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Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
"Voices of fear": latin american horror
podcasts for the development of oral
expression in upper basic education students
‘‘Voces del miedo: podcasts de terror latinoamericano
para el desarrollo de la expresión oral de estudiantes de
educación básica superior
Emilia Cabrera-Quirola
Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación, Carrera de Educación Básica
Viviana Peñafiel-Peñafiel
UEF Otto Arosemena Gómez, Quito, Ecuador
Educación Básica
(Received on: 09/08/2024; Accepted on: 10/11/2024; Final received on: 06/12/2024)
Suggested citation: Cabrera-Quirola, E. y Peñafiel-Peñafiel, V. (2025). "Voices of fear": latin
american horror podcasts for the development of oral expression in upper basic education
students. Revista Cátedra, 8(1), 59-74.
The development of oral expression of students in Higher Basic Education continues to be
a challenge, since most teachers still use traditional methodologies that do not promote the
active participation of students or encourage their creativity. This is crucial because oral
expression skills are fundamental to guarantee students' academic, professional and social
success. Despite previous efforts using traditional methods such as lectures or reading
aloud, it has not been possible to obtain relevant results. Therefore, this study proposes
Latin American terror podcasts applied in the educational context as an innovative didactic
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN:2631-2875
strategy that contributes to enhance the oral expression of students in Higher Basic
Education through a methodology connected to ICTs that encourages their potential. The
study was developed through the analysis of the descriptive sample of 1,072 teachers from
different educational institutions in Ecuador who participated in the survey of Associated
Factors of the evaluation Ser Estudiante 2022-2023 and 24 teachers surveyed by Loja et al.
(2020) whose findings show that 62.5% of teachers surveyed do not implement the podcast
as part of their strategies in the development of oral expression skills. Thus, it is proposed
to implement the Latin American Horror Podcasts as part of the teaching work as a novel
strategy, linked to the technological and cultural aspect.
Oral expression, verbal fluency, educational innovation, podcast, horror literature.
El desarrollo de la expresión oral de los estudiantes de Educación Básica Superior continua
como un reto, debido a que la mayoría de los docentes sigue empleando metodologías
tradicionales que no promueven la participación activa del estudiantado ni fomenta su
creatividad. Esto resulta crucial debido a que las habilidades de expresión oral son
fundamentales para garantizar el éxito académico, profesional y social del alumnado. Pese
a los esfuerzos previos con la utilización de métodos tradicionales como las exposiciones o
lecturas en voz alta no se ha logrado obtener resultados relevantes. Por lo cual, este estudio
propone a los podcasts de terror latinoamericano aplicados en el contexto educativo como
una estrategia didáctica innovadora que contribuye a potenciar la expresión oral de los
estudiantes de Educación Básica Superior por medio de una metodología conectada a las
TIC que incentive su potencial. El estudio se desarrolló a través del análisis de la muestra
descriptiva a 1 072 docentes de diferentes instituciones educativas del Ecuador que
participaron en la encuesta de Factores Asociados de la evaluación Ser Estudiante 2022-
2023 y a 24 docentes encuestados por Loja et al. (2020) cuyos hallazgos demuestran que el
62. 5% de docentes encuestados no implementan el podcast como parte de sus estrategias
en el desarrollo de habilidades de expresión oral. De tal manera, se propone implementar
los Podcasts de Terror Latinoamericano como parte de la labor docente como una estrategia
novedosa, vinculada al aspecto tecnológico y cultural.
Palabras clave
Expresión oral, fluidez verbal, innovación educativa, podcast, literatura de terror.
1. Introduction
The ability to express oneself orally in different situations is essential for human beings, as
it allows social interaction and the exchange of thoughts or ideas to be transmitted.
However, in the Latin American educational context, the development of oral expression
continues to be a great challenge faced by teachers and students. In the area of Language
and Literature, it is evident that the evaluation has focused purely on the written language,
leaving aside the development of oral skills. This situation has generated anxiety and fear
of public speaking on the part of the students, limiting their participation in different
activities that involve expressing themselves orally in front of an audience.
