pISSN 12631-2840
eISSN 2631-2859


UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024, pp. 21-34

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29166/kronos.v4i1.4237
CC BY-NC 4.0 —Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
© 2023 Universidad Central del Ecuador

Alisson Cruz Murillo |   Universidad Técnica de Manabí (Ecuador)
Mónica Vaca-Cárdenas |   Universidad Técnica de Manabí (Ecuador)

abstract Role-play has emerged as a valuable didactic strategy for enhancing the speaking skill in students,
as it immerses them in language-rich contexts, prompting active communication. Therefore, in this study
aims to analyze role-play as a didactic strategy for enhancing the speaking skills of EFL high school students
of Bahía de Caráquez city. A qualitative research design was employed drawing upon the insights of three
expert English teachers in first year of high school, from three public schools in Bahía de Caráquez city. 40
relevant scientific articles were also reviewed, sourced from reputable databases, including Google Schol-
ar, Redalyc, and Scielo. The main results showed that role-plays allow students to explore authentic situa-
tions, focus on communication rather than grammar, and reduce stress and anxiety. Teachers can create a
supportive and safe environment for students to practice speaking, assess and evaluate their speaking skills,
incorporate technology, and promote language diversity and cultural sensitivity. It is concluded that pub-
lic English teachers in Bahía de Caráquez city use role-play as a didactic strategy for enhancing the speak-
ing skills of EFL high school students.

key words Role-play, didactic strategy, speaking skill, English as a Foreign Language, teaching and learning.

fecha de recepción 22/07/2023 fecha de aprobación 27/08/2023

El juego de roles como estrategia didáctica que mejora las habilidades orales
en las estudiantes de secundarias

resumen El juego de roles ha surgido como una valiosa estrategia didáctica para mejorar la habilidad de hablar en los
estudiantes, ya que los sumerge en contextos ricos en el lenguaje, lo que fomenta la comunicación activa. Por lo tan-
to, en este estudio se pretende analizar el juego de roles como estrategia didáctica para mejorar las habilidades orales
de estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera de nivel secundario de la ciudad de Bahía de Caráquez. Se empleó un
diseño de investigación cualitativo basándose en los conocimientos de tres profesores expertos de inglés de primer año
de secundaria, de tres escuelas públicas de la ciudad de Bahía de Caráquez. También se revisaron 40 artículos científ-
icos relevantes, provenientes de bases de datos acreditadas, incluidas Google Scholar, Redalyc y Scielo. Los principales
resultados mostraron que los juegos de roles permiten a los estudiantes explorar situaciones auténticas, centrarse en la
comunicación en lugar de la gramática y reducir el estrés y la ansiedad. Los maestros pueden crear un entorno seguro y
de apoyo para que los estudiantes practiquen el habla, evalúen sus habilidades orales, incorporen tecnología y promue-
van la diversidad lingüística y la sensibilidad cultural. Se concluye que los profesores públicos de inglés de la ciudad de
Bahía de Caráquez utilizan el juego de roles como estrategia didáctica para mejorar las habilidades orales de los estudi-
antes de inglés como lengua extranjera de secundaria.

palabras clave Juego de roles, estrategia didáctica, habilidad para hablar, inglés como lengua extranjera, enseñanza y aprendizaje..

Role-play as a didactic strategy enhancing
the speaking skills in High-School students

22 REVISTA KRONOS 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859

Role-play as a didactic strategy enhancing the speaking skills in High-School students


The mastery of the English language enables individuals to effectively communicate with
people from diverse linguistic backgrounds and opens up new opportunities for person-
al and professional growth (Susanti et al., 2022). The whole world has become a global
village and people communicate with each other in a common language, i.e., English. The
English language is spoken all over the world and it has attained the status of the global
language (Umar et al., 2020). It is the language widely used in the field of scientific re-
search, education, business, the internet, travel and tourism, media and newspapers, soft-
ware, medicine, engineering, information and technology, entertainment, banking, and so
on (Wicaksana et al., 2019).

The modern media world demands a good command of spoken English. Effective
communication in the English language enables individuals to participate in international
business, engage in cultural exchange, and access information from a wider range of sourc-
es (Rankin et al., 2006). Consequently, English language teaching has been recognized
as a crucial aspect of modern educational systems. In this context, teachers play a critical
role in promoting oral competence and ensuring that students develop the necessary skills
to effectively communicate in the language (Susanti et al., 2022). In Ecuador, English is
taught as a mandatory subject in schools, starting from primary education (Ministerio de
Educación, 2015).

