Factors that prevent the English oral production of students of rst and second year of bachillerato
REVISTA KRONOS 3(2), agosto 2022-enero 2023 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859
In order to enhance oral production, it is recommended to provide many opportunities for
students to speak in English without taking into consideration grammar errors and syntax,
giving them condence and security to speak. The English pronunciation is a challenge for
efl students, it is suggested that the teacher provides phonology classes also. Little by litt-
le the students will get used to the correct pronunciation. Furthermore, in order to reduce
negative aective factors of the students in oral tasks, educators should motivate learners to
practice their oral skills daily; and the classroom is the perfect place for meaningful learning.
Future research should be done on strategies and techniques to practice the speaking
skill with students in the classroom.
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