Implementation of a Educational System Using IoT and RaspBerry PI
Implementación de un Sistema Meteorológico Educativo Usando IoT y Rasperry PI
Santillán Holger1,2 1 Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Grupo GISTEL, Guayaquil - Ecuador,  ,
2 Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Palmas de Gran Canaria - España, 
Romero Kevin1 1 Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Grupo GISTEL, Guayaquil - Ecuador, 
Huayamave María José 1 1 Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Grupo GISTEL, Guayaquil - Ecuador, 
Wong Peregrina2 2 Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Palmas de Gran Canaria - España, 
2024 Universidad Central del Ecuador eISSN 2697-3243
CC BY-NC 4.0 —Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional vicedecanat.
      
    ,  (), -, . -
The subsequent document presents an examination and inquiry into a weather system utili-
zing IoT technology and Raspberry Pi. The primary aim is to illustrate one of the numerous
applications of emerging technologies. A compact WLAN network is established to link the
server of the weather station to a home automation controller through a Raspberry Pi device.
This enables the incorporation of the Internet of Things into the envisioned system and the
gathering of data from various sensors within the weather station. Furthermore, these data are
This creates a precedent for future research in the realms of home automation and telecom-
El documento subsiguiente presenta un examen e investigación sobre un sistema meteoro-
lógico utilizando tecnología IoT y Raspberry Pi. El objetivo principal es ilustrar una de las
numerosas aplicaciones de las tecnologías emergentes. Se establece una red WLAN compacta
para enlazar el servidor de la estación meteorológica con un controlador de automatización
del hogar a través de un dispositivo Raspberry Pi. Esto permite la incorporación del Internet
de las Cosas en el sistema previsto y la recopilación de datos de varios sensores dentro de la
estación meteorológica. Además, estos datos se comparan con los obtenidos por otros siste-
para futuras investigaciones en los ámbitos de la automatización del hogar y las telecomuni-
article history
Received: 12/09/2023
Received aer review: 15/10/2023
Accepted: 25/11/2023
Published: 15/06/2024
palabras clave
Sistema meteorológico, Asistente del ho-
gar, Raspberry Pi, IoT.
key words
Meteorological system, Home assistant,
Raspberry Pi, IoT.
Over time, the study of meteorology has gained
increased importance due to the various climate
changes being experienced today, which are largely
attributed to human negligence. Therefore, it is
crucial to examine each factor encompassing this
discipline, such as atmospheric pollution, wind
speed, precipitation, temperature, ultraviolet (UV)
radiation index, and humidity, among others, as
these elements impact various outdoor activities
[1], [2]. Consequently, the use of weather systems
or stations becomes essential for collecting and
recording data, aiming to assess areas where these
climate changes have the greatest impact and thus
prevent risks associated with natural disasters, both
in the analyzed regions and in people’s health [2]. The
purpose of this project is to analyze the functioning
Implementation of an Educational Meteorological System using IoT and Raspberry PI
of a weather station and describe its corresponding
implementation. The mentioned equipment will be
implemented in an autonomous manner and will
be connected to the Internet using technology that
is widely used in companies and households in
this era. Through the use of the Internet of Things
(IoT) and a Raspberry Pi device, a connection will
be established to monitor the records on a server,
allowing the operator or client to perform necessary
analyses in case studies. From this point onward,
this section should be included in the Materials
and Methods section. The Raspberry Pi is a type of
computer that is much smaller than conventional
ones and is used in various programming projects,
robotic prototypes, and weather stations. This
computer has a considerably lower cost compared
to other devices, making it the preferred option for
student projects [3]. It is important to note that this
hardware device is essentially a compact computer,
as shown in Figure 1.
This computer is of the ARM (Advanced RISC
Machine) type, where the architecture is RISC
(Reduced Instruction Set Computer), meaning that
the instructions are reduced and simple, allowing for
faster processing. It has a GPU (graphics processing
unit) and RAM (Random Access Memory) all
within a single chip, making it known as a System
on a Chip (SoC). Its information is stored on an
SD (Secure Digital) card; however, it needs to be
connected to an external power source of 5V as
it does not have integrated power. The board has
several ports that provide accessibility to various
devices and also provides both wired and wireless
internet access through its ports and components
[3], [4], [5], [6], [7].
Currently, ARM processors are considered one of the
best options due to their lower power consumption
[4]. The aforementioned ARM architecture is based
on a set of 32-bit instructions, which allows for
processing a reduced number of instructions but
with high performance [8]. It is important to note
that, although this device may appear to have lower
performance compared to traditional computers, it
is used in exploration robots and space probes [9].
Since the system is designed to operate on a local
network, where the operating system (OS) installed
on the Raspberry Pi retrieves information from the
access the assistant. The Raspberry Pi is connected
to the router via an Ethernet cable.
A router, also known as a gateway, is a device that
allows for the interconnection of networks with
     
