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© 2023 Universidad Central del Ecuador

pISSN 12631-2840
eISSN 2631-2859

UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024, pp. 76-85

Boris Vásconez |   Universidad Central del Ecuador (Ecuador)

abstract The aim of this article is to analyze how classroom management influences the acquisition of English language
proficiency at the A2 level through a new academic management methodology. The relevance of the study lies in the
number of students who fail to achieve certification of knowledge and skills through the application of the standardized
A2 Key (KET) exam. The study utilizes a quasi-experimental research methodology involving the inclusion of two dis-
tinct groups: an experimental group and a control group, both of which were selected through a random process. Ad-
ditionally, the Suggestopedia learning method has been used, which requires optimal and continuous communication
between the educator and students. This set of techniques also allows for the implementation of various artistic com-
ponents in the classroom, thus achieving greater interaction and better student performance. The study employs a qua-
si-experimental research methodology with the participation of two randomly selected groups: an experimental group
and a control group. Finally, using a pre and post-test design, the difference in the development of skills achieved in
each group is established, where the results indicate the need for a classroom management model with elements such as
motivation, time management, and physical design.

Key words Motivation, time management, decision making, physical design.

fecha de recepción 30/06/2023 fecha de aprobación 30/08/2023

Influencia de la administración de aula en la adquisición
del inglés con estudiantes EFL A2

resumen El objetivo de este artículo es analizar cómo la administración de aula influye en la adquisición del nivel del
idioma inglés A2 por medio de una nueva metodología de gestión académica. La pertinencia del estudio radica en el
número de estudiantes que no alcanzan la certificación de conocimientos y destrezas a través de la aplicación de la prue-
ba estandarizada A2 Key (KET). La presente investigación está realizada sobre una base constructivista que genera la
reestructuración cognitiva, al integrar conocimientos nuevos y modificar los preexistentes. Asimismo, se ha utilizado el
método de aprendizaje conocido como Suggestopedia, que demanda de una óptima y permanente comunicación entre el
educador y los alumnos. Este conjunto de técnicas permite también la implementación de varios componentes artísticos
en el aula, logrando de este modo mayor interacción y mejor desempeño de los estudiantes. El estudio posee una met-
odología de investigación cuasiexperimental con la participación de dos grupos seleccionados de manera aleatoria: uno
experimental y otro de control. Finalmente, utilizando un diseño de pre y postest se establece la diferencia en el desar-
rollo de destrezas alcanzadas en cada grupo, donde los resultados apuntan a la necesidad de un modelo de gestión de
aula con elementos como motivación, gerencia de tiempo y diseño físico.

palabras clave Motivación, gestión de tiempo, toma de decisiones, diseño físico.

Classroom management influence on English
acquisition in EFL A2 students

77REVISTA KRONOS 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859

Vásconez B.


Social relationships and learning are integral parts of human development, which require
the development of cognitive abilities as well as emotional capacities. Consequently, aca-
demic results will only be achieved if they are built upon a foundation of personal and af-
fective competencies. It should be considered that individuals will only learn something
if they are willing to acquire that knowledge. According to Herrera (2010), the sociocul-
tural dimension reflects students’ lives and those things that bring them love and laugh-
ter. In other terms, this dimension encompasses the things that matter most to students.

One of the mechanisms to achieve higher levels of interest and increase intrinsic
and extrinsic motivation in students is the implementation of a Classroom Management
model through various elements such as time management, timely decision-making, and
optimizing physical design and environments. Iglesias (2012) suggests that the classroom
management has four intimately related dimensions: physical dimension, functional di-
mension, temporal dimension, and relational dimension.

English language learning is certainly not exempt from the development of a Class-
room Management model. Therefore, the present study aims to determine the degree of
impact that the application of such a management mechanism has on the improvement of
language skills in this language.

The application of classroom management methodologies to enhance educational stan-
dards has been extensively considered in various studies and research, where the relevance
of implementing a classroom management model with different elements is evident. These
elements range from student motivation to the organization of classroom furniture. Free-
man & Freeman (2008) state that when educators use a variety of methods and techniques
to give understandable input and generate an appropriate environment; pupils obtain a
new language in a very similar way they acquired their first language.

