El militarismo en la acción política nacional

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Jorge Silva Luvecce


During the 146 years of independent republican life, the Ecuadorian Armed Forces have played a decisive role in national politics. This statement is best illustrated by processing in statistical terms some historical data on the institutional development of Ecuador. Of a total of 86 governments, 46 have come to power by force and only 40 of them have been preceded by a legal order, either in the form of direct or indirect elections. Of a total of 57 presidents, more than 30 percent have been of military extraction. A study carried out in the country points out that, approximately "every 13 years a military government takes office on average", and this does not include those rulers who, once in power, become dictators with the evident support of the Armed Forces.


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How to Cite
Silva Luvecce, J. (1979). El militarismo en la acción política nacional. Revista Economía, (74), 50–102. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/ECONOMIA/article/view/5108
Estudios Socioeconómicos