UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR 3(2), agosto-enero 2023, pp. 32-42
CC BY-NC 4.0 —Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
© 2022 Universidad Central del Ecuador
Jonathan Suntaxi Llumiquinga |   Ponticia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, sede Ibarra (Ecuador)
 Modern education tends to be more exible and with a variety of strategies that permit learners to develop and
propel their language skills. In this regard, the implementation of educational escape rooms are necessary to be accord
with these days’ demands. The present study aims to identify the functionality and applicability of some games in schools
and in dierent settings that support the improvement of the students’ communicative skills. In this way, a mixed-me-
thod with a control and experimental group that includes qualitative and quantitative data, observation and a survey per-
mit to understand the students´ needs and their perceptions regarding the use of games to enhance their language skills.
In addition, it shows the importance to relate and match accurately the language topics with specic games. The most
important results show that students are eager to learn by playing and the signicance of working in dierent environ-
ments that permit students to change their traditional learning. It is also essential to include that even though traditio-
nal games are appealing for young learners, the use of technology and internet connection turned into a powerful tool
of motivation and engagement for students. As a conclusion, it was evidenced that modifying the teaching way produces
high commitment among students and their curiosity inuences to develop positive interaction and communicative skills.
key wordsGames, communication, education.
fecha de recepción11/05/2022 fecha de aprobación 24/07/2022
Escape room educativo como estrategia de gamicación
para mejorar las habilidades orales en el idioma inglés
resumen La educación moderna tiende a ser más exible y con una variedad de estrategias que permiten a los alumnos
desarrollar e impulsar sus habilidades lingüísticas. En este sentido, la implementación de salas de escape educativas es
necesaria para estar acorde con las demandas de estos días. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo identicar la funcio-
nalidad y aplicabilidad de algunos juegos en las escuelas y en diferentes escenarios que ayuden a mejorar las habilidades
comunicativas de los estudiantes. De esta manera, un método mixto, con un grupo de control y experimental que incluye
datos cualitativos y cuantitativos, la observación y una encuesta, permiten comprender las necesidades de los estudian-
tes y sus percepciones sobre el uso de juegos para mejorar sus habilidades lingüísticas. Además, muestra la importancia
de relacionar y unir con precisión los temas del lenguaje con juegos especícos. Los resultados más importantes mues-
tran que los estudiantes tienen muchas ganas de aprender jugando y la importancia de trabajar en diferentes entornos
que les permitan cambiar su aprendizaje tradicional. También es fundamental incluir que, si bien los juegos tradicionales
Educational escape room as a gamication strategy
for improving oral skills in the English language
REVISTA KRONOS 3(2), agosto 2022-enero 2023 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859
Suntaxi Llumiquinga
son atractivos para los jóvenes estudiantes, el uso de la tecnología y la conexión a Internet se convirtieron en una po-
derosa herramienta de motivación y compromiso para los estudiantes. Como conclusión, se evidenció que modicar la
forma de enseñanza produce un alto compromiso en los estudiantes y su curiosidad inuye para desarrollar habilidades
comunicativas y de interacción positivas.
palabras clave Juegos, comunicación, educación.
The need for innovation and the implementation of signicant strategies that permit students
to enjoy their learning and take advantage of their natural skills has motivated teachers and
researches to look for creative and interactive activities that can be able to match games
and communication. In this sense, educational escape rooms are considered as innovative
strategies that aim to motivate students to enjoy their learning. The present study is impor-
tant for education and
efl community because educational escape rooms not only promote
engaging learning and linguistic improvement but also support the development of social
skills such as problem solving, eective communication and productive interaction.