Despite its importance, developing oral competence in English can be challenging,
particularly for students who are learning the language as a second or foreign language
(Yuliana et al., 2014). Effective speaking skills are essential for success in education and
life; unfortunately, many students struggle with speaking, particularly in large classroom
settings. Speaking is considered one of the most difficult aspects of language learning.
Many language learners have difficulty expressing themselves orally and they often have
difficulty using a foreign language to express their thoughts effectively (Mandasari, 2017;
Mulyana & Anugrahgusti, 2020). Additionally, students stop speaking because they en-
counter psychological obstacles or because they cannot find the right words and expres-
sions (Ampatuan et al., 2016).

As a result, educators are constantly seeking new and effective strategies to help stu-
dents develop their speaking abilities (Thi et al., 2017). One strategy that has received
increasing attention in recent years is role-play. Role-play is a technique in which students
take on the roles of characters and engage in simulated scenarios, such as debates, nego-
tiations, or conversations (Russell & Shepherd, 2010).

Role-play is a valuable didactic strategy for improving speaking skills worldwide, since
it helps students develop their language skills through immersion in a situation similar
to real life (Vaca-Cárdenas et al., 2017). It provides an engaging and dynamic learning
experience that fosters language development, communication skills, and interpersonal
abilities (Umar et al., 2020). Nevertheless, the efficacy of role-playing in improving the
speaking abilities of high school students of English as a foreign language has not been
extensively examined (Jakob, 2018). Therefore, this study aims to analyze role-play as a
didactic strategy for enhancing the speaking skills of efl high school students in Bahía de
Caráquez city.


The complexity of the speaking process can vary greatly depending on various factors
such as the speaker’s language proficiency, the topic being discussed, the audience, and the

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purpose of the communication (Thanyalak, 2012). However, some common components
of the speaking process include: planning and organizing the content, selecting words and
constructing sentences, pronunciation, articulation, and prosody (the rhythm, stress, and
intonation of speech) (Anandan, 2011). These components interact and influence each
other, making the speaking process complex (Rajah Kumaran, 2017).


A successful speaking lesson in teaching English can be a memorable and impactful expe-
rience for both the teacher and students (Kürüm, 2016). To create such a lesson, a few
key components must be present. First and foremost, the lesson should have clear and
achievable objectives. This could include improving pronunciation, increasing vocabulary,
or encouraging students to speak in complete sentences (Gusmuliana et al., 2021). Having
specific goals in mind will help guide the teacher’s lesson plan and give students a sense
of direction (Thi et al., 2017).

Secondly, the lesson should be engaging and interactive. Speaking activities, such as
role-plays, debates, and group discussions, allow students to practice their speaking skills
naturally and authentically. Using games and other fun activities can also help keep stu-
dents motivated and interested (Yusuf et al., 2020).

Thirdly, the teacher should provide positive and constructive feedback to students.
Encouragement and praise can help build students’ confidence and self-esteem, while
constructive criticism can help them identify areas for improvement (Bhatti, 2021). The
teacher should also create a supportive and non-judgmental classroom environment where
students feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes (Dinapoli, 2009).

Fourthly, the teacher should incorporate a variety of teaching methods and materials
to cater to different learning styles (Gusmuliana et al., 2021). For example, visual aids
such as pictures and videos can help students understand new vocabulary, while audio
recordings can help them improve their pronunciation (Susanti et al., 2022). The teacher
should also encourage students to use English as much as possible during the lesson and
provide opportunities for individual and group speaking activities (Kürüm, 2016).

Finally, the teacher should regularly assess students’ progress and provide opportuni-
ties for them to reflect on their speaking abilities. This can be done through self-reflection
exercises, oral presentations, or written evaluations (Wicaksana et al., 2019).


A didactic strategy is a plan or approach that is used to teach or instruct a particular subject
or skill (D. Lestari, 2015). It involves the selection and organization of teaching methods,
materials, and activities that support learning and achievement of the desired learning out-
comes (D. Lestari, 2015). The goal of a didactic strategy is to effectively transfer knowl-
edge and skills to the learners in a way that is engaging, meaningful, and relevant to their
needs (F. Lestari & Andini, 2020).

Didactic strategies can vary widely depending on the subject matter, the age and abil-
ity level of the learners, and the teacher’s teaching style (Dinapoli, 2009). Some common
didactic strategies include lecture-style instruction, hands-on activities, discussion-based
learning, problem-based learning, and project-based learning (Duong, 2014). The choice
of didactic strategy should be based on the specific learning objectives and the needs of
the learners (Rahimy & Safarpour, 2012).

