Revista Cátedra, 8(1), pp. 39-58, January-June 2025. e-ISSN:2631-2875
projects a positive result, as almost half of the participants claim to be always satisfied. This
suggests that most people present a positive state of mind.
Also, interesting results are observed, such as that the majority of the population is able to
perceive the emotions of others, considering it easier to understand other people than
themselves. In addition, it was evidenced that most of the respondents affirm that they
almost never feel depressed. This is relevant, since depression is a state of deep sadness,
low self-esteem and decay that can lead to isolation and various problems, which is why, in
many cases, professional support is required. In general, most of the participants maintain
a positive outlook, despite the adverse circumstances they may face.
Regarding impulsivity, a high percentage of respondents indicate that their impulsivity has
generated problematic situations that, at times, they are unable to cope with. However, a
low percentage claims to be able to control their impulsivity and thus avoid problems. This
suggests that there is a significant percentage of students who are able to control their
impulses. Finally, it is observed that a high percentage of the participants state that they
have mastered the difficult situations they face and face them with maturity, while a lower
percentage assures that they are unable to handle such situations.
6. Conclusion
It is essential that students develop skills related to emotional intelligence, which will allow
them to manage and transform their emotions and feelings effectively. These changes can
be achieved through the implementation of contents and disciplines specialized in the study
of emotions within the curricula of faculty careers. In this sense, Beteta et al. (2020)
highlight that “there are 25 publications detailing the importance and benefits of emotional
intelligence for both teachers and students at different educational levels” (p. 106), which
supports the proposal to include it in the initial training of teachers.
Likewise, it is necessary for students and future education professionals to foster healthy
social relationships, which will help them to identify their emotional state in relation to
others and to generate positive affective bonds. These bonds can prevent
misunderstandings, disclosure of private information, and conflicts within the educational
community. Paz and Rosales (2023) agree with the findings when they conclude “we were
able to prove that job performance and success have a deep-rooted relationship between
them and emotional intelligence” (p. 10).
In terms of adaptability, it is crucial to develop practices that allow students to identify and
address problematic situations. Critical and reflective reasoning are key tools in this
process, they allow understanding the causes and consequences of emotions and negative
feelings generated by stimuli in the social environment. In addition, it is important to specify
how these emotional skills would be integrated in a practical way in the curricula,
contributing to a comprehensive training of future teachers. In relation to the management
of anxiety and stress, it has been observed that students in pre-professional practice
experience high levels of anxiety, which can lead to conditions that are difficult to manage.
However, these negative effects could be mitigated by raising awareness of the emotional
factors that cause them. With a greater understanding of these emotions, students could
lead a calmer and stress-free life, improving their quality of life.
Finally, decision making should be integrative, taking into account not only one's own
behavior and state of mind, but also the attitudes and emotions of the people with whom
one interacts. This would contribute to improve interpersonal relationships, promoting