Artículo Científico
Influencia de la medicación intracanal con pasta de hidróxido de calcio en la penetración del cemento obturador
Influence of intracanal medication with calcium hydroxide paste in the penetration of the shutter cement
Influência da medicação intracanal com pasta de hidróxido de cálcio na infiltração do cimento obturador
Virginia Natalia Veintimilla Lozada1, Raquel Guillén Guillén1,
Héctor Valentín Caballero Flores2, Manoel Eduardo de Lima Machado2
RECIBIDO: 18/12/2018 ACEPTADO: 29/03/2019 PUBLICADO: 01/12/2019
Virginia Natalia Veintimilla Lozada
Universidad Central del Ecuador;
Facultad de Odontología; Posgrado
Guayaquil, Ecuador
La eliminación del hidróxido de calcio en el conducto radicular es determinante para el éxito del tratamiento endodóntico, los remanentes pueden interaccionar negativamente con los selladores endodónticos aumentando las filtraciones y disminuyendo la calidad de la obturación. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la medicación intraconducto con pasta de hidróxido de calcio en la penetración del cemento obturador en el interior de los túbulos dentinarios. Materiales y métodos: 20 raíces distales de molares superiores se instrumentaron utilizando el Sistema Wave One Large 40/.08. Se dividieron aleatoriamente en dos grupos: uno obturado con técnica de cono único y cemento Ah plus con rodamina-B y otro obturado con la misma técnica y cemento Ah plus con rodamina B, previa colocación por 15 días y remoción mediante recapitulación de la pasta de hidróxido de calcio. Posteriormente los dientes fueron cortados transversalmente y se realizaron fotomicrografías del tercio cervical, medio y apical a través de la técnica de microscopia confocal de barrido por láser. La profundidad máxima de penetración fue determinada a través del programa Image J. Resultados: El cemento sellador Ah plus presentó menores valores de penetración cuando fue empleada previamente la pasta de hidróxido de calcio como medicación intracanal (p<0,01). El tercio del conducto con mayor penetración fue el tercio cervical seguido por el tercio medio y por último el apical (p<0,01). Conclusión: Los remanentes de hidróxido de calcio disminuyen la penetración del cemento sellador Ah plus en los túbulos dentinarios en todos los tercios del conducto radicular..
Palabras clave: Hidróxido de calcio; cemento obturador; penetración tubular; microscopía láser confocal. .
The elimination of calcium hydroxide in the root canal is decisive for the success of endodontic treatment, the remnants can interact negatively with endodontic sealants increasing filtrations and decreasing the quality of the seal. Objective: To evaluate the effect of intra-duct medication with calcium hydroxide paste on the penetration of the sealing cement inside the dentinal tubules. Materials and methods: 20 distal roots of upper molars were instrumented using the Wave One Large 40 / .08 System. They were randomly divided into two groups: one sealed with a single cone technique and Ah plus cement with rhodamine-B and another sealed with the same technique and Ah plus cement with rhodamine B, previous placement for 15 days and removal by recapping the paste calcium hydroxide. Subsequently, the teeth were cut transversely and photomicrographs of the cervical, middle and apical third were performed using the laser scanning confocal microscopy technique. The maximum depth of penetration was determined through the Image J program. Results: The Ah plus sealing cement had lower penetration values when the calcium hydroxide paste was previously used as an intra-channel medication (p <0.01). The third of the duct with the highest penetration was the cervical third followed by the middle third and finally the apical (p <0.01). Conclusion: Remaining calcium hydroxide decreases the penetration of the sealing cement Ah plus in the dentinal tubules in all thirds of the root canal.
Keywords: Calcium hydroxide; sealing cement; tubular penetration; confocal laser microscopy.
A eliminação do hidróxido de cálcio do canal radicular é determinante para o sucesso do tratamento endodôntico; os remanescentes podem interagir negativamente com os cimentos endodônticos, aumentando as filtrações e diminuindo a qualidade do selamento. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da medicação intracanal com pasta de hidróxido de cálcio na penetração do cimento de selamento no interior dos túbulos dentinários. Materiais e métodos: 20 raízes distais de molares superiores foram instrumentadas usando o sistema Wave One Large 40 /.08. Eles foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: um selado com técnica de cone único mais cimento Ah plus com rodamina-B e outro selado com a mesma técnica e cimento Ah plus com rodamina-B, prévia colocação por 15 dias e remoção recolocação da pasta hidróxido de cálcio. Posteriormente, os dentes foram cortados transversalmente e fotomicrografias do terço cervical, médio e apical foram realizadas pela técnica de microscopia confocal de varredura a laser. A profundidade máxima de penetração foi determinada pelo programa Image J. Resultados: O cimento selante Ah plus apresentou menores valores de infiltração quando a pasta de hidróxido de cálcio foi utilizada anteriormente como medicamento intracanal (p <0,01). O terço do conduto com maior penetração foi o terço cervical, seguido pelo terço médio e finalmente o apical (p <0,01). Conclusão: O hidróxido de cálcio restante diminui a penetração do cimento selante Ah plus nos túbulos dentinários em todos os terços do canal radicular.