Moreover, it is important to recall that a big problem in education takes place due to
traditional strategies and outdated activities, since teacher’s lack of training and inexperience
can cause boredom in students and their learning could end with no relevant outcomes. In a
previous study, Urbieta and Peñalver (2019) highlight the importance of working in die-
rent environments and using games in order to motivate students and create better learning
outcomes. By a similar point of view, Moura and Santos (2019) state that teachers need to
be well prepared to develop innovative strategies and their creativity should be according
to the students´ needs because nowadays, scape rooms promote modern and active learning
in children, adolescents and even in adult students. In this concern, this research brings out
relevance to identify and verify if changing spaces and using a variety of games in dierent
settings can in fact, enhance the students’ oral skills, since the development of oral commu-
nication competence is crucial in students of English as a foreign language, as well as they
need to be encouraged to participate actively by using some games in their learning process.
That is why, it is necessary to prove with clear and real examples that using scape rooms
in schools make fun and easier the teaching-learning process.
Furthermore, it is essential to highlight that the application of some specic games
contribute greatly to scaold the teaching learning process and encourage students to deve-
lop and enhance their communicative skills by solving puzzles and looking for clues to get
their target. Among the objectives of the study, it is necessary to set up educational escape
room as a gamication strategy for the development of English language communication
skills. As a consequence, the present research is applied in young students who belong to
fth grades of a private school in Quito observation and a survey are tools that permit to
follow and monitor both the control and experimental group, each one with 34 students.
In addition, it is worth mentioning that all of the intervention classes started by telling
a short story related to the topic that the students were learning, in this sense, the rst
class introduced the topic comparative adjectives and the game «Simon says» was played
in the theater, the second intervention class contained simple past tense and the games that
supported this activity used ash cards and hint cards, it had to be played in the school
yards, class number three referred to irregular verbs and the game bingo was played in
the coliseum, the last game that supported this study is called Kahoot and used and inte-
ractive platform that allowed students to play in real time, this game helped to develop
the topic famous places around the world. Additionally, all of the intervention classes that
were designed with escape rooms strategies and dierent games came up with interesting
ndings such as students´ involvement, encouragement, language skills improvement, oral
REVISTA KRONOS 3(2), agosto 2022-enero 2023 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859
Educational escape room as a gamication strategy for improving oral skills in the English language
communication competences, interpersonal and active participation, reasoning and critical
thinking. Those ndings are relevant and decisive because «Simon say», the use of ash
cards and hint cards, bingo game, and the interactive platform Kahoot demonstrate and
prove that they are eective and support the language development in an enjoyable way,
leaving out the traditional and outdated teaching learning system.
It is crucial to include that this research provides clear evidence that educational
escape room as a gamication strategy for improving oral skills in the English language
was eective and contributed to the oral communication improvement. In addition, the
students showed engagement and the outcomes are positive because this kind of strategy
also improves motivation in learners and demonstrates that looking for various activities,
in fact supports the students learning skills.
Consequently, the ndings and results that are part of this research are positive and
heavily inspiring in the educational eld, because it was evidenced that the young lear-
ners not only displayed improvement in their learning and oral communicative skills but
it was also demonstrated that the educational system needs to be updated with the prepa-
ration of teachers and their predisposition to create new teaching alternatives that favor
the development of cognitive and aective skills of English as a foreign language students.
Gamication refers to the appropriate use of dierent kinds of games with a specic pur-
pose. In this concern, Dicheva et al. (2015) argue that gamication in education is related
to the application of games in a learning environment. In this case, the learning objectives
should be directed to solve and improve the student´s educative needs. Furthermore, Cruz
(2019) believes that gamication encourages students to fulll their activities with enthu-
siasm and joy. By the same token, Williamson (2009) arms that the use of computer
games in schools and high schools allow teachers and students to get real involvement and
the outcomes are satisfactory, since adequate resources can end in debates that increase
critical skills and communicative competence.
The development of communicative skills is a need that ought to be applied not only in class-
rooms but also at homes, and teachers are in charge of looking for relevant activities that help to
boost communication. Some-Guiebre (2020) believes that the more interaction students have,
the more their speaking skills will improve. In addition, Egan et al. (2021) consider that escape
rooms scaold the improvement of communicative skills and leadership in all kinds of students.
