Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 98-116, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
digital platform provided by the university for academic activities is good, 65.19% consider
that the duration of the modules is good and 58.10% state that the organization of class
schedules has been good.
It is important to note that the control of this axis is the responsibility of the HEI, however,
the results reflect that the Teaching Management of the HGDC should put more emphasis
on these parameters analyzed.
3.1.3 3.1.3 Evaluation and investigation
The impact of evaluation and research from the perspective of teachers and health care
personnel reached an average impact of 86. 17%, equivalent to very good. Analyzing the
subcomponents of this axis, student participation in the teaching assistance activities
reached an average of 86.32%, equivalent to very good; the teaching assistance evaluation
system applied to the student reached an average of 89. 76%, equivalent to very good; the
scientific activities achieved an excellent average of 91. 28%; in reference to the motivation
of the HGDC and teachers to work in the field of research, a very good level of achievement
of 75. 60% is evidenced. Finally, regarding the capacity for synthesis, reasoning, reflection
and criticism developed by the student, it reached an average of 87. 87%, equivalent to very
Continuing with the analysis of the impact of evaluation and research from the students'
perspective, it reached an average impact of 80. 97%, equivalent to very good. Within this
axis, the following results have been obtained: students consider that the teaching
assistance evaluation system is very good, 85. 39% average; scientific activities achieved an
average of 79. 74% equivalent to very good, in reference to the motivation by the HGDC and
teachers to work in the field of research, a level of achievement of 71. 36% equivalent to
very good is evidenced; at the level of the evaluation made by the teacher or tutor is
considered very good with a level of achievement of 82. 42%. Finally, regarding the
student's qualification on his participation in the teaching assistance activities, an average
of 85. 95% was achieved, equivalent to very good.
3.1.4 Learning, training and transfer of knowledge
The impact of learning, training and knowledge transfer, from the perspective of teachers
and healthcare personnel, reached an average impact of 80. 94%, equivalent to very good.
It is highlighted that, at the level of knowledge of hospital regulations and norms, it is very
good with an average impact of 79. 44%, the functionality of the hospital infrastructure for
care and academic activities reached an average of 76. 17% equivalent to very good, the use
of classrooms, residences and dining room reached an average of 80. 44% equivalent to very
good. When inquiring about the level of knowledge and professionalism of the health care
staff-teaching staff, an average score of 82. 80% was reached, equivalent to very good; the
interpersonal relationships between teachers-health care staff-students reached a level of
achievement of 85. 88%, significant to very good.
The impact analysis of the learning, training and knowledge transfer axis from the students'
perspective reached an average impact of 80.38%, equivalent to very good. Within this axis,
the following results are evident: knowledge of hospital regulations and norms is very good
with an average impact of 73. 52%, the functionality of the hospital infrastructure for
assistance and academic activities reached an average of 81. 23%, equivalent to very good,
the use of classrooms, residences and dining room reached an average of 78. 29%,
equivalent to very good. When asked about the level of knowledge and professionalism of
the health care staff-teaching staff, this reached an average score of 80. 17%, equivalent to
very good; the interpersonal relationships teacher-health care staff-student reached a level