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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Incidence of procrastination on the
academic performance of the subject of
Incidencia de la procrastinación en el rendimiento
académico de la asignatura de Química
Lizeth Simbaña-Farinango
Universidad Central del Ecuador, Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación,
Carrera de Pedagogía de las Ciencias Experimentales, Química y Biología, Quito-Ecuador,
Helen Figueroa -Cepeda
Universidad Central del Ecuador, Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación,
Carrera de Pedagogía de las Ciencias Experimentales, Química y Biología, Quito-Ecuador,
Mónica Caizatoa-Flores
Unidad Educativa “Abdón Calderón”
(Received on: 12/09/20123 Accepted on: 30/10/2023; Final version received on: 18/12/2023)
Suggested citation: Simbaña-Farinango, L., Figueroa-Cepeda, H. y Caizatoa-Flores, M.
(2024). Incidence of procrastination on the academic performance of the subject of
Chemistry. Revista Cátedra, 7(1), 150-166.
Procrastination is the intentional delay of an activity. This action has negative effects on
education and society. In the case of students in the academic field, it can have an impact on
their performance during their study activities. During the research, the causes of
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024 e-ISSN: 2631-2875
procrastination in learning the subject of chemistry were determined, and subsequently its
effects on the subject were verified. The research presented a qualitative-quantitative
paradigm with correlational research, and likewise with a socio-educational approach.
Techniques such as interview and survey were used to identify the various causes of
procrastination. It should be mentioned that the statistical analysis was carried out based
on the comparison of the types of procrastination with the academic performance of the
first semester. The research presents a negative inverse correlation in passive
procrastination, a value of -344 was obtained in Pearson's r and in Bilateral sig. a value of
0.001. Likewise, in decisional procrastination, Pearson's r obtained a value of -221 and in
the Bilateral sig. 0.015. In other words, in both cases procrastination has a negative impact
on academic performance in the subject of Chemistry. The survey results showed that the
main causes of procrastination were emotional stability along with the use of social
networks and technological devices. Procrastination is an involuntary act that currently
affects the academic performance of students.
school failure, procrastination, chemistry, academic achievement, academic routines.
La procrastinación consiste en el retraso de una actividad de manera intencionada. Esta
acción conlleva efectos negativos en la educación y la sociedad. En el caso de los estudiantes
en el ámbito académico puede impactar en el rendimiento durante su actividad de estudio.
Durante la investigación se determinó las causas de la procrastinación en el aprendizaje de
la asignatura de Química, y posteriormente se verificó sus efectos en la misma. La
investigación presentó un paradigma cualitativo-cuantitativo con una investigación
correlacional, y así mismo con un enfoque socioeducativo. Se utilizó cnicas como la
entrevista y la encuesta en donde se logró identificar las diversas causas de la
procrastinación. Se debe mencionar que el análisis estadístico se realizó a partir de la
comparación de los tipos de procrastinación con el rendimiento académico del primer
quimestre. La investigación presenta una correlación inversa negativa en la procrastinación
pasiva, se obtuvo un valor de -344 en la r de Pearson y en sig. Bilateral un valor de 0.001.
Así mismo, en la procrastinación decisional en la r de Pearson se obtuvo -221 y en la sig.
Bilateral 0.015. Es decir que en ambos casos la procrastinación incide de manera negativa
en el rendimiento académico de la asignatura de Química. Los resultados de la encuesta
demostraron que las principales causas de la procrastinación fueron la estabilidad
emocional junto con el uso de redes sociales y dispositivos tecnológicos. La procrastinación
es un acto involuntario que en la actualidad afecta el rendimiento académico de los
Palabras clave
Fracaso escolar, procrastinación, Química, rendimiento académico, rutinas académicas.
1. Introduction
Procrastination is the postponement or delay of activities. In the educational field it is
considered as the failure to comply with academic activities. It is an involuntary act,
however, with the passage of time it becomes a habit, according to this Atayala and Garcia
(2019) argues that "procrastination starts from adolescence and is determined in
adulthood" (p. 2). However, in some cases procrastination starts from childhood. Students,
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
feeling pressure from parents, tend to feel fear of failure and delay their activities. Each
activity requires an established time and order so the student's behavior or emotions are
important to comply with the activities, for the same reason, Quan and Sanchez (2012)
argue that "behaviors related to the postponement of tasks are related to the student's
emotional stability" (p. 6). The emotions that the student presents during classes are
essential to understand the topics presented and to adequately perform their activities.