The study conducted by Villalobos (2011) in the Ibero-American Journal of Edu-
cation for the Organization of American States for Education, Science, and Culture (oei-
caeu) suggests that designing activities using different strategies and efficiently managing
classroom work to achieve higher levels of learning among students recognizes the role
of the teacher as an agent of change and acknowledges the complexity of teaching and
learning processes.

Similarly, there are several manuals available for consistent classroom management.
One of them was presented in July 2013 by the Dirección General de Currículo del Min-
isterio de Educación de Guatemala. It emphasizes once again the importance of classroom
management aspects, including architectural design and environment decoration. It men-
tions that proper management and a harmonious atmosphere enhance the learning effect.

Regarding English language teaching, studies such as the doctoral thesis by Palenzuela
(2012) can be mentioned. In this study, an Integrated Foreign Language Learning Pro-
gram aims to achieve the a1 level and subsequently progress towards reaching the a2 level.
The objective is to enhance language competencies as a second foreign language.

Rodríguez (2014) mentions the need to investigate the strategies that esl students
employ outside the classroom to improve their English proficiency. Through the findings
of these studies, it is possible to determine the number of students who reach the a2 level
of proficiency.

Therefore, it can be concluded that attempts to optimize classroom management
processes vary depending on each nation, which considers them as a solution to different
educational issues. Thus, it is affirmed that a harmonious context strengthens the develop-
ment of skills, critical thinking, and the formation of values.

78 REVISTA KRONOS 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859

Classroom management influence on English acquisition in EFL A2 students


Classroom management is a critical aspect of education that focuses on creating an envi-
ronment conducive to effective teaching and learning. To conduct research in this area, it
is necessary to understand the underlying pedagogical principles that inform instructional
practices and student engagement. Good classroom managers are teachers who recognize
and use specific methods and techniques (Oliver & Reschly, 2007).

Constructivism asserts that the world is the result of human relationships, with
the stimuli from nature and society being processed in the mind. Therefore, knowledge
is not generated passively but actively constructed as the individual adapts to the en-
vironment (Vásconez, 2012). Therefore, from the constructivist approach, classroom
management should be understood as a process in which its material and immaterial
elements must be manipulable, dynamic, and useful for students to interact with them
and engage in concrete operations.

Similarly, classroom management allows for the resolution of conflicts that arise
during class in a way that does not cause dissatisfaction or hinder the normal progression
of learning. It is important to understand that conflict is a natural process within human
groups and should be addressed constructively by offering proposals that promote a warm
and welcoming atmosphere, as well as a positive classroom environment that supports the
learning of all students. According to Vaello (2003), conflict can be a wonderful oppor-
tunity to resolve a problem creatively and formatively through the collaborative effort of
the teacher and students, as achieving a satisfactory solution produces gratifying effects
for everyone.

However, to build an appropriate classroom climate, the elements that make up
classroom management must be considered. These include motivation, time management,
decision-making, and physical design, all of which should meet criteria of effectiveness,
simplicity, and variety. Each element should be effective in the sense of preventing prob-
lems, simple to ensure ease of implementation, and varied to provide alternative options
when a strategy does not yield the desired result (Vaello, 2003).

Additionally, it is imperative to free the learner from all negative suggestions
that diminish the true potential of their abilities. To accomplish this, it is necessary to
strengthen the individual’s motivation by using a methodology that helps them to reduce
the affective filter. Herrera & Murry (2015) state Suggestopedia was planned to place as
much language teaching emphasis on learner personality and enthusiasm as that typically
placed on understanding.

According to Richards & Rodgers (2001), the main characteristics of Suggestopedia
include decoration, furniture, music, classroom arrangement, and the primary objective of
quickly achieving advanced conversational proficiency. Therefore, this is the most suitable
method to reach a state of maximum relaxation of the mind, aiming to achieve better
retention of knowledge.


Motivating means directing the student’s interest towards meaningful learning, prioritiz-
ing the improvement of their skills over other activities that may distract their attention,
as well as the development of student interest through the creation of a positive emotion-
al climate within the classroom.

Intrinsic motivation is understood as the direct interest that a student has in the sub-
ject, without the need for any external stimulus to foster the desire to learn. This type of
motivation can be achieved through the selection of content to be taught during lessons.

