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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
The knowledge of learning strategies as an
alternative for the strengthening of
heutagogical competences in university
students in virtual mode
El conocimiento de estrategias de aprendizaje como
alternativa para el fortalecimiento de competencias
heutagógicas en estudiantes universitarios en
modalidad virtual
Floralba del Rocío Aguilar-Gordón
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
Universidad Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores, Zitácuaro, México
(Received on: 05/02/2024; Accepted on: 28/03/2024; Final version received on: 20/05/2024)
Suggested citation: Aguilar-Gordón, F. (2024). The knowledge of learning strategies as an
alternative for the strengthening of heutagogical competences in university students in
virtual mode. Revista Cátedra, 7(2), 19-38.
The article analyses the importance of knowledge of learning strategies to develop
heutagogical competences in virtual university students. The manuscript raises as a
fundamental problem the lack of development of heutagogical competences or the
necessary skills and abilities that allow university students to learn in an autonomous and
self-directed way. In response to this problem, the author proposes a number of strategies
such as problem-based learning, collaborative learning and the use of technology to foster
autonomous and self-directed learning. She theorises some questions about the
philosophical, sociological, psychological, and pedagogical foundations of learning
strategies; she makes a conceptual approach to heutagogy, its characteristics, principles and
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
history. It examines the pillars of education as the main reference for understanding the
formulation of learning strategies with a view to achieving an integral education of the
human being. It is research with a qualitative exploratory approach that is supported by
theoretical level methods such as the analytical-synthetic method and the inductive-
deductive method and empirical level methods such as the direct experience of the
researcher, content analysis, documentary analysis and literature review. Relevant findings
include the need to propose various intentional, autonomous, metacognitive,
contextualised, active and duly evaluated learning strategies in order to support the
development of heutagogical competences, contribute with mechanisms for the adaptation
of students to social changes, promote self-learning, enhance the sense of commitment and
internal motivation, and, ultimately, promote the development of critical-creative-
propositive thinking.
Learning, autonomy, virtual education, strategies, heutagogy, metacognition.
El artículo analiza la importancia del conocimiento de estrategias de aprendizaje para
desarrollar competencias heutagógicas en estudiantes universitarios en modalidad virtual.
El manuscrito plantea como problema fundamental la falta del desarrollo de competencias
heutagógicas o habilidades y capacidades necesarias que permiten a los estudiantes
universitarios aprender de manera autónoma y autodirigida. Ante este problema, la autora
propone una serie de estrategias como el aprendizaje basado en problemas, el aprendizaje
colaborativo y el uso de la tecnología para fomentar el aprendizaje autónomo y autodirigido.
Teoriza algunas cuestiones acerca de los fundamentos filosóficos, sociológicos, psicológicos,
pedagógicos de las estrategias de aprendizaje; realiza una aproximación conceptual a la
heutagogía, sus características, principios e historia. Examina los pilares de la educación
como principal referente para comprender para la formulación de estrategias de
aprendizaje con miras a lograr una educación integral del ser humano. Es una investigación
con enfoque exploratorio cualitativo que se respalda en métodos de nivel teórico como el
método analítico-sintético y el método inductivo-deductivo y en métodos de nivel empírico
como la experiencia directa de la investigadora, el análisis de contenido, el análisis
documental y la revisión bibliográfica. Como hallazgos relevantes están la necesidad de
proponer diversas estrategias de aprendizaje intencionales, autónomas, metacognitivas,
contextualizadas, activas y debidamente evaluadas con la finalidad de apoyar al desarrollo
de competencias heutagógicas, contribuir con mecanismos para la adaptación de los
estudiantes a los cambios sociales, propiciar el autoaprendizaje, potenciar el sentido de
compromiso y la motivación interna, y, en definitiva, propiciar el desarrollo del
pensamiento crítico-creativo-propositivo.
Palabras clave
Aprendizaje, autonomía, educación virtual, estrategias, heutagogía, metacognición.
1. Introduction
In recent decades, and even more so in the last four years due to the events experienced
during the health emergency, virtual studies have overcome geographical and space-time
barriers, providing diverse opportunities to people from different latitudes and corners of
the world. In the educational field, a set of training proposals supported by technology were
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
generated, and several educational programs and complementary courses were proposed
with quality didactic tools and resources for those who had access to them.
However, despite the benefits derived from the flexible nature of this mode of studies in
terms of time and schedules that facilitate the usual work performance of people, allowing
them to take care of the family and the fulfillment of other acquired responsibilities, not all
people who study in virtual or online mode have developed the necessary skills and abilities
to learn in an autonomous way. Direct experience shows that 98% of a total of 225
postgraduate students in master's degree programs in education have not developed self-
directed learning competencies to advance in their academic process; there are cases of
university students at postgraduate level who enter master's degree programs without the
necessary heutagogical competencies to assume their self-learning, which ultimately
degenerates into obstacles for their academic performance.
One of the frequent problems detected in the teaching work with twelve groups of
university graduate students linked to education and the humanistic area (master's level)
under virtual study modality of four universities (3 private and 1 public) was that 98% of
the postgraduates have serious difficulties to solve situations related to learning to learn,
predominantly the ignorance and lack of application of learning strategies, the lack of
knowledge of study techniques, the lack of reading, writing and research habits. To this
problem is added the resistance presented by the student to become more actively
involved in their own learning and the scarce experience in the realization of
metacognitions” (Aguilar, 2017, p. 51). In order to respond to this problem, we propose the
formulation of learning strategies that allow the strengthening of heutagogical capacities in
university students in virtual mode.
