Origen, naturaleza y desarrollo del subdesarrollo en América Latina

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Gonzalo Castillo Cárdenas


This article was scanned by the Biblioteca Ecuatoriana Aurelio Espinosa Polit.
The discussion that took place at all levels on the problem of underdevelopment leaves the naive participant in a state of perplexity. This is no less true in the Sociology and Political Science Congresses than in the Ecumenical Conferences and Consultations that multiply from year to year under the auspices of international agencies, and more recently with the sponsorship of world Christian centers. The speakers on the subject, including those who do not always take the trouble to identify the nature of the problem they are analyzing. What is "underdevelopment"? Is it the widespread poverty of certain areas? Is it the unequal growth of adjacent areas within the same political unit?


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How to Cite
Castillo Cárdenas, G. . (1972). Origen, naturaleza y desarrollo del subdesarrollo en América Latina. Revista Economía, (56), 61–80. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/ECONOMIA/article/view/5244
Estudios Socioeconómicos