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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Intrinsic motivation and its impact on the
academic performance of university students
in Ecuador
La motivación intrínseca y su incidencia en el
rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios
de Ecuador
Alfredo Figueroa-Oquendo
Universidad Nacional del Chimborazo,
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Humanas y Tecnologías, Riobamba, Ecuador
(Received on: 06/09/2023; Accepted on: 30/10/2023; Final version received on: 09/01/2024)
Suggested citation: Figueroa-Oquendo, A. (2024). Intrinsic motivation and its impact on the
academic performance of university students in Ecuador. Revista Cátedra, 7(1), 52-72.
Education is currently immersed in a changing world, which supports the importance of
implementing different strategies that prioritize the interests and encourage intrinsic
motivation of students to achieve educational goals through the use of innovative
techniques and strategies such as gamification, with the purpose of acquiring knowledge in
a more active, participatory, autonomous and dynamic way. In this way, the development
of skills and abilities that contribute significantly to the improvement of academic
performance will be enhanced. In order to go deeper into this topic, the research was
proposed with the objective of developing intrinsic motivation through gamification
strategies, evidencing its incidence on the academic performance of students in the second
semester of the Pedagogy Career of a university in Ecuador. The study was developed under
a quantitative approach, with a quasi-experimental method of correlational type,
approaching a sample of 129 students, divided into two groups, a control group with 65
members and an experimental group with 64. The information was collected through the
application of a pretest and a posttest that led to the design of a proposal implemented to
the experimental group. The main results showed that intrinsic motivation developed with
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
gamification activities is positively related to academic performance, since it is a
fundamental contribution to the integral preparation of university students.
Academic performance, strategies, gamification, intrinsic motivation, university education.
La educación actualmente se encuentra inmersa en un mundo cambiante, lo que sustenta la
importancia de implementar diferentes estrategias que prioricen los intereses y fomenten
la motivación intrínseca de los estudiantes para alcanzar las metas educativas mediante el
uso de técnicas, y estrategias innovadoras como la gamificación, con el propósito de que el
conocimiento sea adquirido de manera más activa, participativa, autónoma y dinámica. De
esta manera, se potenciará el desarrollo de capacidades y habilidades que aporten de forma
significativa a la mejora del rendimiento académico. Para profundizar en este tema se
planteó la investigación con el objetivo de desarrollar la motivación intrínseca a través de
estrategias de gamificacn, evidenciando su incidencia en el rendimiento académico de los
estudiantes del segundo semestre de la Carrera de Pedagogía de una universidad del
Ecuador. El estudio se desarrolló bajo un enfoque cuantitativo, con el método
cuasiexperimental del tipo correlacional, abordando una muestra de 129 estudiantes,
divididos en dos grupos, uno de control con 65 integrantes y otro experimental con 64. La
información se recolectó a través de la aplicación de un pretest y un postest que propició el
diseño de una propuesta implementada al grupo experimental. Los principales resultados
mostraron que la motivación intrínseca desarrollada con actividades de gamificación se
relaciona positivamente con el rendimiento académico, pues es un aporte fundamental a la
preparación integral de los estudiantes universitarios.
Palabras clave
Motivación intrínseca, estrategias, gamificación, rendimiento académico, educación
1. Introduction
Motivation is "an important element to be considered in the teaching-learning process,
focused on encouraging the realization of creative activities, through a fully conscious
action" (Alemán et al., 2018, p. 1257). Therefore, Castro et al. point out that educational
practice should be oriented towards the development of interest as an elementary factor for
the acquisition of knowledge, a fundamental aspect in training, since it has been estimated
as one of the most effective processes in the achievement of knowledge, empowerment of
skills and abilities, the formation and strengthening of persistence, and permanence for the
graduation of students as future professionals (Castro et al., 2020, p. 31).
In general terms, motivation can arise through two processes: intrinsic or extrinsic. In this
specific case, intrinsic motivation is addressed, considered as one of the most important
factors that drives a person to take on certain actions and persevere in their achievements,
continuing to perform them until previously established goals and objectives are reached.
According to Fischer et al. (2019) it is the factor that presents an "inherent tendency in the
search for novelty and challenge, to develop and exercise one's abilities, to explore and
learn, which leads to the achievement of purposes in accordance with one's own desire" (p.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
2). That is, this type of motivation is the one that allows performing an activity for the
satisfaction of achieving it, without obligation or external reward.
