Plants of the Municipal Cemetery La Merced, Ambato, Tungurahua-Ecuador
plants, ornamentals, center of the country, ruderalsAbstract
The oldest Municipal Cemetery in the city of Ambato is located in the neighborhood of La Merced, with an approximate extension of 2 hectares, it has the category of patrimonial, it includes in its interior: constructions of niches in rows and sepulchers at level and under the ground, where the remains of important characters of Ambato’s history rest. In 2014 and 2022, by means of photographs and a few herborizations, an inventory of the plants present in the cemetery was made. The results indicate that the cemetery is ornamented by an important dynamic flora (187 species), most of which are introduced (150), native (35) and endemic (2), cultivated and ruderal; between 2014 and 2022, there was a decrease of half of the plants and in similar number their replacement.
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