Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias Físicas y Matemática
e pathway of concrete improvement via nano-technology
Alvansazyazdi M.*; Rosero José Augusto*
Universidad Central del Ecuador, Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias
Físicas y Matemática
Quito, Ecuador
e-mail: faridalvan@uce.edu.ec
e-mail: jarosero@uce.edu.ec
Información del artículo
Recibido: junio 2018
Aceptado: septiembre 2018
La nanotecnología es la ciencia que trata la materia en la escala de una billonésima de metro (es decir,
- 9
m = 1 nm), y también es el estudio de la manipulación de la materia a escala atómica y molecular.
El uso de la nanotecnología puede modicar algunas propiedades del hormigón. En esta revisión,
se discute la aplicación de diferentes nanomateriales para mejorar las propiedades convencionales
del hormigón. Cada material ultrano actúa como agente para reducir la formación de microporos,
proporcionar una microestructura densa y aumentar las propiedades mecánicas. Así, se recogen las
principales tendencias en el uso de nanomateriales destacando las ventajas generadas por la adición
de nanopartículas al concreto.
Palabras clave: nanopartículas, SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Nano clay, CNT.
Nanotechnology is the science that deals with matter at the scale of 1 billionth of a meter (i.e., 10
− 9
m =
1 nm), and is also the study of manipulating matter at the atomic and molecular scale. e use of nano-
technology can modify some properties of concrete. In this review we discuss the application of dierent
nanomaterials to enhance conventional concrete properties. Each ultrane materials act as agent to re-
duce formation of micro pores, provide dense microstructure and increase mechanical properties. us,
the main trends in the use of nanomaterials are highlighted, highlighting the advantages generated by the
addition of nanoparticles to concrete
Keywords: Nanoparticles, SiO
, TiO
, Al
, Nano clay, CNT
Revista INGENIO N.º 1 vol. 2 (2019)
Nanotechnology, which covers synthesis, process,
characterization and application of nanomate-
rials, considerably attracts most attention be-
cause of a wide variety of potential and practical
application, including medicine, electronics and
advanced ceramics. In general, a nanoparticle has
an ultrane size in the range of 1 to 100 nm. e
typical properties of nanoparticles are conside-
rably dierent from those of the bulk materials.
In the last decade, nanotechnology was used in
dierent engineering eld, especially in the civil
engineering. A large number of materials such
as, glass, concrete, steel can be improved by the
use of nanotechnology. Nanoparticles has also
dierent applications in coatings such as paints
to develop self-healing capabilities and corrosion
protection of coating. Since these coatings have
hydrophobic properties and ward the metal sur-
face o water as well can also protect materials
from salt water and acid attack. e most useful
application of nanotechnology in elds of civil
engineering, is in the concrete production.
Concrete includes of amorphous phase, crystals
in dierent size of nanometer to micrometer,
and bound water. It can be improved in numer-
ous ways that one of which is composed with
nanoparticles. is research covers the eect of
incorporation of nano-size spherical materials
(e.g., nano-SiO2, TiO2, CaCO3, Al2O3, etc.), na-
no-tubes or bers [(carbon nanotube (CNT) and
carbon nano-bers (CNF)] and nano-clay into
cementitious materials.
e benecial eect of the nanoparticles on the
performance of cementitious materials can be ex-
plained by the dierent following factors
• Nanoparticles that well-dispersed can act
as nuclei for cement phases, hence pro-
moting the hydration due to their high re-
• Use of Nanoparticles lead to crushed size
of crystals (such as Ca(OH)
) and also for-
mation of small-sized uniform clusters of
• Nanoparticles accelerate the pozzolanic
reactions, resulting in the consumption of
and formation of an “additional
C-S-H gel;
• structure of the aggregates ‘contact zone
can be improved by use of nanoparticles,
resulting in a better bond between cement
paste and aggregates; and
• Nanoparticles provide crack detention
and interlocking eects between the slip
planes, which improve the toughness,
shear, tensile and exural strength of ce-
ment-based materials.
• Nanoparticles can act as nano reinforce-
ment and strong the tensile strength of
Most research on nanotechnology in con-
crete has focused on the use of nanoparticles
to investigation of structure and mechanical
properties of nano-concrete.
Incorporation of SiO
e mechanical properties of cement mortars
can be varied with addition of nano particles.
