Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
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EMILIA CABRERA-QUIROLA is an eighth semester student of the Bachelor's Degree in
Presential Basic Education at the Universidad Central del Ecuador. During her career, she
has shown interest in educational innovation, focusing on the integration of Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT) as tools to improve the teaching-learning process
in the context of Basic Education.
She has worked on research projects exploring the use of podcasts and other technological
resources as didactic strategies to develop oral expression and foster autonomous learning
in students. Her main objective is to contribute to the design of innovative methodologies
that enhance students' communication skills and promote the inclusion of cultural elements
in the classroom.
VIVIANA PEÑAFIEL-PEÑAFIEL obtained her degree as Bachelor of Science in Education
mention in Basic Education at the Central University of Ecuador (2017). Teacher of Primary