79REVISTA KRONOS 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859

Vásconez B.

Similarly, extrinsic motivation is defined as any external factor that generates greater inter-
est in the student to acquire new knowledge. There are various ways to awaken this type
of motivation, such as creating diversified evaluation criteria that are not solely based on
the textbook or written exams. Assessment elements such as collaborative groups, inter-
active groups, projects, portfolios, observation, dramatizations, etc., can be used to foster
extrinsic motivation.

According to Kort & Reilly (2001), the new generation of educators should first train
teachers to become experts in recognizing the emotional state of students and based on
their observations, take actions that positively contribute to the educational framework.
The feeling of satisfaction is a crucial factor when determining a student’s academic success
and motivation in the classroom. This will enable the learner to feel pleased with their
academic progress.

The appropriate use of motivation strategies will enable students to achieve autonomy
in their learning process, develop a healthy sense of self-esteem, and be self-critical of their
performance inside and outside the classroom (Pizarro & Josephy, 2010). For example,
to believe that making mistakes is risky when someone is learning a new language or that
boys are not as good as girls in learning a second language (Rubin, 2005). These kinds of
beliefs can significantly affect the learning process.


Effective time management helps individuals increase productivity, reduce stress, and
achieve a better work-life balance. Some common techniques for managing time include
creating to-do lists, setting deadlines, prioritizing tasks, eliminating, or delegating non-es-
sential activities, and practicing good time estimation skills. Indeed, it is essential to have
well-defined and formulated goals for each semester, particularly in higher education (Cas-
tro & López, 2009).

The design of learning units should be elaborated within the context of each aca-
demic period, as each semester has its own characteristics in terms of time distribution.
To achieve this, it is necessary to designate a planning committee within educational
institutions with defined roles for each member. By having a designated committee, the
process of designing learning units can benefit from diverse perspectives, expertise, and
collaboration. This collaborative approach helps to foster objectivity, consistency, and co-
herence in the design of the units, ultimately enhancing the quality of education provided
within the institution.


When teachers make decisions about their instructional practices, they should consider
the learning needs and goals of their students. This includes selecting appropriate teach-
ing methods, materials, and assessments that align with the desired learning outcomes.
By incorporating a variety of pedagogical strategies, such as active learning, cooperative
learning, and differentiated instruction, teachers can engage students and enhance their
understanding and retention of knowledge.

Teachers serve as guides and coordinators of educational decisions within a group
or classroom setting. They become a point of reference for the children, adolescents, or
young people under their care (Saumell, Alsina & Arroyo, 2011). Overall, the teacher’s
role extends beyond simply imparting knowledge. They have the responsibility to guide,

80 REVISTA KRONOS 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859

Classroom management influence on English acquisition in EFL A2 students

support, and inspire their students, playing a pivotal role in their educational journey and
personal development.


Upon entering the classroom, it’s important to initiate the lesson in a manner that cap-
tures the students’ attention and encourages their active participation. Whenever feasible
and suitable, we will communicate to the students the tasks ahead or engage in conversa-
tions about the potential outcomes stemming from their upcoming activities.

Therefore, appropriate importance should be given to the distribution of environ-
ments and the architectural design of learning spaces at all levels of education, as they are
fundamental elements for the execution, development, and achievement of educational
purposes. It is also desirable to improve the classroom environment to increase the dispo-
sition of students to learn. When they arrive in the classroom, it is important to start the
lesson in a way that the pupils’ attention is stimulated, and they get engaged with their
own learning (Harmer, 2009).

The workspace should be arranged according to the purposes pursued in each activ-
ity. Additionally, it should ensure that all students have equal opportunities to participate
democratically; likewise, it should contribute to the development of intrapersonal relation-
ships. However, improving the classroom environment is not only the best exploitation
of physical spaces, but also the creation of an ideal atmosphere. Vásconez & Verdezoto
(2007) state that it is relevant to allow students to bring their own stories, anecdotes, and
thoughts into the classroom. This provides them with the opportunities to work together,
to learn from each other, and to respect each other’s differences.


