Epistemic violence in economics and the epochal confusion imposed by the pandemic: loss in the sea of public problems
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In the midst of the epochal confusion radiated with the enthronement of the era of uncertainty, this article aims to draw attention to the need to vindicate the exercise of critical thinking in the weighting of the contributions, scope and limitations of the epistemology typical of conventional economic theory. Contemporary economic problems that, after intensifying, gestate historical ruptures, impose theoretical/epistemological challenges to conventional economic science, and these –as they are disengaged from them– do not always provide the pertinent answers regarding the logic of the economic process that affects the citizen on foot. To understand these limitations of the neoclassical approach, the notion of epistemic or cognitive violence is introduced to emphasize its vocation aimed at making invisible and silencing in its econometric modeling the different edges of economic praxis and of the systemic crisis of capitalism. By problematizing the Covid-19 pandemic as a total social fact endowed with complex systems, the resistance of this hegemonic theoretical approach to the exercise of interdisciplinarity and dialogue with other fields of knowledge in order to privilege the study of the whole is evident .
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