[22]. Its function is to determine the best route
for each data packet to reach the network and the
destination device. It is commonly used to connect
network to our service provider’s network [23]. It is
important to mention that it operates at the network
layer of the OSI model and can be thought of as a
general-purpose personal computer [22].
An IP address (Internet Protocol) consists of a
series of binary values (1 and 0) resulting in 32 bits.
For ease of use, the values are separated by periods
and converted to decimal format. For example, [24], [25], [26]. Internet protocols
originated in the early 1980s and were initially
adopted by ARPANET in 1983. While they were
initially used for military purposes, their usage
expanded across all domains over the years [24].
A LAN (Local Area Network) and WLAN are
utilized. A LAN is a network of interconnected
computers within a limited space such as a building
on the type of physical connection used. Within the
LAN, there are computers with resources capable
of organizing the connection between other devices
and providing network security. These computers
are known as servers [27], [28]. WLAN stands for
Wireless Local Area Network, which allows for
wireless connectivity without the need for cables.
Computers communicate with each other by sending
and receiving radio or infrared waves, eliminating
the need for a physical medium [32], [33].
Regarding the mention of a network cable, it is
important to note that a CAT 5e cable and RJ45
connectors are used to establish the physical
Figure 1.
Graphical representation of Raspberry Pi.
Santillán H., et al.
Wind has three main characteristics: direction, speed,
and type, whether it’s gusts or intermittent bursts.
Vein vanes and anemometers are used to measure the
surface changes caused by variations in wind speed
and direction. For measurements at greater heights,
pilot balloons and radiosondes are employed, as
wind speed increases with altitude [12], [13].
An anemometer is a sensor used to measure wind
speed. The average value of the data obtained over a
measurement precision. Therefore, the average value
within the mentioned interval is the most suitable
measure. If the anemometer is located on the ground,
the measurement corresponds to the wind speed in
the surrounding environment. However, if the station
is positioned on a moving object, the measured wind
speed is the relationship between the ambient wind
and the wind generated by the moving object [14].
This instrument consists of 3 or 4 cups mounted one
above the other, enabling the detection of wind speed
A wind vane is used to measure wind direction. It is
a rotating instrument equipped with an analog sensor
        
value for each wind direction indicated [16].
Temperature is a variable that has a linear relationship
with altitude. In other words, at higher altitudes, the
temperature decreases, with a variation of 6.5 °C per
1000 meters. The Kelvin unit is used for temperature,
although the Celsius or centigrade scale is widely
employed as well. In the Kelvin scale, the absolute
zero corresponds to the lowest temperature, while
the highest value is 273.16 K. In the Celsius scale,
the zero value represents the freezing point of water,
and the boiling point is 100 °C [12], [17], [18].
Equations (1) and (2) are used for temperature
T: temperature
°C: degrees Celsius
°F: degrees Fahrenheit
°K: degrees Kelvin
The equations (3) and (4) for maximum and minimum
temperature, respectively, are:
connection between the Raspberry Pi, the router,
and the computer, creating a small LAN network.
To ensure proper connectivity between devices
       
following either the EIA/TIA 568A or EIA/TIA
568B standard on both ends of the cable [29] [30].
A weather station is a device that features a
microcontroller responsible for monitoring the
system’s operation. It is equipped with sensors that
gather data on various phenomena such as wind
speed, solar radiation, temperature, rainfall, and levels
of ultraviolet radiation (UV). These measurements
        
