The high basin of the Oglán river, corresponds to the Protective Forest “Pablo López del Oglán Alto” and the Scientific Station of the Central University del Ecuador, territory of the nationality Kichwa of the Arajuno’s canton, Pastaza’s province, Arajuno parish, geographical coordinates: 01°19.35'S-77°41.16'W, high 642m in the plot 1, zone of life very humid Tropical Forest and vegetable formation always green Forest of low lands. The fieldwork was realized from April, 2008 until February, 2009, two permanent plots of a hectare were established each one, the trees and lianas were born in mind, had >10cm of DAP marked with cards of aluminum, it DAP was measured up, the height was estimated, collections were realized for herbarium, there was calculated the Cinchonia Vol. 9, # 1, 2009 95 Area Basal and the Index of Value of Importance. In the plot 1, it found: 635 individuals, 58 families, 151 genres, 253 species, the total AB is of 28.75m2, both species, genres and more important families for the Index of Value of Importance, they are: Iriartea deltoidea and Marita tomentosa, Iriartea and Virola, Arecaceae and Myristicaceae; whereas in the plot 2, it found: 587 individuas, 52 families, 124 genres, 229 species, the total AB is of 24.9 m2, both species, genres and more important families, they are: Iriartea deltoidea and Otoba glycycarpa, Iriartea and Otoba, Arecaceae and Myristicaceae. The similarity among both plots is equal to 51%; so much in the plot 1 like in 2, the range of height of the individuals between 10.1 and 20 m is the dominant one. Both Oglán’s plots include new records for the flora of this reserve, as well as two possible new species for the science.