Reflexiones sobre la matriz productiva y el sector externo ecuatoriano

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Guido Duque


This article describes the evolution of productive matrix ¡n Ecuadorian economy and how this affeets country development. Theoretical Framework is connected whit the empirical faets in order to propose hypothesis about the Ecuadorian productive matrix and international sector. National govemment gets a lot of Petroleum money but this money can't change the productive matrix structure, the main answer for this phenomena is the roll of the institutions. How productive matrix is determined by the incentives, created by institutions and politics determines what institutions a nation has. The dual economy, extractive political and economic institutionsare the main characterizes of Ecuadorian economy.There are an important relationship between the International Trade and productive matrix, and the problems in the trade balance have origin en the economic structure and the macroeconomics issues.


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How to Cite
Duque, G. (2013). Reflexiones sobre la matriz productiva y el sector externo ecuatoriano. Revista Economía, (102), 59–71. Retrieved from
Estudios Socioeconómicos


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