In a digital world like ours, the generation and application of learning strategies allow
students to learn independently, adapt to technological development and approach complex
problems with critical thinking. The knowledge of learning strategies becomes an
alternative for the strengthening of competences that allow learning to learn and that
enhance autonomous learning in the learning subject, hence, the objective of the manuscript
is to analyze the importance of the knowledge of learning strategies as an alternative for the
strengthening of heutagogical competences in university students in virtual modality.
The topic is topical, it is proposed to respond to the supreme objective of education:
“learning to learn” as one of the main approaches made by Delors in the text Learning: The
Treasure Within (1997) of the Report to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) from which the four fundamental pillars of education,
essential for the development of people and societies, are derived. In this sense, talking
about the strengthening of heutagogical competencies implies considering the four pillars
of education as follows:
The learning to know pillar refers to the development of critical thinking skills, problem
solving and knowledge acquisition in various areas; it aims to encourage curiosity, research,
reflective, critical and innovative thinking, aspects that in terms of Martin (2008) "involves
acquiring certain metacognitive skills, ..., capabilities that allow the student to know and
regulate their own learning processes" (p. 73).).
The learning to do pillar focuses on the development of practical skills and the ability to
apply knowledge in real situations; it explores the need to promote entrepreneurship,
creativity and the ability to work in teams. To achieve this, Delors suggests that students
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
participate in professional or social activities in parallel to their studies, so that they can
evaluate and enrich themselves.
The learning to be pillar focuses on the development of the whole person, including
physical, emotional, ethical and spiritual aspects; it fosters autonomy, self-esteem and
respect for oneself and others. This implies the need to explore oneself better.
The learning to live together pillar refers to the development of social, intercultural and
global citizenship skills. According to Delors, the aim is to foster respect, tolerance,
solidarity and the ability to live in harmony with others through the building of values.
Pillars considered by UNESCO as essential criteria for quality education and fundamental
aspects for the sustainable development of societies. The implementation of these
guidelines is intended to contribute to the integral formation of individuals in the complex
society in which they live.
UNESCO considers that learning to learn is an essential competence in the 21st century,
since the world is constantly changing and individuals need to be prepared to adapt to new
challenges, “education must adapt at all times to changes in society” (Delors, 1997, p. 18).
Some of the key skills included in learning to learn are the ability to identify and define
problems; the ability to search for and process information; the ability to analyze and
synthesize information; the ability to solve problems; the ability to think critically; the
ability to learn from mistakes.
Methodologically, this study adopts a qualitative exploratory approach because it analyzes
the autonomous learning problems of university students in virtual modality; it considers
two main sources of data: one taken from the observation and direct experience of the
author and the other, from the review of specialized literature on the subject; it relies on
inductive-deductive methods to categorize common problems identified in direct
experience and compare them with the literature on learning strategies; finally, for the
analysis, understanding and interpretation of the information, the phenomenological and
hermeneutic methods are used, respectively.
The manuscript is made up of three sections: the first section presents the theoretical
foundation that approaches the understanding of the subject matter of the research, in this
sense, it makes a conceptual approach to learning strategies, exploring their characteristics,
principles and foundations; it addresses essential aspects related to heutagogy, its
principles, origin, competencies and outstanding figures in the field of self-learning. The
second section explains the methodology used in the research process and presents the
analysis and discussion of the information gathered. The third section presents the results
obtained in the research, explains the contributions of learning strategies to self-learning in
virtual environments, with special emphasis on the general and specific strategies that can
strengthen the heutagogical skills of students in the virtual modality.
1.1 Conceptual approach to learning strategies
Learning strategies refer to the actions that students use in a conscious and planned manner
to improve their own learning process; these actions may include study techniques,
organization of information, use of resources, self-regulation and reflection on their own
learning. However, when it comes to defining a learning strategy, there is not always
agreement on what is meant by it. Thus, for example, paraphrasing Monereo et al., (1999),
it is found that learning strategies include different techniques and procedures used by
students to learn and process information effectively. A learning strategy focuses on how
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
students will learn in an effective and autonomous manner, for which it is necessary to
distinguish between methodological strategy, didactic strategy and learning strategy; the
first refers to the general approach used by the teacher to teach or investigate; the second
refers to the specific actions used by the teacher to facilitate learning; and the third refers
to the actions used by students to improve their own learning process.
1.2 Characteristics of learning strategies
Learning strategies can be applied in different contexts, in different disciplines and can vary
according to the needs, interests, motivations, learning styles and individual preferences of
each student. Among the characteristics of learning strategies, the following can be pointed
They are used in a deliberate and planned manner by students to achieve specific learning
goals. Valle et al. (1998) complement that learning strategies “have a conscious and
intentional character in which decision-making processes are involved on the part of the
learner adjusted to the objective or goal he/she intends to achieve” (p. 56). In other words,
a necessary characteristic is intentionality.
They promote the independence and self-regulation of the student, allowing him/her to
make informed decisions about the ways to approach and solve learning problems, i.e., they
are characterized by the autonomous character that determines the actions of the learning
They involve reflection and awareness of one's own learning process, which allows students
to monitor and evaluate their own progress and performance. In this regard, Aguilar (2017)
considers that strategies related to metacognition are those that allow regulating and
guiding learning through planning, monitoring and evaluation” (p. 50). Hence, one of its
essential characteristics is its metacognitive tendency.
From the above, it is necessary to consider that the characteristics of learning strategies
allow students to adapt to different learning contexts and propitiate the development of
self-regulation skills.
1.3. Principles of learning strategies
The principles of georeferencing, diversification, dynamic perspective, finally, evaluation
and feedback are essential to define the effectiveness of learning strategies. Among the
basic principles of learning strategies, the following can be personally mentioned:
Georeferencing, insofar as learning strategies must be contextualized and adapted
to the specific characteristics of each learning task and situation, since there is no
single strategy that works in the same way in all contexts, with all subjects and in all
Diversification, in that students must use a multiplicity of learning strategies to
address different types of tasks and content, which allows them to develop diverse
skills, abilities, competencies and approaches to face different learning challenges.
