Opiniones de Rene Báez sobre la ciencia social y el científico social

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René Báez


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If by social scientists we understand that intellectual minority that in our continent (and in other latitudes) has been using the "subversive power of reason" to critically discern about history and man, becoming the vanguard of the "intelligentsia" against capitalism, there is no doubt that their contribution to the knowledge of the causality of the tragedy of the exploited peoples in general and Latin America in particular, has been truly remarkable. Thanks to the efforts of this "order of gentlemen of progress", as Furtado calls it, it is unquestionable that at present and contrary to what happened only 10 or 15 years ago, there is now available a body of knowledge that defines the real nature and character of the phenomenology of Latin American "underdevelopment". It is clear that there are still "dark areas" in the knowledge of the social reality of our countries, but this naturally does not deny the great interpretative advances.


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How to Cite
Báez, R. (1973). Opiniones de Rene Báez sobre la ciencia social y el científico social . Revista Economía, (59), 110–116. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/ECONOMIA/article/view/5188