Announcements2025-01-15T13:01:06+00:00Open Journal Systems<p><strong><em>Siembra </em></strong>is the official scientific diffusion tool of Central University of Ecuador’s (UCE) ‘Life Sciences’ Area. It publishes every six months (two issues per year), in continuous flow, the results of multidisciplinary scientific and technological research in the following fields:</p> <p>- Agricultural sciences including but not limited to plant production and health, agricultural engineering, soil sciences, entomology, forestry, agroforestry, agroindustry, food science and technology, agricultural economics, rural sociology, rural development, food systems, agroecology, regenerative agriculture, and agro-tourism.</p> <p>- Livestock sciences including but not limited to animal production, animal sciences, animal health and welfare, veterinary medicine, and public health.</p> <p>- Biological and environmental sciences including but not limited to ecology, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning studies, natural resource management, ecosystem transitions, ecosystem services, ecological resilience, environment-society relations, climate change, land use in natural systems, geography and territory, and ecotourism.</p> <p><strong><em>Siembra</em></strong> is jointly edited by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Livestock, and the Faculty of Biological Sciences of Central University of Ecuador (UCE).</p> <p><em><strong>Siembra </strong></em>receives unpublished articles, whether original or review articles, as well as bibliographic reviews and opinion articles. The articles published in <strong><em>Siembra</em></strong> are the result of an exhaustive selection process, which includes the Editorial Committee in the first instance and peer review (double-blind), carried out by national and international specialists.</p> <p><em><strong>Siembra</strong></em> is an Open Access journal with a non-profit publishing model to preserve the scholarly and open nature of scientific communication or <em>Diamond Open Access</em>.</p> <p><em><strong>Siembra</strong> <strong>DOES NOT</strong></em> <em><strong>charge</strong> </em>authors any fees for article submission, processing or publication (No apply Article Processing Charge - Non-APC).</p> <p><em><strong>Siembra</strong> </em>is an online journal since 2019.</p> <p><strong>ISSN (online)</strong>: 2477-8850 / <strong>ISSN (print)</strong>: 1390-8928 (until 2018)</p> <p><strong>DOI</strong>: <a href="">10.29166/siembra</a></p> <p>Indexed by <em><strong>SciELO, REDALYC, REDIB, CAB Abstracts, ERIH-PLUS, DOAJ, LATINDEX 2.0., DIALNET</strong></em>, among others regional and international scientific databases.</p> to the new members of Siembra's Editorial Board2025-01-15T13:01:06+00:00Siembra2025-01-15T13:01:06+00:00 for papers - Siembra: Call for papers - Volume 12, Issue 1 (2025)2024-11-13T17:14:17+00:00Siembra<p><strong><em>Siembra</em></strong><em>,</em> the scientific journal of the Life Sciences Area of the Universidad Central del Ecuador, invites authors to submit their manuscripts through the OJS platform at the following link: <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong><em>Siembra </em></strong>publishes in continuous flow the results of multidisciplinary scientific and technological research in the following fields: agricultural sciences, livestock sciences, biological and environmental sciences.</p> <p>The theme of the Dossier of Volume 12, Number 1, is <strong>Banana Production, challenges, and opportunities</strong>.</p> <p>We invite academics and researchers with expertise in this field to contribute to the following topics:</p> <ul> <li>Banana diseases and their control through biotechnology and advanced agricultural practices</li> <li>Emerging phytopathological threats</li> <li>Climate resilience in banana production</li> <li>Recovery of banana soils</li> <li>Trade challenges and opportunities, and consumption trends</li> <li>Phytosanitary regulations</li> </ul> <p>This dossier is published jointly with the Association of Banana Exporters of Ecuador (<a href="">AEBE</a>) and invites academics and researchers related to the subject to present their contributions on the following topics:</p> <p>For further information, please refer to the <a href="">Guide for Authors</a></p> <p>Kind regards,</p> <p>Xavier Lastra-Bravo</p> <p>Editor-in-Chief</p>2024-11-13T17:14:17+00:00 for papers - Siembra: Call for papers - Volume 11, Issue 2 (2024)2024-06-19T14:13:36+00:00Siembra<p><em><strong>Siembra</strong>,</em> Siembra, the scientific journal of the Life Sciences Area of the Universidad Central del Ecuador, invites authors to submit their manuscripts through the OJS platform at the following link: <a href=""></a></p> <p><em><strong>Siembra </strong></em>publishes in continuous flow the results of multidisciplinary scientific and technological research in the following fields: a<span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">gricultural sciences, l</span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">ivestock sciences, b</span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">iological and environmental sciences.