It has been observed that SiO
can be increased compressive and exural
strengths of cement mortars [1,2]. e com-
pressive strengths of cements with nano-sili-
ca (NS) were all higher than those of cements
containing silica fume at setting time of 7 and
28 days. Results showed 26% increase of 28
days compressive strength with addition of
10% nano-SiO2 whereas addition of 15% si-
lica fume lead to increase of 10% compressive
strength [2]. In other investigation it is found
that the addition of small volumes of NS (i.e.,
0.25%) caused 25% increase of exural stren-
gth and 10% increase of compressive strength
at 28 days [3].
e mechanisms for increase performance of
concrete with nano-SiO
has been studied at dif-
ferent levels. Uniformed Dispersion of nanopar-
ticles in the cement paste, increased deposition of
Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias Físicas y Matemática
the hydrated products of cement on it due to their
great surface energy, i.e., act as nucleation sites.
Nucleation of hydration products on nano-par-
ticles further improve and accelerates cement hy-
dration [4]. e other mechanisms of improved
performance of concrete by addition of nanopar-
ticles are (i) the nano-size pores of the cement
paste ll with nanoparticles, and (ii) Nanosilica
inuence pozzolanic reaction and reacts with
Ca(OH)2 and generates additional C-S-H [5].
the particle size and the proper dispersion of the
nano particles is important factor in eective im-
provement and the colloidal dispersions being
more eective than the powder in cement paste
[6]. e addition of Nanosilica provides major
improvement of early age of concrete structure
respect to crystal orientation degree, reduction
in content, and crystal size of portlandite crystals
was reported [7] as could be observed at the fol-
lowing Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 under the Scanning Elec-
tron Microscopy (SEM).
Fig. 1. Particles (indicated by an arrow), surrounded by solid
phase portlandite.
Fig. 2. Particles marked with an arrow in the previous Figure 1with
the irregular morphology of the portlandite support.
e addition of SiO
nanoparticles resulted in
the increase of heat of hydration process and
chemically combined water percentage and
decrease of CH content [8]. In other research
[9], the microstructural studies showed that
the increase in strength due to addition of
nano- Sio2 was not related to pozzolanic re-
action but due to the growth of silica chains
in C-S-H and causing dense microstructure.
e water permeability resistant behavior of
nano silica concrete is better than of normal
concrete [10].
By addition of nano-silica to Light Weight Con-
crete resistance to water and chloride ions pen-
etration was enhanced despite strength slightly
increased. e resistance against chloride ion
penetration, water penetration and sorptivity
was improved by addition up to 2% Nanosilica to
concrete [11].
e addition of colloidal nano-silica to concrete
(without and with class F y ash binder) result
in improvement of overall performance of con-
crete. Adiabatic temperature test within 15 h aer
mixing indicate that ultrane nature of nano-sil-
ica was responsible for speeding up the kinetics
of hydration reactions. e strength of concrete
increased with the addition of nano-SiO
up to
6%, showed that addition of small dosages of na-
no-silica can controlled destructive eect of y
ash on strength performance. Also it was showed
a decrease in passing charges and physical pene-
tration depths because of reducing the conductiv-
ity and dense structure [12].
Nano SiO
could signicantly increase the com-
pressive strength of high volume y ash and also
rice husk concrete. e concretes containing 2
and 4 % of nano silica exhibited similar com-
pressive strength and it is showed eectiveness of
high percentage of nanoparticles in HVFA con-
crete. e durability properties of concretes con-
taining 38 % class F y ash and 2 % nano-silica as
replacement of cement are higher than ordinary
concrete [13].
Also addition of Nano-silica to Rice husk Ash
(RHA) concrete improving its mechanical prop-
erties research showed that blending 1% Nano-
Revista INGENIO N.º 1 vol. 2 (2019)
silica to 20% RHA concrete caused an increase
in compressive and exure strength. In general,
by addition Nanosilica particles up to 1% to con-
crete the disadvantages of rice husk ash had over-
come [14].
Incorporation of TiO2 Nanoparticles
nanoparticles has wide applications due
to its high oxidizing capability under near
UV-radiation, chemical stability in dierent
environment (both acidic and basic envi-
ronments), absence of toxicity. Several stud-
ies have shown that nano-TiO
can improve
the early-age hydration of cement [15] and
increase compressive and exural strengths
[16]. e abrasion resistance of concrete
containing dierent nanoparticles (both na-
and nano-SiO
) is experimentally
studied [15] and it is found that the abra-
sion resistance of concrete containing nano-
is higher than Nanosilica and optimum
amount of nano TiO
is 1% for eectiveness
in enhancing abrasion resistance. With the
increase of nano TiO
content up to 5% the
abrasion resistance decreases. Concrete con-
taining nano-TiO
has self-cleaning prop-
erties for de-polluting the environments.
act as a photocatalytic agent to
degradation of pollutants (e.g., NOx, CO,
VOCs, chlorophenols, and aldehydes from
vehicle and industrial transpiration) [17, 18,
19]. A clean TiO
concrete exposed to sun-
light can puricate the harmful NOx gases
from the atmosphere by oxidation to nitrates.
