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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Measurement of the appropriation of learning
achievements in physics in virtual and blended
Medición de la apropiación de logros de aprehendizaje
en física en modalidades virtual y semipresencial
Jonathan Castro-Terán
Unidad Educativa Lev Vygotsky, Sangolq, Ecuador
Departamento de Investigación Educativa
(Received on: 10/08/2023; Accepted on: 1/10/2023; Final version received on: 08/04/2024)
Suggested citation: Castro-Terán, J. (2024). Measurement of the appropriation of learning
achievements in physics in virtual and blended modalities. Revista Cátedra, 7(2), 60-77.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the acquisition
of learning achievements in Physics in students of the Lev Vygotsky Educational Unit in the
city of Quito-Ecuador through the statistical analysis of standardized assessments. An
evaluation matrix was designed to record the learning achievement to be evaluated,
together with the corresponding code for its identification, level and type of achievement.
The instrument consisted of 20 multiple-choice questions with four options, covering
elementary, basic and advanced levels. The questions were grouped by topic and structured
to demonstrate the applicability of knowledge. Assessments were cumulative and included
all content covered during the first quarter of the 2021-2022 school year. Data were
collected through assessments validated by the institution's mediators and analysed to
identify significant differences between virtual and blended learning modes. The results of
mean comparison by means of the t-test indicated that there is no significant difference in
the appropriation of learning achievements between students who attended blended and
virtual classes. This study highlights the importance of effective pedagogical practices in the
appropriation of students' learning achievements regardless of the mode of study.
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Online learning, physics teaching, educational strategies, learning achievement, educational
purposes, school performance.
El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el impacto de la pandemia por covid-19 en la
adquisición de logros de aprehendizaje en Física en estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Lev
Vygotsky de la ciudad de Quito-Ecuador a través del análisis estadístico de evaluaciones
estandarizadas. Se diseñó una matriz de evaluación para registrar el logro de aprehendizaje
a evaluar, junto con el código correspondiente para su identificación, el nivel y el tipo de
logro. El instrumento consistió en 20 preguntas de opción múltiple con cuatro opciones,
cubriendo niveles elemental, básico y avanzado. Las preguntas se agruparon por temas y se
estructuraron para demostrar la aplicabilidad del conocimiento. Las evaluaciones fueron
acumulativas e incluyeron todo el contenido cubierto durante el primer quimestre del año
escolar 2021-2022. Los datos se recopilaron a través de evaluaciones validadas por los
mediadores de la institución y se analizaron para identificar diferencias significativas entre
los modos de enseñanza virtual y semipresencial. Los resultados de comparación de medias
por medio de la prueba t indicaron que no existe diferencia significativa en la apropiación
de los logros de aprehendizaje entre los estudiantes que asistieron a clases
semipresenciales y los que asistieron a clases virtuales. Este estudio resalta la importancia
de prácticas pedagógicas efectivas en la apropiación de los logros de aprehendizaje de los
estudiantes sin importar la modalidad de estudio
Palabras clave
Aprendizaje en línea, enseñanza de la física, estrategias educativas, logros de aprendizaje,
propósitos educativos, rendimiento escolar.
1. Introduction
The covid-19 pandemic has generated significant transformations in education around the
world, forcing educational institutions to adapt to non-traditional teaching methods. One of
the main adaptations has been the transition to virtual or blended learning modalities to
avoid the spread of the virus. With this, the need arises to evaluate learning in these
modalities, especially in high school students.
From this arises the need to investigate and contrast the appropriation of learning
achievements among students who attended blended and virtual classes. The purpose of
the study was to obtain valuable information for decision making in the educational field.
This paper shows the results of a study that compares the learning achievements of the
students of the Lev Vygotsky Educational Unit, in both modalities during the school year
2021 - 2022.