What according to Virtanen et al. (2018) is what focuses a person with a strong intrinsic
motivation to be "more willing to implement different cognitive strategies to implement the
actions required in the advancement of the learning process, leading to the achievement of
high levels of commitment and self-regulation" (p. 985). That is to say, through intrinsic
motivation one seeks to achieve a purpose, in this case aimed at completing a university
degree, demonstrating personality in the achievement of goals, aspirations and academic
objectives. In itself, intrinsic motivation affects the desire to learn, evolve, improve and
increase learning and knowledge, against which one must assume one's own initiative when
giving assertive answers in the resolution of problems and every situation that arises.
Therefore, developing intrinsic motivation in students promotes creativity, curiosity, effort,
and continuous participation, and fosters the consolidation of knowledge, satisfaction for
the achievement of objectives and the success obtained. It is important to generate a link
between internal motivation and academic performance, that is to say, that its function is
elemental for the achievement of the effort to enhance the students' interest in their
professional training and personal development.
However, considering that it is a fact that motivation influences the achievement of learning,
it is vital to understand that the lack of intrinsic motivation is determinant for the
achievement of educational success or failure of students, to the point that one of the
objectives of teachers is to achieve motivation, since it is evident that the lack of it is one of
the main causes to be assessed in the face of student failure, specifically when it is based on
the gap that is established between the actors of the educational event. However, according
to Alemán et al. in the university environment, the relationship between teachers and
students is usually distant and impersonal, the approach within this educational system
does not allow focusing on the subject who learns, but rather university training tends to
emphasize the importance of learning, and the interaction between the teacher and the
curricular contents (Alemán et al., 2018, p. 1261). This model is currently developing in a
society whose purpose is immersed in a globalizing process, which faces interests of a
quantitative nature and the technical management of information, which leaves aside the
system of construction and transmission of knowledge in a way that recognizes and values
the learner, who is provided with a more humanized experience.
In other words, the dynamics of the school context are of utmost importance for the
academic and personal success of students. The quality of the relationships established
within this environment will influence motivation, commitment and performance in the
learning process. Therefore, it is essential that teachers establish close ties with their
students, based on mutual respect, empathy and trust in order to offer them the necessary
support and foster their integral development.
In this way, a positive and enriching learning environment will be promoted for the
students. Intrinsic motivation is definitely influenced by the interaction of several factors
that maintain a specific function and where this type of interactions and punctual
relationships can generate unpredictable results. Therefore, through intrinsic motivation,
students can be driven to try harder, to actively seek knowledge, and to persevere through
challenges. This supports the importance of cultivating this type of motivation in the
classroom to promote successful learning.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
In this sense, paraphrasing Abreu and De la Cruz, it is important to know the level of intrinsic
motivation of students, since it is possible to promote the implementation of effective
interventions to strengthen ethical and moral values that encourage and promote their
intellectual and emotional development. What is assumed as an essential determinant in
the integral formation of students towards a successful graduation from the different
university careers as future professionals (Abreu and De la Cruz, 2018, p. 478). That said,
according to Lorente, it can be observed that the development of intrinsic motivation is
easier to achieve when it is associated with personal interest. For this, it is necessary that
they are aware of why they learn, what is the need to learn and how they can apply the
knowledge in a practical way, not only as future professionals, but beyond this, in the daily
life and the context in which they develop (Lorente, 2019, p. 11).
Bernate and Guativa point out that in the area of pedagogical training, where this work
focuses, it is essential to develop intrinsic motivation in students, so that they can be formed
within theory and practice, adopt, set high goals, acquire scientific knowledge, promote and
contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in a particular way, community, and
before society in general, within the process of university training (Bernate and Guativa,
2020, p. 151). In addition to this, especially in higher education, "technology is increasingly
merging with pedagogy by incorporating the use of digital resources, adopting student-
centered training models" (Yigzaw et al., 2019, p. 2). On this, more tools, techniques, and
strategies have been used with the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the
formative and educational process at this level, leaving behind practices typical of
traditional systems, developing processes where the student is the real protagonist, all
implemented under updated, innovative, dynamic, creative and interactive methods.
Thus, Revelo mentions that the educational processes carried out in the different university
training careers should lead and be an example of development, and progress of future
education professionals, showing them the ways in which they can integrate new methods,
resources and teaching strategies to the educational processes (Revelo, 2018, p. 9). For his
part, Carrión mentions that this is why it is expected that the activities designed under the
gamification approach manage to provide the student with tools and strategies that allow
them to be considered as innovative proposals, as a real and practical teaching alternative,
in order to encourage and promote the intrinsic motivation of this student population in
improving academic performance (Carrión, 2018, p. 13).
Gamification as a didactic resource proposes the purpose of guiding participants to the
achievement of an objective through the modification of behaviors, propitiating the
acquisition of new knowledge, as well as improving skills and abilities, helping them to
responsibly assume the performance of the proposed activities (Smiderle et al., 2019; Trejo,
2019). To achieve these purposes, participants will complete the previously established
challenges, following the rules indicated at the beginning of the game, which awakens
motivation and interest, and promotes the achievement of the expected results.
