological material and, on the other
hand, laboratory practices with biological material. In both cases, the existing alternative
material satisfies the learning demand because they complement each other. The
alternatives for the use of animals are specified in the use of videos, 3D videos, practices
with reality and computer simulators, mock-ups, preserved specimens and taxidermic
boxes, which are combined with demonstrative practices using biological material such as
prepared plates and specimens for human consumption.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
Figure 3. Didactic Material
Therefore, in this third dimension, there is the feasibility of having a variety of didactic
material that is combined with biological material, which favorably affects student learning.
It should also be noted that, although there are no approved internal legal regulations,
teachers have worked in accordance with the principles of international regulations.
The analysis related to the fourth dimension of study, called animal experimentation
practices, is shown in Figure 4. Here, it is indicated that animal experimentation carried out
in laboratory practices at a demonstrative level is necessary for students' training. This
affirmation is given because they contribute significantly to learning, to mental functions,
as well as to the relationship and comparison of anatomical structures. This is evidenced in
expressions such as "it is necessary to work with specimens since they contribute
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
significantly to the students' learning", "dissection techniques are applied to specimens and
vivisection of insects".
It is worth mentioning that the need to work with technological alternatives with
connections or preserved specimens was mentioned in order to have a balance between the
practices that require and do not require the use of animals. Expressions such as "it is
possible to work with collections or preserved specimens available in the laboratory" and
"there must be a balance between when it is necessary to use an animal and when
technological alternatives can be an option" were remarked.
Among the most used methods of animal experimentation, it was determined that
dissection is one of the most used at the level of demonstrative practices, while vivisection
is the least used method because it requires a live animal to be sacrificed in the laboratories.
The results were contrasted with the information obtained in the observation sheet, where
out of the 32 practices, dissection was applied in 22 of them, and vivisection was performed
on fly larvae in 7 practices. Among the specimens most used for animal experimentation are
those for human consumption because they do not require sacrifice and are more accessible
to students. Finally, three practices used exotic animals due to their protected and
vulnerable status. In addition to the contribution to the ecosystemic balance, field trips are
used to observe the fauna, taxidermic boxes and preserved specimens, which are kept at the
Gustavo Orcés Zoology Museum.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
Figure 4. Animal experimentation
In this dimension, emphasis is placed on the need to use live material because there is a
greater guarantee that students will achieve significant learning and contribute to the
relationship and comparison of anatomical structures. However, technological alternatives
and preserved specimens help to achieve a balance between practices that require animals
and those that do not. In relation to the most used methods in demonstrative practices,
dissection is the most common, while vivisection is the least used method. Finally, it should
be pointed out that the practices with exotic, protected or vulnerable organisms are not
used, but are alternated with field trips that allow observation of the fauna, preparation of
taxidermical boxes and preserved specimens.
5. Discussion
After the analysis of the application of bioethical criteria in the demonstrative and
experimental practices with animals, it was determined that in dimension 1. Restraint is the
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
animal technique most frequently used in the laboratory of the career. This is possibly due
to the easy understanding of the term and the simple application of this good practice by
the students. This is in agreement with what is expressed by Nicasio, Bermúdez, Lemus and
Salvador, who point out that among the practices of graduate students are restraint,
manipulation and sexing (Nicasio et al., 2021). This allows inferring that, although there is
a variety of practical aspects of manipulation in laboratory work with animals, nevertheless,
the restraint technique is a common procedure within the academic practices.
On the other hand, injection, analgesia and anesthesia as opposed to restraint were shown
to be the least employed codes. This is due to the demand of economic resources required
for their application. However, they are the best methods to decrease pain in the animal.
Varcellini and Principi state that the criteria for selecting the use of anesthetics and
analgesics depends on the animal biology, the experience of the person and the easy
acquisition of equipment and resources for the practice (Varcellini and Principi, 2021, pp.
236-239). According to what has been expressed, it can be evidenced that the economic
factor is one of the determining elements at the time of choosing the technique to avoid
suffering in the animal during its manipulation, and from the context it is determined that
this is a limiting condition, not only in the higher education center in which the research has
been carried out.
The bioethical principles of the "3Rs" (Reduction, Replacement and Refinement) are
important to apply in order to value the respect, care for the health and life of animals for
use in research and demonstrative practices. The principle of the three R's was established
by Russell and Burch. The aforementioned researchers state to reduce the number of
animals used, to replace live animal material with other techniques, to refine the techniques
to reduce animal suffering (Mrad, 2005, pp. 163-183; Sanchez, 2000, pp.199-208). The
bioethical principles of the "3Rs" are applied to a limited extent in the laboratories of the
Race. The most frequently applied principle is "Replacement", since alternatives to the use
of animals are sought. The options that help in the replacement of animals are audiovisual
tools, videos, 3D videos, computer simulators, among others. The use of didactic material
available in the laboratories, such as preserved specimens and prepared plates, allows the
practice of "reduction". In the absence of didactic resources, live animals must be used in
the practices as long as the experience is significant in the training of the students and the
specimen to be sacrificed is really irreplaceable.