</span></p> <p>The theme of the Dossier of Volume 11, Number 2, is <strong>Soils and microorganisms</strong>. We invite academics and researchers with expertise in this field to contribute to the following topics:<br />• Rhizosphere management to optimize plant production<br />• Microbial-assisted remediation<br />• Soil microbiological communities and their description<br />• Plant growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPR) and their manipulation<br />• Symbiotic associations of microorganisms and plants<br />• Microorganisms in extreme conditions<br />• Soil microorganisms and climate change</p> <p>For further information, please refer to the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Guide for Authors</a></p> <p>Kind regards,</p> <p>Xavier Lastra-Bravo</p> <p>Editor-in-Chief</p>2024-06-19T14:13:36+00:00 is included in Cab Abstracts2023-12-15T18:02:10+00:00Siembra<p>Articles published in <em><strong>Siembra</strong> </em>are included in the <em><strong>CAB Abstracts</strong> </em>database starting with Volume 10, Number 1.</p> <p>CAB Abstracts is a database of journals from 120 countries and in more than 50 languages, covering agronomy, soil science, animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry, environmental, veterinary and zootechnical sciences.</p> <p>Xavier Lastra-Bravo</p> <p>Editor-in-Chief</p>2023-12-15T18:02:10+00:00 to the new members of Siembra's Editorial Board2023-08-17T17:42:23+00:00Siembra<p><em><strong>Siembra</strong></em> is pleased to welcome the new members of the Editorial Board:</p> <p>- Luis Corona Gochi, Ph.D., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México</p> <p>- María Mercedes Gavilánez, Ph.D.,Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador</p> <p>- Ronnie Xavier Lizano Acevedo, Ph.D., Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador</p> <p>- Gerda María Warnholtz Brito, Ph.D., Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México</p> <p>Experts with a broad academic and scientific background who will enhance the areas of agricultural, livestock, and biological and environmental sciences of <em><strong>Siembra</strong></em><em>.</em></p>2023-08-17T17:42:23+00:00 contribution type2023-08-02T23:03:34+00:00Siembra<p>Since July 2023, <em><strong>Siembra</strong></em> includes <strong>Case report </strong>as a new contribution type for publishing. Cases such as: a new disease, or pest in a specific context; the description of uncommon manifestations of known pathologies, or pests; the clarification of a disease’s, or pest’s mechanisms; the presentation of adverse, or beneficial side effects of a treatment, pest control, the management of sanitary problems, vaccination plans, as well as the consequences of the use of agricultural inputs; or particular technical and methodological experiences, among others, will be considered. </p>2023-08-02T23:03:34+00:00 July, 2023, Siembra is the official scientific diffusion tool of Central University of Ecuador’s (UCE) ‘Life Sciences’ Area2023-07-06T18:35:16+00:00Siembra<p>From Volume 10, Number 2, <em><strong>Siembra</strong> </em>is consolidated as a scientific journal of the Life Sciences Area of the Universidad Central del Ecuador, joining the efforts of the Faculties of Agricultural Sciences, Veterinary Medicine and Livestock, and Biological Sciences, which are closely related in their activities and research lines. Therefore, the Focus and Scope of <em><strong>Siembra</strong> </em>are reformulated, oriented to publish the results of multi- and interdisciplinary scientific and technological research in the fields of agricultural sciences, livestock sciences, and biological and environmental sciences.