It is relevant to indicate that, within the framework of gamification, feedback is provided,
which reinforces learning, and thus productivity and academic performance (Heredia et al.,
2020; Reyes and Quiñonez, 2020). It is therefore undeniable, as Oliva states in his research,
that the effect of this strategy on the involvement and active performance of students is
highly significant, since it allows them to feel emotionally motivated to participate in the
development of the activities planned through these resources and the results of the
processes leading to the acquisition of more meaningful, practical, effective and sustainable
learning (Oliva ,2018).
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Consequently, from these approaches a series of research questions arise: how does the
development of intrinsic motivation through gamification activities impact on the
improvement of academic performance of university students, how does a gamification
activities guide stimulate the development of intrinsic motivation in the improvement of
academic performance of university students, what evaluation mechanisms allow assessing
the impact of the proposal designed for the development of intrinsic motivation through
gamification in the improvement of academic performance of students, and what are the
evaluation mechanisms that allow assessing the impact of the proposal designed for the
development of intrinsic motivation through gamification in the improvement of academic
performance of students?
The purpose of this article is to provide answers to these questions. The objective of the
research is to determine the importance of developing intrinsic motivation through
gamification strategies, evidencing its impact on the academic performance of students in
the second semester of the Pedagogy Career of the Language and Literature, Languages and
Psychopedagogy majors of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Humanities and
Technologies, Riobamba, Ecuador. The aim is to strengthen the intrinsic motivation of the
student population, considering that this factor should be a primary requirement to be
developed in students, since it generates commitment, allows greater social participation,
increasing awareness for the achievement of knowledge and particular needs. All this can
contribute to improve learning, and raise academic performance through the acceptance or
rejection of the established hypothesis, to prove that the development of intrinsic
motivation enhanced by gamification affects the academic performance of students.
On the other hand, according to Choudhury and Pattnaik, the greatest positive impact of the
project falls on the students, in whom it is expected to develop intrinsic motivation through
gamification. Gamification as a strategy that focuses on the involvement and participation
of students, since the purpose is to help them feel more emotionally motivated and
participate in the activities offered through gamification, in order to achieve more
meaningful learning (Choudhury and Pattnaik, 2020). In this sense, gamification plays a key
role in maximizing the involvement, involvement and integration of students in the learning
process. Additionally, it is expected that with the development of the project, university
professors will find new and innovative alternatives in terms of activities and strategies to
be applied in the classroom and that students will work in intuitive and motivating learning
spaces, where they can learn autonomously and independently, participating in each of the
activities proposed, providing effective answers and solutions to the challenges presented.
As for the limiting aspects, it could be considered that students assume little relevant
activities and little commitment when participating in the implementation of gamified
activities that could be perceived more in relation to lower educational levels than the one
they are at. Nevertheless, some tools and tasks were found to be relevant and appropriate
to work with this type of population through gamification. These tools are perceived as
useful and beneficial for the development of intrinsic motivation, contributing to the
improvement of the academic performance of university students, who were actively
involved and participated in them.
According to the criteria required for the realization of a research work, the following
sections are developed: in section 2 the literature review is presented, which consists of the
review of bibliographic sources related to the research topic. Section 3 details the methods
and materials used to develop the research. Section 4 presents the results of the research.
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Section 5 details the discussion of the results. Section 6 establishes the conclusions
according to the results obtained.
2. Literature review
2.1 Intrinsic motivation
Motivation is what drives people to achieve certain actions and persist until they reach the
goals and objectives previously established. In this sense, different types of motivation are
found, such as internal and external, proceeding to discern in internal motivation being the
case under study, which, according to Barrientos et al., (2019) refers to "the inherent and
natural tendency that leads to the search for novelty and challenge, to develop and exercise
one's skills, to explore and learn, which leads to do something according to one's own
desire" (p. 3). In other words, the objective of intrinsic motivation is to achieve a goal, which
inherently produces satisfaction and emotional overcoming, in this case it is urged that
students complete professional training at the university level, showing a level of self-
development, and of personality in the achievement of one's own goals, desires, aspirations
and objectives.
For Fisher et al., (2019) a person with a strong internal motivation "can better apply
different cognitive strategies, practically perform the necessary activities to promote
learning, allowing high commitment and self-regulation" (p. 74). Additionally, as stated by
Garcia and Pintrich (1994, as cited in Gonzalez, 2018), "high intrinsic motivation supports
the mastery of appropriate learning strategies" (p. 4). As such, it emphasizes the desire to
learn, develop oneself, improve learning and knowledge, in the face of which one must take
the initiative to give convincing answers, solve problems and make decisions in the face of
any situation that arises.