information captured by the sensors is crucial for
understanding climate changes [1].
It is also possible to obtain data from the indoor
environment of a room, hall, or laboratory. In this
case, values of humidity, pressure, and temperature
can be obtained. Figure 2 shows a graphical
representation of a weather station with its respective
sensors [10]. Similar to any equipment that requires
hardware to acquire and perform actions, one of the
important components within weather stations is the
Datalogger. This section is responsible for collecting
information from the weather sensors [1]. Weather
stations collect all the data obtained from the sensors
and store it in a server for subsequent study and
analysis. The elements present in weather stations,
which were used in the station built for our project,
are as follows [11].
Figure 2.
Meteorological Station
Implementation of an Educational Meteorological System using IoT and Raspberry PI
t1: The average of the maximum temperature within
a range of days.
t2: The average of the minimum temperature within
a range of days.
1: Sum of all maximum temperatures during each
month in the nth season.
2: Sum of all minimum temperatures during each
month in the nth season.
n= Number of months with recorded information in
the nth station.
Atmospheric pressure is determined based on the
         
the Earth’s surface to the uppermost part of the
atmosphere. As a result, when we are in an elevated
area, the pressure is lower due to the reduced
amount of force exerted from that distance to the
atmospheric boundary. [19] This relationship is
P: Pressure. (N/m)
F: Force. (N)
A: Area (m2)
The barometer is an instrument used to measure
      
barometers, such as mercury barometers and those that
measure pressure in a closed environment. However, in
automatic weather stations, the barometer is presented as
a sensor directly connected to a microcontroller [16] [20].
Precipitation refers to the amount of rain that accumulates
gauge is a device used to measure the amount of rainfall
within a particular time interval. This measurement is
expressed in millimeters (mm), indicating the height of the
rain in millimeters that falls on a square meter of surface
area. This relationship is described by equation (6) [20].
L: unit of volume (L)
m: unit of measurement (m2)
The rain sensor used in automatic weather stations
employs a system that generates pulses each time
(UV) radiation spectrum spans wavelengths ranging
        
nm to 400 nm), B (280 nm to 315 nm), and C (100
nm to 280 nm). In meteorological stations, UV-B
radiation is commonly measured. The UV sensor is
responsible for measuring the relationship between
the analog signal generated by the sensor and the
amount of UV light detected [16], [17], [18], [19],
[20], [21].
2.1 Experiment
The Balena Etcher software was used to perform the
installation of the operating system on the SD card
that is inserted into the Raspberry device. Figure 3
displays the main interface of the program, which
      
project, the installation is carried out through the
URL: “
After installing the operating system on the
hardware, the network connection method is
      
the device and the mode of operation.
Figure 3.
Formatting the memory card of the Raspberry Pi
Santillán H., et al.
In this project, a wired network connection is used
in the RJ45 port of the device, and it is programmed
whether to use a DHCP-assigned IP address or a
the Python programming language or directly from
a text editor, as shown in Figure 4, and it is saved
without any extension.
Figure 4.
Code for creating an address le.
device to the power source. Optionally, you can
connect a screen to verify the assigned address.
Otherwise, enter the following URL directly into
a computer’s web browser: “http://homeassistant.
local:8123”. Alternatively, replace “homeassistant”
with the IP address.
Monitoring devices, depending on the model, have
a default server where data is stored. This server
generates an “API KEY,” which is a key used
to retrieve data from a server in an application
        
service [34]. Access the following URL: “https://
    
“Online” in the “My Device” section, as shown in
Figure 5.
Connecting the equipment to the WunderGround
In the home assistant server, access data to the
system is recorded in order to perform the necessary
    
information from the server of the data-generating
device. It is crucial to integrate two essential
add-ons for programming data storage variables,
as shown in Figure 6 (Appendix Figure 6). It is
the Wunderground server and Home Assistant are
used, which can be obtained from the following
URL: “”, as shown in Figure
7(Appendix Figure 7).
commands in order to create variables for storing
yaml”, in which the “API KEY” obtained from the
WunderGround server should also be registered.
        
