Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias Físicas y Matemática
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[2]-Li, H., Xiao, H.-g., Yuan, J., Ou, J.: Mi-
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[3]-Sobolev, K., Flores, I., Torres-Martinez,
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[4]-Bjornstrom, J., Martinelli, A., Matic, A.,
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[5]-Jo, B.-W., Kim, C.-H., Lim, J.-H.: Char-
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[6]-Gaitero, J.J., Campillo, I., Mondal, P.,
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tation Research Record 1(2141), 1–5
[7]-Qing, Y., Zenan, Z., Deyu, K., Rongshen,
C.: Inuence of nano-SiO2 addition on
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[8]-Lu, Z.-y., Xu, X.: Eect of nanometer
SiO2 on hydration character of portland
cement. Jianzhu Cailiao Xuebao 9(5),
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[9]-Dolado, J.S., Campillo, I., Erkizia, E., de
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Ayuela, A.: Eects of Nanosilica Addi-
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[10]- Ji, T.: Preliminary study on the water
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[11]- HongjianDu, SuhuanDu, XuemeiLiu,
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[12]-A.M.Said, M.S.Zeidan, M.T.Bassuoni,
Y.Tian, Properties of concrete incor-
porating nano-silica, Construction and
Building Materials, Volume 36, Novem-
ber 2012, Pages 838-844.
[13]- S.W.M. Supit , F.U.A.Shaikh , “Durabil-
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Concrete Containing Nano-Silica”, Ma-
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[14]- K.V.Priya, D.Vinutha, “Eect of Nano
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[15]-Jayapalan, A.R., Lee, B.Y., Fredrich,
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Record 1(2141), 41–46 (2010).