24 REVISTA KRONOS 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859

Role-play as a didactic strategy enhancing the speaking skills in High-School students


Role-play is a widely recognized didactic strategy that provides learners with opportunities
to practice language skills in a communicative and interactive context (Thanyalak, (2012).
Role-plays help to improve speaking skills, as well as listening, communication skill, and
creativity (Rajah Kumaran, 2017). Role-playing involves participating in simulated social
situations that are intended to illustrate real-life roles and contexts (Platt, 2001). Role-
play is a method of facilitating learning that is effective in achieving learning outcomes in
three main areas: affective, cognitive, and behavioral, which is why it is seen as a teaching
strategy to help develop speech in first-year high school students (Stokoe, 2014).

On the other hand, Stokoe (2014) states that Role-playing is a form of experiential
learning so that they can make mistakes and learn from them. Therefore, students adopt
different characters and work together in a given scenario interacting in the roles they have
assumed and work together in a given scenario interacting in the roles they have assumed
(Burns, 1998). Role-playing is effective for learning about complex social and human
systems (Ajleaa binti Abdul Rahman et al., 2018). As mentioned above, role-play is an
activity exploited by different approaches to language teaching (Kreuter & Valliant, 2007).
It is a useful tool because through this activity, says more cognitive demands are placed
on the comprehension system and learners’ ability to instantly incorporate pragmatics and
sociopragmatics and pragmalinguistics into the interaction. This technique is practically
one of how we can allow our learners to practice in the classroom and also give them the
confidence to express themselves and develop their skills (Maher & al Nakhalah, 2016a).

It is a teaching technique in which students act out a scenario or simulation, usually
in small groups or pairs, to practice using the language in a realistic context (Hardan,
2013). In the context of English language teaching, role-play can be used to promote the
development of speaking skills by providing students with opportunities to practice us-
ing the language in a variety of real-life scenarios, such as ordering food in a restaurant,
making a complaint, or asking for directions (Soraya et al., 2018). This type of immersive
learning experience can help students to build their confidence in using the language and
to develop their ability to think on their feet, as they must respond to the language needs
of the scenario in real-time (Castro & Villafuerte, 2019).


According to Thanyalak, (2012), there are different types of role-play activities that teach-
ers can use to teach English, such as:
a) Situational Role-Play: This type of role-play involves creating scenarios that reflect re-

al-life situations where learners can practice language skills relevant to the situation.
For example, a hotel check-in, ordering food at a restaurant, or a job interview. 4

b) Interactive Role-Play: Interactive role-play involves learners in a more dynamic and
spontaneous conversation, where they must use a wide range of communicative skills.
This type of role-play encourages learners to ask questions, give opinions, negotiate,
and respond appropriately to a variety of social situations.

c) Problem-Solving Role-Play: Problem-solving role-play involves learners working in
groups to solve a problem or complete a task using English (Stokoe, 2014). This
type of role-play enhances collaborative learning and promotes the use of language
in a purposeful context.

d) Simulation Role-Play: This type of role-play creates a simulated environment where
learners can practice specific language skills in a realistic context. For example, a simu-

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lated courtroom trial, a press conference, or a police interrogation (Jackson & Back,
2011). In addition, using different types of role-play activities as a didactic strategy
in teaching English provides learners with a communicative and interactive context to
practice language skills. These role-play activities can be adapted to the learners’ level
of language proficiency and promote language acquisition, as well as critical thinking,
problem-solving, and collaborative skills (Castro & Villafuerte, 2019).


By assuming different roles and engaging in simulated conversations, learners can practice
and develop their speaking abilities dynamically and interactively (Maher & Al Nakhalah,
2016a). The use of role-play as a didactic strategy has a range of benefits for students’
speaking skills (Ureta Santos, 2022).

Role play should be used as a didactic strategy to improve speaking skills in students
for several reasons:
Confidence and fluency: first and foremost, it provides students with opportunities to practi-

ce speaking in real-life contexts, which can help to build their confidence and fluency
in using the language (Pulido et al., 2022).

Authentic practice: Role-play provides students with an authentic language-learning expe-
rience that simulates real-life situations. This helps students become more confident
and comfortable using the language in real-life settings (Jackson & Back, 2011).

Active engagement: Role-play requires students to be actively engaged in the language-lear-
ning process, which can increase their motivation and interest in learning.