Educational escape rooms are considered as a modern way of implementing teaching strategies
in a creative environment; in this regard, López-Pernas et al. (2019) state that educational
escape rooms are dened as interactive action games that are practiced in dierent environ-
ments and provoke several benets in students. In addition, the correct use of this strategy
supports other social skills like the improvement of communication, leadership among students.
REVISTA KRONOS 3(2), agosto 2022-enero 2023 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859
Suntaxi Llumiquinga
The use of gamication in schools has helped students to be engaged and encouraged to ful-
ll their tasks, in this way, Eukel and Morrell (2021) claim that the purpose of educational
scape rooms is to improve the learning process through games and meaningful interaction. In
addition, Nicholson (2018) stands out that educational escape rooms aims to solve puzzles
and discover hidden clues that permit to improve learning and communicative competences.
Ang et al. (2020) coincide that escape rooms strategy motivates students to enhance their
problem solving skills and critical thinking, motivation and communicative competences.
Moreover, Veldkamp et al. (2020) highlight that teachers can create and design material
that promotes the students’ learning in an active and applicable way, which involves the use
of oral communication skills eectively. Papadopoulos and Tenta (2021) assert that imple-
menting escape rooms in educative processes, develop students’ experiences in a funny way
and their learning become more relevant and appealing, since they have the opportunity to
learn by playing in dierent parts of the school and also in online environments. On the
other hand, Martens and Crawford (2019) argue that escape room activities arouse the
students’ curiosity and in fact, their creativity also is stimulated. Furthermore, Taraldsen et
al. (2020) highlight that educational escape rooms has brought out positive outcomes that
are the result of an organized process, in which teachers are responsible of setting rules and
adequate environments that permit students have fun and enjoy their learning while playing.
There are some characteristics that make escape rooms dierent from conventional games.
In this concern, Fotaris & Mastoras (2019) conclude that main features of educational
escape rooms are the following:
It is drawn on game based learning approach
It is useful in both online and face to face classroom games
Promotes collaborative work
Propels social interaction (interpersonal and communicative skills development)
There are some basic approaches that are connected and have contributed to the imple-
mentation of educational escape rooms.
First of all, it should be mentioned game based learning as the main approach that has
contribute to the language improvement. Pho & Dinscore (2015) claim that Game-based
learning is related to the use of game elements that have become part of the learning process,
since the classroom activities are designed to be played and support the language improvement.
Another interesting approach that can be used with excellent outcomes is storytelling,
since it helps to develop communication and creativity. Gunawardena & Brown (2021)
assert that making stories is a creative way of developing experiences, which propel values
and assertive communication. At this point, is important to highlight that the success of
storytelling depends on the teacher´s creativity, originality and imagination, which can adapt
REVISTA KRONOS 3(2), agosto 2022-enero 2023 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859
Educational escape room as a gamication strategy for improving oral skills in the English language
to the escape rooms implementation. Moreover, Mokhtar et al. (2011) mention and con-
clude that storytelling supports the enhancement of reading and speaking skills in schools.
In addition, the use of communicative approach is a crucial factor that enable escape
rooms to be successful. Jabeen (2014) claims that the students’ ability to communicate
eectively is a key to get their goal fullled. As a consequence, the students will be able to
give and receive true and accurate information.
The sample for this study was taken from students who are part of 5th Basic Education
grade at a private bilingual school in Quito-Ecuador. In this regard, 35 students from fth
a» belonged to the control group and 35 students from 5th «b» belonged to the experi-
mental group. The students’ selection was random because both groups have similar English
level (A1) and they study the same topics.
Four intervention classes with dierent pedagogical strategies took place to identify
the applicability and eectiveness of escape room activities in a class period. Moreover, a
mix method survey was applied at the end of the interventions to know about the students’
perceptions regarding the use of games inside and outside the classroom. In this regard,
quantitative and qualitative data helped to obtain accurate outcomes in the current study.
