Differentiating between risk and uncertainty environments in economic decision making: The case of the COVID-19 crisis.

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Evelyn Sofía Moreta Saraguro


The aim of this paper is to show how the differentiation between risk and uncertainty environments affects economic decision making, its strategies and effects. To this end, it explores how both concepts enter into economic theory, intermingle with each other and, nevertheless, support decision making. By way of illustration, through a critical analysis of discourse, it analyzes how the Ecuadorian government presented the COVID-19 health crisis as a scenario of uncertainty, but the treatment given was limited to a situation of risk, with apparently determined alternatives for action.


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Moreta Saraguro, E. S. (2023). Differentiating between risk and uncertainty environments in economic decision making: The case of the COVID-19 crisis. Revista Economía, 75(122), 49–64. https://doi.org/10.29166/economa.v75i122.4633


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