In other study, a photocatalytic concrete with
nanoparticles was fabricated. Re-
sults show that the surface of nano concrete
was covered by a layer contain C-S-H and
nano particles around tens of nm and
the roughness of the nano concrete was about
3.5-11 nm. Due to its photocatalytic proper-
ties and high-smooth surface, this concrete
can used as a material for the urban applica-
tion [21].
e eect of the addition of TiO
on the con-
crete compaction and mechanical properties
was investigated. e results indicated that
addition of TiO
nanoparticles to concrete
increase the amount of C–S–H (calcium sil-
icate hydrate), compressive strength at 28
days and a reduction in the modulus of elas-
ticity of the nano concretes. In relation to the
percent of concrete porosity, the addition of
nanoparticles in the both form of 10%
anatase II and rutile resulted in a decrease
in the overall pore volume, pore restoration
and improve distribution of the pore lengths.
{ Study of the inuence of nano-TiO
on the
properties of Portland cement concrete for
application on road surface. Another benet
of TiO
is increasing abrasion resistance and
strength of concrete at early age [22].
In self-compacting concrete containing class
F y ash (5-15%). It was found that addition
of TiO2 up to 4% could lead to improvement
of detrimental eect of u ash on exural
strength by accelerate formation of C-S-H gel
at the early age of hydration. Also, nano TiO
nanoparticles lead to increasing in consisten-
cy and reducing in the possibility of bleeding
and segregation [23].
Marine environment is destructive for con-
crete structures that create the coupled attack
of chloride diusion and scouring. Concrete
containing 1% nano-TiO2 shows a high
scouring abrasion resistance and a low diu-
sion coecient. Furthermore nano Tio2 can
improve more resistance to chloride diusion
Incorporation of CaCO3
e CaCO3 nanoparticles is very useful in ce-
ment alternative. In recent developments in
concrete technology ultra-high-performance
concrete (UHPC) is produced that are char-
acterized by very low water-to-cement (w/c)
ratios. Hence, high amount of the cement in
concrete will not hydrate and will just act as
filler. erefore, use of non-costly filler ma-
terial to replacing cement are interest. In re-
search showed that addition of micro-CaCO3
Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias Físicas y Matemática
to concrete acted as a filler, improvement of
microstructure and increasing the eective
w/c ratio [25] but nano-CaCO3 act as accel-
erator of the early-age hydration process, and
an eective filler to concrete. e combining
of both micro- and nano-CaCO3 resulted in
better performance not only for enhancing
of mechanical properties but also to replace-
ment of cement up to 20 % [26].
In other research results showed that nano-Ca-
CO3 slurry increase the mechanical strength of
the concrete with and without y ash at the early
ages. Actually, nano-CaCO
modied the strength
and microstructure of concrete containing y
ash by accelerate both the hydration of cement
at early ages and the hydration of y ash at late
ages [27]. Also in the research of nanoparticles
addition to dierent grade of concrete (C30 and
C50) it was found that in the low strength grade
of concrete adding nano-CaCO
created calcium
carbon-aluminum hydrate with lower carbon
that can promote the strength of concrete at early
age. But, in the high strength grade of concrete,
these improvement disappeared [28].
Compared between addition of chloride- and
non-chloride based accelerating admixtures and
nano-calcium carbonate (CaCO
) at rates of 0,
2.5, 5, 10 and 15% on properties of ultra-high
performance concrete showed that concrete con-
taining nano-CaCO
had better eect on accel-
erating of hydration and compressive strength
on early-age setting, improved the flowability of
mixture and increase workability of concrete and
also reducing the risk of steel corrosion induced
by chloride-based accelerating admixtures. Con-
sideration of the performance and economic ap-
proach determined that addition 5% up to 10%
to UHPC concrete can cause better
improvement for concrete properties [29].
Conduction calorimeter based test results [30]
showed that the addition of nano-CaCO
derably accelerated the speed of heat progress and
shortened the induction period of C
S hydration.
It was proposed that nano-CaCO
can shorten
the induction period of C
S hydration by broke
down the protective layer of it or accelerated the
C-S-H nucleation (i.e., seeding eect) in the paste
solution of high ionic concentration.
Incorporation of Nano-Al2O3
ere are few studies on the use of nano alu-
mina in concrete. Nano-Al
particles was
very eective to increase the modulus of
elasticity of cement. With the addition 5%
nano- Al2O3 to concrete, the elastic mod-
ulus increased by 143% at 28 days whereas
compressive strength was not very obvious
changed [31]. Frost resistance property of
concrete can be signicantly increased by
the addition of nano-Al2O3 and nano-SiO2.
ese nano-materials behave as accelerators
of pozzolanic reaction and also improve the
pore structure of concrete and densifying the
microstructure. It is found that the frost re-
sistance of nano-Al
particles is better than
the same amount of nano-SiO2 particles [32].