Extrinsic motivation, from the perspective of Fonseca et al. (2018) "is considered the main
pillar of gamification, due to the fact that the game supports different spaces within the
educational environment (classroom, teachers and educational community in general) that
must be motivated to be effective in the process" (p. 25). Therefore, fostering the
development of intrinsic motivation in students to enhance curiosity, effort and continuous
participation, contributes to enrich knowledge and promotes satisfaction in the
achievement of objectives and success. Given which, gamification represents a fundamental
role in the maximum participation of students; likewise, the teacher's intervention is
considered important in the creation of a close link between intrinsic motivation and
academic performance, that is, his role is elementary to reinforce the interest in training in
the specialty in which he is being trained, that he is trained, his professional field and
personal fulfillment.
2.2 Gamification as a strategy for the development of intrinsic motivation
"Gamification facilitates peer-to-peer interaction involving a specific system of rules that
defines a path or channel to follow to achieve certain results" (Corchuelo, 2018, p. 17). All
this contributes, among other aspects, to the development of motivation, constant feedback,
engagement and interest of students in the contents and completion of their tasks, which
promotes significant, self-regulated and independent learning, which contributes to the
improvement of school performance (Aranda and Caldera, 2018; Smiderle et al., 2019). In
other words, gamification supported by the integration of technology-mediated game
mechanics promotes the development of intrinsic motivation and student engagement,
which naturally impacts the increase in academic performance.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
The concept of intrinsic motivation associated with game design is exposed by Manzano et
al. (2022) as "that in which the experiences lived by the subject are articulated and new
internal and external perspectives are offered for the redefinition of these processes, from
the stimulation of creativity, independent thinking and well-being of the player" (p. 30).
From which four axes of motivation emerge: competition, learning, escape from reality and
social interaction.
The intrinsic motivation raised by Fonseca et al. is proposed as the fundamental basis of
gamification activity, considered as a game action that supports spaces related to
pedagogical practices and the interactions that occur in these, where the main actors in
these areas must be motivated, so that they can function effectively in the formative process
(Fonseca et al., 2018). In this regard, Ortiz et al. confirm that gamification is a methodology
that promotes motivation, which is based on two elements that emphasize the intrinsic of
each individual, so it promotes the development of skills and virtues of those who
participate in the development and implementation of playful-educational activities within
a collaborative and interactive work in which the gamified action itself places the player at
the center of the system, where the motivation of the participant and his own involvement
with the other participants determines the outcome (Ortiz et al., 2018).
2.3 Intrinsic motivation developed through gamification strategies and academic
The concept of gamification exported to the field of education "materializes when important
contextualized didactic projects focused on promoting the transformation of teaching-
learning are put into practice" (Álvarez and Polanco, 2019, p. 2). About which, Aranda and
Caldera state that this resource, in addition to being used in a non-playful context, is
constituted as a motivational mechanism that promotes concentration, effort and other
positive values, allowing the student to benefit from their learning experiences, which
favors the educational process to be more effective, dynamic, active, participatory and
collaborative (Aranda and Caldera, 2018).
In other words, the purpose of gamification as a didactic and methodological resource is
always aimed at achieving learning, that is, its objective is "to generate changes in behavior
and learning through positive experiences that promote the development of intrinsic
motivation" (Carrión, 2018, p. 4). This with the aim of achieving better academic results,
assimilating knowledge, as well as certain skills and abilities, among all the purposes that
lead to the development of intrinsic motivation, influencing the improvement of academic
In this direction, Fuentes et al. state that the application of gamification as a methodology
involves an active pedagogy that includes in its development various competencies that
require intellectual and affective processes, the exchange of attitudes, participation,
collaborative learning and knowledge that promote creativity and imagination. Therefore,
gamification approaches and connects students to the acquisition of knowledge in a
different, playful and creative way, even helps to release and prevent behaviors that hinder
or limit the progress and achievement of goals, purposes objectives previously established
(Fuentes et al, 2018). Therefore, they argue and corroborate that gamification is "a learning
method that modifies the mechanics of the game in the pedagogical-professional field, to
achieve better results, among them, a greater acquisition of knowledge, as well as, an
improvement in the reward of specific actions" (Manzano et al., 2022, p. 3). Therefore, the
gamification model is really functional, and manages to raise the levels of intrinsic
motivation of students, encouraging and strengthening the spirit of improvement.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Currently, these resources use various mechanical techniques that have been extrapolated
to replicate gamification to the educational process (Smiderle et al., 2019). Thus, from a
pedagogical point of view, this strategy emphasizes the constructive strengthening of
knowledge and attitudes, improves student performance and develops intrinsic motivation,
enhancing skills that allow a performance in an environment immersed in constant
transformation (Aranda and Caldera, 2018). Similarly, by applying gamification to
education, the aim is to create meaningful and interactive learning experiences that
overcome demotivation, encourage behavioral changes and open spaces for reflection. In
this regard, it is mentioned that:
when gamified, the user (student) experiences his own story, in the
processing of which he actively participates, as this resource becomes an
environment where multiple mechanisms and resources can be realized
with which he can interact freely and spontaneously, through the social
system provided by the game (Aleman et al., 2018, p. 1257).