Dynamic perspective, since learning strategies promote student participation in the
learning process, involving them in activities such as the elaboration of summaries,
the generation of questions and the practical application of the concepts learned.
Evaluation and feedback, because it is important that students permanently
evaluate their own learning and receive the corresponding feedback on their
performance, aspects that allow them to identify strengths and areas for
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
improvement and adjust their learning strategies in accordance with the immediate
and mediate reality in which they find themselves.
1.4 Fundamentals of learning strategies
A critical analysis of the subject shows that learning strategies have philosophical,
psychological, pedagogical and sociological bases on which they are based.
1.4.1. Philosophical foundations of learning strategies
Learning strategies are based on several philosophical foundations that influence their
development and application. Some of these bases are:
The humanistic approach focuses on the integral development of the individual,
emphasizing his or her needs, interests and capabilities. In the field of learning
strategies, this implies considering the individual characteristics of each student
and adapting strategies to his or her needs and preferences.
The empiricist philosophical current, which holds that knowledge is acquired
through observation and experience; according to this perspective, learning
strategies focus on experimentation, practice and direct contact of the subject with
the real world.
The philosophical current of rationalism, which states that knowledge is obtained
through reason, which has two fundamental characteristics: logical necessity and
universal validity; according to this point of view, learning strategies are focused on
reflection, analysis and problem solving.
The philosophical current of critical thinking emphasizes the importance of
questioning and critically analyzing existing ideas and knowledge. In the context of
learning, this implies not passively accepting information, but examining it critically
and looking for evidence and solid arguments. By applying criticality in learning
strategies, students can develop critical thinking skills, evaluate the quality of
information, and form informed opinions.
Enlightenment, or the 18th century intellectual movement, which promoted reason,
science, and education as means for human progress. In the context of learning, the
enlightenment approach involves seeking knowledge through research,
experimentation and logical reasoning. Enlightenment-based learning strategies
encourage intellectual curiosity, the active search for information, the development
of critical thinking skills, the evaluation of information, and the active pursuit of
knowledge. These skills are essential for effective learning and for the development
of a continuous learning mindset.
Phenomenological philosophy and hermeneutic philosophy as important
foundations for learning strategies by focusing on experience, interpretation,
subjectivity, and critical reflection. These approaches can assist students in
developing a deeper and more meaningful understanding of study materials, as well
as enhance critical, creative, reflective, and purposeful thinking skills. They are
essential foundations for learning strategies in several ways: a) Focus on experience
and interpretation: both phenomenology and hermeneutics focus on understanding
human experience and how we interpret the world. These philosophical
perspectives help students develop a deeper awareness of their own learning
experiences and reflect on how they interpret information. b). Attention to
subjectivity: phenomenology and hermeneutics recognize the importance of
subjectivity in understanding the world. By applying these approaches to learning,
students can be encouraged to reflect on their own perspectives and to consider
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
how their experiences and beliefs influence their learning process. c).
Interpretation and understanding: hermeneutics focuses on the interpretation and
understanding of texts and contexts. By applying this approach to learning, students
can learn to analyze and understand study materials more deeply, as well as to
consider different perspectives and possible meanings. d). Critical reflection: both
phenomenology and hermeneutics promote critical reflection and questioning of
assumptions. By applying these approaches to learning, students can develop
critical thinking skills and learn to effectively question and evaluate the information
they encounter.
These philosophical foundations provide a theoretical framework for the design and
implementation of effective learning strategies for autonomous and meaningful learning,
and foster the integral development of students.
1.4.2. Psychological bases of learning strategies
Learning strategies are cognitive and metacognitive processes that students use to acquire,
organize, remember and use information effectively. These strategies are based on
psychological principles that explain how we process, store, and use information; in other
words, they explain how the mind works and how information processing is generated.
Among the psychological bases of learning strategies are the following:
Information processing theory: this theory holds that learning involves the
acquisition, storage and retrieval of information. Aguilar (2017) assumes that
cognitive psychology offers interesting elements that favor the analysis,
description, understanding and explanation of the different mental processes that
occur in human beings” (p. 53). Thus, learning strategies are based on the way we
process and organize information in our mind.
Social learning theory: this theory devised by Albert Bandura (1997) emphasizes
the importance of learning through observation and imitation of others. Learning
strategies may include observing effective role models and imitating their actions.
Operant conditioning theory: this theory proposed by Skinner considers that a
person's behavior is shaped by the positive or negative consequences that follow; it
stresses the importance of consequences in shaping behaviors, states that through
reinforcement and punishment, the consequences of a person's actions influence
the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated or extinguished; it focuses on how
the consequences of our actions affect our future behavior. Learning strategies may
involve the use of rewards and reinforcement to motivate and strengthen learning.
Motivation theory: motivation plays a fundamental role in learning; for Abraham
Maslow, motivation is the human being's drive to satisfy his needs; he developed the
theory of motivation based on the concept of hierarchy of needs that influence
human behavior; he maintains that man is a creature, his needs grow during his life,
and as they are satisfied, other higher needs will dominate his behavior. Maslow's
theory, with an inward-oriented approach, represents a model for how people
behave. Maslow's theory, McClelland and Herzberg approach motivation in a basic
way; they believe that it is about a person's needs. A satisfied need does not give rise
to any behavior; unsatisfied needs influence behavior and direct it toward the
achievement of individual goals. Learning strategies may include techniques to
increase motivation, such as setting clear goals, using rewards, and promoting self-
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Memory theory: memory is fundamental to learning. Learning strategies may
involve techniques to improve retention and retrieval of information, such as
repetition, organization and elaboration.