A three-line charts that contained the scale of excellent, good, poor, and number of
students with their respective percentages were used to collect data. Moreover, four charts
with the categories of communication, interaction, cooperative work and engagement were
analyzed independently, the number of students were converted into percentages to verify
their accuracy and a detailed analysis gave meaningful information about the data collec-
ted and the eectiveness of the games and settings. As a summary another chart with the
number of students’ games preferences was tabulated, it contained the name of the game,
the number of students and the percentage to valid the information.
After the implementation of some games in four classes with dierent topics, it was evidenced
that the students who belonged to the experimental group felt motivated, engaged and deve-
loped their communicative skills, while the control group showed diculty and boredom to
complete the tasks sitting on their chairs. It is also important to recall that some parameters
such as communication, interaction, cooperative work and engagement were used to iden-
tify the eectiveness of the escape room strategy and analyze the outcomes (see Table 1).
First of all, students were told a short story and then to pick some cards that contai-
ned clues to reveal the hidden message and after that, they headed to the theater and had
to give the order by using the game «Simon says». As it is observed, regarding comparative
adjectives, the experimental group used the game «Simon says» to complete the activity
and 35 students that represent 100% had an excellent communication, were engaged and
interacted totally in the activity by using cooperative work to fulll the task. Hasbi et al.
(2022) claim that the use of games in classrooms provoke eective interaction and the
students get positively engaged, the authors also include that games are powerful tools for
developing vocabulary (see Table 2).
This lesson took place at the yards, and pictures in ash cards and hint cards were used
to enhance simple past activities development and communicative skills, in this case, the stu-
dents had to guess the image and practiced aloud the given activity in the backyard. As it is
observed in the table, most of the students used accurate communication and were engaged
REVISTA KRONOS 3(2), agosto 2022-enero 2023 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859
Suntaxi Llumiquinga
with the activity. Moreover, all of the learners displayed full interaction and the coopera-
tive learning strategies were also successful. In this regard, Konomi (2014) stands out that
ash cards are the most popular and useful visual materials that support the students´ lear-
ning process, especially when teacher want to reinforce vocabulary and verbs (see Table 3).
Regarding irregular verbs, a short video was introduced and the students played the
game bingo in the coliseum, it was really useful with some modications, since the learners
had to guess the hidden picture and relate with some clues that were located in the room,
it is important to note that learning verbs seems hard for some students. In this concern,
all of the students that represent 100% looked really involved and their communication
was eective, this game permitted to evidence positive interaction. On the other hand, the
application of cooperative work needed to be reinforced because 5 students that represent
14.29% showed some kind of discomfort. Tietze (2007) asserts that bingo games pro-
mote the development of student´s interaction and communicative skills (see Table 4).
The last game was dierent from the previous games, it was Kahoot, which is an inte-
ractive platform where students have the opportunity to play in real time by using their
electronics and internet connection. It supported the development of vocabulary for ama-
zing places around the world and the students also had to predict missing words and used
clues to discover the hidden name. As it is observed, the elements of communication, inte-
raction and engagement were fully applied by all the learners, Cooperative work did not
occur because every student played on their own. It is important to recall that it does not
aect as long as the students feel motivated and display enthusiasm and acquire meaning-
ful learning. Medina and Hurtado (2017) highlight the importance of include technology
in everyday lessons, the authors also mention that the platform kahoot is a source of moti-
vation and helps to develop vocabulary in students. In addition, Vidergor (2021) claims
that digital escape rooms look more appealing and foment commitment with students who
are willing to achieve their tasks (see Table 5).