Moreover, nowadays, procrastination is progressively increasing, becoming a social
Procrastination in the educational environment affects the student's academic
performance; this problem is frequently found in the American continent. According to
some figures, Steel (2007) mentions that "around 95% of people recognize that they
procrastinate, 25% of the same percentage argue that it is a chronic characteristic" (p. 3).
Likewise, Guzman (2013) details that between "80% and 95% of students procrastinate
occasionally; of these, 70% consider themselves procrastinators and almost 50%
procrastinate consistently and problematically" (p. 2). The percentages with respect to
procrastination are high, most procrastinate intensively, students substitute their activities
for those of less relevance or importance, so it is important to consider the different causes
in the delay of activities.
The subject of chemistry requires concentration and academic routines on the part of the
student. However, learning is delayed by irrelevant actions, which impair academic
performance. Therefore, this research aims to determine the causes of procrastination and
its effect on academic performance in the subject of chemistry. Currently, academic
procrastination is a topic that is considered important due to its consequences in the
academic aspect; however, there is little research in the country on procrastination, so this
research will serve as a basis for future research that will allow proposing alternative
solutions to this problem.
This article consists of a brief introduction, in the theoretical reference the causes, types and
models of procrastination will be addressed. In methods and instruments, we will describe
how the research was carried out and finally the most relevant results will be analyzed
together with their discussion and conclusions.
2 Theoretical reference
2.1 Procrastination
Procrastination is the postponement of activities, and when these involve school activities
it is referred to as academic procrastination. Milgram (1992) argues that "procrastination
is a disease that nowadays develops easily in first world countries" (p. 84). Students
nowadays procrastinate as a matter of course. It should be mentioned that procrastination
is involuntary, but, over time it becomes a habit, so it is considered a social problem. In
addition, procrastination is also a problem in underdeveloped countries, due to the lack of
resources for education. The factors that affect procrastination correspond to different
causes. The analysis will range from the social aspect to the technological aspect. Each
aspect will then be discussed in relation to the teaching and learning process.
2.2 Social aspect
There are positive or negative factors involved in student academic performance. Cardozo,
et al. (2018) state that
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024 e-ISSN: 2631-2875
the social context intervenes in the teaching-learning process. The
student is immersed in a constant change of experiences that affect him
directly or indirectly; these factors can be exogenous, that is, everything
that is outside the educational institution, and endogenous, everything
that happens within the educational institution (para. 41).
The social context is an important characteristic during learning; personal or social
problems diminish the student's concentration, so that the student easily postpones his
academic activities. When mentioning the social aspect, reference is made to the family
and economic context, and even to the student's emotional stability.
2.3 Familiar context
The family assumes an important role in the student's education. When there is a stable
family environment, the student concentrates on his or her activities properly. On the other
hand, family conflicts or illnesses prevent the student from concentrating properly on his
or her activities, and thus directly affect academic performance. Martínez et al. (2020) state
that "the family is the first base in the formation of the human being's personality, where
values and principles are fostered" (para. 3). The family has the capacity to influence the
development of each person. In addition, it is an important factor in the personal life of each
individual, so that a good or bad family relationship directly affects the student.
Generally, conflicts between the student and the family begin in the adolescent stage, due to
the physical and emotional changes that he/she presents. Llacsa (2018) mentions that it is
"necessary to know the family environment, even more so when they go through the stage
of adolescence because of the changes that adolescents go through. Young people go
through a process of adaptation to adulthood" (p. 7). At this stage, the student experiences
different changes that hinder a correct family environment, which can affect their
2.4 Economic context
The lack of economic resources in education is a problem; the economy is fundamental for
quality education. The World Bank in Ecuador (2022) assures that "the health emergency
caused by covid-19 provoked a deep recession that influenced a spike in poverty. This crisis
amplified the macroeconomic imbalances that the country had been trying to redress since
the middle of the last decade" (para. 1). In Ecuador, economic possibilities are low and in
the wake of the 2020 pandemic, the country significantly reduced the education budget,
affecting student learning. Most of the students who drop out of school are due to lack of
economic resources. In the pandemic this problem was clearly evidenced, there were
students who did not have the necessary resources to access classes, both for the lack of
technological devices and for the poor or non-existent connectivity available in their homes.