Autonomous learning theory: This theory focuses on the active role of the learner in
his or her own learning process. The “learning to learn” approach promotes learner
autonomy and self-regulation by encouraging the learner to take the initiative to
seek and select relevant information, set learning goals, and evaluate his or her own
Understanding these psychological underpinnings can help students develop effective
strategies for improving their learning.
1.4.3. Pedagogical basis of learning strategies
The pedagogical foundations of learning strategies refer to the theoretical and conceptual
underpinnings that support the use of learning strategies in the educational process. These
foundations are based on an understanding of how students learn and how their learning
can be enhanced through the use of effective strategies. The following are some of the most
significant pedagogical bases of learning strategies:
Behaviorism: this approach focuses on observable behavior and how it can be modified
through stimuli and rewards; it considers learning to be a simple stimulus-response
association; the individual learns to know objective reality through the senses, but the
learner is seen as a passive being who simply reacts to environmental stimuli. It has
different approaches such as Pavlov's classical conditioning; Thorndike's connectionism;
Gurthrie's contiguity principle; Thorndike and Skinner's operant conditioning; Bandura's
observation and imitation. Learning strategies based on behaviorism focus on repetition,
positive reinforcement and systematic practice.
Cognitivism: this pedagogical perspective focuses on the study of mental processes and how
information is acquired, processed and stored. This theory holds that learning occurs
through the gradual construction of knowledge. Among the different approaches, Piaget;
Bruner with the well-known discovery learning; Ausubel with meaningful learning; Robert
Gagné and his humanistic tendency; Gardner and the theory of multiple intelligences stand
out. In the context of learning strategies, cognitivism refers to the use of techniques and
strategies that promote comprehension, reasoning and retention of information.
Constructivism: this theory holds that students construct their own knowledge through
interaction with their environment and the active construction of meaning. Among the
approaches of this theory we find the radical constructivism of Vico, Von Foerster,
Glasersfeld; the cognitive constructivism of Piaget with his micro and macrogenetics; the
socio-cultural constructivism of Vygotsky in his historical-socio-cultural version and
situated cognition; and the social constructivism of Max Sheler, Berger and Luckmann with
their distributed cognition and the consequent learning communities that derive from their
theories. Learning strategies are based on this approach, which leads to the understanding
that students should be active participants in their own learning process, building their
knowledge from their experiences and reflections.
Connectivism: this pedagogical basis is based on the idea that learning is a social and
connected process, in which the individual benefits from interaction with others and access
to digital resources and tools. This theory, promoted by Stephen Downes and George
Siemens, is known as the learning theory for the digital age, and seeks to explain complex
learning in an ever-evolving digital social world. In the field of learning strategies,
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
connectivism tends to promote collaboration, the exchange of ideas and the use of
information and communication technologies.
Meaningful learning theory: according to this theory advocated by Ausubel, learning is most
effective when students can relate new information to their prior knowledge and give it
personal meaning. The “learning to learn” approach encourages students to be able to make
connections between different concepts and apply them in different contexts, which
facilitates meaningful learning. For the perspective of Valle, et al. (1998) meaningful
learning involves a process in which the learner selects relevant information, organizes it
into a coherent whole and integrates it into the existing knowledge structure.
Metacognition: Metacognition refers to students' ability to reflect on their own learning
process, monitor their understanding and regulate their own learning. In the words of
Aguilar (2010):
…. the relating element in all the conceptions about metacognition is that
it constitutes a mental activity composed of a series of capacities that the
subject has to systematize, to organize by means of symbolic tools the
processes associated with a mental activity of which we are conscious
and can transmit it, communicate it to others; a mental activity
constituted by a series of processes (thinking, analyzing, inferring,
reasoning, solving problems, anticipating, perceiving, etc.) and their
respective products (such as perceptions, thinking, ideas, models,
concepts, etc.); a mental activity associated with the processes and
products through which knowledge about the physical, social and
psychological world is constructed; a conscious, organized and self-
regulated mental activity of the processes being executed and the
products being generated; a self-evaluative and self-corrective mental
activity that allows the monitoring and evaluation of the results achieved
according to the proposed goals; a mental activity that expresses reality
through the use of signs, symbols and ideas, from which the
representations on which the mind operates are constructed (p. 161).
Thus, interpreting Aguilar (2010), metacognition constitutes a mental process that involves
a series of skills inherent to the subject to systematize and organize the processes related
to a mental activity. Learning strategies promote metacognition by teaching students to be
aware of their own thoughts, emotions and learning strategies.
Motivation: Motivation plays a crucial role in learning. Learning strategies seek to foster
students' intrinsic motivation by making learning relevant, interesting, and challenging.
They also focus on setting clear goals and providing positive feedback to maintain students'
These pedagogical foundations support the use of learning strategies as effective tools to
enhance the teaching and learning process. By understanding and applying these
foundations, educators can design and use learning strategies that are appropriate for the
needs and characteristics of their students.
It is important to consider that the aforementioned foundations are not exclusive; on the
contrary, many psycho-pedagogical approaches integrate different philosophical and
epistemological elements. In this sense, by understanding the essential foundations of
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
learning strategies, educators can select and design strategies that align with their beliefs
and theories about the way knowledge is acquired.
1.4.4. Sociological foundations of learning strategies
Learning strategies are cognitive and metacognitive processes that students use to acquire,
process and retain information effectively. These strategies are not only influenced by
endogenous individual factors, but also by exogenous sociological factors.
The sociology of learning focuses on how social factors, such as culture, structure and social
interactions, influence the learning process. Thus, in the author's opinion, some sociological
foundations of learning strategies include:
The culture of a society that determines the norms, values and beliefs that influence
the ways of teaching and learning. Learning strategies may vary by culture as
societies value different approaches to learning.
