Empresa criminal conjunta como forma de imputación a título de coautoría y participación


  • Delio Dante López Medrano
  • Liliana Pérez de la Rosa


Co-author, Joint Criminal Enterprise, Dominium of the fact, , International Courts, International Courts, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia


The criminal liability based under modalities related to authorship and participation becomes obsolete by the crimes committed during the twentieth century, particularly those carried out by groups linked to the State. These concepts would undermine mainly those referred to the small offender, by the which gradually grew pale in the face of the mass genocide in the former Yugoslavia, the ad hoc Court established new legal bases to attribute responsibility to the members of the group for acts committed by one of its members, which constitutes the object of study: the doctrine of the Joint Criminal Enterprise. To appreciate the solution provided by this criminal doctrine, we will discuss the problem of imputation that generates the traditional criteria of imputation concerning criminal groups.

Author Biographies

Delio Dante López Medrano

Profesor de posgrado en Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y del Programa Internacional de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.

Liliana Pérez de la Rosa

Profesora de posgrado en Derecho de la Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México y del Programa Internacional de la
Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.



How to Cite

López Medrano, D. D., & Pérez de la Rosa, L. (2020). Empresa criminal conjunta como forma de imputación a título de coautoría y participación. Derecho Penal Central, 2(2), 69–115. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/derechopenal/article/view/2753