Development of communicative competence: Role-play helps students develop their communi-
cative competence, which includes not only their language proficiency, but also their
ability to understand cultural norms, use appropriate nonverbal cues, and adjust their
language use to different social situations (Aliakbari & Jamalvandi, 2010).

Encourages collaboration and teamwork: Role-play often involves working in groups, which
helps students develop teamwork and collaboration skills and encourages them to
support each other in their language learning (Gilakjani, 2011).

Improves interpersonal skills: Role-play can also help students improve their interpersonal
skills, such as active speaking, effective communication, and empathy (Anandan, 2011).

Development of interpersonal skills: Additionally, role-play can also promote the development
of interpersonal skills, as students must interact with their classmates and engage in
negotiations and problem-solving activities (Kuśnierek, 2015).

Improvement of pronunciation and intonation: Moreover, role-play can also help students to
develop their pronunciation and intonation, as they must imitate the speech patterns
of native speakers to be understood (Mei & Masoumeh, 2017).


Despite its benefits, the use of role-play as a didactic strategy also presents several challeng-
es (Mei & Masoumeh, 2017). For example, students may be intimidated by the prospect
of speaking in front of their classmates or may struggle to understand the instructions and
expectations of the role-play scenario (Rao, 2019). To overcome these challenges, teach-
ers need to provide clear instructions and guidance and create a supportive and inclusive

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Role-play as a didactic strategy enhancing the speaking skills in High-School students

learning environment (Jackson & Back, 2011). Additionally, teachers may also need to
provide additional support for students who are less confident in their speaking skills,
such as through individualized feedback or one-on-one coaching (Jackson & Back, 2011).


This research had a qualitative approach because it uses qualitative data collection tech-
niques to explore teachers’ opinions. A qualitative approach in research explores phenom-
ena through subjective understandings, focusing on rich, non-numerical data, for getting
a deep understanding of participants’ experiences (Vaca-Cárdenas et al., 2017). It empha-
sizes context, social interactions, and individual perspectives to understand complexities,
offering valuable insights into the researched subject (Hernández-Sampieri, Fernández, &
Baptista, 1997).


The research was conducted in public schools of the Bahía de Caráquez city, located in
Sucre canton, Manabí province. Three English Teachers of first year of high school from
the three public schools of the city were chosen to participate in this study. The criteria
for participation were:
1. To be an English teacher
2. The wish to participate voluntarily in the study.
3. To belong to one of the 3 public schools of Bahía de Caráquez.


This section describes the data collection procedures used in a qualitative study that aimed
to explore the opinions of three English teachers in Bahia de Caráquez city about the use
of role-play in the classroom. The technique used in this research was an interview and
the instrument was a semi-structured questionnaire, which was audio recorded and tran-
scribed verbatim. The interview questions focused on the effectiveness, benefits, and chal-
lenges of using role-play in English language teaching.


Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The data collection procedure allowed for
a rich and nuanced exploration of the teachers’ opinions and experiences with role-play
in the classroom.

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The interviewed teachers define role-play as an interactive activity involving acting out
scenarios. It can be used in an educational context to provide students with opportunities
for practice, skill development, and a deeper understanding of real-life situations.

According to the interviewees, a role-play is an engaging activity where students act
out scenarios to practice skills, develop abilities, and understand real-life situations in an
educational setting. Burns (1998) agrees that role-plays engage students, helping them
practice skills and understand real-life situations.


The three teachers use role-plays in the English class to assist students in improving their
speaking skills. Role-plays provide a context for students to employ English in a more
natural and interactive manner, aiding in the development of their confidence and ability
to communicate in real-life situations. These role-plays are effective in practicing various
language functions, including giving and receiving directions, making requests, negotiat-
ing, and expressing opinions. Furthermore, they can be adapted to suit different levels of
language proficiency, making them a versatile tool for language teachers

Role-plays in English classes enhance speaking abilities by providing a realistic and
interactive setting, allowing the practice of language functions. Their adaptability makes
them invaluable. Role-plays help to improve communication skills, and creativity (Rajah
Kumaran, 2017). They involve participating in simulated social situations that are intended
to illustrate real-life contexts (Platt, 2001).


Role-plays can help students improve their speaking skills in several ways: By providing
a realistic context, encouraging interaction, Practicing specific language functions, Feed-
back, and reflection. Overall, role-plays can be a fun and effective way for students to
practice and improve their speaking skills in English. On the other hand, Role-plays use
real-life situations and gives a chance to practice pronunciation, oral expression, gram-
mar, and vocabulary.

