Estructura y composición en dos cuartos de hectárea, cuenca alta del río Oglán, Pastaza-Ecuador


  • Carlos Cerón
  • Consuelo Montalvo
  • Carmita Reyes


In the protective forest “ Pablo López del Oglán Alto “ and the Research Station of the Central University of Ecuador, two permanent ¼ hectare plots were installed in February 2013 and 2014, forest hill (A) 01 ° 18.58 ‘S - 77 ° 40.56 ‘W, 637 m; and in September 2014, alluvial forest to the river Oglán (B) 01 ° 18.58’S - 77 ° 40.56’W, 637 m.s.n.m., Living area: tropical rainforest vegetation type: lowland evergreen forest; Estimated height and all individuals with metal sheets consecutively numbered plant species ≥10 cm DBH were marked; is the herborizo and botanical material was deposited in the Herbarium QAP; also it was calculated the Simpson Diversity (IDS) Importance Value (IVI), and Sorensen similarity (ISS). In the plot A, 138 individuals, 91 species, 62 genera, 32 families were recorded. Total Basal area = 6.19 m², IDS = 52.61 (interpreted as a variety above average). In the plant community is distinguished six strata 56 meters emergent, canopy 40, half-tester 34, subcanopy 20, understory 9 lianas and vines that can reach the emergent layer. The ten species, genera and families as major IVI are: Iriartea deltoidea, Pourouma bicolor subsp. bicolor, Pourouma petiolulata, Rhodostemonodaphne sp., Vochysia leguiana, Vochysia biloba, Inga rusbyi, Guarea kunthiana, Osteophloeum platyspermum and Grias neuberthi. Genera: Pourouma, Iriartea, Vochysia, Inga, Guarea, Rodostemonodaphne, Virola, Ocotea, Neea y Osteophloeum. Families: Urticaceae, Lauraceae, Fabaceae, Myristicaceae, Arecaceae, Moraceae, Vochysiaceae, Meliaceae, Lecythidaceae y Nyctaginaceae. It accumulates the diameter distribution in the range 10-15 cm of DAP, which represents 31.1%. The distribution of heights with more trees is between 10.1 and 20 m high and represents 28.2%. In the B plot were found 124 individuals, 72 species, 62 genera and 32 families. Total Basal area = 7.37 m², IDS = 29.79 (interpreted as diversity close to the middle). In the plant community five strata, emerging 60 meters, 40 canopies, canopy means 34, 20 subcanopy my undergrowth 9. The ten species, genera and Cinchonia Vol. 14 #1, 2016 97 families are important as the IVI are distinguished: Iriartea deltoidea, Alchornea glandulosa, Sloanea grandiflora, Ceiba lupuna, Cecropia sciadophylla, Inga multinervis, Wettinia maynensis, Pentagonia amazonica, Parkia multijuga and Dacryodes peruviana. Genera: Iriartea, Alchornea, Sloanea, Inga, Ceiba, Cecropia, Pentagonia, Wettinia, Sterculia y Parkia. Families: Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Malvaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, Urticaceae, Rubiaceae, Meliaceae, Moraceae and Lauraceae. It accumulates the diameter distribution in the range of 10-15 cm of DAP, which represents 19.3%. The trees below 10 m in height represent 21.7%. The similarity between the two plots is 23%, while 77% is dissimilar, is due to the different type of forest between the two plots.




