La concepción de lo penal en la sociedad descrita por homero en sus obras


  • Ramiro García Falconí


Community, power, legal relations, Homeric Era, roles, punishments


Greek society and their influence on the construction of what we now call Western Culture cannot be overlooked when analysing the historical development of Criminal Law. In fact, their contributions have been so important, both politically and legally and philosophically, that there is no way to explain the current state of Western Criminal Law without referring to Greece and its different stages. Therefore, I will explain the legal-philosophical relationship around this society and its repercussions to the present.

Author Biography

Ramiro García Falconí

Es Doctor en Derecho Penal y Procesal Penal (Ph. D) por la
Universidad de Sevilla



How to Cite

García Falconí, R. (2019). La concepción de lo penal en la sociedad descrita por homero en sus obras. Derecho Penal Central, 1(1), 195–230. Retrieved from