Apuntes sobre el sistema financiero ecuatoriano Una aproximación crítica

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Gabriel Castro Ch.


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It can be affirmed that in the last ten years and since the interest rates and the set of intermediation mechanisms were made more flexible, but especially in the last three years in which new laws were reformed and created, the financial system has grown significantly, which translates into the fact that there are too many banking institutions for a reduced market that leads to practices of offering high interest rates that are not compatible with the productive growth of the country; However, this banking atomization falls within the limits of the free play of supply and demand that the system itself advocates, but which apparently becomes a harmful competition for the country's productive growth. However, this banking atomization falls within the limits of the free play of supply and demand that the system itself advocates, but which apparently turns into a harmful competition for the financial system, since interest rates resist lowering despite the fact that the inflationary rhythm has been reduced between 1992 and 1996, from 54.6% to 24.4%, respectively.


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How to Cite
Castro Ch., G. (1997). Apuntes sobre el sistema financiero ecuatoriano : Una aproximación crítica. Revista Economía, (96), 119–127. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/ECONOMIA/article/view/4817
Estudios Socioeconómicos