Capital Economic Circuits and Solidary Economic Circuits

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Euclides A. Mance


This article presents the concept of the economy circuit of capital, which goes back to Karl Marx, and solidary economy circuit, which goes back two decades of our elaboration – taking up aspects of the publications we made between 1999 and 2008, prior to the publication of Circuiti Economici Solidali, [Rome: Pioda, 2017]. It analyses how economy value circulates between the two circuits, which can be determined as capital-value or solidary-value. And it presents, in the key of the economy of liberation, some elements of the strategy of organisation of solidary economy circuits for the liberation of economy forces and organisation of post-capitalist societies.


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How to Cite
Mance, E. A. (2021). Capital Economic Circuits and Solidary Economic Circuits. Revista Economía, 72(116), 13–27.


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