Social structure, including power distribution, hierarchy and social relations, also
affects learning strategies. For example, in more egalitarian societies, learners are
more likely to adopt collaborative strategies, while in more hierarchical societies
competitive strategies may prevail.
Social interactions, both within and outside the educational environment, may
influence learning strategies; thus, direct interaction with peers and teachers may
encourage the use of collaborative learning strategies, while lack of social
interaction may lead to more individualistic strategies.
1.5. Elementary questions on heutagogy.
With the intention of clarifying the subject, this section refers to the definition, principles,
characteristics, historical origin of heutagogy, heutagogical competencies, classes,
representatives and other related aspects.
Heutagogy is an educational approach that promotes self-directed learning and learner
autonomy. It focuses on the development of learning skills and provides a flexible and
collaborative environment to support the individual learning process. Etymologically,
according to Morales and Amaya (2019), the term heutagogy is derived from the Greek
words “heuriskein” (discover) and “agogos” (guide), meaning “guiding discovery” (p. 557).
Thus, heutagogy states that students are capable of learning autonomously and of directing
their own learning and that the role of the teacher is to facilitate and support this process;
accordingly, heutagogical educators must fulfill the role of facilitators of learning by
providing students with the necessary tools and resources so that they can explore and
discover on their own.
Heutagogy focuses on the development of autonomous learning skills, such as self-
reflection, self-regulation and the search for resources, in this sense, it establishes that
students are responsible for their own learning process, making decisions about what, how
and when to learn and about how to evaluate their own progress. From this perspective,
Palomino (2018) understands that heutagogy is a theory of self-determined learning that
modifies existing knowledge to generate new ones. Likewise, Silvain and Díaz (2018)
mention that andragogy is the main antecedent of heutagogy, and that, unlike pedagogy and
andragogy, which focus on teacher-directed teaching and learning, heutagogy focuses on
autonomous and self-directed learning performed by the learning subject.
As stated in preceding lines, self-learning is an educational approach in which students
assume responsibility for their own learning and guide themselves through the acquisition
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
of knowledge and skills on an ongoing basis. For Morales and Amaya (2019) “the continuing
education of the university professional implies the improvement and scientific, humanistic,
sociological and cultural updating not only complementary but at the same time, deepening
of the initial training” (p. 558). Self-learning is a broad concept, practiced by various
subjects and in different contexts. Some of the significant representatives of this type of
learning are:
Malcolm Knowles: prominent adult learning theorist who in turn promoted the concept of
“andragogy”, which refers to the teaching and learning process of adults. Dieck (2020)
comments that Knowles emphasized the importance of self-direction and intrinsic
motivation in the learning process. He described six principles that include need to know,
self-concept, prior experience, readiness to learn, learning orientation, and motivation to
Maria Montessori: Italian educator known for her pedagogical approach based on the search
for the autonomy and freedom of the child; she argued that the innate potential for learning
and development that every human being has should be valued; she designed a learning
environment that encourages exploration and self-learning. The Montessori method
emphasizes the strengthening of independence, the valuing of observation, monitoring and
timely correction of the child, the prepared environment, the use of complete material and
evaluation process according to the mentality of the subject.
Carl Rogers: American psychologist and therapist known for his humanistic approach to
education, who according to Mcleod (2023) promulgated the importance of authenticity
and empathy in the learning process, and advocated a learner-centered approach in which
the learner takes responsibility for his or her own learning.
Each of them has contributed significantly to the development of theories and practices
related to self-learning or self-directed learning.
1.5.1. Principles of heutagogy
It is important to remember that heutagogy focuses its attention on the development of
fundamental skills for lifelong learning; skills such as the ability to research, analyze
information, solve problems and communicate effectively become essential for the
achievement of meaningful learning. To fulfill this purpose, heutagogy proposes to provide
a flexible and adaptable environment that allows students to personalize their learning
experience, considering them as "people with the potential to explore, change and
transform the world" (Aguilar, 2010, p. 164).
Hence, from the author's perspective, the characteristic principles of heutagogy could be
summarized as follows:
Self-directed learning. This principle promotes regulated self-learning as a
mechanism for the formative process. According to Mendo et al. (2019), self-
learning is understood as “the way of learning by oneself” (p. 55), which implies that
students are able to make decisions about their own learning, establish personal
goals and objectives, select learning resources and evaluate their own progress. This
principle becomes the dynamizing entity of the learning process to the extent that
students assume responsibility for their own learning (self-directed learning).
According to heutagogy, students should not depend on a teacher to guide their
learning process. In this regard, Hase and Kenyon (2007) warn that the teacher
should not control the student's learning experience; on the contrary, students
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
themselves should develop the ability to identify their own learning needs, seek and
use resources, strategies and mechanisms to evaluate their own progress.
Autonomy. This principle promotes the need for students to be autonomous and
take control of their own learning as a fundamental basis for personal and social
Reflection and metacognition. This principle establishes that it is essential for
students to develop the capacity to reflect on their own learning process, to identify
strengths and weaknesses, and to make adjustments according to their contextual
requirements (reflection and metacognition).
Collaboration and social learning. According to this principle, while it is true that
heutagogy focuses on autonomous or self-directed learning, recognizing that
learning is an individual process, that each student has different needs and learning
styles, it also values collaboration, knowledge sharing and social learning among
students whereby students can benefit from interacting with others through
networking, participating in learning communities, exchanging ideas with others,
1.5.2. Historical origin of heutagogy
Heutagogy has gained recognition in recent times, however, according to Blaschke and
Marín (2020) historically the term was coined in 2000 by theorists Stewart Hase and Chris
Kenyon, who proposed heutagogy as a response to traditional teaching-learning
approaches, approaches centered on the transmission of knowledge by the teacher. Hase
was inspired by the self-directed learning theory of Malcolm Knowles and the self-
determination theory of Edward Deci and Richard Ryan respectively.