Under this context, teachers try to make a sublime effort in order to solve the conflicts
related to the oral expression of their students. According to Menéndez and Zambrano
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Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
(2022) the reiterative strategies employed, such as expositions or reading aloud, are not
enough to promote deep and creative learning in students” (p. 30). Teachers have focused
on making the student only memorize and repeat dialogues, but they do not promote in
them an attitude of taking on more complex communicative challenges in terms of oral
expression and the various aspects that this skill encompasses.
In the Ecuadorian context, teachers have been framed in applying traditional strategies that
generate inhibition in students when expressing themselves aloud, feeling embarrassed,
insecure and fearful. In a study conducted by Menéndez and Zambrano (2022) it was
determined that “59% of the students surveyed have not been able to develop oral
communication processes with the social environment around them” (p. 19). In addition,
they state that “among the activities that teachers apply, 10% are participatory reading,
15% declamation, 30% comprehensive reading and 45% exposition” (p. 30). Teachers
persist in using traditional strategies not linked to technology, which leads students to
present difficulties in their fluency, limited vocabulary and nervousness in transmitting
information aloud.
On the other hand, Loja et al. through a descriptive non-experimental study, obtained that
41. 7% of 24 teachers surveyed do not apply strategies for the development of oral
expression, while only 16. 7% seek to implement strategies not linked to ICT that contribute
to the development of this competence (Loja et al., 2020, p. 181). In pre-professional
practice, it has been observed that teachers develop activities so that students can express
themselves orally in front of an audience, but these end up being repetitive strategies.
Therefore, the problem lies in the fact that oral expression skills are fundamental for the
social, academic and professional development of students. However, the application of
traditional methodologies based on repetition and memorization does not encourage the
development of oral communication. Strategies such as open houses, exhibitions or civic
minutes and the scarce implementation of didactic resources linked to ICT generate
disinterest among students in improving their oral skills. It is essential to propose strategies
focused on enhancing students' oral communication skills; in this sense, this research
presents a useful tool to address this problem. The implementation of Latin American terror
podcasts as a didactic strategy that contributes to the improvement of the oral expression
of students in higher basic education. Podcasts offer a valuable opportunity in the
educational experience of students, this strategy seeks to promote their cultural and literary
appreciation, while enhancing skills such as creativity and orality.
The research questions guiding this study are: how can the implementation of Latin
American terror podcasts improve students' oral expression? what would be the impact of
ICTs in the teaching-learning process related to oral expression skills? how can these
technological and cultural strategies generate a motivating environment for the
development of oral expression skills in students in Higher Basic Education? Thus, the
purpose of the research is to propose a didactic strategy that promotes the potential of oral
expression in the students of higher basic education, this tool will enrich the educational
experience through the appreciation of a genre of popular interest such as horror. In
addition to including the cultural aspect in Latin American horror stories with the
technological and educational aspect..
In terms of the structure of the article, section two details a theoretical review of various
authors who have previously explored various innovative strategies that benefit the
development of oral expression. The third section discusses the methodology, detailing the
type, approach, technique and instruments, population and sample used for data collection.
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN:2631-2875
The fourth section discusses the results obtained through statistical analysis, details the
software used and the reliability of the instruments. The fifth section presents the
conclusions obtained throughout the study, the bibliography and author's information..
2. Theoretical reference
2.1. Oral expression
Oral expression is the ability of human beings to transmit their thoughts, ideas and feelings
using the voice. This ability allows for effective communication in various everyday
situations, such as in academic or social settings.
Oral expression is the way of expressing oneself verbally, by means of a
system of sound signs, which the members of a community have at their
disposal to carry out speech acts by taking into account the level of content
and the level of expression; it has a priority character because it
constitutes the support on which the written language rests (Cevallos,
2022, p. 347).)
Being able to express oneself verbally involves the articulation of sounds, the construction
of coherent sentences and the effective transmission of ideas. In addition to a series of
components, such as pronunciation, fluency, tone, intonation, and the use of verbal and
nonverbal language. Therefore, oral expression within the educational environment
represents the student's ability to communicate and engage in social connection processes.