Also it is found that replacement of cement
by Al
nanoparticles up to 1% proportion-
al increase exural strength and Split Tensile
strength of cement mortar [33].
Dispersion of cement in UHPC must take place
simultaneously with silica action in the hydration
of cement because of high proportion of cement
in this concrete. Without nano alumina, the hy-
dration process will be slower because silica com-
ponent cannot penetrated to the internal struc-
ture of hydration gel. Nano alumina created the
path of injection silica or binding materials into
the microstructure of hydration gel and the re-
ning activity will start [34,35,36].
Incorporation of nano clay
Nano clays depending on the chemical composi-
tion and nanoparticle morphology, have several
classes such as montmorillonite, bentonite, kao-
linite, hectorite, and halloysite. Nanoclay par-
ticles enhanced the mechanical properties, the
self-compacting properties of concrete and redu-
ce the ability of chloride penetration, permeabi-
lity and shrinkage [37,38,39]. Montmorillonite
clay has unique structure that make it an excellent
base for manipulation through nanotechnology.
Revista INGENIO N.º 1 vol. 2 (2019)
Montmorillonite clay has dierent properties
such as stability, an interlayer space, high hydra-
tion and swelling capacity and a high chemical
reactivity. Organo-modied montmorillonites
(OMMT) are employed as llers and reinforce-
ments in concrete. [38]. e use of low percent-
age of Nanoclay particles can eectively influence
the freshstate properties of concrete.
Nanoclay particles can provide high viscosity by
increasing the adhesion between the ingredients
of the fresh mixture. Incorporation of small dos-
ages nano-montmorillonite (NMMT) clays (.25,
.50, .75 and 1.00% ) to self-compacting concrete
(SCC) was investigated. It was found that the
addition of .5% and .75% NMMT increase com-
pressive strength and splitting tensile strength,
respectively. Also, the addition of NMMT clays
up to 1.00% improved durability and electrical
resistivity of specimens [40].
Incorporation of CNT
In Concrete containing bers (typically steel or
polypropylene bers) control of plastic shrinkage
cracking and drying shrinkage cracking increa-
sed. e addition of bers to mix concrete lower
the permeability of the ber reinforce concrete
and promote the impact, abrasion and shatter
resistance. e important properties of bers
in FRC include diameter, specic gravity, high
Young’s modulus and tensile strength [41,42].
In recent years, researchers have explored the op-
tion of using CNTs as bers in concrete.
Carbon nanotubes are a form of carbon with cy-
lindrical shape, and diameter size in nanometer
scale. Nanotubes have the fullerene structure.
single-walled nanotube (SWNT) and multi-
walled nanotube (MWNT) are two categories of
nanotubes [43].
Carbon nanotubes/nanobers (CNTs/CNFs)
have nano-reinforcements application in ce-
ment-based materials. CNTs/CNFs exhibit ex-
traordinary strength with elasticity module of
CNTs/CNFs is in the range of TPa and tensile
strength in the order of GPa, with unique elec-
tronic and amazing chemical properties [44,
45, 46]. Concrete has poor tensile strength with
prone to brittle and crack. One of the methods
to increase tensile strength, ductility and improve
durability is the incorporation of bers into con-
crete. e mixture of carbon nanotubes and ce-
ment hydrates provides high strength properties.
Carbon nanotubes can act as bridges across cracks
and pores, which load transfer across cracks and
pores [47].
Addition of small dosage (e.g., 0.025% by weight
of cement) of homogeneously dispersed mul-
tiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) increase
signicantly the exural strength and stiness of
concrete. It is found that adding small amount of
carbon nanotube (1% wt.) improve both com-
pressive and exural strength. Also results show
that addition of CNT increases the compres-
sive strength up to 70% and decreases the heat
conductivity up to 12% in ber reinforce con-
crete[48]. One of the important benets of used
of the CNT instead of steel ber to reinforcement
of concrete is that CNTs will not corrode in cor-
rosive environments. is benet may provide
application of CNT in marine environments.
In practice, under the Scanning Electron Micros-
copy (SEM) it is possible to observe with certainty
how working at nanodimensions opens an enor-
mous potential for the improvement of concrete.
e dierent uses of nanoparticles not only reveal
the capacity of the nanomaterials considered in
this review, but also point the way forward for
Concrete Improvement Via Nano-Technology.
e applications of the nanomaterials that have
been presented also indicate the possibility to
lower costs in the use of improved concrete. Each
incorporation raises dierent answers whose ex-
perimental characteristics open keys to an increa-
singly interesting and more investigative world.
Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias Físicas y Matemática
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