Palavras-chave: Hidróxido de cálcio; cimento de vedação; penetração tubular; microscopia confocal a laser.
For the success of endodontic treatment, it is essential that there be a significant reduction of the pathogens present in the root canal system, therefore, the chemical - mechanical preparation of it is the fundamental pillar that will lead to the success or failure of the treatment, Machado et al., 20151. However, even after such preparation, bacteria can persist within the root canals, so some authors recommend the use of intra-duct medication between sessions2. Calcium hydroxide being the most widely used medicine for its antibacterial and biocompatibility properties. After its application, intra-duct medication must be removed in order to condition the dentinal surface and promote the ideal physical and chemical conditions to achieve optimal sealing, since its retention in the dentin walls negatively influences the characteristics of the sealing cements2-5. Thus, the complete and predictable removal of the Ca (OH)2 dressing before filling the root canal is critical and could be directly related to the endodontic treatment outcome6.
Additionally, the penetration of the sealant in the dentinal tubules is essential to improve the adaptation and retention of the sealant cement and act as a physical barrier in the irregularities, dentinal tubules and lateral channels avoiding the entry of microorganisms into the dentinal tubules7,8. Ah plus sealant cement (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) has excellent physicochemical properties that have been widely studied, which is why it is considered a gold standard to evaluate new cements9-11. The remnants of calcium hydroxide used as intracanal medication could result in a variation of physical and chemical properties such as particle size, solubility, viscosity and surface tension, which could influence the amount of penetration depth9.
In the evaluation of the degree of penetration of substances into the dentinal tubules, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) has been frequently used allowing detailed information on the level of insertion of pastes and cements in the dentinal tubules10. In this way, CLSM could be used to assess the degree of penetration of Ca (OH)2 and sealing cements in dentinal tubules and how much of this material remains after the use of removal techniques. For the above, the following null hypothesis was raised: Intraduct medication with calcium hydroxide paste does not decrease the penetration of the sealing cement in the dentinal tubules.
Materials and methods
Twenty palatine roots of upper molars were cut, standardized in 12 mm and explored with a file type K # 10 (Dentsply Maillefer). Immediately afterwards they were instrumented at 11mm with a manual file type K # 15 and 20 (Dentsply Maillefer,); subsequently they were instrumented with the Wave One Large System (Dentsply Maillefer) by means of three pecking movements until they reached the working length. During instrumentation the root canal was irrigated with 5ml of 5.25% NaOCl between each instrument. Finally, the final irrigation was performed with 10 ml of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite activated with an ultrasonic insert (IRRI S, VDW, Munich), for 2 activation cycles of 30 seconds followed by 5ml EDTA at 17% ( MD.Cleanser Meta Biomed Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea) for 3 minutes and finally 10ml of distilled water. Subsequently, they were dried with Wave One golde medium (Dentsply Maillefer) paper cones.
The samples were paste with heavy silicone (Speedex Putty, Coltene, Switzerland) in plates of cell culture wells (Falcon VWR, Spain) leaving empty wells to later be filled with water to maintain a humid environment. Subsequently, the roots were randomly distributed in 2 groups (n = 10 per group):
After the sealing procedures, both groups were stored at 37 ° C 100% humidity for a minimum of 7 days (Fanem São Paulo - SP, Brazil). Subsequently, the roots were cut into three sections with a precision metallographic closure (IsoMet 1000 Buehler, Illinois) from apical to 3 mm, 6 mm, 9 mm, corresponding to the apical, middle and cervical thirds. Once divided, each section was polished in a double polisher variable speed (Ecomet - Politriz, Buehler, Illinois). Subsequently, each section was observed through confocal laser scanning microscopy (Leica, Mannheim, Germany) at a 4X magnification by scanning at 10 µm surface depth and using an absorption wavelength of 540 nm and of emission of 590 nm, corresponding to the wavelength of rhodamine-B. The obtained photomicrographs were analyzed in the Image J program to determine the maximum penetration (figure 1) of the cement inside the dentinal tubules.
The obtained data were tabulated for statistical analysis through the ANOVA test followed by Tukey's post hoc test for intra-group analysis; and of teste T for independent data for intergroup analysis. The level of significance used for these tests was p <0.01.
Figure 1. Maximum penetration of the sealing cement inside the dentinal tubules
The penetration of cement Ah plus inside the dentinal tubules in all thirds of the root canal analyzed was significantly lower in the group where intracanal medication with the paste based on calcium hydroxide was used prior to filling (p <0.01 ) (table 1, figure 1).
In the group sealed with Ah plus cement without prior placement of calcium hydroxide before the filling was observed that the penetration of the cement in the tubules was significantly lower in the apical third, followed by the middle and finally by the cervical (p <0.01 ). In the group sealed with Ah plus cement with previous placement of calcium hydroxide before filling it was observed that the penetration of the cement in the tubules was significantly lower in the apical third (p <0.01) and without significant difference between the middle third and cervical (p> 0.01) (table 1, figure
Tabla 1. Maximum penetration (µm) of Ah plus cement inside the dentinal tubules after using or not using intracanal medication based on calcium hydroxide
Figure 2. Photomicrographs of the channels sealed with Ah plus cement without and with previous placement of calcium hydroxide (HC) as intra-channel medication.