Likewise, students need orality to participate actively in the different contexts they are
presented with and to be able to clearly transmit their thoughts and ideas.
The ability to express and understand orally is one of the fundamental
premises used in human communication, since it allows students to
generate social interaction that is essential for the development of the
individual in society and guarantee a successful future (Leal et al. al., 2023,
Students have the need to master oral expression in order to strengthen their learning and
social ties with their community through spoken interaction, contributing to their
participation in different activities.
2.1.1. Importance of oral expression
Oral expression is essential in the educational field. Students who master this skill are able
to effectively communicate their ideas, knowledge, and thoughts. In turn, they develop the
ability to listen to others, in order to value and think critically about the opinions of other
people in their environment. ‘‘The training of secondary school students in oral expression
is a relevant factor for them to acquire the ability to communicate fluently and perform
successfully in various areas of their personal and professional life’’ (Leal et al., 2023, p.
1255). This skill is crucial for students in order to promote social interaction, involving
elements relevant to their academic and professional field, since the ability to express
themselves clearly and confidently in public reflects leadership and confidence, key
elements that will allow the student to perform successfully.
2.2. Podcast as a teaching strategy
The teacher must consider teaching strategies that encourage student autonomy and self-
directed learning, which is why podcasts have become an innovative teaching tool in the
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
educational process. The audio content of podcasts can be listened to anytime, anywhere,
providing the student with personalized and flexible learning.:
The use of podcasts provides confidence, innovation and is an easy-to-
understand resource when capturing information, favoring the acquisition
of new oral skills and competencies, with the implementation of different
methodological strategies that offer new learning opportunities for
communication development (Loja et al., 2020, p. 171).
The implementation of podcasts as a teaching tool provides confidence, innovation and ease
of understanding for students, favoring the acquisition of new skills and oral competences.
The podcast provides a platform to explore topics of interest in an attractive and accessible
way, complementing traditional classes, offering additional explanations on relevant topics.
2.3. Horror podcast to boost intrinsic motivation
By implementing an exciting and captivating genre, it contributes to captivating the
student's interest, which is why horror podcasts generate attraction and intrinsic
motivation among students. Thus, they become more committed to the activities proposed
to them to improve their verbal fluency, expand their vocabulary and perfect their ability to
convey emotions.
Oral communication and comprehension promotes the development of the
individual's personality, but to achieve this it is important to feel
motivated, that trainers propose innovative means and/or strategies that
encourage the practice of this competence, since in this way students will
show a positive attitude towards this practice (Leal et al., 2023, p. 1256).
The horror genre is effective at capturing student attention and keeping them engaged in
any task at hand. Horror podcasts, with their immersive narratives and intense
atmospheres, can generate a high level of intrinsic motivation among students. Using horror
stories in this format can transform the learning experience into an exciting adventure,
allowing students to actively participate and improve their listening and speaking skills.
2.3.1. Latin American horror podcast to promote the appreciation of culture
Latin American horror stories offer a diverse source of cultural and literary content that can
be leveraged in the educational field. By exploring stories that reflect the traditions, myths,
and legends of the region and its inhabitants, students can develop a greater appreciation
for their cultural heritage. ‘‘Promoting the development of cultural identity in schools is key
to advancing the training of students who recognize and value the qualities, characteristics,
and stories of the social group to which they belong’’ (Cárdenas and Hernández, 2024,
p.6104). This focus on Latin American literature enriches the process of valuing students’
culture, strengthening their sense of belonging to their region. By integrating horror
literature from the region into the development and production of educational podcasts, it
will help students want to learn about their roots, while strengthening their oral expression.
2.4. Aplication of the Latin American horror podcast for the development of oral
The teacher must be at the forefront of the new changes that are taking
place today, looking for tools and strategies that attract the student's
attention; in the management of the podcast, collaborative learning,
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN:2631-2875
autonomous learning and, above all, a constant review of the teaching and
learning process of specific topics can also be worked on (Loja et al., 2020,
p. 172).
