Revista Cátedra, 7(2), pp. 78-97, July-December 2024. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
3.1.3 Pedagogical practice
The development of inclusive pedagogical practices focuses on the organization and
planning of all the resources used in the classroom, this action is a consequence of the joint
reflection of all educational actors, López-Machín (2000) expresses "in any pedagogical
project, the soul is the teacher. He is the architect par excellence of the development of the
work with the students, and of carving the human soul, which is the most important part of
the educational work" (p. 2). Hence, the pedagogical performance must be supported by a
curriculum that trains the hospital teacher.
In Ecuador, this practice is legally based on the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador
(2008), since in Title II, Chapter One, Section Five, Art. 27 states that "Education (...); will
stimulate the critical sense, art and physical culture, individual and community initiative,
and the development of skills and abilities to create and work (...)" (p. 33). Similarly, in Title
VII, Chapter One, Section One, Art. 343 refers to the fact that "the national education system
(...) will have as its center the subject who learns, and will function in a flexible and dynamic,
inclusive, effective and efficient manner (...)" (p. 160).
It should be noted that the Organic Law of Intercultural Education (LOEI) framed in the
Constitution, in force since 2011 and updated in 2016, also constitutes a legal basis that
supports inclusion. In Art. 2 referring to the Educational Principles, literal (b) points out
that "education constitutes an instrument for the transformation of society; (...)" (p. 9),
while literal (s) refers to the flexibility of education, while literal (ll) mentions that "students
are guaranteed an education that responds to the needs of their social, natural and cultural
environment at the local, national and global levels" (p.13). However, in Ecuador there is no
third level academic offer in hospital pedagogy. Methodologically, it is observed that
students/teachers attending hospitals are based on value criteria and on the recognition of
people as holistic, integral and diverse human beings.
3.1.4 Academic tutoring
The purpose of tutorial action is to help and guide the student in the learning process.
According to Álvarez (1995)
is a systematic process of assistance, addressed to all people in their
formative period, professional performance and leisure time, with the
aim of developing in them those vocational behaviors that prepare them
for adult life, through a continuous and technical intervention, based on
the principles of prevention, development and social intervention, with
the involvement of educational and socio-professional agents (p. 12).
Thus, tutoring as a substantial element of the educational process presents as a
characteristic a continuous, systematic and coherent curricular planning to the students'
learning, considering their specific circumstances. In this process, it is also important for
the tutor-counselor to develop empathy, emotional stability, confidence and leadership
skills; but, above all, to possess learning strategies and participative methodologies such as
help among students, the joint action of two teachers in the classroom, the formation of
interactive groups, cooperative learning, dialogues, personalized tutoring, diversified
teaching, meaningful learning, and the use of information technologies, among others.
For this reason, the curriculum should be made more flexible, curricular programs should
be proposed that make possible different learning contexts, committing to overcoming