These aspects contribute to the student not delivering or not fulfilling their academic
obligations in the established time. On the other hand, social investment in Ecuador leaves
much to be desired; social investment involves the health, labor, culture, social welfare and
education sectors. Education only receives 2.53% of the budget allocated for social
investment. Gomez, (2020) mentions that "Ecuador's budget and investment from 2017 to
2020 has decreased in the health and education sectors" (para. 1). A reduced budget has a
significant negative impact on education, due to the impossibility of accessing a quality
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
2.5 Emotional stability in procrastination
The different emotions experienced by the student in class are essential for a correct
learning process. When there is emotional stability, students can adequately perform their
academic activities. Robayo, (2020) mentions that "students are currently at a stage where
their family, school and work environment are unstable, and unexpected events around
them can change their mood and impair their concentration in the activities they must
perform" (p. 7). Adolescent students are in a vulnerable stage. Their emotions are
constantly changing from joy or motivation to sadness or anxiety. These changes affect the
emotional stability of students, the same emotions that prevent them from paying attention
in class, and procrastinate in their activities. For the same reason, the student must have a
stable social and family nucleus that allows regulating the emotions that the student
2.6 Technological devices
Nowadays, there is constant mention of technological devices in education and their
positive impact. Each technological resource presents different characteristics that allow
students to access learning in a more dynamic way. Rodriguez et al. (2021) point out that
"technological tools have brought changes to the educational landscape, creating innovative
teaching methods that can be used inside and outside the classroom to improve educational
knowledge" (p. 2). During the pandemic, technological resources enabled virtual learning,
however, not all students had the necessary resources. Therefore, without adequate
technological resources, students did not have proper access to education, impairing their
academic performance.
On the other hand, the problem is exacerbated when technological devices consume too
much of the user's time. A student in class spends more time interacting with their
technological devices than with their classmates or the teacher, ignoring the activities they
should be doing. Carrillo and Valencia (2020) state that "around more than 50% of students
have a technological device, so they are always in constant communication" (p. 17).
Currently, most children have access to at least one technological device, so they are always
in constant interaction with them. Technological devices become distracters that can
ultimately affect academic performance.
2.7 Procrastination and social networks
Nowadays, social networks play an important role in society; however, due to the 2020
pandemic, social networks became more relevant thanks to the ease of communication. In
turn, in the educational field, students and teachers obtained educational information.
However, the problem lies in its misuse. Muñoz et al. (2023) argue that "adolescents create
certain dependence compatible with patterns of addiction to different platforms or
applications such as social networks, which can lead to a somewhat dangerous situation"
(p. 3). Nowadays, students spend more time on social networks interacting with mobile
devices than with the people around them.
On the other hand, in the educational environment, the excessive use of social networks
causes students to present scattered attention or low concentration, affecting their
academic performance. The learning process is interrupted by the excessive use of social
networks. Valencia (2019) argues that "currently these networks have managed to attract
the attention of young people by taking their use to the extreme, as they capture more of
their attention than any other activity" (p.2). In classrooms, students pay more attention to
social networks than to teacher-led classes. Young people and even children participate in
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024 e-ISSN: 2631-2875
them to the point of staying in permanent contact not only with friends but also with
strangers. Even the inappropriate use of digital platforms can become a distractor rather
than an educational resource.
2.8 Procrastination and social networks
There are models of procrastination that help define the personality or characteristics of
the person who procrastinates or delays academic activities.
2.8.1 Psychodynamic model
People are driven by the fear of failure despite having enough opportunities, thinking they
are not capable and analyzing the motivations around them. This model connects people's
behavior with the reasons for academic procrastination. Atalaya-Laureano and García-
Ampudia (2019) argue that "procrastination comes from childhood; since, at this stage a
very important role is played in the development of adult personality and the influence of
unconscious mental processes and internal conflicts on behavior" (p. 8). Personality is
formed in childhood; childhood traumas persist into adulthood. Therefore, since there is a
fear of failure from an early age, students tend to consecutively postpone their social and
educational activities. Emotions are also involved in the psychodynamic model. Fear of
failure causes students to constantly procrastinate.