As teachers, it is essential to update the methodologies used in the classroom and avoid the
generational gap between strategies that are monotonous and unattractive. Therefore,
proposing the Latin American horror podcast as a response to this problem contributes to
thinking of solutions that fit the new needs that the student presents. The application of
Latin American horror podcasts in the classroom can be an effective strategy to develop
students' oral expression, since they practice narration, description and argumentation.
This approach also encourages collaboration and teamwork, and the horror genre
emotionally involves listeners, making the practice of oral expression more attractive and
3. Methodology
3.1. Type of research
A descriptive study was developed, ‘‘descriptive research is carried out when it is desired
to describe, in all its main components, a reality’’ (Guevara et al., 2020, p.165). The purpose
of the study was to obtain a detailed view of Latin American horror podcasts in the
development of oral expression of Higher Basic Education students. In addition to the
collection of specific data on the didactic strategies used by teachers for the development of
oral expression skills and the difficulties that students present.
3.2. Research approach
Regarding the research approach, it was of a mixed nature. ‘‘It aims to provide a more
complete view of the phenomena and involves the systematic integration of quantitative
and qualitative methodologies in a single investigation’’ (Acosta, 2023, p.85). This approach
made it possible to measure and analyze the responses obtained through the instruments
used and the use of quantitative and qualitative statistical tools.
3.3. Technique and instruments
For data collection, a review of existing literature was carried out, focused on knowing the
teaching strategies used by teachers for the development of oral expression and their
perception in the use of the podcast as a teaching strategy. Likewise, the database of Factors
Associated with Teachers of the Ser Estudiante Evaluation for the period 2022 - 2023 of the
National Institute of Educational Evaluation (INEVAL) was used, where the questions
related to ICT and strategies used in the classroom to generate motivation were selected.
Therefore, logical connections will be established from existing theories and literature,
through a systematic and objective analysis of the relationship between the Latin American
horror podcast in the development of oral expression of Higher Basic Education students.
3.4. Population and sample
The study population consisted of 24 teachers from the Remigio Crespo Toral Educational
Unit who participated in the survey prepared by researchers Loja et al. (2020) in their
article ‘‘Podcast as a didactic strategy in the teaching of oral and written expression’’ (p. 24).
The objective of this survey was to identify the didactic strategies used by teachers from
Kindergarten to Baccalaureate and their relationship with the use of ICT for the
development of oral and written expression skills. Likewise, teachers from 1,072
educational institutions in the country were considered, constituting a representative
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
sample of the 2022-2023 School System Teachers' Associated Factors survey prepared and
taken by INEVAL.
3.5. Statistical software
As for the statistical software, SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was used.
‘‘It is a data manager that allows information to be processed dynamically and expressed in
a personalized, efficient and simple way as the case may be, so the researcher can obtain a
complete statistical analysis of the data’’ (Mayorga et al., 2021, p. 282). Which allowed a
descriptive and correlational analysis of the data obtained with the survey and analysis of
the database of the Ministry of Education.
4. Discussion and results
The results obtained in this study allow us to identify the significant contribution that Latin
American horror podcasts have in the development of oral expression in students of Higher
Basic Education. These findings coincide with previous research that highlights the
usefulness of podcasts in general, as an effective technological tool in strengthening oral
communication skills, strengthening creativity and cultural interest.:
Implementing podcasts as part of the teaching strategy in the classroom has been
shown to motivate students by providing them with innovative tools that enrich the
learning experience, actively participating in oral communication activities. Loja et
al. (2020) agree that ‘‘Podcasts as a strategy to improve oral and written expression
will be a great tool that will allow the student to experience new ways of learning,
leading to feedback, an exchange of ideas and providing new knowledge’’ (p. 183).
The implementation of podcasts aims to promote student fluency when
communicating out loud in front of an audience, avoiding the nervousness that
comes from not knowing how to express oneself orally correctly. According to
Gómez and Palma (2020), the implementation of this strategy positively influences
oral expression and comprehension skills. By applying this technique according to
the needs of the teacher, student and subject, they determined that:
They liked both the activities they carried out (57.15%) and the idea of
recording their voice to improve their pronunciation (85.71%). In
addition, they stated that this type of activity is a good option to practice
the language outside of class (85.71%) and that it helped them to be more
independent in their learning (57.15%) (p. 245).).