According to this approach, "gamified processes (ludic/games) offer great potential in
improving academic performance" (Fuentes et al., 2019, p. 18). In such cases, it is important
that the appropriate gamification mechanisms containing a motivational, social and
interactive element, where the participants involved (students) devote all their energy and
interest to the proposed game.
In which it is important to raise a previous objective, convert learning skills, and knowledge
into a game, create the challenges themselves, define clear game rules and a reward system,
organize a motivational competition and reinforce the level of difficulty in an increasing way
according to the acquired mastery (Virtanen et al., 2018). For which, certain steps to be
implemented must be established, with which the functioning of gamification in the
classroom is sought and, of course, in the achievement of the previously established
objective, as well as the required learning in function to improve academic performance. To
these stages or important parts of the game is added the feedback process, which generates
the union between the correction and overcoming of errors through repetition, so that the
student recognizes and accepts the error as a natural factor that can be corrected or
rectified, in order to continue until the achievement of the final result, the outcome or the
receipt of the reward, which would lead to the achievement of the goals and objectives of
the educational process, as well as the improvement and increase of academic performance.
3. Methods and materials
The research was developed under a quantitative approach, in which "the collection of data
and information is carried out based on measurements and numerical and statistical
analysis with the application of an instrument, to establish patterns of behavior"
(Hernández & Mendoza, 2018, p. 6). According to the design, the quasi-experimental
method was considered as an approach in which the extent to which a treatment,
intervention or strategy achieves the intended objectives is tested (Hernández et al., 2014).
There the subjects are not randomly selected, so it is considered useful to study phenomena
in which the situations cannot be totally controlled, even when the purpose is to have a
greater possible control of some of the groups already formed, in the verification of the
incidence of some of the variables under study on the other.
Similarly, the research was developed as a correlational study in that the phenomenon
under study was observed, intervened and analyzed, with the purpose of determining the
relationship between the variables subject to analysis, verifying the incidence of one of
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
these variables against the other (Ramirez and Lugo, 2020). In this case, we proceeded to
approach a group to observe and analyze the object of research, to determine the incidence
of intrinsic motivation developed through gamification strategies in the improvement of
academic performance of students in the second semester of the Pedagogy Career in the
mentions of Language and Literature, Languages and Psychopedagogy of the Faculty of
Educational Sciences, Humanities and Technologies, Riobamba, Ecuador.
The unit of study was constituted by a population assumed as finite and considered
significant, the census sample was taken because the students enrolled in the second
semester were chosen, all of them have direct contact with the auditor, the totality of the
sample was selected, composed of 129 students enrolled in the second semester of the
Pedagogy Career of the National University of Chimborazo of Ecuador, located in the age
group from 18 to 28 years old, of both sexes, according to the enrollment records provided
by the secretary of the educational institution in question.
The selection criteria were based on the fact that they were students who presented low
motivation to carry out school activities, which is considered a barrier that limits academic
performance. The sample was selected intentionally, and at the convenience of the
researcher, as a teacher of that area and career; as well as in line with the requirements of
the ongoing research development (Oberti and Bacci, 2020).
This sample was divided into two study groups: the so-called control group made up of 65
students and the experimental group made up of 64 students, this selection being made with
random probability sampling. It should be noted that the experimental group was
intervened with the designed proposal, based on gamification activities for the development
of intrinsic motivation in the improvement of the academic performance of the students
who made up the sample under study. On the other hand, the control group was not
approached by the designed proposal, who continued with the development of the classes
in a normal, classical or traditional way. The binding characteristic was that all the students
were enrolled in the Pedagogy program of the university under analysis, to which the
researcher had access because of the professorship he teaches. From there, information was
taken on the evaluation techniques of those students in their second year at the time of the
research, from whom data were collected through the implementation of the pretest and
posttest applied for this purpose. For which, once the sample was determined, the informed
consent link was provided, so that each of the members of the sample declared their free
and voluntary participation in the research, in accordance with the recommendations about
the responsibility of informing the participants of all the characteristics of the study to be
carried out (Fiallos, 2021).