2.8.2 Motivational model
The person is motivated and committed to carrying out activities and achieving success in
a way that avoids procrastination. For this reason, Atalaya and Garcia (2019) mention
The motivational model indicates that procrastinating students are
unmotivated, and are prone to adopt a position of dissatisfaction in
relation to the objectives they intend to accomplish or become
discouraged when obtaining an achievement involves effort and
dedication; therefore, they are more likely to choose to suspend or
postpone the start or progress in their tasks. (p. 9)
An unmotivated student is more likely to procrastinate, delaying their educational
activities. Thus, by not completing their schoolwork on time, their academic performance
decreases. Students who are always motivated and determined are less likely to
2.8.3 Cognitive Model
Students in this model represent intrusive thoughts for the actions they need to take.
Carrasco (2022), states that "procrastinators tend to think in terms of procrastination, so
they are especially susceptible to exhibiting obsessive thought patterns when they cannot
complete a task or are close to a deadline" (p. 10). Fear of failure and social isolation cause
people to delay learning. In addition, these individuals analyze whether or not to fulfill
their roles.
2.9 Types of Procrastination
It is assumed that the types and models of procrastinators are the same due to the
characteristics, however, they are different aspects. Ayala et al. (2020) mention that there
are the following types of procrastinators:
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Passive procrastinators: They delay the completion of tasks or decisions,
they delay until the end of the established deadlines, and they cannot
make decisions quickly.
Active procrastinators: This type of procrastinators work better under
pressure, their tasks are always left until the end of the established
Decisional procrastinators: They make the decision not to carry out
academic activities until the end of the established deadlines (p. 8).
Each student is a different world, so there are different types of procrastination that define
each student's behavior. However, this does not prevent students from procrastinating.
Not completing assignments or not turning in assignments on time is detrimental to
academic performance.
2.10 Academic Performance in the Subject of Chemistry
In education, academic performance allows assessing the student's progress within the
development of the teaching-learning process. The activity that the teacher performs in this
area is paramount, in this regard Estrada (2018) indicates that "it is the reflection of the
learning coming from the didactic and pedagogical interaction between the teacher and
student" (p. 224). Student learning is the result of the way in which the teacher teaches, the
same that makes use of a methodology and didactic resources to achieve that end.
The academic performance of students in the subject of chemistry is determined through
formative and summative activities. Sometimes the performance in the subject is obstructed
by various factors that distract the student. The subject of Chemistry is a science that
requires adequate concentration on the part of the student to avoid procrastination. The
factors mentioned in the theoretical reference such as technological devices and social
networks are elements of distraction during classes. When there is constant distraction, the
student does not understand and is not able to relate the topics presented in class, so that
their academic performance is impaired.
3. Methods and instruments
The research was correlational, the relationship between the variable of procrastination
and academic performance in the subject of chemistry was identified, resulting in an inverse
correlation, i.e., the higher the level of procrastination, the lower the academic performance.
On the other hand, the research presented a socio-educational approach, since it was in
charge of investigating the different social and academic problems that directly or indirectly
affect academic procrastination.
The type of research was bibliographic, a search for information was conducted in theses
and scientific articles, which served as theoretical support to substantiate that
procrastination influences academic performance in the subject of chemistry. The
instruments used were a survey and an interview. The survey was directed to 120 students
of the "Abdón Calderón" Educational Unit corresponding to the first year of General Unified
High School. The design of the questionnaire was based on the indicators of the research
variables, which allowed a correct approach to the established problem. The instrument
consisted of 8 structured questions of the independent variable and 8 structured questions
of the dependent variable. The answers to verify the causes of procrastination ranged from
1=Always to 5=Never, the answers to determine academic performance ranged from
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024 e-ISSN: 2631-2875
1=Excellent to 5=Unsatisfactory. Likewise, the interview was conducted with the teacher in
charge of Chemistry in the first year of high school. The interview guide consisted of 6 open
questions corresponding to the dimensions of the independent variable and 6 open
questions responding to the dimensions of the dependent variable.
As for the selected sample, the students in this period presented the necessary
characteristics for the research. Students at this level are approximately 15 to 16 years old,
they are going through a transition stage from childhood to adolescence, this process alters
their concentration during classes and increases procrastination.