Considering the implementation of Latin American horror podcasts allows students
to connect with their cultural context and enhance their interest in participating in
communicative activities. Chai and Díaz (2023) highlight that students maintain an
interest in revaluing cultural identity; in their study, they promote listening to radio
soap operas, which led to the fact that “43% prefer to explore it, 35% consider it
important to acquire knowledge about the format, and 22% are attracted to drama
and suspense” (p. 65).
Young students show a clear interest in literary genres that are attractive to them,
and they lean towards the popular horror genre. Chai and az (2023) mention that
“All students show interest in radio soap operas due to the combination of sound
effects, narration and character interpretation, making radio programs attractive,
especially when they have educational and entertainment purposes” (p. 66).
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN:2631-2875
Therefore, considering the implementation of podcasts based on this genre
contributes to the student developing their oral communication skills and in turn,
they can feel motivated by implementing various resources such as sound effects,
the voice in the narration and the sound dramatization of characters that allow them
to connect with the stories that are told, to strengthen their oral and creative skills..
Students face great challenges that go hand in hand with technological progress,
which requires that, in their daily training, teachers abandon traditional
methodologies regarding the development of oral expression, and implement
innovative tools that capture the attention of students, through modern resources
such as the implementation of Latin American horror podcasts. This tool is not only
aligned with emerging technologies, but also encourages the development of
various skills, covering the aspect of oral expression in a creative way..
Teachers must stay at the forefront of technology by implementing teaching
strategies that make their work a meaningful educational process, so using the Latin
American horror podcast will foster interest and motivation in students, "the
podcast is useful for the teaching-learning process since its design is the mechanism
that allows developing interdisciplinary skills and competencies in each of the
users" (Romero et al., 2020, p. 372).
4.1. Instrument Reliability
To assess the reliability of the instrument, the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient analysis was
carried out in SPSS. When the reliability coefficient is greater than 0.700, it indicates that
the instrument is reliable and contributes to determining whether the questions on the
instrument are related to each other.
Cronbach's Alpha
Table 1. Instrument reliability: Cronbach's alpha. Prepared using SPSS software. Source: Loja et al. (2020)
The results in Table 1 reflect that, of the 5 elements analyzed, the Cronbach's alpha
coefficient maintains a reliability of 0.914, which is positive for the study, since it shows that
the instrument applied by researchers Loja et al. (2020) in their article ‘‘Podcast as a
didactic strategy in the teaching of oral and written expression’’ (p. 21) maintains adequate
4.2. Measures of Central Tendency
As part of the analysis of the results obtained, the central tendency measures of the
instrument were calculated: the mean represents the average obtained; the mode, the value
that appears constantly; and the median, is the central value obtained in the results. This
contributes to clearly understanding the responses of the respondents and understanding
if there is a dispersion or variation in the responses issued. A detailed view is provided of
the different aspects that were evaluated regarding the use of podcasts and the
development of the students' oral expression:
Frequency of podcast use
Using ICT in the classroom
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Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Table 2. Analysis of central tendency measures of frequency of podcast use and use of ICT in the classroom.
Prepared using SPSS software. Source: Loja et al. (2020)
Table 2 shows that most teachers do use podcasts as a strategy in the classroom in a low
percentage, while, in comparison to teachers who use ICT, it is observed that the majority
do incorporate these technological tools in their planning. The trend indicates that teachers
prioritize the use of general technological tools over podcasts. The finding suggests the need
to promote the integration of innovative resources such as the horror podcast due to the
potential it offers to the teaching-learning process, encouraging professional growth in
teachers and active participation in students.
Frequency of use of
teaching strategies
in Oral and Written
Frequency of use of
ICTs in improving
oral and written
Develop learning
skills in oral and
written expression
Cuadro 1. Medidas de tendencia central de los Podcast de terror para el desarrollo de la expresión oral.
Elaborado a través del Software SPSS. Fuente: Loja et al. (2020)
The results in Table 3 reflect that, although the use of traditional strategies in teaching oral
and written expression is low, the use of ICT to improve these skills is significantly higher.