To collect the information, a pretest and a posttest were applied, called Motivation and
Learning Strategies Questionnaire - MSQL SF, which evaluates the criteria established from
1 to 5, with a Likert-type scale as follows: Always (5) - Often (4) - Sometimes (3) - Rarely
(2)- Never (1). This instrument has been used in different previous investigations and has
been validated by experts in more than 20 languages, whose values have been statistically
reliable and the internal consistency measured by Cronbach's Alpha, with a sample of 129
subjects, 36 items; which yielded a Variance of Items (ST2) of 28.96 and a sum of Variance
of the ítems Si2) of 379.6 that yielded a result of 0.93 considered as a high value
represented in Table 1.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Total Items
Table 1. Cronbach's alpha calculation values
A correlation analysis was made between the questions of the instrument in a modified
version of the original, used by Masso et al. 2012, composed of 36 items referring to
motivation and learning strategies. For such analysis the Pearson correlation test was
selected, which examines the relationship between two variables. It is used to determine
whether there is a linear relationship between Motivation and Performance. In addition, it
is the most appropriate in terms of the number of the sample (129) which is high, and better
estimation accuracy is obtained. The questions are distributed as shown in Table 2:
Main factor
Specific factor
Learning strategies
Cognitive and
4, 16, 22, 24 y 30
13, 14, 17, 18, 38, 40 y 41
and behavioral
1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 15 y 32
Value component
Intrinsic goal
10, 25, 34 y 35
Time and
8 y 33
Effort self-
9, 11, 19, 27, 28 y 37
Cash component
3, 12, 21 y 29
Value component
Assessment of
the task
26, 39
Table 2. Distribution of the questions of the Motivation and Learning Strategies Questionnaire - MSQL SF by
factors and dimensions and learning strategies. Source: Adapted from the Motivation and Learning Strategies
Questionnaire - MSQL SF (Masso et al., 2021.)
This instrument applied as a pretest was used as a diagnostic to corroborate the conditions
in which the groups of students were based to determine the level of development of
intrinsic motivation, with which information was obtained that supported the decision to
design and implement a proposal supported by gamification to foster intrinsical motivation
in the improvement of the academic performance of the students who integrated the sample
in study. They were divided into two groups: one control with 65 participants and another
experimental with 64. The ratings obtained by students completing the first part of the class
period were also analyzed, which provided evidence of the academic performance of the
students at the time the research was carried out.
After the implementation of the proposal designed, and applied to the experimental group,
the instrument referred to as postest was applied again to verify the change in behavior of
the students, which will show the development of intrinsic motivation, after being
addressed by the intervention. The ratings were also reviewed, corroborating the
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
improvement in academic performance of students in the experimental group addressed by
the proposal. Access was made to the overall average of the first and second part of each of
the students, which allowed comparisons to be made to have an objective metric of
academic performance.
Finally, a comparison test was conducted that showed significant differences between the
control and experimental group of students before and after the designed intervention.
Thus, additionally, starting from the inquiry, collection and analysis of data, it was possible
to establish, understand and analyse the significance of the association, the intrinsic
motivation developed through gamification, and its impact on academic performance
through the correlation test.
4. Results
This section presents the results of the survey applied to students of the second semester
of the Foreign Language Pedagogy Career at the National University of Chimborazo in
Ecuador. A sequence of steps wasined to obtain the results, and statistical tables and graphs
were used to organize the information. A correlation analysis was also carried out to verify
the relationship between the intrinsic motivation variables developed through gamification
and their incidence with academic performance.
H0= The intrinsic motivation developed through gamification does not affect the academic
performance of students in the second semester of the Career Pedagogy of the National
University of Chimborazo, they are not independent.
H1= The intrinsic motivation developed through gamification affects the academic
performance of students in the second semester of the Career of Pedagogy at the National
University of Chimborazo, they are independent.
According to the description of the sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
analysed, it was obtained that 129 students aged 18 to 28 participated (M=20.64; DT=3.32).
The majority were between 18 and 22 years of age represented in Table 3:
Age Range
18 and 22 years
23 and 28 years
47.7 %
Table 3. Distribution of the age range variable of the selected sample.
From the selected age range, the following variables are distributed as shown in Table 4:
Age Range 18 and 22 years old
Mention studying
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
91.9 %
Table 4. Distribution of multivariate variables within the selected age range.
For the intrinsic motivation variable, the results shown in Figure 1 indicate that the
participants in the study showed high indicators, according to the learning strategies
Figure 1. Dimensions of the Motivation and Learning Strategies Questionnaire - MSQL SF.
The calculation of the mean of the study of the univariates shown in Figure 1 was performed.