A didactic material is a tool that facilitates both the process of teaching and the process of
learning. It is characterized by arousing the student’s interest and sensory memory. The
teacher should provide a varied and stimulating range of materials that offer multiple op-
portunities to manipulate concepts and vocabulary in their working memory. Then the
students will be able to elaborate upon their connections through a balance of illustrations
and words (Herrera, Kavimandan & Holmes, 2011).

In other words, language learners get linguistic structure by experiencing the environ-
mental features, therefore they acquire a language incidentally and not in an intentional
way (Celce-Murcia, Dörnyei & Thurrell, 1997).

For a didactic material to be effective and promote a successful learning situation, it
requires more than just being a good material or the latest technology. It should have ob-
jective quality and be able to capture the students’ interest. The proper selection of possible
ways to use the material will allow the efficient design of learning activities and didactic
methodologies that ensure effectiveness in achieving the intended learning outcomes.
Nation (2001) remarks that task knowledge is very important because learners need to
have sufficient comprehension of what is needed to achieve results. However, it is always
necessary to state feasible objectives to avoid frustration among l2 learners.

81REVISTA KRONOS 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859

Vásconez B.


The methodology used for this study was a mixed-methods design because it combines
quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative because it involves the collection of
numerical data, and qualitative because it seeks to understand a social phenomenon. Ac-
cording to the research design, the study is quasi-experimental since English language skills
are complex and cannot be measured solely through a survey, but rather through practice.
Additionally, the study involves two groups that are not randomly selected: an experimen-
tal group and a control group. In the qualitative part, an observation form was conducted,
this form should be framed within the model of the pedagogical-didactic hexagon: objec-
tives, content, methodology, resources, schedule, and evaluation. This instrument was also
validated by three specialists, and it was only applied to the experimental group. In the
quantitative part, the standardized test Cambridge English: Key (Ket) was applied. It is
important to mention that this instrument will be applied as a pre-test at the beginning of
the research in both groups, and similarly as a post-test at the end of the study.

The research question that this study aimed to answer was: How classroom manage-
ment influences in the a2 level (cefr) acquisition of English students?


The group that participated in the study was made up of sixty-two a2 students who have
approved prior level A1. Students are young adults, age range 18 to 23 years old. All stu-
dents agreed to participate in the project. The sample used throughout the research was a
non-random sample that considers the criteria of the investigator. There were thirty-one
students that belong to the experimental group composed of 9 male students and 22 fe-
male students. The control group also consists of thirty-one students, with 10 being male
and 21 being female. All participants completed the pretest and post-test stages and con-
tributed to the classroom management intervention.


Quantitative results refer to pretest and post-test students’ scores on the standardized test
Cambridge English: Key (Ket). The Ket exam individually assesses each language skill, so
bar graphs have been created, which facilitate the interpretation of the information and
provide comparative data of the two groups in a simple form. The obtained data is dis-
played through graphs for each language skill, as well as an overall graph showing the con-
solidated results of the entire assessment. The total score of the instrument is 100 points,
divided as follows: reading 35 points, writing 25 points, listening 25 points, and speak-
ing 15 points (see Figures 1-5).


Once the pre-test and post-test have been administered to the students in the control and
experimental groups, the results are organized and tabulated for subsequent statistical anal-
ysis using frequency distribution, percentages, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and
variance (see Tables 1, 2).

82 REVISTA KRONOS 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859

Classroom management influence on English acquisition in EFL A2 students

Control group Experimental group
Pre-test 23,29 24,77
Post-test 26,58 27,58

Control group Experimental group
Pre-test 10,45 11,83
Post-test 12,48 16,06

Control group Experimental group
Pre-test 10,25 11
Post-test 13,61 14,64

Control group Experimental group
Pre-test 6,61 6,77
Post-test 7,06 11,09

Control group Experimental group
Pre-test 50,61 54,38
Post-test 59,74 69,38


Control group Experimental group

Figure 1. Comparative chart of Reading results

Pre-test Post-test


Control group Experimental group

Figure 2. Comparative chart of Writing results

Pre-test Post-test



Control group Experimental group

Figure 3. Comparative chart of Listening results

Pre-test Post-test

Figure 1. Comparative chart of Reading results

Figure 3. Comparative chart of Listening results

Figure 5. Comparative chart of overall results

Figure 4. Comparative chart of Speaking results

Figure 2. Comparative chart of Writing results








Control group Experimental group

Figure 4. Comparative chart of Speaking results

Pre-test Post-test










Control group Experimental group

Figure 5. Comparative chart of overall results

Pre-test Post-test

83REVISTA KRONOS 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859

Vásconez B.

