Nueva Orientación de la Política Económica

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René Benalcázar R.


The latest change of government opens the possibility of initiating a radical reform in the direction of economic policy. The failure of the neoliberal tendency demonstrated during the last 25 years, when, starting in 1981, adjustment programs were initiated: the foreign debt was nationalized and the economy was gradually framed within the guidelines of the Washington Agreement, resulting in the reduction of the GDP growth rate from 6% between 1950 and 1980 to 2% from 1980 to 2004, especially affecting the industrial sector. The hypertrophy of the financial sector is promoted, which provokes the 1998 crisis. Unemployment, emigration, falling consumption and investments increase. The banking system is corrupted and monetary chaos is caused until falling into dollarization.


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How to Cite
Benalcázar R., R. (2005). Nueva Orientación de la Política Económica. Revista Economía, (100), 21–27. Retrieved from
Estudios Socioeconómicos