En torno a la corrupción

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Manuel Salgado Tamayo


The irrefutable evidence that has been accumulating against Robes Pierre, "the Incorruptible" representative of the people who, in the tense and dramatic session of February 6, raised his vehement voice, his accusing finger to demand the removal of the Supreme Corruptor and ipso facto replace him by the symbol of the First Power of the State, by the standard bearer of rectitude, of virtue, of coherence with principles, of integrity, of sanitation and national purification. It cannot be, I said to myself. It is not possible, they answered. I had to dig into my archives to try to find an explanation for the tragic fate that had made our man: corruptible, perishable, fusible, burnable, billable, pesetable.


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How to Cite
Salgado Tamayo, M. (1997). En torno a la corrupción. Revista Economía, (96), 13–17. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/ECONOMIA/article/view/4796
Estudios Socioeconómicos