In the 2000s, Australian educator Fredricka Reisman popularized the term and promoted
heutagogy as an effective approach to learning in the digital age; since then, heutagogy has
gained recognition and has been adopted by educators worldwide; it states that students
are capable of learning autonomously and that the role of the educator is to facilitate the
process and motivate students to achieve their learning goals. Hence, in agreement with
Blaschke (2016) in heutagogy, the student is the one who establishes the curriculum and
who develops his or her learning map, emphasizing the development of his or her
The history of heutagogy dates back to theories of self-directed learning and self-
determination, it has evolved over the years as an educational approach that promotes
autonomous and self-directed learning. Over time, heutagogy has been applied in different
educational contexts, in higher education, in vocational training and in online learning; it
has been shown that heutagogy fosters intrinsic motivation, autonomy and lifelong learning
1.5.3. Heutagogical competencies required of university students in virtual mode
Heutagogical competencies are a set of skills and abilities that allow people to learn in an
autonomous and self-regulated manner, highlighting reflection, continuous learning and
adaptability. In this regard, Mendo et al. (2019) state that heutagogical competencies
constitute "a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that the person
carries out on his or her own" (pp. 55-56). These competencies are related to the process of
self-learning and the ability to reflect, make decisions and adapt to different learning
situations. In the virtual modality, university students must develop certain heutagogical
competencies to succeed in their learning, in this sense, Aguilar (2017) conceives that "the
learner chooses the learning strategies according to his/her needs and criteria" (p. 51), so
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
that, the essential characteristics required in a university student with heutagogical
competencies for his/her performance in virtual modality are the following:
Autonomy: it is necessary to possess autonomy, to have the ability to direct their
own learning, setting goals, planning their study and evaluating their progress, since
according to Hase and Kenyon (2007) heutagogy provides students with the
opportunity to determine what they want to learn. Students should be able to self-
manage their learning by setting goals, planning their time and formulating
initiatives to seek resources and solve problems.
Self-regulation: it is required to have the capacity for self-regulation, to be able to
regulate their own learning process, monitoring their level of understanding,
identifying areas for improvement and applying strategies to overcome obstacles.
It is essential that students have the ability to regulate their own emotions,
motivation and effort; that they can stay focused on their learning objectives,
overcome obstacles and adapt to different learning situations.
Metacognition: students with heutagogical competencies are aware of their own
thinking and learning processes. They can reflect on their own strengths and
weaknesses, identify effective study strategies, and monitor their understanding
and progress. In this way, as Aguilar (2010) asserts, the student becomes an active
agent in his learning process, capable of reconfiguring his mental structures,
assimilating the information he acquires from his environment and constructing
knowledge, giving meaning and significance to every aspect of his educational
Reflection: develop the capacity to reflect on one's own learning, analyzing
strengths and weaknesses, identifying thinking patterns and adjusting study
strategies. Students should be guided to analyze and evaluate their own learning.
Self-discipline: it is important that students are disciplined and committed to
completing assigned tasks and activities, even without the direct supervision of a
Continuous learning. Possessing the ability to engage in lifelong learning, having an
attitude of constant learning, seeking opportunities to acquire new knowledge and
skills throughout life.
Adaptability: having the capacity for adaptability or adapting to different learning
environments, taking advantage of learning opportunities in different contexts and
using different resources and tools. Blaschke and Marín (2020) consider heutagogy
as “non-linear learning because it is located in an open framework” (p. 57).
Critical thinking: students must be able to analyze, evaluate, critically synthesize the
information they find online, identifying reliable sources, questioning assumptions
and making informed decisions supported by evidence. For Morales and Amaya
(2019) “university education should enable the empowerment of the individual in
their self-training and lifelong learning” (p. 560).
Virtual collaboration: although learning in virtual mode can be individual, it is also
important that students can collaborate effectively with their peers through the use
of online tools, such as discussion forums, chats or group work platforms in order
to take advantage of the strengths of others to enrich their own learning.
Digital literacy and technology management: students must have the ability to adapt
to new digital tools and platforms, possess basic skills in the use of information and
communication technology tools, such as web browsers, online learning platforms
and productivity software.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Effective communication: in a virtual environment, written communication is
essential. Students must be able to express their ideas clearly and coherently
through e-mails, messages using different digital tools, forums and written work.
Problem solving: students must be able to identify problems, come up with creative
solutions and apply strategies to solve them.
These heutagogical competencies are essential for virtual university students to make the
most of their learning experience in order to achieve their academic goals.
2. Methodology
This study is based on theoretical methods, based on the method of critical review of the
existing literature on the subject, we proceeded to the search for information, the
assessment of various authors and outstanding works. It uses empirical methods, which in
education are those based on observation and direct experience that were key to obtain
knowledge; these methods have several important contributions for the educational field:
they promote active learning; stimulate critical thinking; foster creativity; improve
knowledge retention; develop practical skills, etc. Likewise, the analytical-synthetic method
was used to process and evaluate the different points of view on the subject. This is an
exploratory study, which analyzes different conceptions about autonomous learning faced
by university students in virtual mode. It adopts a qualitative approach that combines the
direct experience of the teacher with bibliographic verification, using the inductive-
deductive and phenomenological-hermeneutic methods to understand in depth the
challenges faced by students in their self-learning process.
From the data collected, the inductive-deductive approach allowed studying common
problems identified in the direct experience to categorize them and subsequently, the data
were compared with the existing bibliographic information on learning strategies that
strengthen heutagogical skills in students in virtual modality.
