Utilización política de la ciencia Del Darwinismo Social a la Sociobiología

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Oswaldo Báez Tobar


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In the second half of the nineteenth century, some bourgeois theoreticians enthusiastically adopted the new conceptions of evolutionary biology enthusiastically adopted the new conceptions of evolutionary biology to legitimize on their basis the capitalist mode of production and the relations derived from it. Social Darwinism was born. Its followers categorically affirmed that the current economic system was the natural and inevitable result of the laws of biology. of the laws of biology, and therefore, it had to be accepted without discussion.
That brand new "theory" did not resist for long the analysis of the social sciences, so it temporarily withdrew into the most backward sector of contemporary society.


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How to Cite
Báez Tobar, O. (1997). Utilización política de la ciencia: Del Darwinismo Social a la Sociobiología. Revista Economía, (96), 135–142. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/ECONOMIA/article/view/4819
Estudios Socioeconómicos