Regarding "Refinement", it is a bioethical principle that in the career, the respondents
indicate that it is applied in the demonstrative practices. However, in the observation sheet
it was not possible to determine any procedure that allows ratifying what was expressed by
the surveyed population. Regarding what was stated, Martinez points out that "in some
cases the methods have been modified, including reduction and/or refinement, but
replacement methods are increasingly accepted" (Martinez, 2021, pp. 81-97). It can be
inferred from the above that the application of refinement methods is less frequent due to
the tendency to include other methods. One of the most used techniques in the present study
was dissection in animal structures. This is also supported by the results of an anonymous
survey applied by Romero-Reverón, where students described dissection as 52.22%
positive and 34.25% very positive (Romero-Reverón 2007, pp. 848-849). This shows that
dissection practices are a resource frequently used in laboratories that carry out
demonstrative practices.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN:2631-2875
6. Conclusions
With respect to the bioethical criteria in the demonstrative and experimental practices in
the laboratories of the Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences, Chemistry and Biology, these are
adjusted to the educational reality and to the economic situation of the students. They also
adhere to the procedures socialized in the University, since there is no specific regulation
governing the demonstrative practices established in the syllabus as an educational process
of professional training in the teaching of anatomical structures in various subjects.
Regarding the 32 laboratory practices in which animals were used, it is indicated that most
of them are animals for human consumption that are easy for students to acquire (cow, hen,
pig, bull, guinea pig, duck), which do not require sacrifice in the laboratory, but rather are
dead specimens where the dissection technique is used.
On the other hand, among the least used techniques is vivisection, which in the case of
practices is used with invertebrate animals for the study of fly larvae, cultivated in banana
by the students. Experimental practices in the career are not applied because the institution
has an educational purpose and not an experimental one. In addition, because within the
training of the students of the career there is a connotation of replicability in the educational
institutions of secondary education. In relation to bioethical management in demonstrative
practices that use animals, the bibliographic study indicates that these should be governed
by the International Regulations set forth by the UN, MERCOSUR, the Organic Law of Animal
Welfare (LOBA) and the Bioethical Principles associated to the 3Rs. Under the framework
of the National Legal Regulations, the environmental legislation, Municipal Ordinance and
the Ethics Committees formed in the higher education institutions, which are in charge of
regulating, regulating and supervising the demonstrative and experimental practices in
research and educational training processes. However, in the Pedagogy of Experimental
Sciences, Chemistry and Biology career, they still work under the criteria given by a
biosafety manual.
Finally, the study can be replicated in different faculties of the university to identify whether
the application of bioethics is part of the professional training of university students in
faculties that use animal organisms in their training.
We express our gratitude to the First International Congress of Experimental Sciences
organized by the Pedagogy Career of Experimental Sciences, Chemistry and Biology of the
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of the Universidad Central del
Ecuador, which took place from July 31 to August 4, 2023. Thanks also to the authorities,
teachers and students of the faculty for their support and facilities for the execution of this
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MARJORIE MURILLO-CUMBAL Degree in Chemistry and Biology Pedagogy from the
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of the Universidad Central del
Ecuador. Specialist in STEAM Education with focus on active methodologies. She has
participated in webinars and workshops on research and bioethics. She is the author of the
study on Bioethical criteria in demonstrative and experimental practices with animals. She
was a speaker at the I International Congress on Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences, 2023.
She currently teaches Biology at the John Osteen Educational Unit.
ANABEL VELASCO-CHALUISA Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences,
Chemistry and Biology from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of
the Universidad Central del Ecuador. She published an article in the indexed journal
MedWabe referring to the VIII International Congress of Research REDU, organized by the
Technical University of Ambato whose theme is "Index of relative importance as a method
for the hierarchy of variables within the learning of Chemistry practices in the Educational
Unit Nueva Esperanza Ambato-Ecuador, 2020" and was part of the project "Proposal for the
Creation of the Laboratory of Integral Research and Experimental Sciences" of the Pedagogy
Career of Experimental Sciences, Chemistry and Biology.
In addition, she has collaborated with the revision of projects of eighth semester students
in the subject Professional Ethics. She was part of the Quality Assurance Commission of the
Curricular Component. She also collaborated in the review of several projects of the
Formative Research Commission together with the Coordinator of the Life Sciences and
Human Health Area. She was part of the Academic and Organizing Committee of the I
International Congress on Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences.
ELIZABETH PÉREZ-ALARCÓN obtained her Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences,
High School Teacher specializing in Chemistry and Biology from the Faculty of Philosophy,
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 126-149, January- June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Letters and Educational Sciences of the Universidad Central del Ecuador in 1998. D. in
Biology from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences of the Universidad
Central del Ecuador in 2001. Specialist in Curriculum Design by Competencies at the
Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica (Ecuador) in 2010. Master in University Teaching
and Educational Administration at the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica (Ecuador) in
She is currently a full professor of the Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences, Chemistry and
Biology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of the Central
University of Ecuador. She has participated in research projects as director and adjunct
researcher, approved by the Research Department of the Universidad Central del Ecuador.
Her main research topics are in the area of Limnology and Science Didactics. She is author
of books and articles published in Latindex journals.