using the restart button in the home assistant
window. It is important to note that, similar to the
conFiguretion of IP addresses shown in Figure 4,
Python is also the programming language used.
shaft on the axis of the weather vane, ensuring that
down onto the axis. Tighten the securing screw using
       
can rotate freely [31]. It may be necessary to remove
the securing screw before sliding the paddle onto the
axis, as shown in Figure 8 (Appendix Figure 8).
The axis of the weather vane will not rotate as freely
as the wind cups due to its design. This damping
prevents the vane from turning with the slightest
breeze, resulting in inconsistent wind direction
measurements. The added resistance allows the
vane to change direction with wind speeds of 2 to 3
mph, providing more accurate tracking of the wind
direction [10].    
using data, equation (7) is considered.
Vmax: It is the highest data value among the sensors in
Vmin: It is the lowest data value among the sensors in
Implementation of an Educational Meteorological System using IoT and Raspberry PI
     
visualizations, and function settings, the registered
values from each sensor of the meteorological
monitoring unit can be displayed graphically. These
data are presented in the main window of the home
(Appendix Figure 9).
In this window, the main sections such as ambient
temperature, humidity, pressure, among others, can
be viewed.
By analyzing the data stored in the variables used to
generate the graphs, it can be concluded, based on
the graphical representation of the data collected by
the internal temperature sensor, that the temperature
remained constant from January 24th until the last
sample taken on February 8th, 2023. These results
        (Appendix
Figure 10,11, and 12).
Likewise, it is programmed to display and graph
the trend of pressure and humidity values, as can
Figure 13 to 16).
This variation is attributed to the seasonal changes
during the testing period of the project, as these
dates correspond to the rainy season.
The windows of the home assistant also contain
widgets or sections that display the current value of
a data obtained from the equipment’s sensors, such
as temperature, humidity, ultraviolet (UV) radiation
18, 19, and 20, respectively (Appendix Figure
17,18,19, and 20).
Since the home assistant has variables that store
data from the Wunderground server, where all the
information is initially stored, it has the ability
to predict future scenarios related to the weather.
       
22 (Appendix Figure 21 and 22), which display
sunset and sunrise times, as well as moon phases as
Figure 23 (Appendix Figure 23) displays the
predictions of temperature and humidity changes
throughout the week.
In conclusion, the table in Figure 24 (Appendix
Figure 24) displays the real-time values of all
sensors present in the monitoring equipment, along
with their respective indicators.
Samples were taken from the various sensors of
temperature, humidity, pressure, UV index, and
heat index of the weather station shown in Table
1. These will be used for tests presented during this
Table 1.
Measured values of the dierent sensors
Taking into account Google’s digital platform, a
comparison is made between the data generated by
the device in the home assistant and the data stored
on Google’s server. By using equation (7), the values
of Vmax and Vmin are replaced with the results
provided by each sensor, enabling the calculation of
(8), (9), (10), and (11).
    -
      
   -
ciency of the sensor compared to the data used, as
shown in Figures 25 and 26 (Appendix Figure 25
Santillán H., et al.
reliable. This sensor is generating measurements in
relation to the established reference values.
        
equation allows for a comparison between the
data generated by the sensor and the established
reference values. By substituting the measured
humidity and reference humidity values into
equation (9), a percentage is obtained that indicates
    
us to evaluate the quality and performance of the
sensor in relation to the established standards.
       
data used for comparison, considering the values
shown in Figure 27 and 28 (Appendix Figure 27 and
       
      
accurately capturing and measuring humidity data,
providing reliable and consistent results. This level
      
 
equation 10 is utilized as a basis. This equation
enables the comparison of the sensor’s generated data
with established reference values. By substituting
the measured UV intensity and the reference UV
intensity into equation 10, a percentage is obtained,
the data used for comparison, considering the values
marked by the system and Google. In this case, the
is technically not considered reliable. However,
due to the evaluation of data using integer values.
      
