Desbalances en las estructuras centro-periferia de la red de comercio internacional Una perspectiva desde el estructuralismo latinoamericano y la ciencia de la complejidad

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Gabriel Camacho-Cabrera


This article examines hypotheses from Latin American Structuralism regarding the organization of International Trade. For this purpose, core-periphery hierarchies were created based on the Balance of Trade Power and were linked to the Balance of Trade, the Balance of Entropy (i.e. product diversity), and the Balance of Matter, with the last two being introduced in this study. The results partially support these hypotheses, showing that the core acts as a producer of entropy and a consumer of matter. However, no evidence was found of a trade surplus for the core, but it was found to have greater variability in its trade balance, suggesting greater flexibility in its economic management compared to the periphery.


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Camacho-Cabrera, G. (2023). Desbalances en las estructuras centro-periferia de la red de comercio internacional: Una perspectiva desde el estructuralismo latinoamericano y la ciencia de la complejidad. Revista Economía, 75(122), 11–28.


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