La renta del cuerpo como fuente de riqueza de las celebridades. Estudio de caso: la estrella de la industria musical

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Jon Illescas Martínez


In today’s society, within the distributive conflict between capital and work, a new class stratum has emerged, the rentiers of the body, popularly known as ‘celebrities’. Ideologically, these rentiers promote the hegemony that earns the admiration of the masses. However, from an economic perspective, their place is different. They are parasites that extend their wealth by shifting a part of the surplus value generated by the collective worker with the sale of merchandise linked to the cultural industry. Here we will explain the origin of their social power: the body rent. To do so, we will develop the concept taking as basis the theory of ground rent exposed by Marx as well as a case study of music celebrities.


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Illescas Martínez, J. (2018). La renta del cuerpo como fuente de riqueza de las celebridades. Estudio de caso: la estrella de la industria musical. Revista Economía, 70(111), 155–171.
Estudios Socioeconómicos


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