       
       
sensor’s performance is still valuable and provides
meaningful insights, albeit with a small margin for
       
equation allows for the assessment of the sensor’s
with the reference values. By applying the values
of the measured temperature and the reference
temperature in equation 11, a percentage is derived,
      
       
used for comparison with the values shown in Figures
29 and 30 (Appendix Figure 29 and 30). This value
      
level means that the sensor accurately captures and
measures thermal values, providing dependable
      
reliability and precision. The data from Figures 29
      
that it can consistently and reliably provide accurate
measurements in diverse environments.
This equation allows for the comparison of the
sensor’s data with the reference values. By applying
the measured pressure and the reference pressure
values to equation 12, a percentage is obtained,
Implementation of an Educational Meteorological System using IoT and Raspberry PI
      
       
compared to the data used for comparison,
considering the values shown in Figures 31 and 32
(Appendix Figure 31 and 32). This indicates that
        
     
suggests that the sensor is accurately capturing and
measuring pressure data, providing trustworthy
      
its reliability and accuracy. The data presented in
       
of the sensor, indicating its ability to consistently
provide precise and dependable pressure
measurements in various scenarios.
3.2 Discussion
Based on the information previously discussed,
new measurements were taken using various
sensors, including temperature, humidity,
pressure, UV index, and thermal sensation.
These data were compared with those obtained
from online sources to calculate the equipment’s
efficiency. The general equation (7) was applied
to each sensor, and the results are presented
in Table 2. Additionally, the reference values
obtained from Table 1 were used to evaluate
the efficiency of each sensor compared to the
data from online sources.
The comparison of the collected data with the
web data provides a comprehensive assessment
of the sensors’ efficiency. It allows us to
determine how accurate and reliable the results
obtained by each sensor are in comparison to
the measurements taken from online sources.
The calculated efficiency values for each
sensor provide valuable information about
their performance and quality in relation
to established standards. This evaluation
is essential to ensure reliable and accurate
measurements in various contexts and to support
the optimal functionality of the equipment.
Table 2.
Data compared to display eciency per day.
Table 3.
Eciency values by sensors.
In the table 3, you can observe the comparative results
measurements. It is important to highlight that the
      
to the fact that the data is recorded in integer values
instead of decimals, which limits the precision of
the measurement.
On the other hand, the temperature, humidity,
and thermal sensation sensors achieved highly
accurate results. The temperature sensor reached
acceptable measurement within the measurement
process. Likewise, the humidity sensor showed an
      
value for this measurement. In addition, the thermal
also demonstrating a very precise measurement.
These results support the reliability and capability
of the sensors to accurately capture and measure
data related to temperature, humidity, and thermal
     
a quantitative evaluation of the quality and, Guayas?loc=eyistjoiR3VheWFxdWisli
bar&cvid=07725421 Be844f23a2bcc3dd67c06aab
Santillán H., et al.
performance of the equipment used in the
meteorological system. These results demonstrate
the sensitivity of each sensor and its ability to
accurately capture and measure relevant climate
thermal sensation sensor, support the credibility of
the implemented meteorological system.
in using technologies such as IoT and Raspberry
Pi in the design of an educational meteorological
system. The successful implementation of this
system demonstrates its feasibility and capability
to provide precise and reliable measurements in
an educational setting. These results support the
     
and education in teaching meteorological concepts,
fostering enhanced learning and understanding
among students. Moreover, the utilization of this
system provides a unique opportunity to actively
engage students in hands-on collection and analysis
of meteorological data, fostering their interest and
active participation in the study of weather.
        
concluded that the weather station is in optimal
conditions to provide accurate data from the various
measurement sensors. Furthermore, by using Home
Assistant as a home automation controller, alerts
can be generated when the temperature is high or
the UV index is elevated, helping to prevent users
from going outside without adequate protection. The
combination of Home Assistant with weather stations
is not only applicable in residential settings but also
        
case. Thanks to the reliability of the data provided
by the installed station, this research can serve as a
and other branches of telecommunications.
Despite the changes occurring worldwide, the
     
advancements. Learning from past human
errors, meteorology has evolved with the aid of
technological progress, enabling remote monitoring
Technological advancements have played a
fundamental role in enhancing the precision and
    
In the past, human errors were a frequent cause of
inaccuracies in weather forecasts and measurements.
However, with the development of new technologies,
sophisticated systems have been implemented,
allowing for more precise and reliable monitoring.
These technological advancements have facilitated
real-time data collection and transmission of
meteorological information through communication
networks. It is now possible to remotely and
instantaneously monitor weather conditions in
experts with a more comprehensive and up-to-date
understanding of climate patterns.
      
