Non-Powered Hand Tool: Size Selection from an Anthropometric Ergonomic
Point of View
Ricardo Arciniega Rocha | Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungría
Vanessa Cristina Erazo Chamorro | Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungría
Szabo Gyula | Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungría pISSN 2588-0829
2022 Universidad Central del Ecuador eISSN 2697-3243
CC BY-NC 4.0 —Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional 
      
    ,  (), -, . -
In order to improve production companies are laying out resources to minimize time and save the wor-
ker force in each workstation. It means the ergonomist specialist must choose the correct hand device
according to each worker. e goal of this research is to set forth an instructions set for tool hand tools
selection focused on anthropometrics of the workers in order to rise production using the adequate tool
for the task. During the study, the anthropometrical data is processed and evaluated to obtain the disper-
sion population for each nger length and identied the main body size parameters for design tools. As
a result, a methodical guide to help ergonomics team managers to make sure the correct and appropriate
tool size selection to reduce the possibility of future illness for workers and the tailored ergonomic design
of each workstation according to specic data for the worker.
Con el n de mejorar la producción, las empresas están disponiendo recursos para minimizar el tiempo
y ahorrar mano de obra en cada puesto de trabajo. Signica que el especialista en ergonomía debe elegir
el dispositivo de mano correcto de acuerdo con cada trabajador. El objetivo de esta investigación es
establecer un instructivo para la selección de herramientas manuales enfocado en la antropometría de
los trabajadores para elevar la producción utilizando la herramienta adecuada para la tarea. Durante el
estudio, los datos antropométricos se procesan y evalúan para obtener la población de dispersión para
cada longitud de dedo e identicar los principales parámetros de tamaño corporal para las herramientas
de diseño. Como resultado, se elaboró una guía metódica para ayudar a los jefes de equipo de ergonomía
a asegurarse de la selección correcta y adecuada del tamaño de la herramienta para reducir la posibilidad
de futuras enfermedades de los trabajadores y el diseño ergonómico personalizado de cada estación de
trabajo de acuerdo con los datos especícos del trabajador.
1. Introduction
e methods for tool selection means great concern for
the probability of workers’ future illness aer realizing
one task a lot of time due to the repetitively and the ne-
cessary force during the work. One of the biggest pro-
blems is market dependence, owing that the companies
who designed the hand tool tried to make the design for
all users but it can be a problem for specic users.
Nowadays, as the globe becomes more industrialized,
an increasing number of businesses are investing money
and resources to improve production time while keeping
human resources in mind. [1]–[3] e monitoring of the
number of musculoskeletal problems in developed coun-
tries focuses on the method of observation in organiza-
tions that utilize hand tools to complete the exact task in
each workstation [4], [5].
e variables to control are explained and exposed
in the industrial document statements and international
standards to reduce their eect on workers, as well as the
 
Received: 5/9/2022
Accepted: 10/11/2022
 
Industrial risk, tools selection, hand tools,
occupational safety, tool size.
 
Riesgos industriales, selección de he-
rramientas, herramientas manuales,
seguridad en el trabajo, tamaño de he-
Herramienta Manual sin Motor: Selección de Tamaño desde un Punto de Vista Ergonómico
Non-Powered Hand Tool: Size Selection from an Anthropometric Ergonomic Point of View
method of data collection, [6] Its also vital to note that
some key features can cause a biased in tool selection are
not mentioned in the papers.
e ergonomics managers in each factory recognize
extremity cumulative trauma disorders as key ergonomic
risk factors. In order to improve the current situation, a
guide for non-powered tool selection for specic work
types will be presented in order to improve production
time and prevent worker injuries and future health disor-
ders, this guide is focused on the anthropometrics of wor-
kers and the hand dimension analysis to ensure the way
for correct and tailored hand tool selection according to
the palm-size of the workers (see Figura 1).
Figura 1 shows the approach steps in the research,
starting with collecting the data and going through the
method denition and nishing with the anthropometric
evaluation. is research is structured as follows. Section
2 presents Related works. Section 3 Tool selection me-
thod. Section 4 illustrates the Results. Finally, Section 5
presents the Conclusions.
Commonly, industrial employees utilize hand tools
based on their readiness in the workstation; however, be-
fore beginning operations in the companies, ergonomics
specialists conduct research and pick the appropriate de-
vice size; three stages are used in tool selection: i) Known
the workplace, ii) anthropometric study, iii) tool selec-
tion for workers. Kai WayLi [12] presents «Ergonomic
design and evaluation of wire-tying hand tools» (2002),
Table 1.
 2015, occupational injuries
Occupational injuries
Injury source Hand machines Hand devices
total 59,83 52,03
Incidence rate 54 47
Sick days 7 5
Source [11].
Figure 1.