Applying the phenomenological-hermeneutic approach, we deepened the understanding of
the subjective experiences of students in the context of autonomous learning; we were able
to observe significant patterns in their school performance, which were manifested, among
other aspects, in the fulfillment of tasks and the results of the evaluations as indicators of
their learning in graduate studies at the master's degree level. Finally, the results were
interpreted based on previously documented pedagogical theories and experiences.
2.1 Collection of information
In order to obtain data, the researcher's direct experience as a teacher of master's degree
programs in different public and private universities was the starting point for the diagnosis
of the problem, the identification of limitations in the learning process, the absence of
heutagogical competencies, the identification of alternative solutions regarding the
dynamics, challenges and specific challenges faced by university graduate students in the
virtual modality. Frequent interaction with university students, observations in virtual class
sessions and direct dialogue with them allowed a deep understanding of their learning
As a complement to the direct experience, the respective bibliographic review was carried
out on topics related to autonomous learning, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, self-
regulation of learning, availability of educational resources in virtual environments, as well
as effective strategies for knowledge assessment in university students.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
2.2 Analysis and discussion
The common problems associated with the aforementioned are linked to the following:
Lack of motivation: of virtual mode master's students, 98% have difficulties in finding the
necessary internal motivation to learn autonomously; without the guidance and direct
supervision of the teacher, they tend to lose the interest and discipline necessary to learn
on their own. In the words of León (2023), many teachers focus on having students who are
motivated to learn that they intend to impart and point out that it would be better if “...
students are motivated to learn on their own” (p. 69).
The absence of self-regulation skills: 98% of the master learners evidence a lack of
strategies for learning to learn, they require self-regulation skills that allow them to set
goals, plan time and evaluate progress. Some students lack these skills and find it difficult
to organize their learning effectively. Therefore, as Leon (2023) asserts, one of the tasks of
teachers is to identify the needs of students and determine whether they are able to actively
participate in the learning process.
Lack of resources and support: Autonomous learning may require access to adequate
resources and support, such as libraries, study materials and guidance, aspects to which
98% of students do not have access, which hinders their ability to learn autonomously.
Difficulty in self-diagnosing knowledge: Learning to learn implies the ability to evaluate and
diagnose one's own knowledge. 97% of graduate students in virtual modality demonstrate
difficulties in accurately assessing their level of understanding and identifying the areas in
which they need improvement.
Lack of previous experience in autonomous learning: 95% of master's students are
accustomed to traditional and behaviorist educational processes in which the teacher
provides the information and students uncritically receive the information. Learning to
learn requires a change in the mentality and predisposition to apply study strategies that
enhance self-learning.
Lack of development of reading, research and text comprehension skills: This is another
problem present in 98% of students in virtual master's degree programs. In addition, the
lack of knowledge of learning methods, techniques and strategies, present in 95% of the
students referred to, is another problem.
3. Results
As results of the research, there are some contributions of the strategies for self-learning of
students in virtual modality. In order to carry out self-learning processes, the student in
virtual mode requires knowledge and application of strategies for learning to learn such as
those explained below:
The search and effective use of digital resources: in virtual education, there are a
large number of resources available online, such as e-books, articles, videos and
tutorials. It is necessary that the student learns to search and select the most
relevant and reliable resources for study. With heutagogy, the teacher can also be
“critically incorporated into the informational horizons and the use of technology
(Morales and Amaya, 2019, p. 563).
Independent research processes: studies in virtual modality require students to
learn to use tools and resources that allow them to search, identify, select and
process relevant and reliable information; current times demand the development
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
of competencies on the management of electronic books, academic articles and
specialized databases.
Online courses: online courses and programs are an opportunity to strengthen the
development of competencies, they adapt in a flexible way to the requirements,
contexts and schedules of the student, for example, the use of virtual platforms such
as: Coursera, edX and Udemy that offer a wide variety of courses in different areas
of study.
Search for online videos and tutorials: this activity allows understanding and
incorporating new content, including an important categorical corpus through the
use of platforms such as YouTube and Khan Academy that offer a diversified
educational content.
Use of interactive multimedia resources such as videos, simulations or interactive
games to facilitate learning, as these resources allow students to explore,
experiment actively and develop different skills and abilities.
Participation: although learning in virtual environments can be mostly individual,
participation in discussion forums, study groups and online collaborative activities
related to the area of study also contribute to the development of heutagogical
competencies, allowing the sharing of ideas, resolving doubts and enriching
learning through online exchange with other students.
Collaborative online interaction involves the creation of online work groups with
classmates in which students can discuss, resolve doubts, collaborate and share
knowledge to solve problems or carry out projects; through interaction with others,
communication skills, teamwork, understanding of concepts and critical thinking
are developed.
Organization and planning: these are necessary in virtual studies, and can be carried
out through the creation of schedules, the establishment of realistic goals,
subdividing activities, reorganizing dates for the completion of tasks, etc. In this
regard, Valle et al. (1998) agree that “learning involves an active process of
integration and organization of information, construction of meanings and control
of understanding” (p. 61).).
Recording or taking notes and summaries: these are valuable strategies that should
be executed before, during and after a virtual class to the extent that these
techniques promote the development of fundamental cognitive skills in human
beings. The elaboration of content summaries, synthesis, analysis, underlining,
structuring graphic organizers and the use of other techniques allow processing and
remembering information, and are effective to consolidate learning. These activities
help to identify, process and systematize information.