Although virtual education has gained ground in recent years, the pandemic has accelerated
its massive implementation. This raises doubts about its effectiveness compared to face-to-
face or blended learning. Consequently, it is necessary to evaluate learning in both
modalities to determine which is more effective during the pandemic and how educational
practices can be improved in this new context, leading to the following research question:
What are the effects of the covid-19 pandemic on the appropriation of learning
achievements in the subject of Physics by the students of the Lev Vygotsky Educational Unit
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
during the first quarter of the 2021-2022 school year? This is the central question addressed
in this paper, with the aim of ensuring quality education in the post-pandemic period. For
this purpose, the learning achievement assessments will be statistically analyzed in order
to implement effective pedagogical practices. In order to achieve this approach, the
following specific objectives have been defined:
To design standardized instruments for the evaluation of learning achievements in
the subject of Physics through a process of validation by experts.
To measure the appropriation of learning achievements in the subject of Physics
through the application of validated evaluations by experts to identify significant
differences between the virtual and blended learning modalities.
The hypothesis put forward for this study suggests that academic performance in the
assessment of learning achievement in the subject of Physics will be higher among students
who participated in blended classes compared to those who attended virtual classes during
the pandemic. It is expected that, direct interaction between students and teachers, together
with access to resources and materials in the classroom, will contribute to an improvement
in learning and, consequently, in academic performance, in contrast to those who
participated in virtual classes and might face distractions in the home environment during
virtual sessions.
In this study, we intend to demonstrate that one of the two educational modalities, either
blended or virtual, is more effective for students' learning. Through the evaluation of
cognitive and praxeutic
learning achievements in Physics of students in both modalities,
we seek to determine which of them allows a greater understanding and retention of the
contents, especially in the context of the pandemic and the need to adapt to new forms of
teaching. This research is also expected to provide recommendations to educational
authorities on the most appropriate modality to ensure effective learning in times of
The topic of learning assessment in different educational modalities in times of pandemic
and post-pandemic is of great interest due to the need to find effective solutions to
guarantee student learning in a context of uncertainty and constant change. The pandemic
has forced educational institutions to adapt quickly to new teaching and learning
modalities, which has generated a debate about the most effective pedagogical modality and
strategies for student learning. Therefore, it is essential to conduct studies to determine the
best way to ensure learning in post-pandemic times.
This manuscript is organized into six main sections. In the introduction, the general context
of the topic is presented and the problem addressed in this study is stated. Then, the general
objective and specific objectives, the hypothesis and the idea to be defended are established.
The generalities of Conceptual Pedagogy and the design of Learning Achievement are
addressed, as well as the guidelines for the creation of standardized tests. In the
methodology section, the sample is described, as well as the way in which data collection
was carried out and the statistical analysis used. In the results section, the findings of the
study are presented, accompanied by tables and figures for a better understanding of the
Praxeitive system is understood as the set of skills and abilities essential to process knowledge and
apply it in different contexts, therefore, it indicates what the student is able to do. Lev Vygotsky
Educational Unit (2018, p. 20).
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
findings. The discussion section focuses on the interpretation of the results and their
comparison with previous studies in the literature. Finally, the conclusions section
summarizes the main findings and offers recommendations for future research on the
2. Literature review
In this research we sought to analyze the effectiveness of two educational modalities during
the pandemic, so it is important to review previous studies conducted in this field and to
know the relevant theories and approaches for the analysis of the results. This theoretical
framework addresses the pedagogical approach governing the Lev Vygotsky Educational
Unit and online and blended learning education, as well as previous studies that have
evaluated the effectiveness of these educational modalities.
2.1 Conceptual Pedagogy
According to José Brito (2013), a pedagogical model is "a schematic representation of
reality, which guides decision-making in the design and development of the curriculum and
is an indicator of educational quality" (p. 7). Therefore, it is the set of features of an
educational institution that differentiates it from others.
At the Lev Vygotsky Educational Unit, the Conceptual Pedagogy model predominates, which
stems from the reflections of Miguel and Julián De Zubiría Samper on "what to teach" and
"how to teach" (De Zubiría and De Zubiría, 1995) based on the contributions of Vygotsky,
Piaget, Wallon, Luria, Merani, among others. The fundamental purpose of conceptual
pedagogy, being an ultramodern pedagogical model, is to form symbolic, loving, ethical,
talented, creative and affectively competent symbolic analysts. This model is supported by
a theoretical compendium on mentefacts, exceptional minds, instruments of knowledge,
intellectual operations, theory of the six readings and psychological minds (Lev Vygotsky
Educational Unit [LEV], 2020, pp. 45-49).
Figure 1 shows the conceptual mentefact of Conceptual Pedagogy in which Structural
Pedagogy is visualized as its supra ordinate, together with the essential characteristics that
differentiate it from Active Learning and Teaching for Understanding, and the applications
according to its subtheories.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Figure 1. Mind-set [[Conceptual Pedagogy]] Adapted: De Zubiría et al., 2019, Lev Vygotsky Educational Unit,
To achieve the objective of Conceptual Pedagogy, the Hexagon Model is used, which is a
technology of Curricular and Didactic Design where the pedagogical elements are defined,
that is, the elements that guide the educational process. The how of the process is also
determined, that is, the didactic elements. In the postulate, the didactic elements are
subordinated to the pedagogical ones. When referring to the pedagogical elements, it is
mentioned that the learning achievements (purposes), the indicators of success in learning
(evaluation) and the learning contents (teachings), become the purpose of the process, since
they express in a consequential way what is sought in the student, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Model of the curricular hexagon. Adapted from Castro, 2017
Semantic memory is not designed for the processing of large amounts of data and
information, “these can be memorized and retained as long as they are functional; then they
are discarded as ‘cortical garbage’ when this memory is full, so the retention time is short”
•Neurolinguistic pedagogy based on the Human Triangle.
•Loving (Affectively competent)
•Talented (Competence in the knowledge society)
•Politician (Committed to his social environment)
•Hexagon curriculum model
•Metacognitive learning
•Teacher as developer of thought
Significant learning.
Teaching for compression.
According to
Conceptual Cognitive
Integrated Conceptual
Instruments of
Theory of the
6 readings
6.Teaching Resources
What resources are necessary to
support the mind?
5. Methodology. (Strategies)
What logic should govern
teaching activities to guide the
mind and qualify performance?
1. Purposes
What learning achievements
should students achieve?
How to evaluate the evidence
that shows that a person has
achieved this performance?
What information structures do
you need to learn to rate
4. Didactic Sequence (Program)
What are the stages that must be
developed in teaching to qualify
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
(Brito Albuja, 2013, pp. 7-51; De Zubiría, 2000, pp. 14-39). For such reason, learning is
developed through instruments of knowledge and intellectual operations. “An instrument
of knowledge is a generalized learning that allows the comprehension of the world around
us; it abstracts reality into a complex mental tool that helps us to interpret situations and to
apprehend” (LEV, 2020, p. 42).
Intellectual operations allow the processing, utilization, exercise and application of the
instruments of knowledge. These intellectual operations are mental abilities that potentiate
each of the levels of thought for the creation of new structures and semantic relations, as
shown in Table 1. For this reason, it is necessary to teach simultaneously the intellectual
operations together with the instrument of knowledge to be taught.
Conceptual Pedagogy offers an important contribution regarding the teaching of knowledge
instruments by means of mentefacts. These focus on three fundamental areas: 1) cognitive,
which allows the understanding of the world through sciences; 2) affective, which refers to
the attitudes, affections and emotions necessary for human formation and motivations; and
3) praxeitive, which focuses on the skills and abilities necessary to process knowledge and
apply it.
Level of
Instrument of
Intellectual Operations
2 - 6 years
Introjection, Projection,
Nomination and De-
6 12 years
Encoding, Decoding,
Propositionalization and
12 14 years
Chain of
Induction, Deduction,
Transduction and
14 16 years
Derivation and Definition
16 18 years
Exclusion, Isoordination
and Infraordination
Table 1. Relationship between levels of thinking, instruments of knowledge and intellectual operations.
Adapted from: (Unidad Educativa Lev Vygotsky, 2020)
Each of these areas is related to the human triangle and are hierarchized according to the
level of thinking to be developed. The great advantage of mentefacts is that they allow the
development of thinking from an early age, organizing and categorizing the objects and
notions of the Popperian Three Worlds and transforming information into real knowledge.
In addition, they are a very useful didactic tool for transcending from particular information
to instruments of knowledge and generalizations that allow understanding the world.
Figure 3 shows the conceptualization of the mentefact.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
2.2 Learning Achievements
According to José Brito (2019) "a learning achievement is the action (ability) and,
sometimes, the operation (skill), which is manifested in its execution, realization or
performance" (p. 1) as a direct consequence of a teaching-learning process for the
acquisition of a competence. On the other hand, Kennedy (2007) states that "learning
achievements anticipate what students will be able to do with the learning, under what
conditions they will do it, and suggest evaluation criteria" (p. 19). These achievements guide
the choice of the evaluation system, the selection of teaching content, teaching and learning
strategies and activities, as well as the selection and use of resources.
For the Ministry of Education of Ecuador (2019) the learning achievements.
They are those that identify the capacities associated with the areas of
knowledge, practices and experiences of the area and/or subject in the
corresponding sublevel; they constitute the previous steps towards the
achievement of the general objectives of the area. The objectives of the
area by sub-level cover the set of learning of each area in the
corresponding sub-level. (p. 21)
Figure 3. Conceptualization of mentefact. Adapted from: De Zubiría et al., 2019
In the case of Conceptual Pedagogy, curricular characteristics are defined by learning
achievements, which include the acquisition of knowledge, skills and formative
competencies. This pedagogical model is context-focused and interdisciplinary. In addition,
it focuses on the needs of the labor market, unlike the traditional curriculum that focuses
representation of
Visual representation of
organized information.
Activates semantic memory.
Representation of hierarchical
knowledge instruments,
Structured by intellectual processes
(intellectual operations)
Complies with factual rules.
Semantic map
Conceptual map
According to levels of
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
only on the knowledge to be transmitted to students. Moreover, according to the European
Center for the Development of Vocational Education and Training (2011) the definition of
learning achievements promotes teaching and learning practices in different places and
through different strategies, always learner-centered (pp. 3-4).
For learning achievements to become the “generic outcome statements of what a learner is
expected to have achieved at the end of a level of learning” (Moon, 2004, p. 3), emphasis
should be placed on the learner's ability to perform an action, expressing it in terms of the
human dimensions: affectivity, cognition and praxis. Each outcome should include a single
action verb, followed by its complement and a context sentence. Precision in the wording
implies avoiding ambiguous terms such as knowing, comprehending, learning or
understanding; being related to the competencies selected and adapted to the educational
level. In addition, they should be stated in such a way that the degree of acquisition by the
students can be checked. According to Royo (2010) to formulate them, it is necessary to
include a verb that indicates the action, one or several terms for the object of the action, and
others to express the level of detail, character or context of the execution (p. 20).
2.3 Learning assessment
Evaluation is a key element that indicates the level of achievement of the established
purposes, the effectiveness of teaching, students' progress and the effectiveness of the
didactic resources used. In addition, it allows reflection on the planning and development
of the educational process (De Zubiría et al., 2019). According to Julian De Zubiría (2015)
evaluation must contemplate the three human dimensions. In this sense,
a description and explanation of the current level of development is
required, taking into account the context and the personal, social and
family history of the person being evaluated. In addition, it is important
to prioritize the assessment of modifiability and to recognize that
assessment is necessarily an intersubjective process. The quality of the
assessment is based on the proposed objectives having appropriate
criteria and instruments, so that the diagnosis allows the selection of the
most appropriate option (pp. 233-241).
Experts in educational assessment assign three purposes: to diagnose, to form and to add
up.Standardized tests are considered a valuable tool for assessment, as they have been used
and maintained according to educational and social needs for content standardization.
According to George-Reyes (2020) these tests are used to verify the learning achieved by
students, as well as to obtain indicators to compare the educational systems of different
regions or even countries (p. 420).
For the design of standardized assessments, a methodological framework is defined to make
the assessment operational and to provide precise guidelines for structuring the
instrument. This methodological framework contains information on the types of
assessment, items, instruments, scoring rule, cut-off points and assessment time, as shown
in Table 2. (INEVAL, 2021, pp. 11-14).
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Target population
Characterization of the subjects to whom the
evaluation will be applied, considering age group and
referential number of the target population.
Type of assessment
Identification of the purpose of the evaluation
according to the evaluating agent, the use of results or
the moment of application.
Type of items
Selection of the type of item, number of plausible
answers and number of correct answer options.
Number of items
Determination of the number of items proposed.
Type of instrument
Establishment of the type of instrument to be used in
the evaluation.
Time of assessment
Specification of the duration of the evaluation based
on data from past evaluations or pilot evaluations.
Cognitive levels
Specification of the cognitive levels of the taxonomy
or theory to be used, as reflected in the instrument.
Calculation of cut-off
points and scoring rule
Indication of the minimum cut-off point above which
the subject will be considered to pass or fail the
evaluation, including the qualification rule.
Evaluating agent
Definition of the person or institution that will apply
the evaluation instrument; in case there are different
roles, the function of each participant is described.
Establishment of the necessary regulations to
guarantee adequate levels of reliability in the
application of the evaluation according to the
population and the modality of application of the
Table 2. Components of the methodological framework for a standardized assessment. Adapted from:
(INEVAL, 2021, pp. 11-14)
2.4 Pandemic Education
The covid-19 health crisis forced governments to implement control measures to reduce
the spread of the virus, such as social isolation (Fong et al., 2020, p. 977), suspension of
economic activities (Rahman et al., 2020, p. 2), mandatory use of masks, border closures
(Lau et al., 2020, p.8), reduction of transportation services (Tirachini and Cats, 2020, p. 15)
and, of course, discontinuation of face-to-face mode in educational institutions (Crawford,
2020, p. 20).
Despite this, educational institutions have implemented strategies to continue academic
programs through virtual education. However, this modality presents problems such as the
lack of technological resources on the part of students, reflecting the economic limitations
they face and restricting their access to connectivity and digital media at home. In addition,
for Sánchez-Almeida et al (2021) mandatory social isolation as a preventive measure also
affects the performance of students in virtual environments, as well as in the emotional
sphere and in the family environment (p. 695).
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Thus, this opens the debate on the possible benefits and risks of excessive exposure of
students to technologies due to online education. Torres-Toukoumidis et al. (2021)
highlights the lack of dynamics and practical interactions and admits that this modality
does not provide a safe environment to develop thinking and comprehension skills (p. 3).
Compared to more conventional pedagogical approaches, where teaching is done
unilaterally from teacher to student (implying passivity), virtual or blended environments
encourage more interactive communication between both parties. However, to achieve this,
active techniques that promote more participatory learning must be applied, otherwise the
potential offered by ICTs would be wasted. The construction of knowledge in these virtual
environments highlights the importance of collaboration and mutual support among
members of the educational community, which contributes positively to teaching and
learning, as well as to the intellectual enrichment of all those involved. In fact, Hinojo &
Rodríguez Fernández (2012) state that many of the new educational strategies are based
on cooperation in learning, such as group learning, peer tutoring or collaborative learning
(p. 162).
3. Methods and instruments
3.1 Research design
The present research used a transectional non-experimental quantitative approach. This
was because no variables or study categories were manipulated and a single measurement
was made through the application of the Assessments of Appropriation of Apprehension
Achievement in the subject of Physics. In addition, a correlational-causal approach was used
to define the relationships between the modality of study and the level of appropriation of
learning achievement at a single point in time, establishing causal explanations (Álvarez,
2020; Huaire, 2019).
3.2 Population
The group of participants in this study were students from Eighth Grade of General Basic
Education (EGB) to Third Grade of General Unified Baccalaureate (BGU), legally enrolled,
and 442 students took the assessments of Appropriation of Learning Achievement in the
subject of Physics, whose distribution by level and modality is shown in Table 3.
Students in Semi
Students in Virtuality
Eighth Grade
Ninth EGB
Tenth EGB
First BGU
Second BGU
Third BGU
Table 3. Population distribution
One student was excluded from this group, who has curricular adaptations of level III,
because he has medical conditions related to Refractory Epilepsy with Intelligence
Quotient (IQ) of 73.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
3.3 Data Collection Techniques and Instruments
For this research, the Assessments of Appropriation of Learning Achievement were used as
the main instrument. The Lev Vygotsky Educational Unit carried out a face-to-face
evaluation of the basic subjects with the objective of analyzing the impact of the blended
and virtual classes on the students. The results of the evaluation made it possible to
establish comparisons on the academic performance of both populations and conclusions
were reached that have been useful for the design and development of an Institutional
Educational Quality Improvement Plan. The evaluations sought to verify the levels of
appropriation of the knowledge instruments developed in the subjects, but this research
focuses on the results obtained in the subject of Physics during the first quarter of the 2021-
2022 school year.
3.4 Procedure
The instrument was designed according to the Learning Achievement Appropriation
Assessment Plan Matrix. The mediators recorded the learning achievement to be evaluated,
together with the corresponding code for its identification, the level (Elementary, Basic
and/or Advanced) and the type of achievement (Praxeutic or Cognitive), as well as the
wording of the question and the response options. Each instrument consisted of 20
multiple-choice questions with 4 response options, only one of which was true. The
questions were grouped by themes, covering several levels and distributed as follows: 10
items on elementary level apprehension achievement, 7 items on basic level apprehension
achievement, and 3 items on advanced level apprehension achievement.
The items were structured with the objective of demonstrating students' appropriation and
applicability of knowledge, avoiding focusing only on the application of formulas or
memorization without reasoning. In addition, cumulative evaluations were carried out,
which included all the contents addressed during the first quarter of the 2021-2022 school
Once the Planning Matrices were elaborated, the teachers sent to the assistant principals of
each level to perform a first review and correction on the structure of the questions. Each
reviewer analyzed whether the question was related to the topic proposed in the Pre-
Learning Triangle, the Pre-Learning Achievement Matrix, the contents developed in the Pre-
Learning Notebook and the measurement of applicability of the Intellectual Operations
and/or Knowledge Instruments taught in class. In order to carry out this review, the Matrix
to evaluate Instruments was used.
Once the planning was approved, the mediators created the evaluation instrument based on
a template provided. Other mediators from the same field and teaching at other levels
reviewed these documents. At this stage, it was verified that each question had only one
answer and that it was related to the learning objectives set by the area for each level.
3.5 Data processing
For the treatment of the data collected in this research, the statistical software R was used,
which is a language and environment for computational statistics (R Core Team, 2022).
Several statistical tests were applied to compare the results of the evaluations between
students who attended blended classes and students who attended virtual classes. First, the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for two samples was used to verify whether the distribution of
the data in both modalities was normal. Subsequently, Levene's test for homogeneity of
variances with center at the median was applied to assume equality of variances between
samples. Finally, the T-test for two independent samples was used to determine if there
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
were significant differences between the results of both modalities, establishing a
significance level of 0.05.
The data obtained were presented in tables and graphs to facilitate their understanding and
analysis. In addition, descriptive analyses were carried out to calculate measures such as
the mean, median and standard deviation of the results obtained in the evaluations. All
statistical analysis was performed in accordance with the specific objectives and hypothesis
stated in this research.
4. Results
After the application of the instrument, the database was organized in order to analyze the
scores and create tables and graphs with the help of R software.
