Optimal georeferenced deployment of charging stations for electric vehicles in distribution networks using
a trajectory-based heuristic model
the engineering level but also in the regulatory framework
that allow the technological transition without producing
disadvantages in the operation of the electric power su-
pply system’s [3].
As electric vehicles increase their market share, it’s
going to get some attention from power companies. Its
inclusion in power systems represents a large increase in
load demand, causing many problems of power quality
degradation, increased energy losses. However, a problem
may occur between the network operators and the owners
of the charging stations since it may be the case that the-
re are dierences because the owners of the charging sta-
tions look for the commercial place where they can charge
the electric vehicles, but at lower cost. On the other hand,
the electricity network operators estimate that the char-
ging stations are located in such a way that they allow a
predetermined number of vehicles to be fed, impacting
the electricity network as little as possible [4].
Various solution methods worldwide have been pro-
posed to locate charging stations. For example, genetic
algorithms and voronoi diagrams have been incorpora-
ted. ese algorithms do not consider very important fac-
tors such as: load prole, consumption, autonomy, and
geographical considerations. at is why we start, for the
optimization process, from candidate sites which can be
conventional service stations, bus stops, shopping cen-
ters, parking lots, parks, etc. Consequently, the proposed
model does not start from scenarios where candidate si-
tes are considered, as would happen with voronoi when
segmenting the area of analysis but starts from a study
area. at is, he knows the study area based on its carto-
graphic reality [5].
Regarding the prole of charge and consumption of
Electric Vehicles (), the historical information of the re-
cords of electric taxis that operate in the city of Loja was
considered, as well as a model developed by the authors
that takes into account the process of charging of EV ba-
tteries modied in a novel model that represents the elec-
tric vehicle battery charging system based on its state of
charge and its current variability and charging time.
e general problem lies in optimally locating and si-
zing the charging stations along a georeferenced distribu-
tion network of 34 nodes, so that the proposed heuristic
starts from candidate sites in the network, of which they
can be public places, that is, it is an iterative method that
knows the study area since this information is extracted
from Open Street Maps (), as well as the use of -
soware to implement graph theory that will allow
nding the nodes and topology that is part of the solution
set. To later evaluate the voltage proles and load losses
simulated in Cymdyst [6].
2. method
e prerequisite for the planning of charging stations is
to create the conditions for an adequate consumption
of electrical energy. On the other hand, electric vehicles
have zero emission characteristics; Low engine noise and
higher propulsion eciency [7], [8], [9], [10], [11].
From the point of view of transport systems, whether
public or conventional, a huge proportion of energy con-
sumption is due to the inecient movement of trac. e
exible energy consumption estimation model is based on
the evaluation of consumption based on data from other
vehicles on the road network, which have the possibility
of being accurate thanks to the dierent vehicle models
and energy eciency [12], [13].
e cost for energy consumption per 100 km of an
electric transport is up to three times less than the cost
of a conventional vehicle that uses fossil fuel, this taking
into account that in Ecuador there are lower rates, both
for gasoline and electricity [14].
When analyzing the real cost of electricity in the
country and the international price of gasoline, the EV is
still lower than that of a thermal combustion vehicle, the-
refore, the electric vehicle is more protable and ecient
even with the fuel subsidy that exists in the country. is
advantage is also visible in Europe [14].
Within the exponential growth of EVs in moderate
portions, it should not cause too many inconveniences,
however, its wide adoption will probably create an im-
pact on the operation and management of electrical dis-
tribution networks, such as congestion, voltage problems
and load imbalances between phases [15].
Depending on the autonomy of the Electric Vehicle,
the excessive charge of the batteries of said cars will have
an impact on the distribution system, which would in-
crease the load demand, introducing disturbances in the
Interconnected Electric System, which imposes an in-
crease in the generation and make probable reinforce-
ments with the penetration of renewable energy in order
to maintain the balance between what is generated and
consumed [16] (see Table 1).
Approximately, the battery charging speed depends on
the output of the charging station and the technical speci-
cations of the electric car. e peak daily load curve during
a day in the worst case would have a higher consumption