This suggests that teachers are taking advantage of technological tools more than
conventional pedagogical strategies. In addition, there is a positive perception about the
development of skills in oral and written expression, which could be linked to the frequent
use of ICT in the classroom.
In this way, the implementation of the Latin American horror podcast can be suggested as
an effective tool to enhance students' oral expression and improve students'
communication skills. The importance and relevance of the application of the Latin
American horror podcast as an educational tool to increase student motivation, interest and
commitment is highlighted.
4.3. Frequency Distribution Tables
El análisis de las tablas y gráficas de distribución son una herramienta estadística esencial
para organizar y resumir la información de manera clara.
Frequency of podcast use
Almost alway
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Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN:2631-2875
Table 4. Frequency with which the teacher has implemented the podcast as a strategy. Prepared using SPSS
software. Source: Loja et al. (2020)
In Table 4, it has been found that 50% of teachers do not use podcasts as part of their
methodological strategies in the classroom. While 12.5% rarely and sometimes use and
integrate this resource as part of their pedagogical practice. In turn, a low percentage of
20.8% and 4.20% seek to implement podcasts as a strategy since they have seen that it turns
out to be a useful resource in the teaching-learning process.
Therefore, it is evident that the majority of teachers have not implemented podcasts as an
innovative resource, because they are unaware of the use and advantages of this tool within
the context of the development of oral expression skills. Thus, the need arises to promote
its use and integration in pedagogical practice, due to its wide potential to improve students'
communication skills, together with motivation and participation.
Frequency of use of teaching strategies in Oral and Written Expression through
the use of ICT
Table 5. Use of teaching strategies for oral and written expression. Prepared using SPSS software. Source: Loja
et al. (2020)
Table 5 shows that 41.7% of teachers do not use teaching strategies linked to ICT for oral
and written expression skills, while 16.7%, 12.5% occasionally implement these strategies
in their teaching practice. Only 16.7% do constantly use resources linked to ICT that
promote oral and written expression in students. The analysis highlights the importance of
encouraging teachers to use strategies connected to ICT within the teaching-learning
process to ensure the student's communicative development through techniques that
motivate them and adapt to their reality.
Develop learning skills in Oral and Written Expression
Cumulative percentage
Table 6. Development of learning skills in oral and written expression. Prepared using SPSS software. Source:
Loja et al. (2020)
Table 6 shows that 54.2% and 25% of teachers believe that implementing different
strategies linked to ICTs such as podcasts favors the development of learning skills in both
oral and written expression. This reflects a positive view on the implementation of ICT tools
such as podcasts because it favors increased student participation. Integrating tools that
break the generation gap gives students an incentive to become interested in developing
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
new knowledge and improving communication skills, which is essential for their academic,
professional and social life in a world that is constantly changing.
Figure 1. Histogram of the frequency of ICT use in improving Oral and Written Expression. Source: Loja et al.
It has been observed in Figure 1 that the majority of the teachers surveyed constantly use
ICTs to improve Oral and Written Expression, due to their great utility and benefit for the
new generations of the digital age. As teachers, it is important to stay at the forefront of
innovative strategies that strengthen the development of skills in students. The ICTs
implemented to improve Oral Expression allow the inclusion of diverse strategies such as
Podcasts. The implementation of podcasts increases the interest and commitment of
students to participate in oral expression activities. Being a novel strategy linked to
technology, it captures the attention of the student and motivates them to effectively carry
out the activities that are proposed to them in terms of working better on their oral skills. If
students create podcasts of an attractive genre, it will contribute to perfecting their ability
to express themselves out loud, having as benefits the expansion of their vocabulary,
improvement in verbal fluency and being able to transmit emotions through their voice.
Therefore, considering the implementation of the horror podcast will generate commitment
in the student to participate in the oral activities that are proposed to him. In addition, he
will be able to improve this skill by telling stories that he finds attractive and using sound
resources that contribute to the oral narration of horror stories.