Using role-plays alleviates stress and enhances communication skills, providing a
more natural and interactive language engagement. Similarly, Jackson (2011) states that
utilizing role-plays creates a supportive and natural language engagement, alleviating stress
and enhancing communication skills.


They use role-plays to focus on the target topic in situations like job interviews and order-
ing food in a restaurant. They also use role-play based on a scenario, dialogue-based role-
play, and problem-solving role-play, among others. However, depending on what they are
learning they have telephone conversations, order things in a restaurant, meet people, or

28 REVISTA KRONOS 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859

Role-play as a didactic strategy enhancing the speaking skills in High-School students

do other everyday activities. Furthermore, the specific type of role-play used will depend
on the learning objectives and needs of the students.

Similarly, Ureta Santos (2022) states that role-play activities centered on real-life
situations, such as job interviews and restaurant scenarios, cater to specific learning objec-
tives, focusing on real-life situations and scenarios.


When teachers speak, students are stressed thinking about grammar structure.

- Avoid students getting worried about mistakes and ensure they feel confidente when
using role-plays.

- Encourage active learning,
- Provide a safe environment for practice.
- Develop communication skills.
- Provide students with the confidence to communicate with others and develop their

other language skills.
- Overall, using role-plays in the English class can be an effective way to help students

improve their speaking skills, develop confidence, and engage with the language in a
more natural and interactive way.


It depends on students’ ages, English levels, and preferences. It is possible to determine
which role-play activities are appropriate for specific students and their language abilities
in several ways: assessing students’ language proficiency, considering students’ interests
and needs, adapting activities to meet students’ abilities, and providing feedback and guid-
ance. By considering these factors, appropriateness in role-plays is determined by factors
such as age, proficiency, and preferences, enabling a focused approach (Anandan, 2011).


Creating a supportive and safe environment is essential for students to feel comfortable
practicing their speaking skills through role-play activities. Here are some strategies that
teachers can use to create such an environment: Build a positive classroom culture, estab-
lish clear guidelines, encourage risk-taking, provide feedback and support, respect cultur-
al differences, and create a supportive and safe environment that encourages students to
practice their speaking skills through role-play activities, leading to greater confidence and
fluency in the English language.

As the interviewers indicated, a supportive and safe environment is vital, achieved
through strategies such as clear guidelines and feedback. According to Duong (2014), a
vital and supportive environment for role-plays is achieved through strategies like clear
guidelines and feedback. Similarly, Hardan (2013) argues that implementing successful

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role-play activities, such as simulating a doctor’s office visit, fosters confidence in English


It is important to provide constructive feedback to students and encourage them to con-
tinue practicing and improving their speaking skills. Teachers can create a rubric that out-
lines the different aspects of speaking skills that they want to assess, such as pronunciation,
fluency, vocabulary, and grammar. Teachers can use this rubric to grade students’ perfor-
mance during the role-play activity.

As reported by the interviewers, Constructive feedback, rubrics, and assessments
improve speaking skills during role-play activities. Along the same lines, Maxwell (1997)
Constructive feedback, rubrics, and assessments play a crucial role in improving speaking
skills during role-play activities.


Before students produce the language, they need to receive lots of input (Listening and
Reading) in order to get experience. By asking students to record their role-play perfor-
mances using their smartphones or a recording device. This allows them to listen to their
performance and identify areas where they can improve their pronunciation, intonation,
and fluency. Additionally, using online platforms such as Zoom or Teams to conduct role-
play activities and record students’ performances.

Rao (2019) claims that role-play activities can be enhanced by incorporating tech-
nology, recording performances, and utilizing online platforms.


The participants’ opinion is that role-play is a good technique for students to speak with-
out hesitation. In most cases, it is a good way to have students obtain practice. Students
like to do role-plays and have fun doing them. One of the most important benefits of us-
ing role-play is that it encourages collaboration and teamwork among students. When stu-
dents work together to create and perform role-plays, they can learn from each other and
provide constructive feedback. This can help to create a positive learning environment and
improve students’ interpersonal skills.

Ampatuan et al. (2016) state that role-plays are effective in improving speaking skills,
promoting fluent expression, enjoyment, and collaboration.


Students role-play according to what is being taught. No matter the size of the group, feed-
back should be done immediately, by using peers (a student evaluates their activities with

30 REVISTA KRONOS 4(2), agosto 2023-enero 2024 | pISSN 12631-2840 | eISSN 2631-2859

Role-play as a didactic strategy enhancing the speaking skills in High-School students

a rubric) or self-assessment (They monitor their own knowledge using a Likert scale). In
addition, by identifying their strengths and weaknesses and setting goals.

