Ecuador: En torno al "retorno" a la democracia

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José Dávalos H.


In a different situation, with a solid political organization of the left and the working class, the annulment of the vote would have been appropriate; however, the FADI (Frente Amplio de Izquierda, which unites the three trade union centers), considered it pertinent and correct to pronounce itself in favor of the new constitution which, in its opinion, appeared to be the most "advantageous" from the point of view of its strategy and the political situation.


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How to Cite
Dávalos H., J. . (2023). Ecuador: En torno al "retorno" a la democracia. Revista Economía, (71), 13–21. Retrieved from (Original work published May 1, 1978)
Estudios Socioeconómicos