"La restructuración de la industria ecuatoriana"

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Marco Tafur


The neoliberalism that has been applied in the country requires that Ecuador's industry must move towards a new form of industrialization based on a process of productive restructuring. This, understood as technological change and the organization of work in the industrial production process. For 30 years, Ecuador has maintained a degree of industrialization without profound changes, reflecting weakness in this option of economic development. The industrial product participates with 16% on average, between 1970 and the year 2000, in the conformation of the GDP, denoting the primacy of the activities of the primary sector of the economy; which, together with a protectionist legislation and the dollarization process, resulted in a greater structural weakening of the sector that resulted in its lack of competitiveness against imported products.


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How to Cite
Tafur, M. (2005). "La restructuración de la industria ecuatoriana". Revista Economía, (98), 19–36. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/ECONOMIA/article/view/4843
Estudios Socioeconómicos