
  • Carlos Cerón
  • Consuelo Montalvo
  • Augusto Calazacón


As a total. 413 plant species, 302 genera and 99 families were recorded as useful by the Tsachila ethnic group. Three correspond to lycopodiophyta. 20 to Polypodiophyta. one to Pinophyta. and 389 to Magnoiiophyla (285 Megnoliopsidae and 104 Liltopstoae). These species present nine habit types: 135 herbaceous. 100 trees. 78 shrubs. 38 epiphytes. 31 c*mbers. 17 hemi-epiphytes. 10 lianas, 7 sub-shrubs. and 5 parasitic. According to the habitat, they belong to seven groups. 125 in doturbed forest patches. 121 in secondary forest. 65 in small farms. 48 in gardens. 27 in grasslands. 20 as living fences and 20 on river margne. Considenng the uses, we registered 31 d ie ­ ren! ones: 262 species (63 4%) are merftcnal. 55 have mythotogeal use. 39 are ornamentals. 34 are edtote and used tor wood. 22 are useful as animal crops. 19 are used on construction, 16 on living fences. 14 on artisan use. 12 tor fuel and as food for buds. 8 are oommeroaSy used. 6 serve as medone tor aramia, strings, dyes. 5 are used as spices, forage, and tachen tools; 3 are used for poieonmg hsh. besMtwort. corporal adornment, fehmg toots. haSuonogens: 2 speoes are used tor matong brooms and as sources of nsectodo. and one speoes is used for malong soap, tor aumnebon. giue. as a substitute of a dock, and ctofhes In e d ition to the ethnobotaracal aiformebon provided here. 12S speoes are graphtcely rapresenaed

Author Biographies

Carlos Cerón

Herbario Alfredo Paredes (QAP), Escuela de Biología de la Universidad Central del Ecuador
Ap. postal 17.01.2177 Quito

Consuelo Montalvo

Herbario Quito (Q), Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Central del Ecuador
Ap. postal 17.01.633. Quito

Augusto Calazacón

Miembro de la Comunidad Tsáchila Chihuilpe. Sto. Domingo de los Colorados




