
  • Ivonne Pillajo


The investigation was realized at Francisco de Orellana country, confluence of Yasuní River - Jatuncocha lagoon. Yasuní National Park. Coordinate about 75°27 W & 00°59'30'S, height 180m, correspond to live zone damp tropical forest, Cañadas (1983) and to formation vegetable always green forest, flooded by black waters (Igapó), Palacios et al (1999). The sampling was realized in September in 1999 in a permanent plot of 100 x 100 m (1Ha). There was collected macroscopic fungus, this samples were encounter amount and identifies in the macromiceto section in the 'Alfredo Paredes' Herbarium according to number of catalogue of Cerón et al. 38968 - 39576. Registered 58 fellows correspond to 46 species, 18 genus and 5 families. Agaricaceae 36.20%, Teleforaceae 32.76%, Tremelaceae 13.79%, Polyporaceae 6.90%, Xylariaceae 3.45% and 6.90% of samples inconclusive. 9ft Cinchonia Vol. 2 .11. 2001 It’s important denote that the fungus help to fix the necessary elements for the soil, there are principal decomposers of wood and ecosystems regulators we know that the macromicótica diversity in our country is vast, buy there are few the studies realized, therefore not exist countable facts. The natural forest nearly had disappearing, losing species that we don’t been registed. Therefore is important that work of this type go on.


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