To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is important that the paste homogeneously fill the root canal throughout its entire length of work12, to fulfill this purpose in this study, the calcium hydroxide paste was placed with a lentulum, a method considered as the most effective for the insertion of paste into the root canal system13-17. However, during endodontic filling procedures, calcium hydroxide remnants can act as a barrier and prevent penetration of sealant cement into dentinal tubules4, despite advances in technology, no technique completely removes the dressing of Ca (OH)22,18-23. Due to the difficulties in removing the medication with Ca (OH)2 paste, the remnants could act as a dentin bar (chemical layer) and cause difficulties in the penetration of the sealing cement, which would contribute to apical microfiltration. In the present study it was shown that calcium hydroxide decreases the depth of penetration of cement into dentinal tubules (p <0.01).
These findings agree with the research of Uzunoglu et al. 201824, who conducted an investigation on the effect of calcium hydroxide on the penetration of dentinal tubules in a sealant based on epoxy resin (AH-26) and tricalcium silicate (BioRoot RCS), premolars were used in which depth of penetration was analyzed using a confocal laser microscope, showing that the remains of the calcium hydroxide medication significantly decreased the depth and the percentage of penetration in the dentinal tubules with the AH-26 and BioRoot sealant in the three thirds. The effect of residual calcium hydroxide on cement penetration could be related to the interaction of its physicochemical properties such as; Composition, pH film thickness, wettability, and flow25.
However, the results of the current investigation differs from that published by Cruz et al. 201726, in which, they conducted a study with the purpose of evaluating the effect of calcium hydroxide (HC), on the tubular penetration of two endodontic sealants, Ah Plus and MTA Fillapex, identifying that the use of Intracanal CH did not interfere with sealant penetration in the apical third of the canal; however, the penetration of Ah Plus in the middle third decreased.These results can be caused by different parameters such as the root canal anatomy, the size and density of the dentinal tubules, the difficulty in completing the elimination of the intracanal HC medication and the dentinal slit21,22. Bernardes et al. 201027, reported that with or without the presence of HC residues, sealability penetrability tends to increase in the aponal-coronal direction; These results are consistent with those of the current investigation.
Akcay et al. 201628, argue that the depth of penetration in the dentinal tubules of five sealing cements and the third of the root with greater penetration thereof, by confocal laser microscopy, the third of the root canal that presented greater cement penetration sealant was the coronal third followed by the middle third and finally the apical third that presented a smaller area of penetration of the sealant cement; results that coincide with those of this study in terms of penetration, because the cervical third was the one with the greatest depth and percentage penetration followed by the middle third and finally the apical third of the root canal. In addition, the sealing cement AH presented a low penetration in the dentinal tubules in the apical third in both groups probably because the apical third frequently presents obliteration of the dentinal tubules.
Many factors could have an effect on the penetration of materials into the dentinal tubules, such as the smear layer29, the physical and chemical properties of the materials30 and the anatomy of the tooth13, the characteristics of the Dentin surface can also affect the penetration of root canal sealants31.
Chandra et al. 201232, mention that previously the investigations to evaluate the penetration of sealing cements inside dentinal tubules were carried out with a light microscope, with the years they continued advancing and the scanning electron microscope was used. However, due to its disadvantages such as: the difficulty of distinguishing dentin cement from the root canal; the presence of artifacts in the final image and the greater time invested in observation33, the confocal laser microscope has been used more frequently in recent years for its several advantages: high vertical and horizontal resolution allowing a three-dimensional study of the samples, ability to control depth of field and collect optical sections, ability to differentiate different structures dyed with fluorophores with greater contrast, possibility of performing a 3D reconstruction of the digitized images obtained from each sample, which can be analyzed with different software. The confocal laser microscope uses a laser source to promote the excitation of fluorophores. Lasers can diffuse through dentin, enamel and biofilms, thus detecting their internal structures and forming several images.
This technology provides reliable information on the distribution of CH and sealing cements along the circumference of the root canal wall. Tedesco et al. 201834, compared the measurement accuracy with confocal laser microscope with scanning electron microscope. They evaluated the penetration inside the dentinal tubules of two sealing cements compared Endofill and Ah Plus. As a result, they obtained that penetration inside the dentinal tubules showed a significant difference between the observation methods for the two sealing cements, that is, in the samples analyzed with confocal laser microscopy, a greater amount of tubules was observed dentiners with cement sealant inside and greater depth of penetration of cement.
Intra-channel medication with Ca (OH) 2 after filling the root canal decreases the penetration depth of the sealing cement Ah plus in the dentinal tubules. Penetration of sealants in dentinal tubules increases in the coronal apical direction.
Conflict of interests
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
![]() |
Virginia, Veintimilla; |
Raquel, Guillen; | |
Héctor, Caballero; | |
Manoel, Machado; |
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