Research process denition
e evolution of risk assessment tools in the industry are
going from paper-pencil worksheets to articial intelli-
gence to prevent and minimize the causes of worker ill-
ness. It is focused on the causes of various occupational
illness for specic body parts. As a result, businesses face
the challenge of constantly improving their management
systems [7]–[9].
e problems related to ergonomic for hand tools are
frequently dependent on wrist exion and extension, as
well as excessive muscle eort and a high number of ma-
nual movement repetitions [10]. According to the U.S.
Bureau of Labour Statistics, there were 100.000 injuries
related with hand tools or machines. Table 1. Shows the
data for labour injuries (see Table 1).
Arciniega R., et al.
this oers some ideas on how to build a wire-tying hand
tool that will reduce poor posture and physical eort.
e research showed that now the wire-tying plier de-
signs minimized labour and employees’ diculty in the
sense of physical eort and awkward postures.
Whit the given works, it is reasonable to conclude that
design optimization and proper tool selection are critical
aspects of the present industry trend. However, in most
situations, a decision is made without regard for the an-
thropometrics of workers or their comfort during repetiti-
ve job activities. In this regard, the majority of the studies
evaluated do not provide a mechanism for selecting tool
sizes. is is exactly why the recommended rigorous hand
tool selection is so important. As a result, the suggested
technique is critical in proving the benets of choosing
the proper tool selection.
To determine the selection criteria, the Derived / Compi-
led Data collecting approach is utilized to analyze the re-
ceived information using the collected information. e
criteria for picking information are focused on gathering
the most important ergonomic properties of tools for use
in general device selection in the industry to avoid po-
tential future problems based on comments from world-
wide occupational health institutes.
Hand devices and other hand tools are always a possible
source of injury for employees during typical job tasks.
Workplace injuries can be caused by a variety of circum-
stances, and worker disease can be classied in a variety of
ways; Table 2. shown the many injury types (see Table 2).
Starting the hand tool selection process, the rst activity is
to recognize the task, considering that tools are created for
a specic purpose and that non-correct use can produce
tool degradation and damage. As another consequence,
incorrect tool operation can generate diseases like pain or
injury, as illustrated in Figura 2 (see Figura 2).
e workspace for manoeuvring the hand tool is a
characteristic to decide the correct tool size, it gives the
body length of the specic tool for the task.
e uncomfortable postures, in combination with the ha-
zardous contact stresses, generate a future injury cause. To
avoid this, hand tools must be appropriate for the hand,
taking into account the primary tool features stated in Ta-
ble 3 as well as the gadget assessment criteria (see Table 3).
As another important fact, the texture of the handle
tool part shall be considered for a good operation during
Table 2.
Injury and possible
Medical problems Source
Amputations, Cuts, abrasions and punctures Tools with cutting edges can easily cut body parts
Muscles stress and ligaments inamation Repetitive motion all day long, using the same tool
Vision accidents Flying parts can cause needless and permanent blindness
Fractures Direct hit with the tool
Source [16].
 18001 standard gives regulations for health and
security, based in Occupational Health and Safety Mana-
gement Systems () [17]. To cut down on workpla-
ce injuries e European Union directive 89/391/ [18]
says the need to implement measures to improvements
in worker safety. Tool selection is done in several steps,
including a) knowing your job, b) observing work envi-
ronment, c) keeping good work posture, and d) selecting
the appropriate tool. Various processes are specied in
this context in order to create an appropriate tool selec-
tion, with a focus on the task, tool features, and Ergono-
mic Worker Positions.
During 2013 Harih and Dolšak presents a digital-ba-
sed hand tool model, constructed from a static digital hu-
man-hand model, assuring comfort [13]. en Sohrabi
(2015) introduces e eect of diameter on comfort and
force for non-powered hand tools use [14].
In 2015 is presented the use of the Ergonomics in Hand
Tool Design [15], by Aptel, Claudon and Marsot, to de-
monstrate the inuence of ergonomics on future illness
for workers. Finally, «Usability of machinery» is presen-
ted by Szabo (2017), [11] where Wrong operator beha-
viour is identied as a factor in work accidents.
Non-Powered Hand Tool: Size Selection from an Anthropometric Ergonomic Point of View
the activities in each workstation to ensure the correct
manipulation and xing of the tool. [20]–[22] e die-
rent textures and tool shapes are shown in Figura 3.
e texture improves the tool grip increasing the fric-
tion between the tool handle and workers hand, this cha-
racteristic shall be functional when the tool is static and
when the device is moving, in this sense a non-slip tool
handle makes secure the tool use.
In order to determine the correct tool for each works-
tation, identify the handle manner for these devices. In
this sense, the tool applications in connection with the
handle manner are analysed in relation to the anthropo-
metrics of the workers’ hands to establish the correct se-
lection for tool size [23], [24] (see Figura 4).
e tool handle manner used for small and big ham-
mers is the Power Grip subjection shown in Figura 4, to
realize this action the devices are subjected to the total
palm of the hand using all ngers to produce the neces-
sary force to hit the materials [25] (see Figura 5).