The academic performance of the first term of the subject was analyzed. The topics
addressed in this period constitute the basis of Inorganic Chemistry such as: atomic models,
periodic table, electronic configuration and formation of chemical compounds. Therefore,
the academic performance in this period is fundamental since it constitutes the basis for
more complex topics such as stoichiometry, solutions and chemical equilibrium. In relation
to the temporality, the research was transversal, so it was carried out in a determined
period of time. The depth of the research was explanatory, in such a way that the causes and
consequences of procrastination were analyzed in order to create a critical thinking with
respect to the subject.
3.1 Data processing and analysis techniques
The processing and analysis of the surveys were carried out using Microsoft Excel 2021.
The information collected from the respondents was used to create statistical tables,
tabulate data and create figures for analysis. In addition, the SPSS 2022 program was used
to perform the correlational analysis between academic performance and the types of
procrastination derived from the applied survey. The results were obtained through
Pearson's correlation using a significance level of 0.01 and box and whiskers figures that
allowed analyzing the relationship between procrastination and academic performance in
the subject of chemistry.
4. Results
From the results obtained in the survey, the causes that students mention as important
factors in procrastination are emotional stability and the use of technological devices
along with social networks. 88.33% mention that emotional stability is important in the
teaching and learning process. Motivation, and feeling cheerful contribute to their
concentration in schoolwork. In relation to the use of social networks, 65.01% of students
affirm that they spend 7 to 10 hours during the course of the day on platforms such as
Facebook, WhatsApp and Tik Tok, for the same group investigated, the social and
economic context do not represent important factors in procrastination. Only 25.83% of
students affirm that these aspects interfere in the performance of their activities. During
the research, passive and decisional procrastination obtained greater relevance in the
4.1 Passive procrastination
Passive procrastinators delay the completion of their academic activities; for the normality
test, the Kolmogorov-Smirnova test is applied, due to the fact that the sample is larger
than 30 students. Table 1 shows the normal values for applying Pearson's correlation.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Normality tests
Passive Procrastination
Table 1. Normality tests of passive procrastination.
In the three levels of procrastination the Sig value is .200, that is, the data are normal. The
existence of high levels of procrastination or delay in activities is detrimental to students'
academic performance. In the second level there is a high number of students who affirm
that they perform passive procrastination, it should be mentioned that it is not intentional,
normally students at this point postpone their activities for causes such as social and even
economic context.
According to Figure 1, the levels of passive procrastination do have an impact on academic
performance (See Figure 1).
Figure 1. Box and whisker plot: Passive procrastination and academic performance.
In the first level of procrastination it is observed that students normally obtain grades of 8
to 9, therefore, the lower the procrastination, the higher the academic performance. In
levels 2 and 3 of procrastination the grades that students obtain are 7 to 8, in exceptional
cases the grades range from 5 to 6, in this part it is evident that the higher the
procrastination, the lower the academic performance. The students' procrastination
frequently affects their academic performance in the subject of chemistry.
Table 2 shows the Pearson correlation on passive procrastination.
Academic performance
Passive procrastination
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024 e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Sig. (bilateral)
Sig. (bilateral)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (bilateral).
Table 2. Correlation of passive procrastination.
The Pearson's r statistic value is -.344, that is, there is an inverse correlation, moreover, this
correlation is highly significant. Therefore, it can be affirmed with 99% confidence that in
the field of study there is a negative correlation between the variable procrastination and
the variable academic performance, because the value of Sig, bilateral is 0.000 which is
below the required 0.01.
Since there is an inverse correlation, it is argued that passive procrastination does affect
academic performance. Students tend to postpone academic activities until the end of the
established deadline. In passive procrastination, the fear of failure prevents students from
performing their activities correctly.
4.2 Decisional procrastination
Decisional procrastinators make the decision to postpone their academic activities. In the
normality test, the Kolmogorov-Smirnova test is applied, due to the fact that the sample is
larger than 30 students. Table 3 shows the normal values for applying Pearson's
Normality tests
Decisional Procrastination
Academic Performance
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
*. This is a lower limit of true significance.
a. Lilliefors significance correction
Table 3. Normality tests of decisional procrastination.
In the first and third levels of procrastination the Sig is .200 and in the second level 0.169,
that is, the three are normal data because their value is greater than 0.05. Thus, being
normal values allows us to affirm that decisional procrastination does affect the student's
academic performance. Students sometimes decide not to perform academic activities of
their own free will. This is due to different factors such as emotional stability, family context
or economic context that prevent them from performing the activities and even lack of
interest in the subject.