Figure 4 shows the results obtained in the evaluation of cognitive and praxical achievement,
divided into 6 parts corresponding to the three levels of educational achievement evaluated.
Each part of the graph represents the concentration of the number of successes according
to the blended or virtual modality in each of the levels. In general, a similar trend can be
noted between both modalities, where the number of correct scores in the basic and
elementary cognitive achievement levels are quite similar; however, the blended mode
presents a slight advantage in the basic and advanced achievement levels.
Figure 4. Percentage of successes according to modality, type and level of learning achievement
Figure 5 presents a comparison between the blended and virtual teaching modalities, in
terms of the level of student learning achievement in the levels of Upper Basic and High
School. In Upper Basic, a similar distribution can be observed in elementary and basic
achievement, but with a slight advantage for the blended learning modality as of 10
Distribution of the number of correct answers
By level and type of achievement
Relative density
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
successes. As for advanced achievement, the virtual modality stands out with a prevalence
in this category.
At the baccalaureate level, there is an uneven distribution in advanced achievement, but a
higher proportion of correct answers is observed in the virtual modality. However, for
elementary and basic level achievement, the distribution is more balanced between the two
Figure 5. Percentage of successes according to modality, level of achievement and educational level
Figure 6 shows a graph divided into 12 parts, showing the results of students from different
educational grades in relation to the levels of learning achievement. In Tenth grade, there is
no significant difference between both modalities, but this distribution changes for the
lower grades according to achievement level. In Bachillerato, the blended learning modality
presents better results in most achievement levels, presenting very marked concentrations
of successes.
Distribution of the number of correct answers
By level and type of achievement
Relative density
B. Higher
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Figure 6. Percentage of successes according to modality, grade and level of learning achievement
Table 4 presents the results of three statistical tests carried out to evaluate the differences
between the teaching modalities in terms of the hits obtained by the students. The purpose
of these tests was to determine the normality of the sample distribution, as well as the
differences in the variances and means of the scores according to the study modality.
test for two samples
Compare the observed
cumulative distribution
function of hits by mode
with a theoretical normal
D =
0.482 < 0.05
Levene's test for
homogeneity of variances
with center at median
Calculate the equality of
variances for the
F =
0.03913 < 0.05
T-test for two
independent samples
Test whether the means
of the modality-
dependent hits are
equal or not.
t = -
0.5838* > 0.05
Table 4. Statistical tests employed. (* presents a confidence interval of [-3.4814; 1.9647])
Distribution of the number of correct answers
By level and type of achievement
Relative density
First BGU
EighthSecond BGU
EigThird BGU
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
5. Discussion
In this section, the results obtained through the analysis of the data collected in the study
were discussed. The differences found between the teaching modalities in terms of cognitive
and praxetive achievement were examined, and the possible reasons behind these
differences were explored. In addition, the implications of these findings for online and face-
to-face education were discussed, as well as recommendations for improving the quality of
teaching in both modalities.
The perception of the blended modality as more effective relative to the virtual modality
may be based on the fact that the in-person interaction and support provided in this
modality may have a positive impact on student performance compared to the virtual
modality. In addition, feedback is given in a better way in the blended mode, since the
teacher can interact more directly with the student and provide a more personalized and
effective response. However, it is important to keep in mind that the effectiveness of each
modality may vary depending on factors such as the quality of the educational material and
the teacher's ability to adapt to the online platform.
The results of the statistical tests indicate that the value of: D = 0.10833 and that, p-value =
0.482 >0.05, suggesting that the distribution is normal for Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.
Furthermore, for Levene's test that evaluates the homogeneity of variances between the
two apprehension modalities, using the median as the center; the results showed that: F =
4.3025 and that, p-value = 0.03913 < 0.05, suggesting that it can be assumed that the
samples are homocedastic.
Through the t-test for two independent samples, it is evaluated whether there is a
significant difference in the hits obtained according to the study modality. The t-value
obtained in the test was -0.5486, indicating that the difference between the means of the
two groups is not significant. Furthermore, p-value = 0.5838 > 0.05, which means that, there
is not enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis: the means of the hits are equal for both
modalities. That is to say, no significant differences were found between the successes
obtained by the students in the blended and virtual modalities in terms of their mean.
