La estructura económica de la Real Audiencia de Quito. - Notas para su análisis

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Fernando Velasco A.


This article was scanned by the Aurelio Espinosa Polit Ecuadorian Library.
Linked to the non-proletarian class extraction of most of its components, it has flooded the understanding of the historical processes lived by the Ecuadorian society, of ideological perceptions that respond structurally to the interest of the dominant class hidden through a double masking: that of a conception that only learns the appearance and not the real movement of history, on the one hand, and, on the other, the exposure of the erroneous results produced by this empiricist methodology making formal use of a vocabulary extracted from Marxism that hides at another more external level, the methodological class perspective that sustains the analysis.


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How to Cite
Velasco A., F. . (1973). La estructura económica de la Real Audiencia de Quito. - Notas para su análisis . Revista Economía, (59), 59–91. Retrieved from
Estudios Socioeconómicos