El campesinado y el "modelo de desarrollo"

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Luciano Martínez V.


Among the best known theses on the peasant problem are that of structural dualism, criticized "in extenso" by most Marxist-oriented authors, but still influential in what could be called "technocratic thinking" in Latin America, and the so-called "secondary role" thesis, derived from a conceptualization more or less close to the thinking on the subject elaborated by Marx in some of his important writings. In essence, the latter, proposes that the peasantry is not a class and as such needs an ally: the proletariat, which, acting as a fundamental class in capitalist society, can lead it towards higher forms of social organization (Duggett, 1976).


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How to Cite
Martínez V., L. (1978). El campesinado y el "modelo de desarrollo" . Revista Economía, (71), 34–66. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/ECONOMIA/article/view/5170
Estudios Socioeconómicos