When the percentage of the mean was calculated, 50% of the students involved in the study
showed high indicators in the use of the different learning strategies: elaboration (86.8%),
organization (76.0%), metacognitive and behavioral self-regulation (85.3%), intrinsic goal
orientation (89.1%) and self-regulation of effort (89.9%), which corroborates the
development of intrinsic motivation. However, with respect to academic motivation, there
is evidence of a low valuation of the task (50.4%) and 67.4% present high test anxiety with
an average of 33%.
Therefore, it can be deduced that intrinsic motivation is developed in 50% of the students
with a high percentage in the indicators described above for 33% with low academic
Administración de tiempo y recursos
Metas de orientación intrínseca
Valoración de las tareas
Autorregulación de esfuerzo
Autorregulación metacognitiva y conductual
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Figure 2. Average Academic Performance
Figure 2 shows the distribution of the average academic performance in each midterm after
the intervention with gamification strategies in the sample under study. In this case, it is
observed that in the first midterm the average is between 7.5 and 8.5 points; while in the
second midterm these grades are between 8.5 and 10.0 points. On the other hand, it is
observed that the general average was between 8.0 and 9.5 points..
First partial
Overall average
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation
Table 5. Descriptive statistics of the average Academic Performance.
Table 5 shows that the academic performance in the first midterm ranged from 7.29 to
10.00 points with a mean of 9.47 ± 0.64; in the second midterm from 7.41 to 9.66 points
with a mean of 8.15 ± 0.81; and the overall average from 7.16 to 9.71 points with a mean of
8.81 ± 0.46. The mean was higher in the first midterm and the coefficient of variation of
6.8% indicates that these grades are both more homogeneous and more homogeneous.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Figure 3. Correlation between Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Performance
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Metacognitive and behavioral self-regulation
Intrinsic goal orientation
Time and resource management
Effort self-regulation
Task appraisal
* The correlation test is significant at the 0.1 level.
** The correlation test is significant at the 0.05 level.
Table 6: Correlation tests. Source: Own elaboration based on the results of the correlation tests.
Figure 3 and Table 6 show a positive linear correlation between intrinsic motivation
developed through gamification strategies and academic performance with learning
strategies, as well as for anxiety; while in the case of task appraisal a negative or null
tendency is observed. Table 3 shows that for learning strategies the correlation is
significant: elaboration with a value of 0.14; intrinsic orientation goals with a correlation of
0.18. In the case of motivation, it can be seen that performance correlates significantly with
anxiety (0.18). When a sample of 129 subjects was taken, the graph shows a dispersion of
points due to the fact that many values are shown, but the result reflects a linear dispersion,
since, if the value of the motivation variable is high, the value of the performance variable
increases and they present a positive correlation, so they are highly associated.
Figure 4. Correlation between Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Performance
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Based on the results in Figure 4, it is evident that there is a positive association between
Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Performance that can be expressed by means of the
y = 0.30x + 8.41
Equation 1
Where e corresponds to academic performance and x the value assigned to the intrinsic
motivation of each student. In this sense, it can be said that each student starts from a fixed
score of 8.41 points of academic performance, and for each unit that increases the
motivation will increase about 0.30 points the student's performance.
H0= The intrinsic motivation developed through gamification does not affect the academic
performance of students in the second semester of the Career Pedagogy of the National
University of Chimborazo are not independent.
H1= The intrinsic motivation developed through gamification affects the academic
performance of students in the second semester of the Career of Pedagogy at the National
University of Chimborazo are independent.
The throwing results of such Pearson correlation are +1 is rejected H0, which determines
that the intrinsic motivation developed through gamification impacts on the academic
performance of students in the second semester of the Career of Pedagogy at the National
University of Chimborazo are independent. It is concluded that, as the student’s motivation
through gamification increases, the higher will be his performance.
For the validity of the questionnaire the Exploratory Factorial Analysis with the methods of
univariants and multivariants was used. This method is the most used and suitable for the
analysis of surveys and the relationship between the variables used, obtaining as a result a
positive value, there is no difference with the correlation results of the variable used.
5. Discussion
Where e corresponds to academic performance and x the value assigned to the intrinsic
motivation of each student. In this sense, it can be said that each student starts from a fixed
score of 8.41 points of academic performance, and for each unit that increases the
motivation will increase about 0.30 points the student's performance.
H0= The intrinsic motivation developed through gamification does not affect the academic
performance of students in the second semester of the Career Pedagogy of the National
University of Chimborazo are not independent.
H1= The intrinsic motivation developed through gamification affects the academic
performance of students in the second semester of the Career of Pedagogy at the National
University of Chimborazo are independent.
