La pequeña y mediana producción en el medio urbano en el Ecuador: El caso de la rama metalmecánica en Quito

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Marco Jaramillo


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If classical and neoclassical economic theories dealt exclusively with the economic conditions of the enrichment of the European bourgeoisie, new concepts, forged in the 19th century, showed that the "real economy" was not exclusively a field of generalized accumulation of wealth. Closely linked to the analysis of capital, these concepts such as pre-capitalism, simple mercantile reproduction, industrial reserve army, are expressions that will begin, implicitly, to manifest the existence of "social formations", distinct from one another, and on the other hand, to open the analysis of the socio-economic relations that develop within these formations.


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How to Cite
Jaramillo , M. (1989). La pequeña y mediana producción en el medio urbano en el Ecuador: El caso de la rama metalmecánica en Quito. Revista Economía, (86), 181–201. Retrieved from
Estudios Socioeconómicos