Table 1. Pretest statistical analysis

control group experimental group

Media 50.61 54.38
Variance 172.14 189.71
Standard deviation 13.12 13.77

Table 2. Post-test statistical analysis

control group experimental group

Media 59.74 69.38
Variance 181.45 150.77
Standard deviation 13.47 12.27

Next, critical values and rejection regions are determined, and the calculation of the z-score
is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the independent variable. In the context
of statistical hypothesis testing, critical values and regions of rejection are determined ac-
cording to the selected level of significance (typically represented by α). The critical values
are thresholds that determine whether the obtained test statistic falls within the rejection
region or not. When the test statistic lies within the rejection region, the null hypothesis
is discarded in favor of the alternative hypothesis. The z-score serves as a standardized
measure indicating how many standard deviations a given data point or test statistic de-
viates from the mean. The calculation involves subtracting the mean from the observed
value and then dividing the result by the standard deviation. Through this computation
of the z-score, it becomes possible to contrast the observed outcomes of the pre-test and
post-test against the anticipated outcomes as per the null hypothesis. If the z-score falls
within the rejection region, it indicates that the independent variable had a significant ef-
fect on the dependent variable.

In the given context, zt represents the theoretical value of z (-1.96 or 1.96) for a
significance level of 5%, where �� = 0.05. This means that the research will have a 95%
confidence level for a two-tailed test. When the calculated z-score extends beyond the
critical value in either tail of the distribution, the null hypothesis is dismissed in support
of the alternative hypothesis. In this case, the alternative hypothesis would suggest that the
independent variable has a significant effect on the dependent variable.

When comparing the calculated z-value and the theoretical z-value: zC = 2.01 > ZT
= 1.96, it can be observed that zC has a value of 2.01, which falls within the acceptance
region of the alternative hypothesis. This outcome signifies the rejection of the null hypoth-
esis and the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis in the research, indicating a positive
influence (see Figure 6).


Once the pre-test was administered to both groups, it was observed that the students had
an insufficient level of proficiency in terms of their language skills. This level of proficien-
cy did not meet the requirements for achieving a passing score on the standardized inter-
national test known as the a2 Key (Ket).

On the other hand, when the methodology was completed and the post-test was
administered, it was evident that both groups had made significant progress in terms of
their language skills. However, only the experimental group managed to reach the passing

84 REVISTA KRONOS 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859

Classroom management influence on English acquisition in EFL A2 students

Figure 6. Z-score calculation

average score of seventy points required to obtain certification of proficiency at this level
on the standardized evaluation. They had increased their average score by fifteen points
between the pre-test and the post-test.

Even though the control group showed an increase of just over nine points between
the pre-test and post-test, it remains far from reaching an acceptable average score for the
standardized test. There is a gap of at least ten points separating them from the minimum
score required for certification, with only eight students surpassing this minimum score.

Consequently, the obvious improvement in the control group is attributed to the
teacher’s work throughout the academic period, meanwhile, the accelerated progress
achieved by the experimental group is evidently due to the implementation of the class-
room management process maintained during the experimentation phase.


Classroom management could be an inspirational experience, as long as the objectives and
purposes become a concrete reality. However, that is not always true if all the variables
around the learning process are not considered. Aspects like motivation, discipline, and re-
sources, among others, could influence the development of a lesson. Having enough space
and the necessary graphic stimuli within a classroom could even influence the students’
attitude toward the language. The great variety of visual material does not have limits and
it can even be designed by the students. Resources like flip charts, maps, puppets, puzzle
boards, costumes, etc. are precious visual aids that could be created during lessons while
the scholars learn by doing.

According to the findings of statistical analysis, learners’ abilities substantially im-
proved between the pretest and post-test stages. The pretest results showed that students
were not able to obtain the a2 certification. The post-test results confirmed that these
conditions changed positively, and students learned the importance of graphic material,
time management, and physical design. In addition, by means of classroom management
implementation, the number of students passing the a2 level increases by 22.5%.

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Vásconez B.


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