It was necessary to use a comparative chart in order to identify the predominant
game. In this case, rstly, a chart to compare escape rooms without the support of tech-
nology shows that the preference is relative close. However, 13 students that represent
38.24 showed their preference for «Bingo» games. After adding the technological interactive
platform, the results changed dramatically, since the majority of the students´ preferences
went to Kahoot with a percentage of 94.12, and only two students with a percentage of
5.88 mentioned that Bingo is the game they like the most, Simon says and the use of ash
cards were not mentioned in the survey.
To sum up, the percentage of game acceptance is far dierent; it could be because they
love playing online games with the support of technology. It is also important to highlight
that all of the learners show high involvement with the application of escape rooms for
their educational development.
The outcomes obtained from students who belong to 5th grades
a and b are encouraging,
since it is demonstrated that they prefer to use various games and dierent environments
for their language acquisition. Even though, the word escape rooms is not much familiar
for educators, it is pivotal to know that the basis of this strategy is the application of games
with concepts and new topics, breaking the walls of traditional settings.
Furthermore, it was evidenced that there is a great acceptance and dierence between
the uses of traditional games versus interactive technological games. It is also necessary
to include that there could be a little disadvantage for the students who don´t have good
internet connection. In this regard, Mudure-Iacob (2021) presents similar benets with
REVISTA KRONOS 3(2), agosto 2022-enero 2023 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859
Educational escape room as a gamication strategy for improving oral skills in the English language
Table 1. Number of students who played «Simon says» with puzzles in order to reinforce comparative adjectives
Simon says
Excellent Good Poor
N.º % N.º % N.º %
Communication 34 100
34 100
Cooperative work 34 100
Engagement 34 100
Table 2. Students who used ash cards and hint cards to work with simple past activities
Flash cards / hint cards
Excellent Good Poor
N.º % N.º % N.º %
Communication 31 91,18
Interaction 34 100
Cooperative work 34 100
Engagement 31 91,18
Table 3. The students played bingo to identify irregular verbs and their past tense
Excellent Good Poor
N.º % N.º % N.º %
Communication 34 100
Interaction 34 100
Cooperative work 30 88,24
Engagement 34 100
Table 4. The learners used the interactive platform Kahoot!
Excellent Good Poor
N.º % N.º % N.º %
Communication 34 100
Interaction 34 100
Cooperative work 0 0
Engagement 34 100
Table 5. Comparative chart. Number of students’ games preference
Games N.
% Games N.
Simon says 9 26,47 Simon says 0 0
Flash cards 12 35,29 Flash cards 0 0
Bingo 13 38,24 Bingo 2 5,88
Kahoot! 32 94,12
Total 34 100 34 100
REVISTA KRONOS 3(2), agosto 2022-enero 2023 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859
Suntaxi Llumiquinga
the use of scape rooms and games in her study. However, the author´s research just focused
in digital escape rooms and does not include escape rooms’ strategies in real environments.
Similarly, Moura & Saltos (2019) evidence the importance of escape rooms and positive
interaction among students. As it is mentioned above, other studies are similar in benets
but they do not use the same games and the environments are mostly digital.
From this perspective, there are several advantages of using escape rooms to enhance
oral communication in real environments, since the learners are able to communicate per-
sonally and enjoy going out traditional classrooms, in addition, teachers’ feedback is given
almost immediately and personalized. On the other hand, the only disadvantage could be
set when some students are a little shy and they do not like to share and participate with
other students, but that is the teachers’ challenge, to achieve engagement and interaction
with all of the learners. Finally, it can be proudly said that the only limitation of the pre-
sent study was to encourage shy students to interact with their peers.
The application of educational escape rooms are indispensable in modern education
because the students develop various skills and their motivation for success increase
with language improvement.
Communication, interaction, cooperative work and engagement promotes a meaning-
ful learning when the students feel encouraged to fulll their activities not only inside the
classroom but also outside them.
It becomes essential to implement games and technology in education because nowa-
days young learners are more familiar and they look more comfortable when technological
and modern learning strategies take place.
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