Effect of tillage and nitrogen fertilization in bean and corn crops on biological indicators of the quality of an Andean soil of Ecuador
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Biological parameters are used as early indicators of the quality of an agricultural soil (ICS), due to their quick response to the anthropic soil management. The main objective of this research was to determine the effect of the tillage system: no-till (SD) and conventional tillage (LC), and to the nitrogen fertilization in bean and corn crop on certain biological indicators of soil quality. The study was carried out on a mollisol from the Andean region of Ecuador. Microbial biomass (MB), microbial respiration (RM), and enzyme activity (acid phosphatase, hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate [FDA], and β-glucosidase [β-G]) were determined. The results showed that the phosphatase presented the highest activity under LC, the FDA responded to the effect of high nitrogen levels application (N), the activity of the β-G enzyme was higher under LC. Additionally, the principal component analysis selected these biological indicators studied as ICS. It is concluded that the biological indicators of the soil were affected by the management practices studied.
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