The study area is located in Pavacachi Conunty, in the Valle Hermoso Community (Beautiful Valley), in the Curraray Parroquia. Arajuno cantón, in Pastaza Province, 01°35.02'S - 76°20.35' W. 215 m. coordenates in a humid tropical rainforest life zone. The field work was done between January 18 through January 25. 2005. Around the Pavacachi section in four types of forest: hill (sample 1). alluvial (sample 2). moretal (sample 3). lacustre (sample 4) In each type of forest, except in the fourth one We used the transects methodology, each set of transects were of 50 x 4 m x 5 (0.1 Ha) in a lineal model and the analized species we found > 2.5 cm of DAP. we prepared herbarium samples, to analyse the results we calculated the Simpsons diversity index: and the Sorensen similarity index. In the sample 1. we found 131 species. 284 mdnndual. in the second. 22 individual, and in the third sample 40 species. 168 individual and m all of them we registry 257 vegetables speoes The most común species in the sample 1 is Capparis sola and Matisia malacocalyx. m the second Memora cladolricha e Inga auristellae and in the third Mauritia flexuosa and Zygia inaequalis The diversity index is sample 1= 33.12, interpreted like low diversity. 2 = 59 17, interpreted like dose to media diversity, and 3= 9.58. interpreted like low drversity The similarity index is: sample 1(h4) and 2 (alluvial) =0.18 (18.7% ). sample 1 Clnchonla Vol. 6. # 1. 2005 15 (hill) and 3 (moretal) = 0.05 (5.8% ). between the sample 2 (alluvial) and 3 (moretal) » 0.11 (11.9%). We found 6 endemic species, probably 4 new species for the science and more ol 80 species with etnobotamc uses to the Pavacachi County