4.4. Chi Square Correlation
As for the correlation analysis, Chi-square was used to evaluate the relationship between
different categories and variables, both from the survey applied to the 24 teachers and to
the teachers of the 1,078 educational institutions that participated in the Ser Estudiante
evaluation in the period 2022 - 2023, in order to determine if there is a significant
association between the following variables.
4.4.1. Frequency of Podcast Use - Development of Oral Expression Skills
Frequency of the use of teaching strategies in Oral
and Written Expression.
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN:2631-2875
of podcast
Table 7. Frequency of the use of teaching strategies for oral and written expression compared to the use of
podcasts. Prepared using SPSS software. Source: Loja et al. (2020)
Chi-square tests
Pearson's Chi-square
Likelihood ratio
Linear by linear association
N of valid cases
a. 24 boxes (96.0%) have expected counts less than 5. The minimum expected
count is .13.
Table 8. Chi-Square Correlation: Use of podcast - Speaking skills strategies. Elaborated through SPSS Software.
Source: Loja et al. (2020)
When analyzing the data obtained in Table 8 of the Chi-square correlation, it is evident that
the percentage generated is 0.00, lower than the commonly expected 0.05 (5%). Therefore,
it is evident that there is a significant relationship between the use of the podcast and the
teaching strategies in oral and written expression that the teacher has implemented in class.
That is, teachers who tend to implement the use of podcasts in the classroom are also
interested in implementing teaching strategies that contribute to the improvement of
students' oral and literacy skills. This is positive for suggesting the horror podcast as an
enriching didactic instrument for the development of oral communicative skills, since the
teacher will consider its implementation in order to improve oral and even written
expression in students.
4.4.1. Teacher Associated Factors Survey - Tests Ser
After analyzing the Chi-square correlation data obtained in Table 9, a value of 0.017 lower
than the expected 0.05 (5%) is visualized. There is a relationship in terms of the teacher's
perception of the need to manage ICT applied in his teaching process with the training
process for the improvement of his methodology. Consequently, the importance of the
teacher's correct handling of ICTs will significantly influence the student's interest and
motivation. Therefore, he/she needs to keep updated and participate in workshops or
courses that promote the integration of technological tools in the teaching-learning process
and encourage the updating of methodologies.
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN: 2631-2875
Significación asintótica (bilateral)
Pearson's Chi-square
Likelihood ratio
Linear by linear association
N of valid cases
a. 24 boxes (96.0%) have expected counts less than 5. The minimum expected count is
Table 9. Chi-Square Correlation: ICT Management - Student Motivation. Elaborated using SPSS software.
When analyzing the Chi-square correlation data in Table 10, we obtained results of 0.002,
lower than the expected 0.05 (5%). Consequently, there is a significant relationship
between the teacher's professional development to update his or her methodology to
multilingual and multicultural teaching environments. If the teacher is trained to create
inclusive environments, it is necessary to implement modern strategies, which will be
beneficial when proposing novel activities in the teaching-learning process, in addition to
linking modern processes, it will be possible to create environments that encourage respect
and cultural appreciation.
Significación asintótica (bilateral)
Pearson's Chi-square
Likelihood ratio
Linear by linear association
N of valid cases
a. 18 boxes (72.0%) have expected a count of less than 5. The minimum expected count
is .00.
Chi-Square Correlation: Multilingual and Multicultural Teaching - Teacher Didactics. Elaborated using SPSS
For the qualitative analysis, Oral Expression has been taken as the central axis, being
essential for the teaching-learning process. This is connected to the strategy of the Horror
Podcast and the benefits that this methodology provides to both teachers and students.
Latin American horror podcasts offer a dynamic platform that allows students to strengthen
oral expression in a creative way. The teacher must be at the forefront in the application of
strategies that contribute to the motivation and participation of students. In a globalized
world, the integration of podcasts is essential; through this tool, the teacher can use a more
motivating methodology, strengthen the students' oral communication through practice,
allowing the student to take ownership of this process in order to have positive results. To
build and develop radio material (podcasts) should focus on the student's interest, taking
into account an attractive genre such as Horror Literature.