The throwing results of such Pearson correlation are +1 is rejected H0, which determines
that the intrinsic motivation developed through gamification impacts on the academic
performance of students in the second semester of the Career of Pedagogy at the National
University of Chimborazo are independent. It is concluded that, as the student’s motivation
through gamification increases, the higher will be his performance.
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
For the validity of the questionnaire the Exploratory Factorial Analysis with the methods of
univariants and multivariants was used. This method is the most used and suitable for the
analysis of surveys and the relationship between the variables used, obtaining as a result a
positive value, there is no difference with the correlation results of the variable used
These results also coincide with previous researches in Aranda and Caldera 2018 and
Smiderle et al. 2019 where cognitive and metacognitive strategies (elaboration dimensions,
organization, meta-cognitive and behavioural self-regulation), for the value component
(intrinsic orientation goals dimensions) and resource management strategies(time and
resources management dimensions and self-revision of effort), confirmed a high intrinsic
motivation that has a significant impact on the academic performance of university
students. These findings support the importance of developing these skills to improve
student academic performance. This indicates that teaching strategies, such as gamification,
should continue to be implemented to develop the intrinsic motivation of students to
contribute to improved academic performance.
However, the research results differed from the findings of the Manzano et al. 2022 study
that good academic performance of students in the professional careers in which the
research was developed regardless of the level of intrinsic motivation, showing that 41% of
students average academic achievement and 16% good performance despite having low
motivation. However, this information supports the assertion that, if intrinsic motivation is
raised, academic performance could be increased.
6. Conclusions
The results of the study indicate that the study participants showed high indicators in the
use of learning strategies of elaboration, organization, metacognitive and behavioral self-
regulation, intrinsic orientation goals, and self-revision of effort. With regard to the
academic motivation, there was a low evaluation of the task and high anxiety for the exams.
These results show a close relationship between intrinsic motivation and the learning
strategies implemented for achieving academic achievement, verifying the efficiency and
effectiveness of the proposal implemented, so it is considered important to develop
gamification strategies and activities that promote the creativity, commitment and
connection of students in the attainment of educational goals and purposes.
The results of the study also revealed that strategies of elaboration, organization,
metacognition and critical thinking, as well as effort and study habits are positively related
to each other. Also, a strong relationship between learning and resource management was
found in the student sample analysed, which in turn highlights the importance of time
management and organization strategies as essential elements in the training process of
university students. With regard to the effects of motivation, learning and resource
management, it has been demonstrated that college students self-regulate by developing
internal motivation which allows them to set goals, control and monitor their learning, and
manage their own motivation.
The relationship between intrinsic motivation and academic performance was
strengthened through the intervention, as according to the ratings they obtained in the first
part was between 7.5 and 8.5 points; while in the second part these ratings are concentrated
between 8.5 and 10.0, evidencing the effectiveness and effectivity of the interventions under
which students, after having received training to develop intrinsical motivation through
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 52-72, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
gamification activities. It is also noted that the scores increased; it is considered that
although the students' scores were not low in the first part, they improved significantly for
the second part, demonstrating a significant increase in academic performance.
Additionally, according to the results obtained from the development of the research, a
positive linear correlation was observed between intrinsic motivation strengthened by
gamification strategies and academic performance with learning strategies, as well as for
anxiety; whereas, in the case of task evaluation, a negative or zero trend was noted. It was
demonstrated that for learning strategies the correlation result significant, for the
elaboration, goals of intrinsic orientation and for the case of inherent motivation, it can be
seen that there is a positive association with academic performance. This indicates that both
the academic performance and the intrinsic motivation of the university students subject to
analysis, improved by implementing the intervention with strategies and activities of
gamification, which allows it to be recommended in future in its application in university
contexts in which a similar problem situation as the present is observed, which was sought
to solve with the actions taken for this purpose.
I would like to express my gratitude to the Eighth International Congress on Education
organized by the Faculty of Education, Human Sciences and Technologies of the National
University of Chimborazo, which took place from December 6 to 8, 2023. This congress
allowed to dialogue, share experiences and reflect on various educational topics that
develop and strengthen the teaching-learning process.
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ALFREDO FIGUEROA-OQUENDO obtained the following degrees: Master's Degree in
Psychopedagogy (2020) and Master's Degree in Educational Technologies and Digital
Competences (2022) at the International University of La Rioja, Spain. Degree in Social
Management at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (Ecuador) (2009).
Currently, he is an occasional professor at the National University of Chimborazo in the city
of Riobamba since 2017. He has served as a teacher of the subjects of: Psychological and
Pedagogical Foundations, Pedagogy, Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Environmental
Education in the Formation of Ecological Consciousness, Epistemologies of the South and
History of Philosophy. She has been part of the career commissions of the careers of
Psychopedagogy and Basic Education.