According to Figure 2, the levels of decisional procrastination do have an impact on
academic performance (See Figure 2).
Box-and-whisker plot: Decisional procrastination and academic performance.
Taking into account the average levels in the first level of procrastination, it is observed that
students normally obtain grades of 8, therefore, the lower the procrastination, the higher
the academic performance. In levels 2 and 3 of procrastination the grades obtained by the
students are from 7 to 8. In exceptional cases the grades reach 6, in this part it is evident
that the higher the procrastination, the lower the academic performance. However, it should
be noted that in level three there are few students who practice decisional procrastination.
Table 4 shows the Pearson correlation on decisional procrastination.
Academic performance
Deisional procrastination
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Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024 e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Academic Performance
Pearson correlation
Sig. (bilateral)
Pearson correlation
Sig. (bilateral)
*. The correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (bilateral).
Table 4. Correlation of decisional Procrastination
The Pearson's r statistic value is -.221, that is, there is an inverse correlation. Furthermore,
this correlation is significant, so it can be affirmed with 95% confidence that in the study
area there is a negative correlation between the procrastination variable and the academic
performance variable, because the bilateral Sig value is 0.015, which is below the 0.05
Since there is an inverse correlation between decisional procrastination and academic
performance, it can be affirmed that the greater the procrastination, the lower the academic
performance. Although it should be mentioned that sometimes procrastination is
involuntary and over time it can become a habit. Procrastination is detrimental to the
student's academic performance.
5. Discussion
Procrastination is a social and academic problem that has become normalized over time.
Students postpone their academic activities for those that have less relevance or
importance, thus affecting their academic performance. One of the causes is the use of
technological devices and the use of social networks. This is what Guamán and Ticsalema
(2022) state in their research, where they mention that:
Internet addiction is a maladaptive behavior characterized by the
deterioration in the control of Internet use, manifested through a set of
cognitive, behavioral and physiological symptoms, generating negative
consequences whose impact is mainly in the personal, family, social and
school context (p. 102).
In the educational environment, the excessive use of technological tools predisposes
students to academic procrastination. The student is easily distracted and postpones his
tasks, putting at risk his teaching-learning process. Likewise another cause in
procrastination are the emotional factors presented by the student, for this reason Camacho
(2018) in his research argues that the "emotional conflicts that the student perceives
generate negative moods, decreasing their concentration and increasing academic
procrastination" (p. 123). Emotional stability is important in academic performance. The
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
student when presenting a negative attitude limits his abilities and skills, easily postpones
his academic activities in a way that decreases his academic performance.
With respect to the relationship between procrastination and academic performance,
Zumárraga and Cevallos (2022) affirm that:
Academic procrastination produces a negative and significant effect on
academic performance (β = -.22; p <.001). Implying that students who
procrastinate more frequently, in relation to their academic tasks and
activities, tend in turn to report worse academic performance (p. 8).
The results obtained in the research related to passive procrastination are -.344 in
Pearson's r and the Bilateral sig. a value of 0.000, likewise in decisional procrastination in
Pearson's r it has a value of -.221 and in the Bilateral sig. a value of 0.015, the values agree
with the results shown by Zumárraga and Cevallos when demonstrating that
procrastination affects academic performance.
Likewise, Paucar (2021) in his research states that "in students there are high and medium
levels of procrastination, the same levels that affect academic performance, determining
that there is a negative correlation between these indicators" (p. 90). The above findings
allow reinforcing and verifying the results obtained in the present research, the incidence
of procrastination on academic performance. The higher the level of procrastination, the
lower the academic performance or vice versa; the lower the level of procrastination, the
higher the academic performance.
Procrastination is the delay of academic activities, currently students procrastinate their
activities normally. However, procrastination is an involuntary act that over time becomes
a habit that is considered normal by students. To support this theory, there are different
models and types of procrastination that define each person. On the other hand, academic
performance in the subject of chemistry is determined by quantitative and qualitative
activities. Each student learns differently, so the teacher must implement different
strategies to evaluate academic performance. It should be taken into account that chemistry
is an experimental subject, which allows the teacher to explain the contents through
laboratory practices or experimental demonstrations. In addition, students acquire specific
skills and abilities by performing experiments.