According to the results obtained in the evaluation of appropriation of learning
achievements in both study modalities, there is no significant difference in the
appropriation of these achievements by the students. It is important to emphasize that this
similarity in the results is not due to differences in the environment or resources, but rather
to the importance of the learning achievements as a guide for teaching. In this sense, the
implementation of Conceptual Pedagogy, which emphasizes the clarity of learning
objectives and their follow-up, may have contributed to the homogeneity of the results
obtained in both study modalities.
The present investigation demonstrates that the study modality does not have a significant
effect on the acquisition of learning. However, it is important to reflect on the importance of
the didactic components that influence educational success. In this sense, a change in the
current perspective is proposed, emphasizing the importance of teaching objectives or
purposes, in order to then design pedagogical activities and strategies to achieve these
objectives. Finally, special attention should be paid to the evaluation process, considering
that it not only allows measuring the learning acquired, but also provides valuable
information to provide feedback to the teaching process and adjust the objectives and
strategies in a timely manner. In this way, the success of education can be guaranteed,
regardless of the study modality used.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 60-77, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
In education, it is essential that students acquire knowledge, not just information.
Knowledge refers to the deep and meaningful understanding of concepts, while information
is simply the accumulation of data. The results obtained in learning depend on the
development of the instruments of knowledge through mentefacts, that is, cognitive tools
that allow the construction and understanding of complex knowledge. Therefore, it is
important that teachers teach students how to structure information to consolidate
knowledge and its applicability.
6. Conclusions
1. The covid-19 pandemic did not significantly affect the appropriation of learning
achievements in the students of Higher Basic and Baccalaureate of the Lev
Vygotsky Educational Unit in the subject of Physics, during the 2021-2022
school year.
2. The instruments designed and validated by experts are reliable and valid for the
evaluation of learning achievements in the subject of Physics.
3. No significant differences were found in the appropriation of learning
achievements between the virtual and blended learning modalities, with respect
to the mean number of correct answers.
4. The hypothesis is partially accepted, since a slight advantage was found in the
academic achievement of students who attended blended classes compared to
those who attended virtual classes in basic and advanced achievement levels.
However, no significant differences were found in the appropriation of learning
achievements between the two modalities.
Among the limitations encountered, it should be noted that the assignment of students to
the study modalities (virtual and blended learning) was not random but depends on factors
such as the availability of technological resources or geographic location determined by the
context of each student. On the other hand, the emotional situation of the students was not
taken into account as an intervening variable, and it is possible that it influenced the results
obtained and were not controlled in the study.
Based on the results and findings of this study, future research can be proposed taking into
account a longitudinal study, in which the sample of students at different educational levels
and in different areas of study is expanded, in order to evaluate whether the results obtained
in this study are applicable to other subjects and educational levels. Likewise, the evaluation
of the quality of virtual education can be deepened by means of a study that relates it to the
factors that can influence its effectiveness, such as course design, interaction with the
teacher, among others.
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JONATHAN CASTRO-TERÁN has a Bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences with a major
in Physical Mathematics and a Master's Degree in Didactics of Mathematics for Secondary
and High School, he is a leading expert in educational evaluation, educational innovation
and didactics of Mathematics. With extensive academic and teaching experience, he has
worked in the Ministry of Education of Ecuador, participating in the development of the
contents of the Technical Evaluation Sheets and in the design and validation of evaluations.
His work as assistant director and teacher at the Lev Vygotsky Educational Unit -
Rumiñahui, together with his research on the development of talent in formal education and
the appropriation of learning achievements in the pandemic, demonstrate his commitment
to education. He has been a speaker at various educational congresses and has received
recognition, such as his outstanding participation in the 2020-2021 Educational Excellence
Competition. His dedication and training make him a highly qualified speaker in
mathematics and educational innovation.