sectors has enabled a greater comprehension of
meteorological phenomena and their impact on
the development of more accurate prediction models
and the design of early warning systems that help
The implemented project has demonstrated an
       
provided by Google servers. These data were crucial
for making comparisons and demonstrating the
     
sections, both the Raspberry Pi and the monitoring
device, it is crucial that access is performed within
the same network or subnet generated from the
router. This requirement ensures a stable and reliable
connection between the devices, ensuring optimal
project performance.
     
communication is optimized, and potential
      
and accuracy of the collected data are avoided. It
is essential to ensure that all devices involved are
      
guarantee the success and reliability of the project.
     
it is important to assign a static IP address to the
device. This will allow accessing the home assistant
interface using the same IP address from which the
device is operating.
By assigning a static IP address, it ensures that the
Raspberry Pi always has the same network address,
which facilitates consistent connectivity and access
to the home assistant. This is particularly useful
when accessing the system from external devices or
through a remote network.
Assigning a static IP address ensures that there are
of the Raspberry Pi within the network. Additionally,
Implementation of an Educational Meteorological System using IoT and Raspberry PI
it enables more convenient and reliable access to
the home assistant, as the interface can always be
It is essential to install the meteorological monitoring
equipment in an elevated location or in a position
without obstructions that could interfere with the
accurate reception of data by the sensors. The UV
index and humidity are clear examples of this, as the
of the monitoring unit.
Elevating the equipment ensures that the sensors
are exposed to optimal environmental conditions,
avoiding obstructions that could distort the data. For
instance, in the case of the UV index, the presence of
trees, buildings, or other nearby structures can create
the accuracy of the measurements. Similarly, the
areas can have variations in air humidity due to local
factors such as vegetation or nearby bodies of water.
Therefore, it is essential to carefully select the
installation site for the meteorological monitoring
equipment, considering factors such as height and the
and precision of the collected data. This ensures that
the obtained results are representative and reliable,
     
Finally, it is important to emphasize that when using
the home assistant, we are not only automating the
weather station but also our entire home. The home
assistant provides us with the ability to control lights,
doors, power distribution, and other functions, which
can also make our home vulnerable. Therefore, it is
necessary to take appropriate security measures to
prevent possible intrusions into our network, such as
Having a network connection and an automated
system in our home requires extra caution to protect
our privacy and security. It is essential to implement
robust security measures, such as strong passwords,
      
Furthermore, it is recommended to use trusted
devices and stay informed about the latest threats and
taking these precautions, we can enjoy the comforts
       
compromising the security of our home and network.
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Implementation of an Educational Meteorological System using IoT and Raspberry PI
Figure 6.
Home Assistant add-ons
Figure 7.
GitHub page for downloading add-
ons and les for Raspberry Pi.
Figure 8.
weather station
Figure 9.
Home Assistant Sensor Values Window
Figure 10.
Temperature graph
Figure 11.
Temperature graph by hours throughout the day.
Figure 12.
Average temperature graph
Figure 13.
Pressure graph
Figure 14.
Pressure graph by hours throughout the day.
Santillán H., et al.
Figure 15.
Graph of humidity percentage changes by dates.
Figure 16.
Graph of humidity by hours throughout the day.
Figure 17.
Current real-time temperature value.
Figure 18.
Current real-time humidity value.
Figure 19.
Hourly UV index value throughout the day.
Figure 20.
Solar radiation per hour throughout the day.
Figure 21.
Sunset and sunrise prediction
Figure 22.
Moonrise and moonset prediction
Figure 23.
Temperature and humidity prediction.
Implementation of an Educational Meteorological System using IoT and Raspberry PI
Figure 24.
Real-time data obtained.
Figure 25.
Temperature displayed with monitoring unit.
Figure 26.
Temperature emitted by Google servers.
Figure 27.
Humidity displayed with monitoring unit.
Figure 28.
Humidity emitted by Google servers.
Figure 29.
Perceived temperature displayed with monitoring unit.
Figure 30.
Perceived temperature emitted by Google servers.
Figure 31.
Pressure displayed with monitoring unit.
Figure 32.
Humidity displayed with monitoring unit.