The self-assessment process understood as self-monitoring and self-regulation:
Another significant aspect in the learning to learn process is the practice exercises
for self-assessment of progress and understanding of the content through feedback
activities. Self-assessment allows to identify strengths and weaknesses, focus on
improving in the required areas and adjust the study approach. The use of strategies
such as self-assessment, reflection and constant feedback allows monitoring
learning and making the necessary adjustments for improvement.
Self-care as an essential mechanism to care for physical and mental well-being,
respect for rest time, exercise, nutrition and medically recommended sleep as
requirements for effective learning.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Establishment of short and long term goals and rewards as an effective way to
maintain motivation insofar as self-compensation constitutes a key element for self-
Use of the strategy of reflective learning in order to achieve metacognition and the
development of their skills and abilities.
Application of problem-based learning (PBL): this strategy consists of presenting
students with a challenging problem or situation related to the topic of study.
Students must investigate, analyze and propose solutions, thus fostering their
autonomy and capacity for self-directed learning.
Application of project-based learning (PBL): in this strategy, students work on
research or creative projects that allow them to apply the knowledge acquired in
real situations. Students must plan, research, design and present their projects,
which promotes their autonomy and capacity for self-directed learning.
These strategies should be adapted to the needs and characteristics of virtual mode
students, and it is important to provide them with the necessary support and guidance so
that they can develop their abilities to achieve effective self-learning, making true that
“education consists of getting a person to do by himself what he should do, to develop skills
and abilities that allow him to represent and understand the world; to interpret existence
and to undertake in life itself,...” (Aguilar, 2008, p. 44).
The implementation of strategies for learning to learn autonomously in virtual mode
requires discipline, responsibility and commitment. In virtual university education, there
are several methods, techniques and strategies that can be used for self-learning. These
strategies are useful for students to acquire knowledge autonomously, taking advantage of
their learning styles and experiences in virtual environments. Self-learning in virtual
education requires discipline and commitment, and the adequate use of learning strategies
contributes to the strengthening of the necessary capacities of the human being for
individual and social transformation.
4. Conclusions
Learning strategies based on heutagogy promote autonomous and meaningful learning in
university students, contribute to the strengthening of heutagogical skills that promote the
improvement of students' ability to learn independently and adapt to changing
environments, however, the implementation of heutagogical strategies requires a change in
the role of the teacher, who must act as a facilitator and guide instead of being the center of
the teaching process.
Learning strategies play a fundamental role in virtual education, as they help students
acquire and apply knowledge effectively; promote self-management and self-direction
skills; facilitate the organization and structuring of information in a meaningful way, an
aspect that helps them understand and retain information more effectively; encourage
active participation in the learning process, by using techniques such as collaborative
learning, online discussion and problem solving, students can interact with their peers and
build knowledge together; improve motivation and engagement in virtual education by
using techniques such as gamification, challenges and rewards, a more engaging and
stimulating learning environment can be created; develop critical, reflective and creative
thinking skills by employing techniques such as case analysis, problem solving and
information evaluation, learners can develop their ability to analyze, evaluate and make
informed decisions.
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Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 19-38, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Learning strategies are fundamental for self-learning in virtual education, as they help
students become more autonomous, organized, participative, motivated and critical in their
learning process.
In addition, by fostering autonomy and responsibility in their educational process, students
are better prepared for lifelong learning, a crucial skill for today's work environment.
Likewise, the development of metacognitive skills improves understanding of the learning
process and leads to deeper and more meaningful learning. Heutagogy is an educational
approach that focuses on self-directed learning and learner autonomy. In the virtual
education of university students, heutagogy can be of great importance because it fosters
learner autonomy; active learning where students actively participate in the search for and
construction of knowledge; promotes the ability to adapt to different learning environments
and situations; fosters students' intrinsic motivation by allowing them to choose and direct
their own learning.
4.1 Challenges
Teachers' lack of familiarity with and understanding of heutagogy can hinder its effective
Adapting curricular content and traditional assessment to heutagogical approaches is a
Resistance to change on the part of students and teachers may hinder the adoption of
strategies for self-learning.
The use of teaching methods that encourage student participation.
Openness to opportunities for students to work on collaborative projects.
The use of technological tools that support autonomous learning.
4.2 Challenges:
The training of teachers in the use of heutagogical strategies.
The creation of flexible and collaborative learning environments that foster student
autonomy and self-regulation.
Heutagogy-based learning assessment requires the development of new assessment
approaches and tools that go beyond traditional tests.
In conclusion, heutagogy-based learning strategies can be an effective way to strengthen the
autonomous learning capabilities of university students in virtual study mode.
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FLORALBA AGUILAR-GORDÓN, Postdoctoral Fellow in Qualitative Research. Postdoctoral
Fellow in Science at the Universidad Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores
(UNICEPES) in Mexico and Doctoral Candidate in Education and Innovation at the
Universidad de Investigación e Innovación de México. D. in Philosophy. PhD in Research and
Teaching. Master's Degree in Education, mention in Higher Education; in Technology
applied to education; in Distance Education; in Teaching Philosophy. Expert in Knowledge
Analytics. Specialist in Curriculum Planning and Organization of Distance Education
Systems. Higher Diplomas: Curriculum and Didactics; Educational Transformation; e-
learning; Educational Research; Fundamentals of Distance Education and Research;
Cooperative Learning; Management, Technology and Leadership. Several international
certifications as an accredited international tutor. Bachelor's Degrees: one in Philosophy
and another in Social, Political and Economic Sciences. Additionally, she obtained a law
She is currently a full professor at the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana; Editor-in-Chief of
the Journal Sophia: Collection of Philosophy of Education published by the Universidad
Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador and coordinator of the Research Group in Philosophy of
Education (GIFE). Member of the Scientific Council and international reviewer of important
journals in Ecuador, Spain, Colombia, Uruguay, Chile, Mexico and Costa Rica. Google Scholar: