Artículo Original

Social marketing of the coffee cream liquor in the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma of San Juan del Oro

Marketing social del licor crema de café en la Asociación de Emprendedores Agroindustriales de Challohuma de San Juan del Oro

Yudy Huacani Sucasaca
Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez, Perú
Gina Iris Halanoca Tipula
Asociación de Emprendedores Agroindustriales de Challohuma de San Juan del Oro, Perú

Social marketing of the coffee cream liquor in the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma of San Juan del Oro

Siembra, vol. 11, núm. 1, e6246, 2024

Universidad Central del Ecuador

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Recepción: 26 Febrero 2024

Revisado: 13 Marzo 2024

Corregido: 15 Abril 2024

Aprobación: 22 Abril 2024

Abstract: The purpose of the study is to explain the factors that determine social marketing of coffee cream liquor in the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma in San Juan del Oro District, Department of Puno (Southern Peru). The methodological design specifies a type of quantitative approach, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design, through surveys in a total of 41 members of the association. Results demonstrated that the factors that significantly determine social marketing of coffee cream liqueur are marketing factors on individual consumers (product attributes, brand assignment, packaging, labeling and product support services), society (commitment to health, environment and collaborators), and about the company (internal quality of service, satisfied and productive service employees, greater service value, satisfied and loyal customers and healthy profits and growth). The Pearson coefficient r = 0.746 explains at the significance level of α = 0.01 that social marketing factors of coffee cream liquor of the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma in San Juan del Oro, are positively and considerably correlated with the factor of individual, social and business consumer, supporting the alternative hypothesis. It is concluded that social marketing plans must be implemented to boost the growth of the company.

Keywords: Social marketing, agro-industrial entrepreneurs, consumers, liquor, coffee cream.

Resumen: El estudio tiene por finalidad explicar los factores que determinan el marketing social de licor de crema de café en la Asociación de Emprendedores Agroindustriales de Challohuma, en el Distrito de San Juan del Oro, Departamento de Puno (sur de Perú). El diseño metodológico especifica un tipo de enfoque cuantitativo, con diseño no experimental, de corte transversal, por encuestas en un total de 41 socios de la asociación. Los resultados demostraron que los factores que determinan significativamente el marketing social del licor crema de café son factores de marketing en los consumidores individuales (atributos del producto, asignación de marca, empaque, etiquetado y servicios de apoyo al producto), sobre la sociedad (compromiso con la salud, con el medio ambiente y con los colaboradores), y sobre la empresa (calidad interna del servicio, empleados de servicio satisfechos y productivos, mayor valor del servicio, clientes satisfechos y leales, y utilidades y crecimiento saludables). El coeficiente de Pearson r = 0.746 explica a un nivel de significancia de que los factores del marketing social del licor crema de café de la Asociación de Emprendedores Agroindustriales de Challohuma en San Juan del Oro, están correlacionadas positiva y considerablemente con el factor consumidor individual, social y de empresa, soportándose la hipótesis alterna. Se concluye que, se deben implementar planes de marketing social para impulsar el crecimiento de la empresa.

Palabras clave: Marketing social, emprendedores agroindustriales, consumidores, licor, crema de café.

1. Introduction

Social marketing in recent years has gained relevance and effectiveness due to the success it has achieved in creating social value (Cachan et al., 2020; Tweneboah-Koduah & Coffie, 2022). It is a tool used by companies that has great influence on consumer behavior by individuals, society and the company itself, promoting community improvements and social change (Kamin et al., 2022; Shawky et al., 2022). Its correct application has impacts on improving well-being of society and the environment by promoting aspects such as recycling, encouraging energy conservation, reducing smoking, drug use and alcoholism, and improving health and well-being of vulnerable populations (Fitrianto et al., 2024; Williams et al., 2023). Although social marketing is about creating value for customers, it also enhances a relationship between company and customer, the essence being to outperform the competition (Keegan & Green, 2009; Kotler & Armstrong, 2012). In the last decade, it has changed impressively due to the rise of telecommunications connecting customers globally, to the point that this online universe must be used in a business and, if possible, corporate manner, taking into account aspects of brand creation linked to intangible value, as a consumption experience, committing both to a sense of belonging (Jiménez-Marín et al., 2022; Rodrigues & Kamlot, 2022; Sanz-Marcos & Elías-Zambrano, 2020).

For some time now, social companies have been creating social value, since they consider their role in the society they must serve, but they also have the challenge of guaranteeing sustainability (Cachan et al., 2020; Santesmases Mestre et al., 2014). Social marketing is related to business ecosystems, important for the development of the organization. It involves interest groups, the microenvironment, and the business macroenvironment, and it is used in the field of planning as a strategy for achieving benefits (Rodrigues & Kamlot, 2022). Kotler and Armstrong (2012) and Vo and Nguyen-Anh (2024) show a positive effect of social marketing associated with brand value such as perceived quality, loyalty, knowledge, and trust.

Zeta Tineo (2018) developed the papaya and passion fruit liquor process under the initial concentration of 30 °Brix and fermentation medium dilution of 1:1:2 with the same participation of pulp. He found significant differences when manipulating factors and its levels. It has defined organoleptic properties for its light, clean and deep yellow color, its own smell of passion fruit and alcohol, sweet, fresh and structured flavor, consistent and balanced appreciation. According to the evaluation, the production costs for each bottle of papaya and passion fruit liquor is 14.79 soles, the estimated sales price in the market is 18 soles.

Moya Constante and Vinueza Brazales (2011) analyzed melon cream liquor production at the Zamorano Pan American Agricultural School; their findings indicate that the cream is an oil-in-water emulsion of fat droplets from melon production in Honduras, a product that is highly significant, oriented to export markets such as the United States and Europe.

Alarcón and Gonzales (1998) in their research on the determination of cream liquor from blackberry in Colombia, highlight the importance of industrializing this Andean fruit. They performed the tasting of the cream liquor and analyzed the organoleptic characteristics of flavor and aroma from a hedonic test. They obtained an adequate process, including bottling and sealing, for a product suitable for human consumption.

Sáenz Agudelo (2015) in his study on curuba-flavored cream liqueur explains that it uses fresh milk cream with 48% fat content, as well as alcohol, sodium caseinate, modified starch and sugar, showing for high scores regarding appearance, color, texture, aroma and flavor; fresh pulp provides organoleptic characteristics, with greater preference.

Organic coffee has taken center stage in recent years, it has great global demand and is an alternative for obtaining income at the small producers level (Flores-Anaya et al., 2022).

This study addresses the social marketing of coffee cream liquor, which contains water, coffee and cream milk, and is produced by the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma in San Juan de Oro District, Department of Puno (southern Peru). The coffee used in the fabrication of the product was obtained from roasting and grounding the coffee beans.

1.1. Theoretical framework

Social marketing, as it relates the company to its social and economic environment, is becoming more important because of its contributions to problem solving and decision making, influencing behavior in favor of society (Fisher & Espejo, 2011). Also, it is not for profit in either public or private organizations, and, through appropriate dissemination techniques, it can even improve customer attitude (Pipoli de Azambuja, 2020). It includes social and environmental actions with the purpose of satisfying consumer and business needs of current and future generations (Keegan & Green, 2009; Kotler & Armstrong, 2012). It is adopted for sustainability to strengthen lasting relationships with clients, and to create greater immediate and future value, in addition to being linked to the competitiveness and survival of businesses.

Currently, social networks are a valuable tool for marketing. For example, in the case of Cape Town in South Africa, social media plays an important role in providing information to improve services. In a survey of 102 librarians to identify the use of social networks, and their relationship with library users, as well as the promotion of events, a lack of guidance was identified in the use of platforms with social media, recommending the implementation of social media platforms. social media to foster engagement with users and the community (Masizana & Salubi, 2022). A particular case is the one that analyzes marketing characteristics of social networks in consumer's purchasing decision in the Arab Emirates, arguing that trust in the brand influences marketing on social networks for interactivity and information, as well as purchasing decisions. Most buyers prefer to browse social media channels to search for brands and interact with each other, due to the low costs, quick reach, and breadth to interact with numerous users (Hanaysha, 2022). There is still much to explore in competitive intelligence in small business ventures, which should be used for successful growth (Mozo Uscamayta & Coelho, 2023).

1.2. Axes of social marketing

Social marketing has effects on goal achievement (Kotler & Armstrong, 2012); however, it requires knowing the market needs, as it influences interest groups simultaneously (Rodrigues & Kamlot, 2022). It is characterized by concern for the whole, and not just for specific individuals or companies. That is, it incorporates into society, ideas, and desires of consumers, as well as their needs and interests in the long term (Figure 1).

Social marketing Axes
Figure 1
Social marketing Axes
Source: (Kotler & Armstrong, 2012).

The consumer axis depends on decisions about the product's attributes, branding, packaging, labeling, and support services (Kotler & Armstrong, 2012). Product attributes represent the benefits offered by the product, differentiated by attributes such as product quality (level of customer satisfaction), product features (value creation of new products), and product style and design (external aesthetics of the product). Branding refers to the product’s name, term, sign, symbol, and size of the product. Packaging details, such as the design and wrapping of the product, has a direct impact on the immediate purchase. Finally, labeling must show simplicity and help identify the brand. The product support service identifies the needs and preferences of customers through means such as internet, email, phone and technologies to offer customer support services (p. 234).

The company axis reprents its commitment to health, environment and its collaborators. It requires adequate service, satisfying employees and customers, from an internal quality of the service to satisfied and productive service employees, greater service value, satisfied and loyal customers, and healthy profits and growth.

1.3. Coffee Cream Liqueur

The production process of Coffee Cream Liqueur of the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma, in San Juan del Oro, begins with the coffee collection, mixing of water, skim milk, sugar, cinnamon and liquor, then it goes to a thermal treatment, followed by the homogenization, filtering and packaging processes (Figure 2).

Production process of Coffee Cream Liqueur of the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma in San Juan del Oro
Figure 2.
Production process of Coffee Cream Liqueur of the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma in San Juan del Oro
Source: Challohuma Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs Association (2022).

2. Materials and Methods

The type of research used is quantitative, explanatory in nature. The population was made up of 41 members of the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma, located in San Juan del Oro District, Province of Sandia, Department of Puno (Peru), of which six were directives and 35 corresponded to partners. The company was registered on September 10, 2021, when it began its operating activities. The ISIC 4799 classification corresponds to retail sales activities. Its sales address is: Challohuma Sector - Community Hall (one and a half kilometers from the school), RUC: 20602100899, Registration number 29112109. The sample was calculated from a finite population, it constitutes 37 partners. Data was collected by surveys, applying a question ballot questionnaire, using a Likert scale format for each dimension. For the social marketing dimension in individual consumers the Likert scale was: bad, average, good and excellent; The scale for the social marketing dimension applied to society members was: never, sometimes, almost always and always; and, the scale for social marketing dimension in the company was: never, sometimes, almost always and always. Validation was done by two experts and the reliability for the application of the instrument was tested with Cronbach's Alpha, obtaining a strong reliability (0.87) (Gujarati & Porter, 2010; Hernández Sampieri et al., 2014).

3. Results

3.1. Individual consumer dimension of social marketing

Social marketing in individual consumers depended on attributes of the coffee cream liquor such as assignment of branding, packaging, labeling and support services, and on the profits obtained from the company's partners.

Results in the category of product attributes were highly accepted by respondents, being rated between good and excellent. Product quality was related to the level of customer satisfaction, understanding that the product is free of defects. However, greater product value must continue to be created by improving the aesthetics and attractive style of the coffee cream liquor.

Regarding brand category of the coffee cream liqueur, be it name, term, sign, symbol and size, these attributes presented ratings between good and excellent, with which the quality of customer purchases would be guaranteed.

Regarding packaging of the coffee cream liqueur, results showed that packaging was rated by respondents in categories between good and excellent, which is acceptable for immediate purchase, contributing to brand recognition. The company must consider how fundamental the packaging of the product is to avoid causing inconveniences in the purchase; from now on partners must make decisions about packaging innovation to capture the attention of customers and, above all, achieve advantages among competitors.

Labeling of coffee cream liqueur, like other categories analyzed, presented responses between good and excellent. These confirm that product labeling shows simplicity and identifies the product brand and are useful for placing price and other relevant information.

The new service category had responses between good and excellent. Members' decisions must consider this attribute as it is related to the implementation of return policies, use of internet and other technologies, and customer support.

3.2. Society dimension of social marketing

Social marketing was related to aspects of health, environment, and collaborators, with responses ranging between good and excellent. Commitment to health is linked to the healthy style that the company offers, while minimizing environmental impacts in the production of coffee cream liquor. Currently, the company has been promoting recycling in the production process for the coffee cream liquor.

Furthermore, rationalizing water and energy consumption is encouraged in the production process, with the purpose of contributing to the environment. In the future, partners must make decisions with greater emphasis on this point since resource optimization will allow minimizing production costs in favor of obtaining greater profits.

The company’s commitment to employees is permanent; it supports them in their productive development as well as in improving their potential. Responses given in this study affirm that there is an excellent commitment to employees, that is, the company encourages its staff's efforts.

3.3. Company dimension of social marketing

Social marketing is supported by the company's management, offering an adequate service where clients and collaborators must be satisfied. Responses regarding the internal quality of the coffee cream liquor ranged between good and excellent, indicating that the company promotes a healthy lifestyle and a pleasant work environment.

To achieve the company's goals, permanent training of collaborators is necessary, as an improved customer service depends on them. Also, because there is a link between satisfied, loyal, and productive employees.

Quality of product delivery is another important element for social marketing in the company, as efficiency is important for achieving results. The improvement of the company's profit and growth is contingent upon the production of coffee cream liquor being subject to optimal performance and efficiency, as offered by the company and its staff.

3.4. Pearson coefficient

To explain whether the factors considered in this study (product attributes, brand assignment, packaging, labeling and support services) significantly determine marketing in individual consumers of coffee cream liquor of the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma in San Juan del Oro, we performed a Pearson correlation analysis at a significance level of α = 0.01, obtaining a correlation coefficient of r = 0.815.

These results demonstrate that these variables are positively and significantly correlated; if management of product attributes, brand assignment, packaging, labeling and product support services are carried out efficiently, then social marketing will increase, as will company’s profitability (Table 1).

Table 1
Pearson correlation coefficient between marketing on individual consumers and product attributes brand assignment packaging labeling and product support service
Marketing to individual consumersProduct attributes, branding, packaging, labeling, and product support services
Marketing to individual consumersPearson correlation10.815**
Product attributes, branding, packaging, labeling, and product support servicesPearson correlation0.815**1
Sig. *0.000
* The correlation is significant α = 0.01 (two-sided).

To evaluate whether factors related to the company’s commitment to health, environment and its collaborators significantly determines marketing on the society that consumes coffee cream liquor from the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma in San Juan del Oro we performed a Pearson correlation analysis at a significance level of α = 0.01, obtaining a correlation coefficient of r = 0.658. These results indicate that if commitment to health, environment and collaborators is carried out correctly, then social marketing will increase, and as a consequence the company’s profits will also improve (Table 2).

Table 2
Estimation of the Pearson correlation coefficient between marketing about society and commitment to health environment and collaborators
Marketing about societyCommitment to health, environment and collaborators
Marketing about societyPearson correlation10.658**
Commitment to health, environment and collaboratorsPearson correlation0.658**1
* The correlation is significant α = 0.01 (two-sided).

To explain if factors related to service and quality (internal quality of the service, satisfied and productive service employees, greater service value, satisfied and loyal customers and healthy profits and growth) significantly determine the marketing of the company that produces the coffee cream liquor of the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma in San Juan del Oro we performed a Pearson correlation analysis at a significance level of α = 0.01, obtaining a correlation coefficient of r = 0.813. These results indicate that if the value of the service improves, with satisfied and loyal customers, profits and company growth will be adequate, elevating social marketing (Table 3).

Table 3
Estimation of the Pearson correlation coefficient between marketing about the company and internal quality of service satisfied and productive service employees greater service value satisfied and loyal customers and healthy growth and profits
Marketing about the companyInternal quality of service, satisfied and productive service employees, increased service value, satisfied and loyal customers, and healthy growth and profits
Marketing about the companyPearson correlation10.813**
Internal quality of service, satisfied and productive service employees, increased service value, satisfied and loyal customers, and healthy profits and growthPearson correlation0.813**1
* The correlation is significant α = 0.01 (two-sided).

4. Discussion

Social marketing associates a healthy lifestyle with well-being (Shawky et al., 2022); to achieve this in product social marketing, segmentation and communication strategies are important. Social marketing corroborates social aspects, is related to health, and has the purpose of achieving social good. Since the 1960s, promotion has been focused on health messages.

Using the potential of social marketing generates positive results for the company, guaranteeing its success. In our results, individual consumer, society, and company factors were measured to identify the potential of coffee cream liquor produced by the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma in San Juan del Oro, obtaining a positive correlation with social marketing applied by the Association (r = 0.746) at a significance level α = 0.01.

Gregory-Smith et al. (2015) evaluates significant behaviors on employee perception, environment, and health in social marketing. The Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma in San Juan del Oro has been producing the coffee cream liquor with the highest quality filters in health and the environment, as can be seen in the following photographs (Figure 3).

Photograph of the production process of coffee cream liquor.
Figure 3
Photograph of the production process of coffee cream liquor.
Challohuma Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs Association (2022).

5. Conclusions

The Pearson coefficient r = 0.746 determined, at a significance level of α = 0.01, that social marketing factors of coffee cream liquor produced by the Association of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurs of Challohuma in San Juan del Oro (Puno, Peru), are positively and significatively correlated with the individual, social and company consumer factors, supporting the alternative hypothesis. Social marketing in individual consumers of coffee cream liquor is positively and considerably correlated to product attributes, brand assignment, packaging, labeling and product support services. Social marketing on the society that consumes coffee cream liquor is positively and considerably correlated with the commitment to health, environment and collaborators. Social marketing about the company that produces coffee cream liquor is positively and significantly correlated with internal service quality, satisfied and productive service employees, higher service value, satisfied and loyal customers, and healthy profits and growth. Future research is expected to deepen the creation of social value by companies that have been developing productive activities (Cachan et al., 2020).

Contributor Roles

Ethical Issues

Ethics approval not applicable for the study according to peruvian regulations established in the Código Nacional de la Integridad Científica issued by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica [CONCYTEC].

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no affiliation with any organization with a direct or indirect financial interest that could have appeared to influence the work reported


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