This will allow linking to the process, the Folklore of Latin American peoples, as an essential
part of the valorization of the student's own culture. The integration of Latin American
Horror Podcasts in the development of Oral Expression is presented as an innovative idea.
It contributes to the improvement of the quality of learning and oral communication, and at
the same time, teachers can grow professionally by linking new technologies to their work.
Therefore, the use of podcasts allows students to participate in the production of oral
content to improve their verbal fluency, expand their vocabulary and improve their ability
to convey emotions through their voice. The construction of these radio resources will
foster meaningful learning, where students take control of their own oral development.
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN:2631-2875
Latin American terror podcasts in the development of oral expression are configured as an
innovative strategy that not only improves communication skills, but also strengthens the
link between students and their cultural heritage.
5. Conclusions
Based on the review and analysis of literature, statistical data and quantitative and
qualitative analysis, it has been possible to conclude that there is a positive correlation
between the implementation of the Latin American Horror Podcast and the development of
Oral Expression of students in Higher Basic Education. The integration of modern
technological tools turns out to be enriching for the teaching-learning process, since it
motivates students and increases their interest in participating in the activities proposed by
the teacher. Thus, it is imperative to consider the implementation of Latin American horror
podcasts as a strategy for the development of students' oral expression, in order to promote
confidence and motivation in students, so that they can improve and acquire significant oral
skills not only for their academic life, but also for other aspects of their lives, such as work
or social life.
In addition, by integrating Latin American horror literature, we contribute to promote and
value cultural identity in order to keep alive the stories that are part of the folklore of the
people and that have been transmitted through time thanks to orality. Therefore,
integrating this aspect will strengthen the cultural bond that the student has with the
customs of the region in which he/she lives, integrating strategies that link this cultural
aspect is essential to preserve and conserve these traditions and stories that have been
gradually lost and left aside.
In conclusion, teachers are invited to reflect on their work, it is necessary to integrate into
their methodology new strategies according to the current needs of students, linked to the
technological vanguard and that awaken the interest of students to participate in activities
with enthusiasm and motivated to constantly improve. Likewise, the development of oral
expression should be encouraged through a novel approach such as the podcast.
Considering the implementation of the Latin American Horror Podcast as a novel strategy
to develop the Oral Expression of Elementary Education students, it is important to connect
the student's digital world with a latent need for improvement, allowing them to work on
their creativity, locution and improve their vocabulary.
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EMILIA CABRERA-QUIROLA is an eighth semester student of the Bachelor's Degree in
Presential Basic Education at the Universidad Central del Ecuador. During her career, she
has shown interest in educational innovation, focusing on the integration of Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT) as tools to improve the teaching-learning process
in the context of Basic Education.
She has worked on research projects exploring the use of podcasts and other technological
resources as didactic strategies to develop oral expression and foster autonomous learning
in students. Her main objective is to contribute to the design of innovative methodologies
that enhance students' communication skills and promote the inclusion of cultural elements
in the classroom.
VIVIANA PEÑAFIEL-PEÑAFIEL obtained her degree as Bachelor of Science in Education
mention in Basic Education at the Central University of Ecuador (2017). Teacher of Primary
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 59-74, January-June 2025. e-ISSN:2631-2875
Education technological level at the Instituto Superior Pedagógico Manuela Cañizares
(2005). Tenured Professor.
Currently she is a titular teacher of the Second Grade of General Basic Education, Unidad
Educativa Fiscal Otto Arosemena Gómez. Viviana has been a teacher in several educational
institutions in the city of Quito, such as María Edgeworth Institution (2005), Quito, Giordano
Bruno II Particular Basic Education School (2013) and ''Emaús'' Fe y Alegría Educational
Unit. Her goal as a teacher over the years has been to train in the development of innovative
teaching strategies linked to technology, in order to improve the educational process of
students in Basic Education.
Statement of Authorship-CRediT
EMILIA CABRERA-QUIROLA: Conceptualization, methodology, software, validation,
writing - original draft, writing-revision and editing, final writing and editing.
VIVIANA PEÑAFIEL-PEÑAFIEL: Conceptualization, methodology, validation, writing -
original draft, writing-revision and editing.