Single-Handle Tools shown in Figura 5 is the hand-
ling way of the tool used for Tube-like tools driven by
handle length and diameter. During this way of grip tool,
the devices are subjected to the total palm of the hand
and the forces are applied through ngers and the thumb
(see Figura 6).
e handling way of the tool used for control, pre-
cision and accuracy is Pinch Grip shown in Figura 6, to
carry out the work activity the devices are subjected be-
tween the thumb, index nger and middle nger to pro-
vide the necessary force for the task. Figura 7 shows the
«Contact Pressure tool grip», which to dierent from the
previous one is the use of the palm of the hand to provi-
de the force to keep the device against the part to be xed
(see Figura 7).
e handling way of the tool used pliers is shown in
Figura 8, Double-Handle Tools grip uses the thumb, index
Figure 2.
Research process denition
Figure 3.
Texture of the tool Handle
Figure 4.
Power grip
Figure 5.
Single handling tool
Table 3.
Tool Characteristics
Parameters Shape Physical dimension Material surface
Features Feasible shape Lightweight Friction for material in contact surface
Not cutting edge Correct tool dimension Homogeneous distribution force
Source [19].
Arciniega R., et al.
nger and middle nger to provide the necessary force for
the task [26] (see Figura 8).
Employees in the industrial sector represent the ma-
jority of each country’s economically active population,
and numerous studies have been done to collect anthro-
pometric data on them, as shown in table 4 (see Table 4).
3.Results and discussion
ree main hand measure sizes are important to enable
proper tool selection based on the style of handling: index
nger length, middle nger length, and maximum grip
diameter. Aer processing the worker’s hand anthropo-
metric data in Table 4 to make sure that the work popu-
lation can use hand tools, ergonomics managers should
select tools with part sizes that fall between the shaded
zone shown in distribution graphic to ensure that 90% of
population can used during the work (see Figura 9).
Index nger length in contact pressure subjection and
pinch grip subjection is the main measure, for these task
which are performed with this nger, such as the little
touch between the hand tool and the body. Anthropome-
tric data are provided in Figura 9.
Considering tool activities are performed using the
thumb, middle, and index ngers, as well as the tiny con-
tact between the gadget and the body, the maximum han-
dgrip diameter is the most relevant dimension for single
handle tools and power grip tools. ese anthropometric
data are provided in Figura 10 (see Figura 10). Finally,
with double-handed tools, the middle nger is the most
signicant size because tool activities are performed with
this nger, such as the little touch between the gadget and
the body, as shown in Figura 11 (see Figura 11).
Figure 6.
inch Grip handling tool
Figure 7.
Contact pressure handling tool
Table 4.
Hand anthropometry
n    Range 
  15,9 20,5 18,20 3,2526
91193 4,60 0,01
palmlength 8,90 11,6 10,25 1,90918
8309 2,70 0,017
thumb length 4,00 5,80 4,90
middle finger length 6,90 9,00 7,95
ring finger length 5,90 8,00 6,95
little finger length 4,30 6,30 5,30
index finger length 6,00 7,90 6,95
maximum grip diameter 4,30 5,90 5,10
Source [27].
Non-Powered Hand Tool: Size Selection from an Anthropometric Ergonomic Point of View
Another contribution of this study identied the com-
mon handling grips subjection for hand tools in concor-
dance with the literature presented by Debesh M. and
Suchismita Satapathy [29] in «Hand Tool Injuries of Agri-
cultural Farmers of South Odisha in India».
Index nger length in contact pressure subjection and
pinch grip subjection is the main measure, for tool ac-
tivities are performed using the thumb, middle, and in-
dex ngers, the handgrip diameter is the most relevant
dimension for single-handle tools and power grip tools,
with double-handed tools, the middle nger is the most
signicant size because tool activities are performed with
this nger. In concordance with some studies where the
method of tool selection is considered [15] taking into
account the demographic data of each region and coun-
try the selected instrument must be between 10.19 mi-
llimetres and a maximum dimension of 11.71 centime-
tres in order to achieve it for tasks associated to contact
pressure subjection. e specied instrument for pinch
grip subjection must have a dimension of 6.19 millime-
tres to a maximum of 7.71 centimetres, the specied tool
for activity requiring single-handle tools and power grip
applications should be between 4.46 millimetres and a
maximum size of 5.74 centimetres, and for activities in-
Figure 10.
Handgrip diameter
Figure 11.
Middle nger
Figure 8.
Double handle tool
Figure 9.
Index nger length
e international organizations for establishing the
standards suggest the dimensions for hand tools focused
only from a point of view of task characteristic [30], [31],
in this project as a result, is presented the necessary steps
for a correct tool selection, each stage has some steps for
tool evaluation before the nd the chosen one.
Increasing productivity and resource eciency are the
industry’s main goals in order to enhance protability.
e environmental supervisors will be selective in the
size of tools they use to guarantee that this goal protec-
ting the worker from disease met [24]. In order to mini-
mize the possible risk and be agree with previous studies
where the safety and healthy workplace is dened [28],
this study identied the main used parts during the acti-
vities where is needed hand tools.
Arciniega R., et al.
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