The relationship between procrastination and academic performance in the subject of
chemistry arises when the student postpones or postpones his academic activities,
impairing his academic performance. Among the causes of procrastination, the family
context, the economic context, technological devices, social networks and emotional
stability are evident. These elements turn out to be distractors for the student during the
learning of chemistry.
Regarding social networks and technological devices Valencia (2019) in his research argues
Approximately 25% of the students who spend more than 5 hours a day
using social networks have low academic performance, that is, more than
2 areas with low performance, and these hours spent using this
technology include the school day. The33% of students who spend
between 1 and 2 hours a day studying at home do not have any area with
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(1), pp. 150-166, January-June 2024 e-ISSN: 2631-2875
low performance, while the remaining 67% have lost some area, of which
23.6% have more than 2 areas with low performance (p.11).
Similarly, in the educational institution where the research was conducted, the factors that
are most relevant in procrastination are the use of technological devices and social
networks. 72.52 % of the students use a technological device during the learning of the
subject of Chemistry. The student when concentrating on other activities that are not
related to the subject of chemistry tends to delay their academic activities because they do
not understand the topics covered. This affects their academic performance.
6. Conclusions
The research determined the incidence of procrastination and its effect on academic
performance in the subject of chemistry, obtaining as a result an inverse correlation, i.e., the
higher the procrastination, the lower the academic performance. Procrastination arises
from different causes, however, the research highlighted the use of social networks and
technological devices as they are relevant for students. Nowadays, these tools are
important, however, as highlighted by other authors in research related to procrastination
and technological devices, young people spend too much time on technological devices,
which become distractors. In this way, students at the educational institution where the
research was carried out, when they are pending on social networks or cell phones, their
concentration decreases, and this eventually affects their academic performance.
The motivation that the student experiences during the course of the class is essential to
avoid procrastination. Motivation also comes from their personal perspective, i.e., goals or
dreams they set out to accomplish. A student who is unmotivated or sad tends to
procrastinate more, not finding the need to perform or fulfill their schoolwork. Based on the
present research, it is intended to project alternative solutions to reduce the level and types
of procrastination. One of these alternatives may be the use of a digital academic agenda.
The objective of the digital academic agenda is that the student organizes his activities in a
timely manner, establishing priorities in a dynamic and fun way. This alternative, together
with other strategies and resources, could become a basis for qualitative studies related to
the reduction of procrastination rates in middle and high school students.
We express our gratitude to the First International Congress of Experimental Sciences
organized by the Experimental Sciences, Chemistry and Biology Pedagogy Careers of the
Universidad Central del Ecuador, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo and the Universidad
Técnica Particular de Loja, developed from July 31 to August 4, 2023. Thanks also to the
authorities, teachers and students of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational
Sciences of the Universidad Central del Ecuador for their support and facilities for the
execution of this research.
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LIZETH SIMBAÑA-FARINANGO obtained a degree in Experimental Sciences, Chemistry
and Biology from the Universidad Central del Ecuador, Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y
Ciencias de la Educación in 2023.
She is currently teaching Chemistry and Biology at the pre-university ASAE (Asesoramiento
Académico Especializado). Participation in the I International Congress of Experimental
HELEN FIGUEROA-CEPEDA obtained a Master's degree in University Teaching and
Educational Administration from Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica (Ecuador) in 2011.
She obtained the title of Specialist in Curriculum Design by Competencies in 2010 at the
same university. Doctorate in Biology from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and
Educational Sciences of the Central University of Ecuador in 2005. Degree in Education
Sciences, High School Teacher in the Specialization of Chemistry and Biology from the
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of the Universidad Central del
Ecuador in 1997.
She is currently a full professor of the Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences, Chemistry and
Biology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of the Central
University of Ecuador. She has participated in research projects as an adjunct researcher,
approved by the Research Department of the Universidad Central del Ecuador. Her main
research topics are in the area of science didactics. She is the author of books and articles
published in Latindex and Open Academic Journal Index journals.
MONICA CAIZATOA-FLORES She obtained her degree in Education Sciences. High School
Teacher specializing in Chemistry and Biology at the Universidad Central del Ecuador,
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences in 1998. Title registered in the
Senescyt 2007.
He has been teaching Chemistry and Biology for about 25 years. He is currently teaching
Natural Sciences at the Abdón Calderón National School. She has been trained in several
methodological teaching workshops mediated by ICT.