According to Dinapoli (2009), individual support, feedback, and goal setting contrib-
ute to enhancing speaking abilities during role-plays.


Incorporating language diversity and cultural sensitivity in role-play activities is essential
to support all students’ speaking skills and backgrounds. Here are some ways to do this:
- By incorporating different accents and dialects.
- By using inclusive language.
- By encouraging cultural sharing.
- By fostering a safe and inclusive learning environment.
- By providing materials in different languages, and encouraging cultural sharing, students

can feel more engaged and motivated to participate in role-play activities, leading to
improved speaking skills and cultural understanding.

Kreuter (2007) claims that cultural sensitivity and language diversity are crucial consid-
erations in role-play activities.


Students get motivated and get an effective filter down from each student. Role-plays help
students practice their different skills and abilities making it less difficult for them to use
the language in a real-life situation.

Additionally, role-plays:
- Provides real-life practice.
- Develops fluency.
- Builds vocabulary.
- Improves pronunciation.
- Encourages collaboration.
- Enhances cultural understanding.
- Makes learning fun and engaging.
As stated by Lestari (2020) Role-plays offer numerous benefits, including motivation, skill
practice, fluency development, and cultural understanding.


Role-plays serve as a valuable pedagogical tool for English language learners, facilitating
language acquisition and communicative competence. However, their implementation in
the classroom presents certain drawbacks, including:
- the potential for being time-consuming,
- eliciting shyness and anxiety among learners,

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Cruz A., Vaca M.

- instigating discomfort and self-consciousness,
- limiting language use,
- lacking authenticity in communication scenarios, and
- posing challenges in terms of teacher supervision during interactions.
Educators need to be mindful of these limitations while effectively using role-plays to op-
timize language-learning outcomes.

Furthermore, Jakob (2018) states that despite advantages, role-plays may have dis-
advantages, such as time consumption and limited supervision.


The successful utilization of role-play for enhancing speaking skills in the English class-
room is contingent upon several key factors. These factors encompass the establishment
of clear learning objectives, the creation of relevant and engaging scenarios, the provision
of adequate preparation and support, the integration of authenticity in role-play activities,
the cultivation of a positive and inclusive classroom environment, and the incorporation
of variety and flexibility to cater to diverse learner needs. By judiciously considering and
implementing these factors, educators can effectively harness the potential of role-play as
a powerful instructional strategy in fostering communicative competence among English
language learners.

Moreover, Lestari (2015), success factors for role-plays include clear objectives, en-
gaging scenarios, preparation, authenticity, a positive environment, and flexibility.


Role-play, as a pedagogical approach for enhancing speaking skills, holds potential. How-
ever, its effectiveness can be hindered by various factors contributing to its shortcomings.
Among these factors are the absence of well-defined learning objectives, usage of inap-
propriate or unengaging scenarios, inadequate preparation and support for learners, lack
of authenticity in scenarios presented, the establishment of a negative classroom environ-
ment, limited variation and flexibility in role-play exercises, and insufficient feedback and
assessment mechanisms. Addressing these limitations is crucial for optimizing the bene-
fits of role-play and promoting successful language acquisition and communication in the
academic setting.

Reiners (2016) says that certain factors can hinder role-plays, such as unclear objec-
tives, unengaging scenarios, and lack of feedback.


It is concluded that integrating role-plays into the English class is a highly effective and
engaging method to enhance language learning. It not only provides valuable practice in
communication but also helps students develop essential social skills and boosts their over-
all motivation and enjoyment in the learning process. Through role-plays, students can

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Role-play as a didactic strategy enhancing the speaking skills in High-School students

experience language in meaningful contexts, making their language skills more practical
and applicable to real-life situations.

However, while role-plays offer advantages, they also come with drawbacks, so teach-
ers need to take then into consideration for balancing the teaching strategies. However,
the teachers underscored that with diligent planning and preparation, the advantages of
role-play surpassed the encountered challenges, emphasizing its significance as an enriching
pedagogical approach for language learning.

The use of role-plays brings benefits such as fostering a real-life context for language
practicing, improving language functions, and promoting cultural awareness. Moreover,
the text underscores the significance of creating a supportive classroom environment, in-
tegrating technology, offering personalized support and feedback, and taking into account
language diversity and cultural sensitivity.


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