</p>2023-07-06T18:35:16+00:00 to the new members of Siembra's Editorial Board2022-11-16T13:46:36+00:00Siembra<p><span class="xt0e3qv xv78j7m" spellcheck="false"><em><strong>Siembra</strong></em> is pleased to welcome the new members of the Editorial Board:</span><br />- Michael Ayala Ayala, Ph.D., Universidad Central del Ecuador <br />- Víctor Hugo Barrera Mosquera, Ph.D., Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador<br />- María Gabriela Echeverría, Ph.D., Universidad de La Plata, Argentina<br />- Jorge Eduardo Grijalva Olmedo, Ph.D., Universidad Central del Ecuador <br />- Daniel Marcelo Lombardo, Ph.D., Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina<br />- Rommel Montúfar Galárraga, Ph.D., Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE)<br />- María del Carmen Revelo Cueva, Ph.D(c). Universidad Central del Ecuador <br />- Roy Roger Vera-Velez, Ph.D. University of Saskatchewan, Canadá</p> <p>Experts with a broad academic and scientific background who will enhance the areas of agricultural, animal science, and veterinary medicine of <em><strong>Siembra</strong></em><em>.</em></p>2022-11-16T13:46:36+00:00 for papers - Siembra: PERMANENT CALL FOR PAPERS2022-02-15T22:01:21+00:00Siembra<p><strong>PERMANENT CALL FOR PAPERS</strong></p> <p><a href="[0]=AZVxc-rVBcYzrv4qV1ARwsWVa8Qw25RpuAoFW56AEeceL_THkezvoxy4Uul1dNO-WivqHk7C4MORnJ2jzJ0HSeAxSMLhujkr2BL4aV1V1ClYNKaik766TXlD46Mv80cILoQPZqqLwYKqZQQHjLE26yTNs02dP8ea9ciwzL19M6l9fw&__tn__=kK-R" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong><em>Siembra</em></strong></a>, the means of scientific diffusion of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, <a href="[0]=AZVxc-rVBcYzrv4qV1ARwsWVa8Qw25RpuAoFW56AEeceL_THkezvoxy4Uul1dNO-WivqHk7C4MORnJ2jzJ0HSeAxSMLhujkr2BL4aV1V1ClYNKaik766TXlD46Mv80cILoQPZqqLwYKqZQQHjLE26yTNs02dP8ea9ciwzL19M6l9fw&__tn__=kK-R">Central University of Ecuador</a>, announces its permanent call for papers and invites you to submit manuscripts for consideration in this journal.</p> <p><em><strong>Siembra</strong> </em>is indexed by <em><strong>SciELO, REDALYC, REDIB, ERIH-PLUS, DOAJ, LATINDEX 2.0., DIALNET</strong></em>, among other regional and international scientific databases.</p> <ul> <li dir="auto">Guide for Authors:<a href=""></a></li> <li dir="auto">Submissions: <a class="oajrlxb2 g5ia77u1 qu0x051f esr5mh6w e9989ue4 r7d6kgcz rq0escxv nhd2j8a9 nc684nl6 p7hjln8o kvgmc6g5 cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x jb3vyjys rz4wbd8a qt6c0cv9 a8nywdso i1ao9s8h esuyzwwr f1sip0of lzcic4wl gpro0wi8 py34i1dx" tabindex="0" role="link" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"></a></li> <li dir="auto">More info: <a class="oajrlxb2 g5ia77u1 qu0x051f esr5mh6w e9989ue4 r7d6kgcz rq0escxv nhd2j8a9 nc684nl6 p7hjln8o kvgmc6g5 cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x jb3vyjys rz4wbd8a qt6c0cv9 a8nywdso i1ao9s8h esuyzwwr f1sip0of lzcic4wl gpro0wi8 py34i1dx" tabindex="0" role="link" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"></a></li> </ul>2022-02-15T22:01:21+00:00 is indexed in SciELO and REDALYC2021-08-06T15:24:10+00:00Siembra<p><strong><em>Siembra</em></strong>, the means of scientific diffusion of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Central University of Ecuador, has been indexed by <strong><em>Colección SciELO-Ecuador</em></strong> and <strong><em>Sistema de Información Científica Redalyc</em></strong>, once it has passed the evaluations of form and scientific content.</p> <p><em><strong>Siembra's</strong> </em>indexing in these important regional indexing systems constitutes an important advance for the visibility of the scientific work of the Central University of <em><strong>Ecuador</strong></em>, as well as for the consolidation of Siembra as a scientific journal of reference at national and regional level in the area of life sciences, with emphasis on agricultural sciences and tourism.</p> <p>Xavier Lastra Bravo</p> <p>Editor-in-Chief</p>2021-08-06T15:24:10+00:00 adopted the Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT) for its articles2021-05-20T13:04:11+00:00Siembra2021-05-20T13:04:11+00:00 is indexed in ICI Journals Master List-Index Copernicus International2021-02-10T13:33:42+00:00Siembra2021-02-10T13:33:42+00:00, Volume 7, Number 2, is published2020-12-16T14:35:20+00:00Siembra2020-12-16T14:35:20+00:00 is indexed in PERIODICA2020-08-13T18:39:03+00:00Siembra2020-08-13T18:39:03+00:00, Volume 7, Number 1, is published2020-06-09T17:51:29+00:00Siembra2020-06-09T17:51:29+00:00 is indexed in ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences)2020-03-16T09:01:51+00:00Siembra2020-03-16T09:01:51+00:00 is indexed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)2020-01-30T11:00:02+00:00Siembra2020-01-30T11:00:02+00:00 is indexed in Red Latinoamericana de Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades2019-11-21T09:43:22+00:00Siembra2019-11-21T09:43:22+00:00 includes the DOI to all its articles2019-09-16T08:43:31+00:00Siembra2019-09-16T08:43:31+00:00 is indexed in REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico)2019-02-05T14:57:03+00:00Siembra2019-02-05T14:57:03+00:00