Las especies sudamericanas de Agave (Agavaceae, Asparagales)



Agavaceae, Asparagales, flora of South America, Maguey


As result of recent studies on Agavaceae, the monograph’s South American species of Agave is presented. Eleven species were found for South America (seven native and four naturalized), three of which are recorded for the first time for Colombia. Based on UICN criteria, species conservation categories were determined (CR: 2 species, EN: 2, EX: 1, LC: 3, VU: 3). Eighteen categories of use were identified, being A. cordillerensis Lodé & Pino (16), A. cocui Trel. (9), and A. sylvesteriana Giraldo-Cañas (9), the species with the largest number of categories of use. Seventy-one popular names associated with ten species were found, of which A. americana L., A. cordillerensis, and A. cocui, presented the most, with 35, 29 and 11 popular names, respectively. Agave bergeri Trel. ex A. Berger, A. boldinghiana Trel., and A. cocui were lectotypified. Likewise, the epitype was proposed for A. boldinghiana. The finding of small lateral inflorescences up to 2 m tall stands out, a very rare condition in the genus and only observed here for the first time in three species (A. americana, A. angustifolia Haw., and A. cordillerensis). The descriptions of the species are presented, the keys to recognize them, the synonyms, the geographical and ecological distribution, the images, and some taxonomic and morphological situations are commented.

Author Biography

Diego Giraldo-Cañas

Herbario Nacional Colombiano (COL), Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D. C., Colombia.




